Day 2

My Little Sister

“Ji Seong-ah~! Ji Seong-ah~!” She groaned in protest and rolled over. “Ji Seong-ah~!” There was no relief. Grumpily she opened one eye to see GD staring down at her. So he was the one responsible for this rude awakening. Well...who else? She lay back down, grabbing the pillow and shoving it over her head. She heard an exasperated sigh and smiled victoriously, willing herself back to dreamland. Just as she was drifting off her back turned ice cold and she jumped up in bed.

“Aargh!” She took in GD standing casually by the bed with a glass in his hand. Then she felt her now soaking back and realised what the ice cold sensation had been. She growled. “I HATE YOU KWON JIYONG!” She made to run at him and then realised she was still absolutely knackered and sighed, banging her fists weakly on the bed. “Why did you wake me up?” She whined as she checked the clock. “IT’S 6 O’CLOCK!” She kicked at him weakly and flopped back down onto the bed, closing her eyes. But she was now both too awake and too wet to sleep. She cursed him under her breath.

“Hey c’mon! We need to go to work.”

“No. You need to go to work.” She growled.

“Get up, you’ve got 15 minutes.” He said and then left for breakfast. She sighed frustratedly and stomped to the bathroom, showering the last of the sleep away and getting dressed quickly so she could also grab some breakfast before she left. After all, as much as she hated doing what GD said, she didn’t really have a lot of choice.


An hour later and Ji Seong wished she’d stayed at the hotel. She was sitting on a stupidly uncomfortable chair (did they deliberately design chairs to be this uncomfy? Had they been designed by a depressed man who hated mankind and decided to make them suffer by making the most uncomfortable chairs in the history of time?) with the grumpy man from yesterday, waiting for GD to finish his meeting. She didn’t see why she wasn’t allowed in too. They all treated her like a child here. She was surprised they hadn’t left toys for her to play with – those wooden pipes that you push the beads along – she was so bored she’d happily have played with them instead of staring at the fuzzy glass door and deciding the motives of the nasty uncomfortable chair designer man. Another half hour passed and finally the meeting finished. GD came out smiling obliviously with his special new Japanese friends while Ji Seong trudged along behind him to their next destination.

She’d love to say that the next place they went was better really wasn’t. He was doing a fan meet which is exciting enough, except that she had to sit backstage. “The fans can’t see you with him.” The grumpy man told her. She glared. Even though he was annoying and grumpy, she felt like she understood him now. If he did this everyday no wonder he was so grumpy. She’d been trudging around after GD for just two days and she already felt like hitting her head against the wall. This was probably the most excitement he’d had in years, being able to talk to her. Even if it was just to tell her that the fans couldn’t see her. She felt like some kind of monster stuck behind bars.

Finally the fan meet finished and they went to get lunch. GD’s team had provided lunch packs. GD sat with his team. Ji Seong was left with the grumpy man. After spending so much time with him she decided she should probably try and make friends with him.

“I’m Choi Ji Seong.” She smiled brightly but he ignored her. She frowned. Fine Mr Grumps. I didn’t want to be friends with you anyway. She sulked as she ate her sushi in silence. The lunch break stretched out as the fun corner chatted animatedly and Mr and Mrs Grumps sat grumpily in their grumpy table in silence. She. Hated. This. Trip. “Youngbae-oppa I miss you~” She mumbled. Then she had an idea.

“Excuse me, Mr Gr-I mean, sir?” This time the man did look at her. “Could I possibly borrow your phone?”

“Why?” He asked monotonously.

“I left mine in Korea and I need to make a really important call.” He stared blankly at her for so long that she thought he hadn’t heard her or something. Then suddenly he chucked an old flippy phone at her. She caught it and smiled. “Thank you so much!” She gushed excitedly as she opened it to the call screen. Then she frowned as she realised she didn’t know Taeyang’s number. She groaned and tossed it back. “Actually don’t bother...” She muttered as she sat back down, picking stray grains of rice moodily from her lunch pack.

Eventually the fun corner stood up and she looked excitedly over at Mr Grumps. She caught a vaguely relieved look in his depressed eyes and grinned. They were bonding. They traipsed over to the taxis where Ji Seong spent the journey staring moodily out of the window before they reached a large stadium.

“Concert time!” GD smiled widely and Ji Seong rolled her eyes. She already knew where this was headed: sitting backstage with her new found emo friend.

To her surprise, she actually got to mingle with the public this time. Well, there were the boring 3 hours of tests and rehearsals where she sat entertaining herself by playing little games in her heads. Who was most likely to be a serial killer? It had to be the guy doing the lighting. He was quiet and shifty. He definitely had something to hide. Who was most likely to be a e? No question about it that backing dancer with the blonde hair and way too much plastic surgery. Who was most likely to be an undercover prankster from a TV show with hidden cameras who was about to shout out any minute now ‘I’m an actor, they’re all actors and you’ve just been pranked by prankTV!’ Well, that had to be G-Dragon really didn’t it? The way he’d been dragging her around all day she wouldn’t be surprised if the show was following how suicidal she’d get. She cursed and wished she’d worn more make up today. She hadn’t known she was going to be on telly!

Anyway, she got to enjoy the concert from the audience which to be honest wasn’t much better than staying backstage seeing as after the day she’d had Ji Seong really wasn’t in the mood to scream and cheer for G-Dragon and the crazy fangirls were all driving her insane with their fangirling. They should try spending a week in another country following him to all his schedules and see how much they fangirled at the end of it. She winced when she realised how depressed and cynical she’d become. She used to be a positive person, honest! Aish, what had this guy done to her?


On the taxi journey back to the hotel Ji Seong struggled to keep her eyes open. GD smiled just as tiredly at her.

“Good day?” He asked. He must be having a laugh.

“The worst.” She muttered grumpily. “Don’t bother waking me up tomorrow. I think I’ll stay at the hotel...” He smiled.

“Okay.” She frowned. She really didn’t understand this guy...


A/N: Haha I'm sorry I started back at school today and I'm really moody so...this chapter was kinda depressing xD it was also pretty rubbish, I'm mentally drained =___= eurgh, school...

Thank you for subscribing Vietnamese , LiziAnne , WoojihoLOVE , letty123 , dbsk4evr (yay Cassie^^), Chocolatpen , tabees & beckybusss  my loverlies :3

Ilyese244: Aww thank you so much!! Hehe always glad to convert more people to the dark side xD dw his sensitive side will come out, just bare with this ish chapter, its on it's way :P

LiziAnne: I KNOW! I love Daesung! For some reason he just came out as an extra in this one :( I'm sorry Dae-Dae~

tabi_bias: Haha and eurgh tell me about it >.< first day back and 3 massive homeworks WAE~~ this is why I was trynna finish this before the hols finished but..I didn't manage *sigh*

Caramel_NyamNyam: Aw, who said they had no chance??

bigbanglovesme: Thank you~~ mwah!

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snsdkara #1
Chapter 11: I want her to stay with zelo
Chapter 11: Hmm unfortunately I don't think I liked the different options for the ending. You should have picked and focused on one. But overall I liked the story :)
darkbandit01 #3
Chapter 38: ....I'm confused... Did last chapter happen? I thought he was pissed at her
darkbandit01 #4
Chapter 37: Woo she's choosing zelo! Goodie!! I dislike gd even more... :P but hey that was ur doing ;p of course what I said before still stands!
darkbandit01 #5
Chapter 34: Great story! I really like it! A bit of future advice for other stories: make your female a little stronger. Gd (despite his cuteness) didn't deserve her at all, and she seams weak because she can't stay mad and just like jumps on whatever guy is sweet to her and can't stand up for herself. That's the impression I get, because seriously, when somebody cheats on you, it's not just cute half fake anger if you have to go with them. Most people would get pissed and no way go with the person who cheated on them on a trip. Like he screwed a new girl every night he was gone couldn't find a moment to txt her and cheated some more when he returned? It's a much bigger deal than ji reacts. She shouldn't get back with a guy like that, and he's not even heartfelt he's just flirtatious, and buys his way to her heart. So I think she should be a little- ok a lot- stronger. Like have the ability to just say no that's it we are done. "We are never ever ever getting back together" ;) (I hope u know that song or awkward lol) but I do really like it!! Great job and I'm impressed with the sizeable and good quality writing! Awesome job, keep on writing!
T-O-P-oppa #6
Chapter 51: I'm so sad it finished and I only just found it,
But I'm glad that I did find it, because this story is just so awesome...
And so it finished. BUT NOT ALL IS LOST. If you liked this story and want me to do another one, please fill in this little questionaire: cos that way I'm more likely to write one you actually like^^ thank you :3
jackytomboy96 #8
Chapter 51: ended :(...sad now, once you make a new story you must tell me asap! I will red it and fangirl over it, just like i fangirl over this one. Thanks for this amazing story! Cant wait to see what you will post next ;)
Chapter 51: ISDFJCIDSOHFIOSHDVISD. I LOVED THIS STORY! IT'S SO SAD TO SEE IT END;_; can't wait for your other fics, you're a brilliant writer! Thank you for writing this!