Spending the Day With the Angel

An Unforgettable Summer



Your POV;

You groaned as your blaring alarm woke you up at 7 am.

“Aish. Just shut up!” You screamed to the inanimate object.

You turned it off, and sighed. You slipped on your fuzzy slippers and went to the bathroom. You weren’t really a night owl neither were you a morning person. You sighed as you ran your hand through your hair. You began your daily routine- brushing your teeth, taking a shower, washing your face, picking out an outfit, doing your makeup, and doing your hair. Your phone buzzed as you were just going to walk out of your apartment.

“I wonder who that could be,”

You pulled out your phone out of your bag and checked your messages.


From: Boss Unnie

Photo-shoot at 1 pm. Before and after that, you have the rest of the day to yourself~ USE IT WISELY.


You glanced at your watch. It read 7:54 am.

Hmm… 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1. 6 hours of freedom till the photo-shoot. YAY!

You skipped out of your apartment. You locked the door behind you and slipped into the elevator. You pressed the “L” button. The elevator jerked in response and pushed you downwards towards the lobby.


The elevator dinged before opening the doors for you. You stepped out happily, and went to your parked Toyota Prius. The sun was already out of its slumber, shining down on earth happily. You smiled back at the sun. You pulled your keys from your jacket and hopped into the car. You placed your bag on the passenger’s seat and started the car. It rumbled to life. You stepped onto the gas pedal, already knowing where you wanted to go on such an early hour.


Baekhyun’s POV;

I stretched my arms out and groaned. I grinned as I remembered Min Chan.

“Huh. I want coffee.” I spoke aloud.

I shook my head at how I was talking to myself and laughed. I ruffled my hair and yawned. I walked into my bathroom and got ready.

Hmm. Wonder if I get to see her today.

~~~~~~~~~~ Fast Forward ~~~~~~~~~~

I shut my car door closed and smiled.

“Ah, Café Coffee. I love this place.”

I walked inside and ordered the usual- an iced caramel macchiato.

“$4.25 please,” The snappy barista fake smiled.

I handed her a 5.

“Keep the change.” I muttered.

I walked over to the waiting area. I fumbled around with my watch until I hear a chime coming from the door. My head perked up at the noise, wondering who that could be. I smirked as I recognized who it was.

“Minnie~!” I grinned.

Let the fun begin.


Your POV;

“Minnie~!” You heard a familiar voice call out to you.


He smirked as he walked towards you.

“You have a nickname for me already?”

“W-what are you talking about?”

“I have an iced caramel macchiato!” A barista yelled.

Baekhyun dashed off to get his macchiato. You got in line and ordered your usual iced white chocolate mocha.

“$3.45, please.” The lady asked.

You pulled out your wallet. You frowned.

“Do you accept 100s?”

“No, ma’am.” The lady shook her head.

Good thinking, Min Chan. On a day like this, you forget to stop at the bank and cash out some money beforehand.


“Here, keep the change.”

An arm reached over and handed the lady some bills. You turned around to see a smiling Baekhyun.

“Omo. You didn’t have to do that for me!”

You were going to bow but Baekhyun grabbed your shoulders to stop you.

“Aigoo. Minnie-ah~ You don’t have to bow or anything! Just think of it as a present for you.” He grinned as he took a sip of his coffee.

You took a glance at him. He was wearing a light blue coat over his dark blue shirt. He was also wearing black pants and another beanie.

Stop checking him out, Min Chan! UGH. You are so pointless at times.

He raised an eyebrow.


“N-neh?” You blushed.

“Why are you blushing and are you checking me out?”

“I-“ You began before a holler echoed the room.

“I have an iced white chocolate mocha!”

You rushed over to get it, thanking the lady. You went to the little table off the side and took a straw. You took off the paper wrapper and jabbed it into the coffee. You took a long sip before sighing happily. A sudden laughter made you flush.

“Is it that good?” Baekhyun continued to laugh.

“Y-yah! It IS! Here, take a sip!” You pouted.

You shoved your cup close to his mouth. He stared at it. You nudged it foreword, telling him to take a sip. He finally did, taking the straw to his mouth. He took a long sip before pushing the cup back to you.

“It is good,” He laughed again.

“Omo! Unnie~ Isn’t that couple cute?!” A girl squealed.

Both of your faces reddened at the sudden comment. The atmosphere turned awkward.

“Why won’t-“ You both started at the same time.

“No, go ahead.” You said at the same time again.

A smile crept upon your face. His face mirrored the same movements.

“You first~” He grinned.

“No, you first!” You insisted.

“I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today,” He said with a proud smile.

What?! Is he asking me out on a… d-date?! Well… it’s only him and I. OMO. HE IS. OMO. OMO. OMO. IT’S A DATE. A DATE WITH BYUN BAEKHYUN.<3

“Minnie~?” He breathed into your ear.

While you were in your little daydream land, he had taken a step closer to you. His face was about an inch away from yours.

“Y-yah. Don’t you think this is a little too close?” You placed your hands on his chest and tried to push him away.

“Nah, I find it quite comfortable.”

You felt a smirk playing along his perfect lips. You shoved him and looked away.

“F-fine, where do you want to go?”

He grabbed your hand and intertwined them together. You blushed at the sudden contact. He dragged you outside and to a black car that was parked behind of yours.

My heart flutters every time he touches me, every time he calls my name, every time he smiles at me, every time he laughs at me… my heart flutters when I’m around him. No matter what. Oh heart, please don’t do this… not after him.

“B-but what about my car?” You frowned and pointed at it as he pushed you into his luxurious car.

“Do you want to drive it back to where you live and drop it off there?”


“I’ll follow behind you, if that’s okay with you?”

You nodded and went to your car. It beeped in response, unlocking the door. You opened it and hopped inside. The engine roared to life as you started it. You glanced at the rear view mirror. Baekhyun smiled and gave you 2 thumbs up, signaling that he was ready. You pressed down on the gas and went home.

~~~~~~~~~~ Fast Forward ~~~~~~~~~~

“Is this where you live?” Baekhyun asked when you got into his car.

You nodded in response.

“It’s not that bad, it’s not too small.”

He smiled, “Are you ready?”

You nodded once more and smiled at him.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”


Baekhyun’s POV;

I drove my black Nissan Altima, blasting some music while Minnie sat shot gun. I stole a look at her. She was looking out the window, smiling at the landscape. I wasn’t so sure of where I was going to take her, but I had a place in mind.


“Neh?” She asked, glancing at me.

Oh god. She’s so cute.

“Do you have to be anywhere any time soon? Like, for your job, I mean.”

“Um,” She placed a finger on her chin, pondering. “I have a photo-shoot at 1.”

I glanced at the clock; it was already 8:30 am. I grinned.

“Can I have you for the rest of the day?”

She blushed at my question. Her hands went to her face, trying to cover the fact that she was blushing. I smirked, placing an arm around the seat that she was sitting on. Her face turned a darker shade of red.

“I’ll take that as a yes then,” I laughed.

“Y-yah! I never said that!” She pouted at me.

I reverted my gaze back onto the road and smiled.

Today’s going to be great~


Your POV;

“We’re here!” Baekhyun smiled.

“Are you always smiling or something, Baekhyunnie?”

“Only for you, Minnie-ah~” He said, flashing me another smile.

Only… for… ME? WAEEEE. Baekhyunnie, you sweet talker.

You opened the door and stepped out of the car. You checked your watch; it read 9:45. You looked around. Baekhyun had taken you to a fair. Children were running around everywhere, giggling to each other. A huge smile was planted on your lips.

“So you like it?”

You nodded.

“How come I never knew that there was a fair here?”

He shrugged.

“Come on~ Let’s go on some rides!”

You laughed and followed him as he walked towards the ticket booth. He was skipping happily like a child. He turned around and pouted at me. He held tickets in his hand. He threw his arms in the air, waving them frantically.

“Hurry up Minnie~!”

“Arraso~ I’m coming, I’m coming.”

He laughed as he started to run into the crowd.

“Y-yah! Byun Baekhyun!”

He stuck his tongue out at me, “You’re not supposed to talk to your oppa like that, Minnie-ah~ And don’t forget to call me oppa~”

O-oppa? He wants me to call him oppa?!

“B-baekhyunnie… oppa?”

“Good, now don’t forget that.” He winked at me.

R.I.P. Lee Min Chan.

 “Ah!” You winced as a stranger bumped into your shoulder.

“Sorry,” They mumbled.

You glared at the stranger. It was a man. He looked like he was in his early 20s. He gave you one last look before turning around and walking away.

Those eyes… I’ve seen them somewhere…

“Minnie! Gwenchana?!” Baekhyun gasped.

He placed his hands on your shoulders. His warm brown eyes were filled with worry.

“N-neh, gwenchana oppa.” You smiled lightly. “Let’s go on some rides before I have to go to the photo-shoot.”

He nodded. He held out his hand, offering it to you. You smiled. Your heart pounded as you took his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers with his. He blushed at your sudden action and smiled back at you. He pulled you close to him, his lips near your ear again. It was your turn to blush now.

“Good job Minnie, you remembered to call me oppa.” He winked.


A/N: keke~ Part 1 of my double update~ :3 Part 2 is going up later tonight~

Enjoy lovelies~<3

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Hey lovelies! It's been awhile, hasn't it ;; But guess what I'm finally back! Hooray! *confetti* Please do expect another update. Thanks for waiting! xoxo —AUS


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Chapter 27: update soon
Chapter 24: Please please update soon author-nim~ <3
Kpop2000April #3
Chapter 4: Indirect kiss and why do they call the passenger seat shot gun? *-*
Chapter 24: Ohhhhhh so that's what happened.
Thanks for updating
Chapter 24: Wow an update! :)
Chapter 23: Wow jieun is so mean.
I wonder what she's gonna say to both of them. :O
Hope you update soon ! ;DD
Chapter 22: New reader here~ :D
I like this fic a lot~
I'm so curious how did Min Chan lose her memory and what did she forget..? *o*
And I already hate Ji Eun.. xDDDDDD
Baekkie is cute and although Lulu seems cold and flirty I'm sure he has his reasons.. ._.
Keep up the good work and Fighting~
pleaseman #8
im so excited for the next chapter!! :D