
My Little Sister

Sunday flew by and before she knew it it was Monday morning and Ji Seong was on her way to school. As she walked through the school gates she heard her name being called and turned around to see Jun Hong waving at her from a nearby bench. She smiled seeing him and walked over.

“Annyeong Jun Hong-ah!”

“Annyeong noona! Hey, Saturday was really great; we should go out again some time!” Ji Seong raised an eyebrow and he blushed. “I mean, not like go out, out but...well, unless you wanted to...but I just meant...” Ji Seong laughed.

“Hey its okay I know what you mean Jun, I’m just messing with ya!” Jun Hong looked up relieved.

“Great you want know?” Ji Seong smiled and nodded.

“I’d love to.”

“Great!” His face brightened. “So...what are you doing at lunchtime?”

The rest of the day went by painfully slowly as Ji Seong watched the clock, waiting for the 1:30 bell to ring. They’d arranged to meet by the bike shed and Jun Hong had said he was going to take her somewhere. Ji Seong was excited. She hated surprises but Jun Hong had refused to tell her what they were going to do and so she was on edge, unable to concentrate on the Korean War or tectonic plates or the properties of Titanium. Dara found her hilarious. Of course, she’d had to tell Dara about what had happened at the park, and that she was meeting Jun Hong again at lunchtime. She couldn’t keep anything from that girl; it was like she could read her mind. Dara hadn’t really ever noticed Jun Hong before but now she admitted he was cute and encouraged Ji Seong to meet with him. Dara was the love of almost every boy in the school’s life however she wasn’t interested in relationships at the moment and so left them to just oggle her as she walked past them in the corridor. Ji Seong sighed. 1:15. Hadn’t it been 1:15 for way more than a minute now? Was the second hand even moving?

“Miss Choi” Dara elbowed her hard and Ji Seong snapped out of her thoughts, turning to the teacher.

“Y-yes Miss?”

“Could you kindly explain to the class the difference between ‘I am playing’ and ‘I play’ seeing as you are such an expert at the English language that you don’t feel the need to pay attention in my lesson?” Ji Seong’s heart sank. She had no idea. Languages were not her strong point as Jiyong would kindly point out. She turned desperately to Dara to help her out but her friend was all of a sudden not making eye contact, finding the fact that her friend had been caught daydreaming hilarious. Ji Seong sighed.

“I’m sorry Miss I haven’t got a clue.” She admitted and the English teacher shook her head.

“I thought so. Please stop daydreaming Miss Choi.” And she went back to the lesson. Ji Seong exhaled and glanced back at the clock to see it now read 1:20. 10 more minutes.


As soon as the bell rang Ji Seong grabbed her bag and was running out of the lesson and towards the bike shed. She slowed down as she approached so as not to appear desperate (oh, if only he knew...) but she was shocked to see Jun Hong already there, leaning casually against the wall as if he’d been there for hours.

“Ya, how did you get here so quickly?” She asked, slightly out of breath and he smirked.

“Good to see you too!” He shook his head in pretend disapproval. “I decided to skip last lesson, not a big fan of Chemistry.” Now it was Ji Seong’s turn to shake her head.

“Jun Hong...don’t make me tell your mum!” Jun Hong stuck his tongue out and then stood up straight.

“Coming?” He asked and Ji Seong nodded eagerly. They moved round to the back of the shed where there was a hole in the hedge. Jun Hong gestured towards it. “Ladies first?” Ji Seong gaped at him.

“We’re skiving?” She whispered, looking around as if there were cameras in the trees. Jun Hong laughed.

“Yeah, why? Scared?” Ji Seong shook her head in disbelief.

“It’s my second week here and already I’m skiving? Don’t you think I should wait for the month mark or something?” Jun Hong shrugged.

“I used to go out every lunchtime before you came and no one’s ever noticed. C’mon~” Ji Seong felt a flutter in her stomach at the fact that he only stayed in school now because of her. She sighed.

“You really are a bad influence Jun Hong-ah” She said as she ducked down quickly through the hedge.


They walked quickly into the heart of Seoul, Jun Hong telling her that there wasn’t enough time to waste dawdling. They arrived in the busy city centre and he grinned.

“Ever been here before?” She shook her head and he smiled.

“Allow me to show you round...” They spent the next hour trailing round shops trying on clothes they’d never be able to afford and eating bits and pieces from market stalls and little shops. Jun Hong had been right; an hour’s lunch break was nowhere near enough time to explore Seoul but they had a lot of fun. After coming out of one shop Jun Hong checked his phone and bit his lip.

“Err...we should probably head back...” Ji Seong narrowed her eyes, not liking his expression.

“What’s the time?” She asked, not really wanting to know.

“” She grabbed his phone off him and her face fell. 2:27. She did some calculations in her head: it had taken them about 15 minutes to walk could take 10 if they ran back, and then she had to find her next lesson...the colour faded from her face and she was about to scream at Jun Hong when he put his hands on her shoulders.

“ should learn to live a little. You’re way too uptight!” This infuriated her half due to the fact that he’d even suggest something like that and half because...she knew he was right. She just glared at him and he grinned, leaning in and kissing her softly on the lips, stealing her anger away. “What’s your next lesson?” He asked and she scrunched her nose up in thought, not aware of how crazy this drove him.

“Um...PE” She finally remembered and he nodded.

“Exactly.” He said firmly. “Not important.” And he took her hand in his as he started off at a steady pace back towards the school. “Relax.” He whispered and against everything she believed in Ji Seong found herself relaxing.


Jiyong paced back and forth across the apartment, checking his watch. Wasn’t she normally back by now? He stared the door down, cursing it for not opening. He resumed his pacing.

Ji Seong skipped happily along the corridor towards the door to the dorm. She fumbled around in her school bag for her keys that always insisted on falling to the bottom of her bag. Eventually she managed to fish them out and opened the door. She was surprised to see Jiyong sitting tensely on the sofa. He was never normally back at this time.

“Hi oppa!” She said brightly but he didn’t return the greeting. He didn’t even return the smile.

“Why were you in Seoul at lunchtime?” He asked quietly. That quiet voice your parents and teachers use that’s worse than shouting. Ji Seong gulped.

“ was a...a school trip?” She was a terrible liar.

“No it wasn’t.” He said bluntly and her stomach churned. She was in trouble. “Who’s that boy you were with?”

“Just a friend from school...” Now he was standing up, positively fuming.

“You don’t kiss friends.” He said through gritted teeth. “What’s his name?” Ji Seong swallowed, wondering if he would get in trouble if she told Jiyong his name. “DAMN IT JI I SAID WHAT’S HIS NAME?”

“Ch-Choi Jun Hong!” She blurted out, shaking. She pulled herself together. “Why do you even care anyway?” She said, trying to appear like she didn’t care but her facade ruined by the octave higher her voice had gone. In a few strides Jiyong was in front of her, slamming her hard against the wall behind her. Before she had time to react he was kissing her violently. When he finally broke away he hit the wall and glared at her.



A/N: Ooh a twist! G-Dragon or Zelo? G-Dragon or Zelo? She hasn't got a bad life tbh, with those two after her..I wouldn't mind that..well, I spose her parents dying wasn't the best thing but that aside, living with BigBang, buds with Dara..alright for some! Anyways, thank you very very much to korea9153 , BIGBANG4LIFE  & thiscupcake  for subbing..saranghaeyo♥

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snsdkara #1
Chapter 11: I want her to stay with zelo
Chapter 11: Hmm unfortunately I don't think I liked the different options for the ending. You should have picked and focused on one. But overall I liked the story :)
darkbandit01 #3
Chapter 38: ....I'm confused... Did last chapter happen? I thought he was pissed at her
darkbandit01 #4
Chapter 37: Woo she's choosing zelo! Goodie!! I dislike gd even more... :P but hey that was ur doing ;p of course what I said before still stands!
darkbandit01 #5
Chapter 34: Great story! I really like it! A bit of future advice for other stories: make your female a little stronger. Gd (despite his cuteness) didn't deserve her at all, and she seams weak because she can't stay mad and just like jumps on whatever guy is sweet to her and can't stand up for herself. That's the impression I get, because seriously, when somebody cheats on you, it's not just cute half fake anger if you have to go with them. Most people would get pissed and no way go with the person who cheated on them on a trip. Like he screwed a new girl every night he was gone couldn't find a moment to txt her and cheated some more when he returned? It's a much bigger deal than ji reacts. She shouldn't get back with a guy like that, and he's not even heartfelt he's just flirtatious, and buys his way to her heart. So I think she should be a little- ok a lot- stronger. Like have the ability to just say no that's it we are done. "We are never ever ever getting back together" ;) (I hope u know that song or awkward lol) but I do really like it!! Great job and I'm impressed with the sizeable and good quality writing! Awesome job, keep on writing!
T-O-P-oppa #6
Chapter 51: I'm so sad it finished and I only just found it,
But I'm glad that I did find it, because this story is just so awesome...
And so it finished. BUT NOT ALL IS LOST. If you liked this story and want me to do another one, please fill in this little questionaire: cos that way I'm more likely to write one you actually like^^ thank you :3
jackytomboy96 #8
Chapter 51: ended :(...sad now, once you make a new story you must tell me asap! I will red it and fangirl over it, just like i fangirl over this one. Thanks for this amazing story! Cant wait to see what you will post next ;)
Chapter 51: ISDFJCIDSOHFIOSHDVISD. I LOVED THIS STORY! IT'S SO SAD TO SEE IT END;_; can't wait for your other fics, you're a brilliant writer! Thank you for writing this!