Meet me at the park.

My Little Sister

Relief flooded over Ji Seong when they finally reached the dorm, but also nervousness. She had no idea what she was going to say to Taeyang. It seemed as though GD was struggling with the key for an age before the door finally opened and Ji Seong slipped in under his arm. To her relief, the apartment was empty and she rushed to her room where she immediately spotted her phone sitting on her bedside table. She grabbed it and shaking from both excitement and nerves she dialled the familiar number.

Ring ring, ring ring, ring ring, ring ring, ring ring-

“Yo, yo, yo wassup this is Zelo, please leave a message!” She cut the call and tried again.

“Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up” She chanted as the phone rang for far too long.

“Yo, yo, yo wass-”

“!” Ji Seong dialled the number again and again without a reply.

“Yo, yo, yo wassup this is Zelo, please leave a message!” Ji Seong took a shaky breath as she heard the beep and struggled to contain her tears.

“Jun Hong-ah~ please don’t ignore me I-I’m really sorry I-please just give me another chance I-” Unable to hold the tears back anymore she broke down and ended the message there, collapsing onto the floor and sobbing. He was never going to talk to her again. She had been a to him but...if only he knew how she was feeling-

“Moon-jah wat-shong, moon-jah wat-shong!” Ji Seong snatched up her phone and blinked hard as she tried to focus on the screen through her tears.

‘New message from Zelo: Meet me at the park.’

Without hesitating, Ji Seong grabbed her phone and sprinted out of the dorm, wiping her eyes as she ran. She reached the park in 2 minutes flat. Only once she’d arrived did she realise that he probably wasn’t going in to be in as much of a hurry as her, and she sighed as she spun round. But to her surprise she spotted a figure sitting on the halfpipe. She squinted, he looked about the same size as Zelo but...did he have blue hair? She slowly made her way towards him and as she approached she saw that it was him, he’d just really changed.

“Jun Hong-ah” She said in relief and she threw her arms around him. Zelo tensed but then half hugged her back. When she finally pulled away, Ji Seong took in how much her best friend’s appearance had changed. His eyebrows and half his hair were blue and his ramen curls had been straightened. He was even wearing guyliner. Zelo coughed.

“You wanted to talk?” He prompted and Ji Seong nodded, swallowing.

“Yeah I...” She sighed and turned to face him properly. “I finally got my feelings sorted and I realised...I know you probably hate me right now but...I only want to be with you.” She prepared herself for the rejection but it never came. She looked up and saw him grin.

“Took you a while” He laughed and pulled her into a tight hug. Ji Seong rested her head on his shoulder. “I missed you” He admitted and Ji Seong pulled away, looking into his eyes.

“What about all those other girls?” Zelo shook his head, his eyes widening.

“They drove me crazy! I stopped hanging with them as soon as you left; it was just to make you jealous!” He paused and laughed. “And looks like it worked!” Ji Seong shoved him gently. He held onto her shoulders though so that she fell back with him and he kissed her softly.

Next Chapter ->>

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snsdkara #1
Chapter 11: I want her to stay with zelo
Chapter 11: Hmm unfortunately I don't think I liked the different options for the ending. You should have picked and focused on one. But overall I liked the story :)
darkbandit01 #3
Chapter 38: ....I'm confused... Did last chapter happen? I thought he was pissed at her
darkbandit01 #4
Chapter 37: Woo she's choosing zelo! Goodie!! I dislike gd even more... :P but hey that was ur doing ;p of course what I said before still stands!
darkbandit01 #5
Chapter 34: Great story! I really like it! A bit of future advice for other stories: make your female a little stronger. Gd (despite his cuteness) didn't deserve her at all, and she seams weak because she can't stay mad and just like jumps on whatever guy is sweet to her and can't stand up for herself. That's the impression I get, because seriously, when somebody cheats on you, it's not just cute half fake anger if you have to go with them. Most people would get pissed and no way go with the person who cheated on them on a trip. Like he screwed a new girl every night he was gone couldn't find a moment to txt her and cheated some more when he returned? It's a much bigger deal than ji reacts. She shouldn't get back with a guy like that, and he's not even heartfelt he's just flirtatious, and buys his way to her heart. So I think she should be a little- ok a lot- stronger. Like have the ability to just say no that's it we are done. "We are never ever ever getting back together" ;) (I hope u know that song or awkward lol) but I do really like it!! Great job and I'm impressed with the sizeable and good quality writing! Awesome job, keep on writing!
T-O-P-oppa #6
Chapter 51: I'm so sad it finished and I only just found it,
But I'm glad that I did find it, because this story is just so awesome...
And so it finished. BUT NOT ALL IS LOST. If you liked this story and want me to do another one, please fill in this little questionaire: cos that way I'm more likely to write one you actually like^^ thank you :3
jackytomboy96 #8
Chapter 51: ended :(...sad now, once you make a new story you must tell me asap! I will red it and fangirl over it, just like i fangirl over this one. Thanks for this amazing story! Cant wait to see what you will post next ;)
Chapter 51: ISDFJCIDSOHFIOSHDVISD. I LOVED THIS STORY! IT'S SO SAD TO SEE IT END;_; can't wait for your other fics, you're a brilliant writer! Thank you for writing this!