
An Unforgettable Summer



Baekhyun’s POV;

I stopped the car when I arrived at Minnie’s house. I turned off the engine and walked outside to open the door for her. She grinned at me.

“Such a gentleman,” She breathed under her breath. I raised an eyebrow at her.

“What? Did I just hear you correctly?” Her eyes widened as her face turned an obvious shade of pink. I chuckled before offering my hand. She took it and looked away as her blush a darker shade.

“Andwae!” She squealed. She got up quickly, bumping her head into the car’s door frame. She fell into my arms, her body pressing against mine. My heart skipped a beat.

“Omo! Minnie-ah! Gwenchana?!” I pulled her up so that she was facing me. She scrunched her nose in pain.

“Oppa…” She groaned as she swayed in my arms. Her hand instantly flew up to her head and started rubbing it. I frowned.

She didn’t hit her head too hard, did she? Aish, Minnie-ah, be less clumsy! I wouldn’t have to worry so much about you…

“Aigoo, let’s get you inside.” Her eyes widened as I slid an arm under her knees and around her waist. I grunted as lifted her up and carried her to her house, bridal style.

“Eek! Oppa! Put me down!” She squeaked as she began to hit my chest.

“Put you down? You just hit your head straight into my car’s door frame! There’s a big bump in your head! Aigoo, you’re hitting me. That’s not nice to your oppa, Minnie-ah~” She paused before looking away.

“So?! Just put me down, oppa!”

“Ani, you’re going to stay in my arms until I set you down.” I told her sternly. She looked at me with a pout before looking away once more. I felt my heart thumping loudly in my chest.

She’s so cute… and super clumsy! That girl can run into an elephant without even knowing!

I stopped in my tracks as a sharp pain shot through my head. I scrunched my eyebrows together in pain. The pain was so intense, Minnie slipped out of my grip.

“Oppa?!” She looked up at me with a worried expression. I tightened my grip on her.

“Ah, Gwenchana. Don’t worry about oppa. I’m okay.” I gave her a fake smile before stopping at the door. I set her down carefully, placing an arm tightly around her waist. She blushed.

“N-neh, Minnie. Let’s get inside shall we?” She nodded, looking away. She rummaged through her pockets to find her key. She grinned when she found them. She stuck the key into the hole and twisted it open.

“Come, let’s put you onto the couch.” I walked her over to her couch and laid her down carefully. I draped her body along the couch.

“Stay, oppa will be right back. Okay?” She nodded in response. I shrugged off my coat and spread it over her body as a blanket. She gave me a small smile. I squeezed her hand slightly before walking away and into the kitchen.


Your POV;

You inhaled the scent lingering on Baekhyun’s coat. You blushed as you pulled it closer to your chin.

He smells really good… but this scent… it smells familiar… wow. That wasn’t creepy at all…

You scrunched your nose as you pondered. Footsteps shuffled along the carpet and stopped when they reached you. Something cold plopped onto your head. You squealed as you tried to swat the object off of your head.

“Oppa!” You pouted.

“What? It’ll help with the swelling. Stop moving,” He frowned at you. He placed the ice pack onto your head. You winced at the coldness.


“Yes, swelling. You bumped your head onto my car. Don’t you remember?” He raised an eyebrow at you. He tried to squeeze himself onto the couch. You shifted to create some space for him. You in a breath of air as the pain waved throughout your body.

“Minnie-ah, gwenchana? Here, take this. It’ll help with the pain.” He placed the tiny pill onto your palm. You dropped the pill into your mouth. Baekhyun handed you a glass of water. You gave him a small smile before chugging it down, washing the pill down your parched throat.

“Gomawo, oppa.” You smiled once more.

His gaze worryingly found yours. His bangs were in his eyes. His mouth turned into a frown as his eyes filled with worry. You reached up to brush his bangs aside. He froze as your hand slid down and cupped his cheek. Your heart began to pound faster. Your hand traced jaw line.

“M-minnie?” He breathed.

You ignored him and continued to trace his jaw line and down his neck. He shivered from the touch. His breaths came out shallow as yours did the same. You closed your eyes and leaned closer.


Baekhyun’s POV;

Is she… going to kiss me?!

I hesitantly closed my eyes and leaned in. My heart was pounding fast in my chest; it pounded so fast, I thought it could pop out any moment. Seconds past and yet, I still didn’t feel her lips on mine.

Why hasn’t she kissed me yet? N-not that I want  her to… Agh, never mind…

My lips tugged into a frown. I opened my eyes before seeing Minnie falling onto my shoulder. My eyes widened as my arms instantly wrapped around her. The force from her falling into me caused me to fall back onto the couch. My heart continued to race as I looked at her sleeping. Her breaths were coming out even as her hands clenched onto my shirt. Her bangs were falling into her eyes. I tucked them behind her ear.

S-she fell asleep? Dang it, Baekhyun! It was from the pill you gave her earlier! I didn’t even know the side effects could have been drowsiness…

I let out a soft chuckle, not wanting to wake her. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It read 4:47 am. My eyes began to droop.

No… I can’t sleep now… I have to watch out for… Minnie… and those headaches... that could only mean... that she is back...

I let out a groan. I strained to open my eyes. I gave Minnie a soft smile before my eyes closed completely. I wrapped my arms around her tighter before blackness drifted me off to sleep.


A/N: My chapters are growing shorter and shorter.... D': Mianhaeyooooooooo~

HEHEHE. I am SUCH a troll :') Btw, please vote in the poll below! :) Hope to see you soon! Enjoy~<3


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Hey lovelies! It's been awhile, hasn't it ;; But guess what I'm finally back! Hooray! *confetti* Please do expect another update. Thanks for waiting! xoxo —AUS


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Chapter 27: update soon
Chapter 24: Please please update soon author-nim~ <3
Kpop2000April #3
Chapter 4: Indirect kiss and why do they call the passenger seat shot gun? *-*
Chapter 24: Ohhhhhh so that's what happened.
Thanks for updating
Chapter 24: Wow an update! :)
Chapter 23: Wow jieun is so mean.
I wonder what she's gonna say to both of them. :O
Hope you update soon ! ;DD
Chapter 22: New reader here~ :D
I like this fic a lot~
I'm so curious how did Min Chan lose her memory and what did she forget..? *o*
And I already hate Ji Eun.. xDDDDDD
Baekkie is cute and although Lulu seems cold and flirty I'm sure he has his reasons.. ._.
Keep up the good work and Fighting~
pleaseman #8
im so excited for the next chapter!! :D