Cafe Coffee

An Unforgettable Summer


Your POV;

You stepped out of your car and locked it. You had just stopped by at Café Coffee for a nice, cold iced white chocolate mocha. It was burning hot outside today and a cold drink sounded nice. You raised your hand so that it shielded your face from the sun and looked up into the sky.

Today’s such a beautiful day. The sun’s shining and there are no clouds in sight. I love days like these. Too bad it feels like an oven outside today.

You pulled open the doors to the café and stood in the line. You pulled your phone out of your bag and checked your messages.


From: Boss unnie

Yah! Don’t forget that you have to shoot a photo-shoot at 10:30 am~ Don’t be late!


You sighed as you locked your phone. You checked the time on your watch.

Ah, it’s only 9:45. The photo-shoot at 10:30 am… probably going to end at around noon. Eat lunch, meet up with unnie at 1:25 pm, another photo-shoot at 3, and get home at around 5. Aish, after that I have to sort out all of my photos of the day and send them to unnie. So much to do~

“May I take your order, ma’am?” The barista asked.

“Uh yeah, can I have an iced white chocolate mocha?”

“Of course, that’ll be $3.45 for your total.”

You pulled out your wallet and grabbed a 5. You handed it to the barista.

“$1.55 is your change,” she placed the change in your hand. “Have a nice day!”

“Thanks,” you muttered as you walked over to the pick-up area.

You pulled out your phone again, checking for any new messages. A little envelope popped up on your screen. You pressed the envelope, revealing another text from your boss.


From: Boss unnie

Yah! Lee Min Chan! Don’t forget to pick up the developed pictures before you meet up with me today! Arraso?


You texted your boss back your reply and pressed send.


To: Boss unnie

Arraso, unnie~ Don’t worry about it~ I’ll have it to you by then.


“I have an iced white chocolate mocha~” The same barista yelled.

You walked forward and grabbed your coffee. As you spun around, you bumped into someone. Your coffee flew out of your hands and burst open, splattering the cold liquid all over your clothes and the person’s.

“Omo! Mianhaeyo! Gwenchanayo?” You gasped, reaching for napkins.

You handed the man some napkins. You began to blot your shirt, trying to get as much coffee out of it as possible. You checked your camera’s bag to see if any coffee had seeped in.

Oh thank goodness. At least the camera’s in one piece and is still working.

“Ah, neh. Gwenchana.” He smiled as he took the napkins.

He began to dab at the stain on his white shirt. A worker came out with a mop and mopped up the mess on the floor. You managed to get out most of the coffee, but the stain was noticeable.

“Aish, what am I going to do?!” You muttered under your breath.

You threw away the soaked napkins. You looked at the man. He was wearing a white V-neck with blue jeans. He had a beanie on, even though it was scorching hot out. He had hazel eyes that matched his light brown hair perfectly. His skin was wasn’t pale, but sun kissed slightly.

Oh my goodness. This guy is so hot. Omg. He’s like, perfect. Oh. My. Gosh. THE perfect boy material.

“Omo! I’m so sorry!” You gasped.

Your coffee had totally ruined his shirt, leaving it a light brown color.

“Aigoo~ It’s okay,” He smiled.

“Aniyo! I have a spare change of clothes that you can borrow. Come on, it’s in my car.”

You led him out to your car and opened the trunk. You pulled out a bag filled with clothes.

“May I ask what size is your t-shirt that you’re wearing?”

“It’s a medium~”

You dug through the clothes, trying to find something that would fit him perfectly. You pulled out a light blue t-shirt and handed it to him.

“Oh no, you don’t have to do this for me. I’m just a pure stranger!” He shook his head and pushed it back towards you.

“Aniyo~ I want to do this, just take it!”

“Aigoo~ Fine. Gomawoyo~” He bowed.

He took the shirt and headed back inside. Before he entered, he turned back and faced you with a smile.

Oh gosh. Oh my gosh. That smile’s perfect. He looks so angelic when he smiles.

“Say, I never got your name.”

“Lee Min Chan.”

“Byun Baekhyun. Nice to meet you~” He smiled once more.

Byun Baekhyun… you are an angel.

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Hey lovelies! It's been awhile, hasn't it ;; But guess what I'm finally back! Hooray! *confetti* Please do expect another update. Thanks for waiting! xoxo —AUS


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Chapter 27: update soon
Chapter 24: Please please update soon author-nim~ <3
Kpop2000April #3
Chapter 4: Indirect kiss and why do they call the passenger seat shot gun? *-*
Chapter 24: Ohhhhhh so that's what happened.
Thanks for updating
Chapter 24: Wow an update! :)
Chapter 23: Wow jieun is so mean.
I wonder what she's gonna say to both of them. :O
Hope you update soon ! ;DD
Chapter 22: New reader here~ :D
I like this fic a lot~
I'm so curious how did Min Chan lose her memory and what did she forget..? *o*
And I already hate Ji Eun.. xDDDDDD
Baekkie is cute and although Lulu seems cold and flirty I'm sure he has his reasons.. ._.
Keep up the good work and Fighting~
pleaseman #8
im so excited for the next chapter!! :D