Remembering the Past

An Unforgettable Summer


A/N; Keke~ Please vote in this poll before reading~ ^^ Thank you~<3



Baekhyun’s POV;

I glanced at the freeway before shaking my head.

It’s been 30 minutes and we haven’t even moved a mile yet.

I glanced at Minnie. She was giving me a reassuring smile. I smiled back as I inhaled sharply before starting off my little tale of my past.

“It all happened in high school…”


~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~

“J-ji Eun-ah…” I heard Luhan’s voice call softly.

I was walking down the halls towards my locker. I was staying late to help out the biology kids with their projects. I hid behind a corner once I heard Luhan’s voice. I peeped around it, looking at the 2. They were a few feet apart. Luhan was rubbing the back of his neck, like he always did when he was ever nervous or embarrassed. In front of him stood my best friend, ever since kindergarten.

“Neh, Luhan oppa?” She asked sweetly.

“I-I was going to say t-that…”

“Neh, oppa?”

“I like you.” He blurted out.

My eyes widened once those words filled the air.

H-he likes her?! Since when? How come I don’t know about this?! Luhan, we were best friends since 6th grade! I thought we told each other everything!

“B-bwoh?” Ji Eun stuttered.

“I like you. Will you please be my girlfriend, Choi Ji Eun?” Luhan blushed.

He quickly looked at the ground. Ji Eun was blushing as well. She looked up and stepped closer to Luhan. She cupped his face in her hands, making him look at her.

“O-oppa… I like you too. Yes, I will be your girlfriend.” She said softly with a nod.

I felt a pang in my chest. Luhan smiled from ear-to-ear. His eyes were watering as he wrapped her up with his arms. I stood up from my hiding space and walked towards their direction. They both looked up at me with their eyes wide. Ji Eun pulled away, blushing ferociously. Luhan did the same. Both never dared to look directly into my eyes.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

“W-well…” Luhan rubbed his neck again.

“W-we’re a couple now.” Ji Eun said softly, looking up at me slowly.

“Oh.” Was all I said.

“Y-yeah. You don’t mind, do you?” Luhan finally spoke.

“Not at all. I hope you 2 do well.”

“Oh thank you, Baek-ah~”

“Any time, Ji Ji. That’s what best friends are for, right?” I faked a smile.

Ji Eun hugged me tightly. My heart pounded in my chest but slowly stopped. I hugged her back and kissed her hair softly.

Luhan, you are one lucky man. Take care of Ji Ji for me. You’re in charge of her now.

“Yo, Luhan.” I called, releasing my grip on Ji Eun.

“Hm?” He asked, meeting my eyes.

“Take care of her, alright? If you hurt her in any way, I WILL kill you.” I glared at him.

He held his hands up, surrendering to me. Ji Eun laughed at us and gave me another hug.

“Thank you so much, oppa.” She grinned.

“Any time, Ji Ji. Remember, if Lu does anything to you, tell me right away. Love you.” I kissed her hair once more before letting her go.

She nodded before running over to Luhan and giving him a hug. I gave them a small wave before heading to my locker.

“Thanks, Bae.” Luhan mouthed.

~~~~~~~~~~ End of Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~


“Ah. So that’s who Ji Eun is.” She muttered quietly.

I gave her a small nod. The traffic was loosening up and all of the cars were moving at a steady pace. I gazed at the setting sun before returning to my tale.


~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~

“Oppa.” Ji Eun said softly.

It was the summer of 11th grade. I was still mad at Luhan for not telling me about his crush on Ji Eun. They had been together for over 2 years now. Every time they had a fight, she would call me, crying. I was there when Luhan wasn’t.

It was pouring rain outside and here Ji Eun was- standing at my doorstep of my apartment, drenched in rain.

“Y-yah! Choi Ji Eun! Are you out of your mind?! It’s pouring out and all you’re wearing is a t-shirt and jeans! Are you insane?!” I grabbed her and pulled her inside.

Her body was limp as she let me drag her into my bathroom. I carried her onto the counter and told her to wait there. I grabbed a few towels from my bedroom and brought them back to the bathroom. She had her eyes drawn to her lap. Her hands were clasped so tightly, her knuckles turned white. I unclasped her hands and wrapped a towel around her. I placed another onto her head and started drying her hair.

“Oppa?” She asked, lifeless.

“Yes Ji Ji?” I asked, still drying her hair.

I knew something was up. I always knew. Ji Eun isn’t that hard to read. Whenever something happened, I never asked her about it. I just let her calm down and tell me whenever she was ready.

“Why am I so stupid?”

“What? Ji Eun-ah, what are you talking about?” I stopped drying her hair and left the towel on her head.

“Luhan.” She simply spat out.

“What about him?” I asked, crouching down to look into her eyes.

She looks so sad. Aish, Ji Ji. Take better care of yourself. You have dark circles under your eyes now.

“W-we…” She muttered before beginning to bawl.

I stood up and wrapped 2 arms around her waist. She pulled onto my shirt, crumpling it into her hands. She cried into my chest for a while till she stopped and began to sniffle.

“Sorry about your shirt, oppa…” She croaked.

“Ah, don’t worry about it. If you’re the one crying into it, I’m okay with it.” I gave her a small smile.

She cracked a tiny smile. It faded away as fast as it appeared. I wiped away her tears that were left on her face. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before kissing her hair.

“I’m going to change really quick.” I glanced at her as she nodded.

I walked into my room and into my closet. I rummaged around for a clean shirt.

“Ji Ji-ah~” I shouted.

“N-neh, oppa?” Her voice echoed on the bathroom walls.

“Please go sit on the sofa. Your must be sore from sitting on the counter the whole time!”

I heard her let out a small laugh before soft tramples were heard. I grabbed a random shirt off the hangers and walked out into the kitchen.

“Does hot chocolate sound alright with you?” I asked.

“Yes, it- OPPA! PUT ON A SHIRT!” She squealed, looking the other way.

I chuckled before slipping the shirt on. I rummaged through the cabinets and found the box of hot chocolate. I grabbed 2 mugs and quickly made the hot drink. I walked over to the sofa and sat next to her.

“Here~” I offered her the drink.

“Thanks, oppa~” She took the mug from my hand and began drinking.

Everything was quiet as we sipped the hot chocolate. The rain was coming down heavily. I took a glance at her. She had the 2 towels on her still. She blew at the drink before taking a sip. She looked up at me and smiled.

“Luhan broke up with me.” She blurted before staring at the marshmallows floating around.

“Ah, so that’s why you’re all gloomy.”

“Yeah, I guess. He found someone else. But I’ve got to admit, I found someone else too.”

“I’m so sorry, Ji Eun.”

“It’s alright. It’s not even your fault, Baek.”

She placed a hand onto your hair and ruffled it slightly.

“Y-yah! You know how long it takes to do my hair in the morning!” I pout, trying to fix it back.

She just laughs at me and finishes her drink. She stands up, dropping the towels on the floor as she walks away. She places her mug into the sink and picks up the towels. She sat back down, putting the towels in her lap.

“You’re so cute, Baek.”

I blush. I gulped down the rest of my drink and place my mug next to hers in the sink. I began washing them, trying to get my mind off of her.


I felt 2 arms wrapping around my waist. My face turns a deeper shade of red as I realize that it’s Ji Eun. She rested her head against my back.

“J-Ji Ji? W-what are you doing?” I stuttered.

“You know how earlier I said that I found someone else?”

I turned around to face her. Her hands were still wrapped around my waist as I looked at her.


“That person… is you, Baek.”

~~~~~~~~~~ End of Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~


“How long has she been liking you?!” I heard Minnie gasp.

“I don’t know. For as long as she knew me?”

“Omo, that’s a long time, Baekhyunnie!”

“I guess.” I shrugged.

“What did you say to her?”

“I told her that I wanted to stay friends with her, you know?”

“Yeah, I know what you mean.”

“Tell me about you and Luhan now~” I wagged my eyebrows at her.

Her expression turned dark the minute I said his name.

“We were together for about 2 years before he cheated on me for my ‘best friend.’” She spat.

“Hey! I gave you a long story~ Return the favor!” I pouted at her.

“Some other day,” She giggled.

I frowned. She laughed louder. I cracked a lopsided grin as I took the next exit.

“Hey oppa?”

“Yeah?” I asked, not taking my eyes off of the road.

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere fun.” I said with a smirk.

“Fun? At this time of the hour? Don’t you think it’s kind of late, oppa?” She frowned.


I drove into the parking lot of a music studio and hopped out. Minnie stayed in the car. She raised an eyebrow at me.

“A music studio? What for?”

“Come on, let me show you.”

I grabbed onto her hand and pulled her inside.

Tonight’s going to be full of the past- remembering and forgetting.


A/N: Updates are awesome, aren't they? ^^ Anyways, I don't think I'll be updating as much as I can anymore... well, not until like, November. ): School's starting this Wednesday for me and I have volleyball... Sorry guys, but I'll try to update as much as I can in the next 2-3 months. I'll do everything that I can to update just for you guys~! So please, wait for me and bear with me.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter<3 See you guys soon! ;^;


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Hey lovelies! It's been awhile, hasn't it ;; But guess what I'm finally back! Hooray! *confetti* Please do expect another update. Thanks for waiting! xoxo —AUS


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Chapter 27: update soon
Chapter 24: Please please update soon author-nim~ <3
Kpop2000April #3
Chapter 4: Indirect kiss and why do they call the passenger seat shot gun? *-*
Chapter 24: Ohhhhhh so that's what happened.
Thanks for updating
Chapter 24: Wow an update! :)
Chapter 23: Wow jieun is so mean.
I wonder what she's gonna say to both of them. :O
Hope you update soon ! ;DD
Chapter 22: New reader here~ :D
I like this fic a lot~
I'm so curious how did Min Chan lose her memory and what did she forget..? *o*
And I already hate Ji Eun.. xDDDDDD
Baekkie is cute and although Lulu seems cold and flirty I'm sure he has his reasons.. ._.
Keep up the good work and Fighting~
pleaseman #8
im so excited for the next chapter!! :D