Chapter 23

Friendship or Relationship?


 [Myungsoo’s POV]

*She left me alone to find Chunji hyung? Yah! That pabo. Can’t she see that I am jealous? Aish jinja!*

“Hyung! Why are you alone? Where is _____?” Sungjing asked me as he walked towards me while handing me a bottle of bottle.

“Molla.” You answered him with no feelings as you were really upset.

“Hyung? Are you okay? Why do you look so down? Smile~” Sungjong asked as he forced you to smile but instad, you just shook your head and walked off towards the cafeteria.

While walking, you didn’t realize that Sungjong had ran off to find the other Infinite members about the change of your mood and soon after, the rest 6 of them decided to quietly follow you from the back.

“Hyung! How about you go to Myungsoo and ask him what happen! He isn’t usually like this. Aish. Where is that ____? I have a feeling it is because of her.” Sungyeol told Sunggyu as he felt that you will definitely share to Sunggyu your problems as Sunggyu has the eldest brother figure to all of you.

Without saying anything, Sunggyu then walked towards you. But as you had a lot in your mind, you didn’t realize he was standing beside you until he decided to pinch your right arm.

“Yah hyung! What was that for?! Aish! Its so painful!” you said as you checked whether there was any red marks on the area that Sunggyu had pinched you.

“Yah Kim Myungsoo! What happened to you? Why do you look so distracted?” Sunggyu asked you but you just shook your head.

“Come on follow me. We can have a heart to heart talk. You know I am always here for you. So come on. We’ll talk like real namjas” Sunggyu said as he dragged you towards the cafeteria. You didn’t fight back as you felt that maybe telling Sunggyu about your inner feelings would be a load off your chest.

As both of you walked quietly to the cafeteria, you saw that ______ was sitting down with CAP, Chunji ad L.Joe. You stopped walking and Sunggyu turned to face you.

“Yah! Why did you stop?” Sunggyu asked with confusion in eyes

“Ani. Hyung, I need to go to the toilet. I’ll see you later. Annyeong!” you said while forcing a smile as you ran back to where you were before Sunggyu dragged you and stayed in the toilet leaving the confused Sunggyu alone.

*Why do I feel so jealous seeing ____ with them? They are just friends right? I’ve known CAP, Chunji and L.Joe for too long to be jealous. Aish! Kim Myungsoo! Stop this childish act of yours!* you thought as you splashed water at your face. 

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hi comments and subscribes are invited as they give me more encouragement to write more ^^v kamsahamnida,.


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Chapter 32: fried tofu baby here hahaha ^^
hojyasynamelia #2
Chapter 32: Who's not a baby?!
Inspirit93 #3
Chapter 29: Update when you can ^^
IamMyungienie16 #4
Chapter 28: Great chapter :">>
I Hope in the future.... This story would be featured :)
Update soon!
Chapter 28: awww great chapter MyungSoo is so cute hehe he doesn't want to be called the same as his hyungs aww^-^
thank you for your uploading and please update soon
hojyasynamelia #6
Chapter 28: Updates please:)))
Inspirit93 #7
Chapter 28: Update soon~! ^^
IamMyungienie16 #8
Waaah! nice story :)
IamMyungienie16 #9
Waaah! nice story :)