Lotte World: White Team

An Unforgettable Summer


Your POV;

Walking into Lotte World’s Adventure amusement park, your eyes sparkled with joy. There were just so many rides and so little time. You glanced at your watch. It read 1 PM. You felt yourself pout slightly, your shoulders growing a bit heavier. “Can’t we go on all of them?” You muttered to yourself as you trudged behind everyone else.

“Min Chan-ssi,” Lay spoke, slowing down to walk with you when he saw that you were muttering and talking to yourself.

You glanced up and smiled, “Just call me Min Chan.” You watched your footsteps and synced it with his. “Min Chan,” He nodded, smiling as your name slipped from his lips. “What ride would you like to go on first?” You glanced around as you hummed. A smile crept onto your face as you found the first ride you wanted to go on. You stretched out your arm and pointed to the roller coaster.

“I want to go on that one!”



“Gege, do we have to go on this?” Tao whimpered, clutching onto Kris’ arm tightly. The older rolled his eyes, trying to pry Tao’s hands off of him. “Min Chan’s got the first choice.” Kris sighed, glancing at the roller coaster nervously. “Although I got to agree with you,” He muttered, “This ride looks deadly.”

“What?” You asked, a big grin plastered on your face. You felt yourself getting excited and jittery as you heard the people on the coaster scream for their lives. You turned around and giggled at the group of nervous boys. “I’ve always wanted to go on this ride,” You admitted, “It turns you 360 degrees! Upside down and right side up!”

A few of them gulped nervously, rubbing their necks. “Um, Min Chan…” D.O muttered his famous wide eyes (aka O__O) on his face. “Can we, um, not go on this ride?” He asked, looking at you with a frightful expression.

“But why not?” You pouted, glancing at the roller coaster once more. “It’s not that bad! Besides, we can go on the lunge ride and the balloon ride afterwards!”

“Not that bad? Look at that thing!” Tao cried as it swooshed by, completely ignoring everything else you said. “It looks like it could kill someone!”

“Eh,” Kai shrugged, flashing his famous smirk. “It’s not that bad.”

“See!” You pouted, “At least someone wants to go on it with me!”

“Someone insane would want to go on that,” Kris muttered quietly.

“Too bad Tao, D.O hyung, and Kris hyung are scared of the ride.” Kai snickered, grabbing a hold of your hand to pull you along. “Come on, noona!”

“Oh no you don’t,” Kris called, grabbing a hold of Kai’s collar. “You’re not going on that thing with Min Chan and Min Chan only.”

“Kris is right,” Lay nodded, grabbing a hold of your other hand and pulled you next to him. “Don’t even try, Kai.” Kai simply pouted, letting go of his grasp on you.

“Don’t you even try that,” D.O rolled his eyes. “Why couldn’t I be in a group with Suho?” He groaned, rubbing his temples.

“Oh shut up,” You frowned, grabbing a hold of their collars. “It’s our turn!” You grinned and pulled them onto the ride with you. You sat them down- Lay and Tao next to you while D.O, Kris, and Kai sat in front of you.

“Aw man,” Kai whined, crossing his arms with a huff. “I just had to be stuck with D.O hyung and Kris hyung.”

“What is that supposed to mean, Kim Jongin?” Kris glared, his eyebrows furrowing with anger- just like the red Angry Bird. The roller coaster suddenly lurched forward, causing D.O to gasp in surprise. You began to giggle, squealing as the ride went faster, causing the boys to scream. The coaster zoomed closer and closer to the circle. The boys’ eyes widened as their minds could only think of one thing to say.




“Oh my god,” Tao croaked, his legs trembling. After a long torturous time on the roller coaster, the 6 of you managed to survive the lurching, crazy ride without throwing up. Tao held onto Kris’ arm tightly, causing the latter to scoff and roll his eyes. “It wasn’t that bad,” Kris muttered.

“Oh really? You teased, a sly grin appearing on your face. “If I recall correctly, you were the one that was screaming the whole time.” Kris glared at you, his cheeks burning red. Everyone burst into laughter, except Kris. You high fived the boys, grinning cheekily. “Y-Yah!” Kris hissed, fuming with anger.

Ignoring what Kris said, you glanced over at Kai as the both of you exchanged knowing glances.

“This one next!” You and Kai grinned, pulling the other along with you.



After the flume ride, and a few other safer rides, the sun was setting. The whole day, you and Kai dragged the group around and onto rides, mainly the roller coasters. Tao had enough and used his aegyo against you, causing you to give in to the adorable maknae.

Glowing with vibrant colors, the pretty sunset made you smile. “What time is it?” You asked Kris, rubbing your eyes. He glanced at his watch and replied, “Almost 6, why?”

“We should tell the others and meet up to eat at Jeonju Bibimbab for dinner so Lay and D.O don’t have to worry about cooking.” You suggested. In the nick of time, your stomach growled, causing the bots to laugh. “S-Shut up,” You muttered, flushing red. Another stomach growled and then another and another. It was just a matter of time before all of your stomachs growled.

“I’m not the only one,” You stuck out your tongue at them.

“Well,” Kris chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “We should hurry and tell them. It doesn’t sound like we could wait long enough.”

“I’ll text Nar,” You told them, taking out your phone.

[sent 5:57pm] Hey Nar! Round up the boys and hurry over to Jeonju Bibimbab! We’re eating dinner there.
Nara [sent 6:05pm] Okie dokie, Min! We’ll be there in 10!
[sent 6:07pm] And hurry. We’re hungry!
Nara [sent 6:11pm] Arraso, UMMA! Just go get us seats first!

“She said to get seats first,” You told the boys.

“Great! I’m starving!” Tao puffed out his cheeks and exhaled, deflating them. He grabbed a hold of your hand. “Let’s go!”

Without waiting for your reply, Tao then swiftly took off to Jeonju Bibimbab with you following along. You glanced back and noticed the boys chasing after the hungry maknae.


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Hey lovelies! It's been awhile, hasn't it ;; But guess what I'm finally back! Hooray! *confetti* Please do expect another update. Thanks for waiting! xoxo —AUS


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Chapter 27: update soon
Chapter 24: Please please update soon author-nim~ <3
Kpop2000April #3
Chapter 4: Indirect kiss and why do they call the passenger seat shot gun? *-*
Chapter 24: Ohhhhhh so that's what happened.
Thanks for updating
Chapter 24: Wow an update! :)
Chapter 23: Wow jieun is so mean.
I wonder what she's gonna say to both of them. :O
Hope you update soon ! ;DD
Chapter 22: New reader here~ :D
I like this fic a lot~
I'm so curious how did Min Chan lose her memory and what did she forget..? *o*
And I already hate Ji Eun.. xDDDDDD
Baekkie is cute and although Lulu seems cold and flirty I'm sure he has his reasons.. ._.
Keep up the good work and Fighting~
pleaseman #8
im so excited for the next chapter!! :D