A Twisted Turn

An Unforgettable Summer




Your POV;

“You what?!” You flinched as Nara screamed into the phone.

Park Nara is known as your best friend and your other half. She’s the opposite of you- reserved, quiet, and calm… at first. With you, she’s the craziest person you’ve ever met! You met Nara when you were in middle school. She moved to the US right after high school ended. She’s currently studying there, to pursue her dreams as a doctor.

“Nar, you don’t have to yell~” You whined as you rolled over on your bed. You laid onto your stomach as you swung your feet in the air freely.

“Min, are you kidding?! You-“ She snapped before you cut her off.

“Nar, calm down. I know… I barely know him. But trust me on this Nar! I have a feeling that he’s the one~” You giggled.

“”Min, you said that last time when you were with Luhan.” She scoffed. You rolled back onto your back and stared at the ceiling.

“Nar, I really do have a good feeling about this.” You mutter back, knowing you were going to get a lecture back- a lecture you’ve gotten multiple times.

“Yah! Lee Min Chan! You know I care about you and everything. And you know I hate seeing you hurt…” She trailed off.

“So you want me to rethink it though and see if I change my mind. Nar, how many times have I had this lecture before? I’m not stupid!” You pouted into the phone.

“Min, watch it before I fly over to Korea and kick your tiny .” She warned. You let out a laugh.

“Arraso, arraso~”

“Ah! Hey Min?” She said, abruptly.


“I have to go… hopefully I’ll be able to Skype you when I get home. Saranghae pabooooo~” You heard her pout. You giggled before sighing.

“Arraso, but you better talk to me soon!”

“Of course! I’ll text you when I can! Bye!” She spilt out into the phone quickly before hanging up. Your pout was replaced by a smile as your heard the line end. You dropped your phone to your side and stared at the ceiling.

Maybe Nar’s right… I haven’t known Baekhyun for long… But, I really do have a feeling that this is going to work out and that he’s the one…

Your phone began to vibrate, making you jump up to a sitting position. You grabbed your phone quickly, not bothering to look at the caller ID. You placed it to your ear and answered.


“Jagiya~?” A male voice chimed cheerfully. Your face flushed as you recognized the voice.

“Y-yah! Baek~” You whined.

“What? You don’t like it when I call you jagiya?” You hear him smirk over the phone. You face burned even more.

“O-oppa! W-we haven’t b-been together f-for so long… how could you start calling me j-jagiya?” You stutter as you cursed under your breath.

Dang it, Min Chan! Stop stuttering! It’s just Baek!

He let out a musical laugh before answering, “I’m just playing with you, Minnie-ah~”

He’s… kidding? If he’s just kidding… why does my heart ache? Do I want him to call me “jagi”? Wait! What am I even saying?! Lee Min Chan, get your act together, girl!

“O-oh, right~!” You forced a laugh. “So, Baek, why did you call?”

“Oh right!” He laughed once more, “I was wondering what you were doing.”

Your face lit up the moment those words entered your ear. Your face burned up once more.

“I just finished talking to my best friend, Baek. Wae?” You ask, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

“You might want to look out your window,” He replied with a smile. Your eyebrow rose.

My window?

You walked over hesitantly, wondering why Baekhyun asked you to walk towards your window. You pulled open the blinds and opened the window widely. You stuck you head out into the fresh, warm summer breeze. You looked around, yet nothing caught your eye in the fading sunset night.

“Wae? What’s outside for me to see, Baek?” You frowned as a breeze fluttered past you and into your room.

“Look down, silly.” You propped your chin onto your free hand and looked down. Your eyes widened.



Luhan’s POV;

I let out a frustrated sighed as I banged my fingers onto my grand piano.

“en Baekhyun,” I cussed under my breath as my fingers slammed onto the keys. The piano let out a loud groan as it creaked under the pressure. I stood up and walked over to my desk. I sat onto the comfy chair and pressed my cheek onto the palm of hand. I let my thoughts wander as I glanced out the dark window.

Stupid Baekhyun… stealing away my Min Chan. She doesn’t even realize that I wasn’t playing her. After her coma… everything just went downhill from there. She doesn’t realize that she has mistaken me.

My thoughts stopped in their tracks when my door banged open. My eyes shot towards the door. I groaned silently as the girl walked into my room and towards me.

“Oppa~” She grinned.

“What do you want, Jin Hee.” I spat as she grabbed onto my arm.

“Don’t you miss me, oppa?” She pouted. I shook her off of my arm harshly. My head began to pound.

Ugh, annoying girls. So clingy.

I ignored the pounding and glared at Jin Hee. “Get out.”

“Waeeee~” She pouted. I rolled my eyes.

“Your pouting has no effect on me. Leave. Now.” I snapped before going back to my piano. I blocked out her protests by playing My Heart Will Go On. I felt her squeeze herself onto the bench. I ignored that too, continuing to play the song.

Half way through the song, my hands suddenly stopped playing as the pounding in my head took over. I groaned as my hand shot up to my head.

Why her… why now… ugh. My head hurts so much…

“Oppa?!” Jin Hee screamed.

Her scream was the last thing I remembered before blackness took over me and my body.


Your POV;

You glanced back to Baekhyun as you unconsciously tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Baekhyun has surprised you-standing outside of your window, holding a bouquet of roses. You had let him in, of course, which led to hours of talking and getting to know each other a bit more. The 2 of you were sitting side by side on your bed as the conversations rolled along.

“Baek, I heard that Luhan and Sehun were shipped when you guys were in the band.” You bit your lower lip to keep the fit of giggled down. “Is it real? HunHan, I mean.” He let out a small laugh before leaning into your ear and whispered.

“Don’t tell them I told you this…” He pulled away as he winked before returning his mouth near your ear once more. “Of course it’s real~ That’s why hyung is always protective of Sehunnie!”

“I knew it! Oh my gosh!” You laughed as you clutched your stomach.

“Gwenchana?” Baekhyun asked, full of worry. You swiped away a stray tear that escaped your eye. You gave him a big smile.

“Gwenchana~” You in a breath of air as you began to calm down. You fiddled around with your fingers in your lap. “Baek, why did you just suddenly come over with a bouquet?”

“They’re just a small present from me to you,” He flashed his toothy smile at you. You felt your insides warm up as your face burned.

“A-aw, how sweet~” You laughed. You playfully slapped his arm. His eyes widened as he began to rub his arm.

“Hey! That hurt!” He pouted.

“You’re such a baby~” You teased. You pinched his cheeks as he pouted even more.

“Stop it~” He whined before grabbing your hands and pulled them off of his cheeks. He intertwined your fingers with his before lowering your hands to your lap. Your face colored as adrenaline ran through your body and into his. The room was silent as the two of you held hands.

Hold hands may just be a simple gesture… but to me, it’s one of the sweetest things a guy can do. I wish he would never let go… his hands are so comforting and warm…

“Min Chan-ah…” He breathed, looking straight at you. Your stomach fluttered with butterflies as he used your full name. You looked up to meet his eyes. They were soft, caring, and filled with love.

“I-“ He began until he flinched. He squeezed your hands tightly. He lurched forward, falling into your arms. You untangled your fingers as you wrapped an arm around his waist. His head fell softly onto your shoulder. Your eyes widened in shock.

“Baek? Baekhyun?!” You shook his shoulders gently. He let out a painful groan as he clutched his sides. You began to panic as your thoughts jumbled up.

What should I do?! Call the police? Let him rest? What should I do?!

“Baek! Are you okay? Please don’t scare me!” You pleaded as you pulled him upwards to face you. His nose was scrunched up in pain. You felt a pang in your chest.

“I… I’m okay… don’t worry… just let me lay… down, please?” His eyes pleaded you. Your eyes softened as you laid him down onto your bed. He relaxed as soon as his body hit the cushiony bed. He closed his eyes immediately and you released your grip around his waist.

“Better, oppa?” Your voice waivered as you pulled the blanket on top of him, “Do you need anything else?”

He opened his eyes slowly and croaked, “J-just you… just l-lay by m-me…”

You heart pounded in your chest. You just nodded as you turned off the light before you slipped under the blanket with him. You faced the other direction as he was. You lifted the blanket so that it covered your flushed cheeks. Your heart raced- as well as your thoughts.

B-Baek just asked if I could lay right next to him… on the same bed! Omo! I wonder if he’s okay though… what exactly just happened…?

You turned over to your other side as you became face to face with his face. Your cheeks flushed a soft pink shade. His eyes were closed and his breath was coming out evenly.

“Thank goodness you’re alright…” You muttered softly. You noticed his bangs were falling into his face. You brushed them off to the side. You let your fingers linger before cupping his face. You pecked his lips softly.

“Sweet dreams, Baek… I hope you sleep well.” You hesitated. You whispered 3 simple words to him before falling into a deep slumber besides him.

“I love you…”


???’s POV;

“Flight 235 on US Airlines from the US to South Korea is now landing. Please fasten your seatbelt. We’re landing in just a few minutes. It’s currently 59°F and it is now 7:24 pm. Please enjoy the rest of your flight and thank you for flying with the US Airlines.”

I fasten my seatbelt quickly. I crossed my arms across my chest and leaned back into the seat with a smile.

Wonderful. Hello South Korea~ I’m back.

A smirk replaced my smile.

And hello boys~ or should I say, Bae and Lulu.

I let out a haughty laugh, the passenger besides me stared at me as if I was insane. I glared at him, causing him to shrink back into his seat. I looked out the window as the flickers of lights flashed by as we flew past them. I felt myself grin as I relaxed back in my seat.

Hello South Korea, hello boys.


A/N: Long update... ;D Part 1 of the double update is up~ The other part would probably be up later tonight or tomorrow afternoon (where I live... it's around 7 pm here)... Please wait for part 2! ^^

Ohohoho~ Drama's beginning to stir up here~ (; What's going to happen?! O:

Anyways, I never know what to write about for these author notes... LOL. I'll find more things to say sooner or later ^^; Hopefully, sooner.

I hope you enjoy- please subscribe, comment, and wait for the the next update ^^ Saranghaeyo~<3


PS. Here's EXO spam 'cause I just feel like I need to share my feeeeeeeeeeeeeels<333333 afkadnmgkjfsnkjgndkjnh. Have you guys heard that their comeback is at the end of November?! :D I'M SO HAPPY<3 JFADKJGNKJSNDGH<3

More gifs in the next update ^^ 

These gifs do not belong to me, credits to anyone who made these. 

Fighting~ I'll see you soon! :D

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Hey lovelies! It's been awhile, hasn't it ;; But guess what I'm finally back! Hooray! *confetti* Please do expect another update. Thanks for waiting! xoxo —AUS


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Chapter 27: update soon
Chapter 24: Please please update soon author-nim~ <3
Kpop2000April #3
Chapter 4: Indirect kiss and why do they call the passenger seat shot gun? *-*
Chapter 24: Ohhhhhh so that's what happened.
Thanks for updating
Chapter 24: Wow an update! :)
Chapter 23: Wow jieun is so mean.
I wonder what she's gonna say to both of them. :O
Hope you update soon ! ;DD
Chapter 22: New reader here~ :D
I like this fic a lot~
I'm so curious how did Min Chan lose her memory and what did she forget..? *o*
And I already hate Ji Eun.. xDDDDDD
Baekkie is cute and although Lulu seems cold and flirty I'm sure he has his reasons.. ._.
Keep up the good work and Fighting~
pleaseman #8
im so excited for the next chapter!! :D