New Home

My Little Sister

Ji-Seong kept her head down as she followed her brother into her home for the next year. She’d never met Big Bang before but had seen them plenty on TV and even though her brother was in the group she was still nervous about meeting such huge idols. It was scary enough moving into a dorm with 5 older boys without them being famous. She heard talking as Seunghyun opened the door and then multiple greetings. She shyly looked up to see 4 heads not-too-subtly trying to get a glimpse of the new girl. Seunghyun ignored them and led Ji-Seong across the stylish living room over to another room just off it, which he paused at before opening the door to reveal a beautiful little room with purple walls and cute little white windows with floaty curtains. There was a chic white bed with a turquoise duvet and multiple decorative pillows and a large white wardrobe with a cherry blossom silhouette on it. On the wall above the bed was a large white wooden photo frame split into little sections, all empty except for one which, on closer inspection, held her parents’ wedding photo. There was also in front of the window a little white desk complete with cute rickety chair and laptop stand. Ji-Seong smiled and placed her macbook on it before dragging her numerous suitcases onto some spare floor space and turning to her brother with moist eyes.

“It’s beautiful.” She embraced him in a bear hug and breathed in the reassuring smell of his aftershave.

“I think she likes it.”

“Thank God, TOP-hyung took bloody ages setting that up.”

Ji-Seong turned to the door where the four guys were peering in at the siblings. When they saw her looking they broke into a grin.

“So, err, Ji-Seong right?” Said the one nearest to her, the one she knew to be the leader of Big Bang and G-Dragon. She nodded shyly and blushed when they all bowed.

“Pleased to meet you.” Said Daesung and Taeyang winked at her. She blushed and opened to reply but just then Seunghyun stepped in front of her.

“Leave her alone she’s still delicate.” He said and waved them away much to Ji-Seong’s embarrassment.

“Ya, Seunghyun-oppa! I can say hi~” She complained but he didn’t seem to be listening.

“You need some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow yeah? There’s an en suite just over there.” He motioned to the far wall where she saw a door she hadn’t noticed before. Then he kissed her on the forehead and headed for the door.

“Err, oppa?” She asked, suddenly thinking of something, and Seunghyun stopped hand on handle and turned around to face her again. “Who’s room did this used to be?”

“Mine. But its okay, I’ve moved in with Daesung. Goodnight.” Ji-Seong bit her lip, feeling bad for all the trouble her brother and the other boys had gone to for her. She looked at her bags intending to unpack but a wave of tiredness washed over her and she decided to do it tomorrow. It had been a long journey to Seoul and she was knackered. She changed into a pair of sweats and crawled into her comfy new bed.

“Night appa, umma.” She whispered before closing her eyes tight.


Ji-Seong watched her parents from the back seat as they laughed and joked about with each other. They’d just been out for dinner together and were in good spirits. It was nice to get some privacy again, just the two of them. Ji-Seong wasn’t really sure when she’d gate crashed or why but for some reason she was in the back seat of the car, though she didn’t think her parents knew she was there. They were nearly home now, driving reasonably quickly down Danggyo-ro, just 10 minutes away from the beautiful family home that Ji-Seong was supposedly waiting for them in. Just then Ji-Seong looked out of the window to see a car turning at speed towards theirs. Well, she supposed it was at speed, it was quite hard to tell when something happened in slow motion. She saw the driver’s eyes widening and suddenly realised it was going to crash into them!

“MOVE! UMMA! APPA! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!” Ji-Seong screamed at her parents from the back but they couldn’t hear her. Her dad noticed first and Ji-Seong felt sick as she saw the fear in his hazel eyes. Then her mum turned and horror filled her expression too. Tears streamed down Ji-Seong’s face as she saw her mother grab her father’s wrist as he desperately tried to turn away from the oncoming car but there was no time left and...

“UMMA! APPA!” Ji-Seong woke up sobbing uncontrollably as she saw her version of the accident still fresh in her mind. She felt strong arms around her and wept into them. “Th-they crashed oppa! They’re gone.” She sniffed and hiccoughed as the tears continued to stream down her face. The arms squeezed her tighter and she was glad Seunghyun was still there to look after her. “I love you oppa.” She whispered as her sobs died down slightly.

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snsdkara #1
Chapter 11: I want her to stay with zelo
Chapter 11: Hmm unfortunately I don't think I liked the different options for the ending. You should have picked and focused on one. But overall I liked the story :)
darkbandit01 #3
Chapter 38: ....I'm confused... Did last chapter happen? I thought he was pissed at her
darkbandit01 #4
Chapter 37: Woo she's choosing zelo! Goodie!! I dislike gd even more... :P but hey that was ur doing ;p of course what I said before still stands!
darkbandit01 #5
Chapter 34: Great story! I really like it! A bit of future advice for other stories: make your female a little stronger. Gd (despite his cuteness) didn't deserve her at all, and she seams weak because she can't stay mad and just like jumps on whatever guy is sweet to her and can't stand up for herself. That's the impression I get, because seriously, when somebody cheats on you, it's not just cute half fake anger if you have to go with them. Most people would get pissed and no way go with the person who cheated on them on a trip. Like he screwed a new girl every night he was gone couldn't find a moment to txt her and cheated some more when he returned? It's a much bigger deal than ji reacts. She shouldn't get back with a guy like that, and he's not even heartfelt he's just flirtatious, and buys his way to her heart. So I think she should be a little- ok a lot- stronger. Like have the ability to just say no that's it we are done. "We are never ever ever getting back together" ;) (I hope u know that song or awkward lol) but I do really like it!! Great job and I'm impressed with the sizeable and good quality writing! Awesome job, keep on writing!
T-O-P-oppa #6
Chapter 51: I'm so sad it finished and I only just found it,
But I'm glad that I did find it, because this story is just so awesome...
And so it finished. BUT NOT ALL IS LOST. If you liked this story and want me to do another one, please fill in this little questionaire: cos that way I'm more likely to write one you actually like^^ thank you :3
jackytomboy96 #8
Chapter 51: ended :(...sad now, once you make a new story you must tell me asap! I will red it and fangirl over it, just like i fangirl over this one. Thanks for this amazing story! Cant wait to see what you will post next ;)
Chapter 51: ISDFJCIDSOHFIOSHDVISD. I LOVED THIS STORY! IT'S SO SAD TO SEE IT END;_; can't wait for your other fics, you're a brilliant writer! Thank you for writing this!