Beach Time! Part 2

An Unforgettable Summer



Your POV;

“The beach?” You question, raising an eyebrow. Baekhyun had brought you home and just parked in the beach’s parking lot. He told you to bring your swim suit and your beach bag. You wore your favorite coral bikini with shorts and a hoodie.

“Of course, silly~” He giggled, ruffling your hair as he opened the car door for you. “Why else would I ask for you to bring your swim suit and beach bag?”

“Oh… right,” You awkwardly laughed. You mentally slapped yourself as you stepped out of the car with your beach bag and gave him a small smile. “Thank you.”

“Any time,” He grinned back, closing the door behind you. You dug through your bag to find your sunglasses. You smiled as you placed the dark frames onto your face.

“So, where would you like to sit?” You ask him, walking into the sand.

“Hm, how bout here? It’s the perfect distance from the water and the shops.” He asked, pointing to the spot he was standing at.

“Sure,” You grinned, grabbing your beach towel and spreading it out onto the sand. You slipped off your flip flops before sitting down and dropped your bag. “Did you bring a towel, Baek?”

“Hmm,” He stared down at you before shaking his head, “I forgot…”

Aigoo! How is this boy 20?!

“It’s alright, we can share mines~” You offered, patting the spot besides you. He gave you a dazzling smile before taking the spot by you. You blushed as your hands touched briefly.

“Thank you, Minnie~” He smiled, “You’re so sweet~”

“Not really…” You blushed, looking away. “Want to go for a swim?”

“Sure!” He chirped, giving you his eye smile. You smiled back, feeling butterflies flutter in your tummy.

You stood up to take off your hoodie and your shorts. You placed them into your bag. You shook your hair, releasing it to a more natural state. You fixed your bikini a bit before looking up at Baekhyun. You noticed his eyes on your body as you turned away quickly, blushing a deep red.

“Wow…” was all he managed to say.

“W-what?” You asked, blushing.

Do I look bad? Oh jeez, I feel so self-conscious.

“You look…” He scanned your body once more, “Amazing.”

“T-thank you.” You felt your heart flutter at his comment.

aklNFKJASNkgjnskjgnkjaf. Byun Baekhyun complemented me. HE COMPLEMENTED ME. JAKFNKJSNG.

You glanced over… just in time to see Baekhyun pull his shirt off.

“EEP!” You squeaked, looking away and covering your eyes.

“What?” He laughed, placing his shirt onto the towel. “Am I too good looking for you?”

“Baek!” You whined, turning around to playfully slap his arm. He made a face before smirking an evil smirk.

“Minnie-ah~” He cooed. Your eyes widened.

“B-Baek…?” You asked carefully, walking backwards slowly.

“LEE. MIN. CHAN. YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!” He shouts before charging at you.

“Oh no!” You squealed before running towards the ocean.

“Min Chan! Get back here!” He commanded, running after you.

“Baek! I’m sorry!” You pleaded, reaching the incoming waves.

“Sorry?” He questioned, standing in front of you. “I’m getting pay back, no matter what!”

“Baek! Come on!” You pouted, crossing your arms.

“Minnie~” He smiled sweetly. You furrowed your eyebrows.

Wasn’t he just mad at me…?

“Got you!” He chuckled as his strong arms wrapped around your waist. Your face flushed at the warmth of his chest against your back. You let out a little yelp, squeezing your eyes shut as he spun you around.

“B-Baek!” You squealed, eyes still shut.

“Ready Minnie?” He asked.

Before you could even answer, you felt your body hit the cool, salty water. You could hear Baekhyun laughing which made your body filled with anger. You decided to swim your way up to the surface.

“Y-yah!” You coughed when you reached the surface, “You’re a jerk!”

“A-a jerk?” He asked, still laughing. “How?”

“You threw me into the water!”

“You deserved it! Mehrong!” He stuck his tongue out at you.

“Baek, you have 10 seconds to get out of my sight!” You growled, eyes locked on his. You noticed his Adam’s apple bob as a smirk covered your lips.

“1…” You began, standing up. He was still in shock, staring at you with confused eyes.

“2…” You continued, walking towards him. That woke him up, he began to slowly walk backwards.

“3…” You smirked, fastening your pace.

“10!” You shouted, running towards him.

“Hey!” He pouted, “You didn’t count to 10 yet!”

“Doesn’t matter!” You flashed him a smile before running even faster. He ran around the beach, dodging children and people in his way. You did the same before catching up to him. You pounced on his body, making the both of you fall. You landed on top of him.

“Got you,” You breathed heavily, staring into his eyes.

“Minnie…” You could feel his breath on your face. You blushed as he leaned in, eyes closed. You mimicked him, closing your eyes and leaning in. Your eyes shot open when you realized that you were floating… in Baekhyun’s arms. He had carried you upwards, bridal style, with a smirk on his face.

“Did you think I was going to kiss you?” He asked, still smirking. You looked away, pouting.

“No…” You muttered, snuggling closer to his chest as your arms wrapped around his neck.

“Hey Minnie,” He muttered with a twinkle in his eyes. Your eyes widened as you gasped, realizing the familiar twinkle.

Oh no, please don’t throw me back into the water!

“Baek! Don’t you DARE throw me back-“

Your body hit the salty water once more. You felt your body sink. You tried to swim upwards but something was tugging you back down into the water. You looked down and noticed a seaweed plant was wrapped around your right ankle. Your eyes widened as you frantically began to swim, trying to release yourself from the plant.

Stupid seaweed! Let go of me!

You head began to spin as your lungs were starting to burn, needing more oxygen.

It’s no use! That stupid seaweed is still on me… and I’m running out of time and air. Baek… help me.

“Minnie…?” You could hear Baekhyun gasp, wondering why you haven’t reached the surface yet.

You opened your mouth as you tried to speak. Nothing came out, nothing but bubbles. Your eyes began to flutter close as the bubbles of air floated to the top.

Baek… help me…

Hearing the sound of Baekhyun’s voice screaming for you was all you could hear before your vision faded to black.


Baekhyun’s POV;

“MINNIE!” I screamed, jumping into the water.

Why am I so stupid?! After being that long under water, of course she’s in trouble! Stupid Baekhyun! Stupid STUPID.

I frantically searched the sea.

Where are you Minnie? Where are you?

My eyes widened as I found her floating body. I swam towards her as fast as I could.

I’m so sorry Minnie, I’m so sorry.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her with me. I was suddenly jerked backwards.


I held a tight grip onto her body as I glanced down. There was a seaweed plant wrapped around her ankle.

No wonder! I have to hurry; I’m running out of breath.

I tore the seaweed off of her ankle and swum up towards the surface as fast as I could.

Come on legs! Faster! I HAVE to save Minnie!

The light reflected off of the surface of the water, glistening beautifully.

Almost… there!

I let out a gasp of breath, panting as I hit the surface. The water dripped down my body as I rushed Minnie onto the beach. I laid her on the sand, letting her body dry a bit. My eyes watered at the sight of her.

Why didn’t I save her earlier? How come I didn’t react till then? Why? Why…

“Do you know how to do CPR?!” The lifeguard asked frantically. I looked up with misty eyes. I nodded to him and looked back at Minnie. A crowd as formed by now.

”I called the paramedics,” One mutter to the lifeguard.

“Well?! If you know how to do CPR, save her!” The lifeguard commanded.

Save her… save her…

I blinked away the tears in my eyes and tilted her head upwards. I lowered my head onto her chest, listening closely for her breathing.

She’s breathing, alright… but it’s faint.

“You said you called the paramedics, right?” I asked the person in front of me. They nodded.

Wait for me, Minnie. I’m going to save you.

I pinched her nose and wrapped my lips around hers, blowing in a few breaths. I placed my hands onto her chest and began to push lightly.

Come on Minnie. Come to me.

I listened for her breathing once more, bringing my head to her chest. I pinched her nose and blew in a few more breaths of air. I placed my hands back onto her chest and pushed. I stared at her face, wanting to see a sign that she was okay.

Come on Minnie… come on…

She began to cough out some water that she had swallowed. My eyes brimmed with tears.

“M-Minnie!” I croaked. She looked at me with sad eyes.

“I’m alright.” She whispered. “Thank you for saving me.”

“Alright, great job there man.” The lifeguard pat me on the back then turned to the crowd, “She’s alright everyone, please return to what you were doing.”

Murmurs filled the air as everyone spread out back onto the beach. I glanced back at Minnie.

“Gwenchana?” I asked her, her face. I tucked away a strand of hair behind her ear before sitting her up.

“Neh, gomawo Baek. You saved my life,” She whispered, eyes brimmed with tears. She wrapped her arms around my neck and embraced me into a hug. I closed my eyes as I hugged her back, wrapping my arms around her waist.

I’m so glad that I saved you.

“I love you so much,”


Luhan’s POV;

“Ah, the beach.” I sighed, stretching out my arms. I inhaled a big whiff of the salty ocean breeze and closed my eyes.

How long has it been since I’ve been to the beach?

“Oh well,” I muttered to myself as I took out my beach towel and bag. I walked into the sand, feeling it wiggle into my toes. I walked towards an empty towel and bag, the perfect distance from the water and the shops.

Ah, perfect spot. I hope the person besides me won’t mind that my astonishing good looks are going to be right next to them.

I felt a smirk pull up to my lips as I eyed the ocean.

A nice swim wouldn’t hurt.

I pulled off my shirt and rushed down towards the ocean.

Salty, cold ocean water- here I come!


Ji Eun’s POV;

I lifted up my sunglasses as I made a face.

Gross. The beach really changed after 6 years.

I placed my sunglasses back onto my face and took my beach bag in one hand.

Hm, where to sit so that no one stares at me too much…

I scanned the beach around.

Family, family, family, old people, family, old people… Ah! Perfect!

My face lit up as I took a spot a perfect distance from the stores and placed my beach towel onto the sand by 2 other empty towels.

Tch, darn. I wasn’t the first one to choose this perfect spot. It should’ve been mines anyways. Hmph, oh well. Time for a swim. It’s been WAAAY too long since I’ve been in the water!

I took off the shorts I was wearing and the sheer shirt. I smirked, running into the ocean.


Your POV;

After a few swims (and Baekhyun constantly watching over you), you guys decided to go back onto the beach and relax for a bit.

“Yah, never throw me into the water. Arraso?” You pout, scolding Baekhyun.

“I know. I learned my lesson, don’t worry.” He frowns before pulling you towards him, wrapping a protective arm around your waist. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” You smiled. He leaned in and kissed you softly on the forehead. You blushed as you looked away, embarrassed.

“Still embarrassed by that?” He chuckled, kissing you once more on the forehead.

“S-shut up!” You whined, pouting slightly.

“Cute,” He chuckled. He intertwined your fingers with his and pulled you down as he sat down onto the beach towel.

You frowned, “I guess we’re the not the only ones that thinks this place is the best spot for sitting at.”

“Who cares?” He shrugs, smiling at you.

“Hey,” You ask, digging into your beach bag. “Are you hungry?”

Baekhyun opened his mouth as a grumble escaped from his stomach.

“I guess I got my answer,” You laughed, pulling out the lunch you managed to pack before leaving your house. You pulled out a sandwich and offered it to him. “Sandwich?”

“Please,” He muttered. His eyes begged for the sandwich in your hand. You let out a giggle as you handed it to him. He took a bite out of it instantly. You laughed at the sight.

“Can you PLEASE keep it down?” A high pitched voice whined. You and Baekhyun glanced towards your right.

“She’s right,” Another voice to your left called, “And please stop showing your PDA (public display of affection). There are kids here.”

You and Baekhyun exchanged worried glances at each other before glancing back at the 2 other people. You noticed Baekhyun’s eyes widening as well as the other 2.

What…? Do they know each other?

“Baek? Lulu?!” The girl squealed, eyes twinkling.

“Ji Eun?!” They both gasped, eyes as wide as D.O’s. You glanced back at the girl.

She looks familiar... no way… it can’t be.




I watched Breaking Dawn Part 2 and OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. It was good. 

ANYWAYS, I hope you guys forgive me. *bows apologetically* As always, thank you so much and enjoy!<3 ^^


EDITED A/N: I'm just going to fix a few things on the chapters, so I'm sorry if I made you think that there was another update ;A; 

BTW, have you guys voted EXO-K for the 2012 MAMAs?! BAP IS NOW AHEAD ON VOTING!

THERE WILL BE A MASSIVE VOTING AT 12AM KST(Korean Standard Time). PLEASE PARTICIPATE! ^^ Let's make our Happy Virus happy for his birthday! (HAPPY BIRTHDAY YEOLLIE! Please take care of Baek! ;A;) Fighting! Jia you! WE ARE ONE!


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Hey lovelies! It's been awhile, hasn't it ;; But guess what I'm finally back! Hooray! *confetti* Please do expect another update. Thanks for waiting! xoxo —AUS


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Chapter 27: update soon
Chapter 24: Please please update soon author-nim~ <3
Kpop2000April #3
Chapter 4: Indirect kiss and why do they call the passenger seat shot gun? *-*
Chapter 24: Ohhhhhh so that's what happened.
Thanks for updating
Chapter 24: Wow an update! :)
Chapter 23: Wow jieun is so mean.
I wonder what she's gonna say to both of them. :O
Hope you update soon ! ;DD
Chapter 22: New reader here~ :D
I like this fic a lot~
I'm so curious how did Min Chan lose her memory and what did she forget..? *o*
And I already hate Ji Eun.. xDDDDDD
Baekkie is cute and although Lulu seems cold and flirty I'm sure he has his reasons.. ._.
Keep up the good work and Fighting~
pleaseman #8
im so excited for the next chapter!! :D