Getting to know F4

Boys over Flowers

The next morning Chunhwa had decided to be Sungmin's chauffeur, he didn't want his son to feel embarrassed about being the only kid not having one and he would rather drop his son off for his first day of school rather than have him ride his bike. But Sungmin didn't care if his father dropped him off or not, but he just let Chunhwa get what he wants considering Sungmin has troubles saying no to his father's enthusiastic attitude. Chunhwa had even dressed for the part too, he was really excited about his new position as chauffeur for his son as well cause he would get to see inside the famous SM Academic School for the first time in his life. So Chunhwa modelled himself on what Kangin was wearing last night, though for some strange reason even unknown to Sungmin, Chunhwa had decided to out on a pair of aviator sunglasses with his outfit as well.

As the time tick tocked by Sungmin was pushed into the family's Dry Cleaning shops van and quickly driven to SM High, since Chunhwa couldn't suppress his excitement. When they stopped at the drop off point where all the other students were being dropped off, Chunhwa's brain lit up like a light bulb.

"Wait Sungmin!" Chunhwa whispered as he rushed out of the van. Sungmin took off his seatbelt slowly and watched his father with strange curiosity.

Chunhwa rushed to Sungmin's side of the van and opened the door. Sungmin realising what his father was doing sighed at him and slowly removed himself from the front seat onto the campus street. Chunhwa stood at the side of Sungmin and tried to look as believable as he could as a chauffeur or bodyguard, so Sungmin decided to play along with his father routine begrudgingly.

"Lee Sungmin fighting!" Chunhwa whispered and acted out the the fighting action. Sungmin gave his father a smile and played the fighting action for him as well just to keep his father in a good mood.

"Get going now." Chunhwa whispered as he slammed the door to the van. Unfortunately Chunhwa had activated the siren by slamming the door. The van started screaming out.

'Dry Cleaning is here, Dry Cleaning." and it repeated over and over again. Students stopped and laughed at Chunhwa who was trying to muffle the noise of the siren with his back. Sungmin just turned around and left his father with the problem seeming as he caused it, he sighed and shook his head and headed towards SM High School.




A helicopter was circling around the entire SM Academic School's campus. it landed in the vacant sports oval, a single man had emerged from the helicopter. He was wearing the SM High school uniform. His posture was straight and tall, he what looked like a somewhat lanky body though he was firm and muscular in his legs and arms. His hair had an odd curl to it, that if if it was styled it wouldn't lie flat on his head. He had cold onyx eyes, they just looked so unusual and he had full pink lips that had a smirk plastered on them.




Sungmin decided it was safer to follow other students then walk around the campus by himself, though he did feel like such a tourist the way he clutched the school's map in his hand and constantly looking at to make sure he was going the right way and wasn't being lead astray. Though what really made him feel out of place already was listening to the students talk about their new expensive belongings that their parents bought for them.


"There are only two shirts in the nation, one is here and do you know who else got the other one?" A boy was talking to what Sungmin assumed was the boy's friend.


"Who?" He asked really enthralled in a topic that Sungmin thought was boring and uninteresting.


"Cho Kyuhyun." The boy said smugly.


"That's crazy." The other boy said to him.


"Don't you think I pull it off better?" The boy said with a smug expression written all over his face.


"Lend it to me." The other boy said in excitement. Sungmin still couldn't believe that the person was so smug about what kind of clothes he was wearing and that the other boy was so fascinated by it and who the hell was this Cho Kyuhyun? He's not famous so why is he so important? Sungmin just shook his head in disgust.


He continued looking at his map opting for being by himself that have to listen to another person talk about something expensive again. Feeling a little lost Sungmin began pointing in different directions as he looked at the map hoping that the path would just jump out at him.

"Where is it?" Sungmin muttered to himself over and over until he felt the words had lost all meaning. He looked at the map again and believe or not he found where he was standing, he got so excited he did a little cheer for himself and followed the small path that was shrouded in trees.  He couldn't choose whether to look at the map for safety reason on not loosing his way, or looking at the beautiful trees that were surrounding and creating a glow as the sun hit the red, yellow and green leaves. All of sudden Sungmin started to hear something, it was soft at first but as he walked further along the path the noise became louder. It was music.

Whatever was being played sounded so sad and beautiful at the same time that Sungmin felt a little sad as the noise got louder as he went on. Though he figured that there had to be someone playing the music and the person could help him get where he needed to be. Sungmin started thinking why would someone play such a sad piece of music? and all they out here as well?

Sungmin found the source of music, it was a boy with soft a dusty browny coloured hair, he was wearing a uniform but to Sungmin's amazement it was completely white. Sungmin gazed at the beautiful violin that was in the boys hands, his long fingers dancing gracefully over it creating the most amazingly beautiful song he had ever heard. The boys cheeks were very full and were probably the most prominent feature on the boy. Sungmin really wanted to pinch them, but knew better than to do that to a complete stranger. The boy was so focused in the music he didn;t even notice that Sungmin was standing there in front of him staring at him. Sungmin could feel himself starting to smile at the beautiful sound of the violin.

The boy suddenly stopped playing and opened his eyes quickly and snapped them over at Sungmin with curiosity. Sungmin became startled and nervous so the best he could do was smile and laugh, though he was mostly laughing at himself for being caught staring at someone for so long.

"Uh...Where is the Dojo?" Sungmin asked still nervous. The boy pointed with his violin bow the direction of the dojo.

"Ah over there!" Sungmin pointed at the direction  the boy pointed to and laughed nervously.

"Thankyou. Excuse me, please continue you with what you were doing." he bowed and turned around heading in the direction that the boy had pointed to.

"Bye." Sungmin yelled back to the boy. Sungmin smiled to himself, feeling giddy after meeting the boy.

The boy just stared back at Sungmin and started playing the same melody on his violin.




Sungmin walked into a large main entrance after checking the dojo out. He was happy to find that the dojo was everything he expected and more. He decided since it was close enough to start his lessons he would started to head over to class and check out the room. As he ascended the stairs a group of girls started screaming. Sungmin jumped a little not expecting the assault on his ears.

"It's the F4!" Groups of people came rushing down the stairs forcing Sungmin down them as well. The whole entrance was filled with people, though Sungmin had to think they were smart for leaving a gap from the door to the staircase rather than crowding the entrance.

Sungmin looked at the entrance curiously just to see what all the fuss was about. In walked four boys.

The leader was tall, somewhat lanky but firm in his arms and legs. His hair was unruly and curly, and it seemed to actually suit his facial structure but Sungmin thought for a minute could his hair be a little straighter, it might look better than what it looks like now. His eyes were the most unusual onyx colour Sungmin saw next, it made him feel cold as he looked at them. The most pleasing thing though Sungmin thought was this boys lips, the were a soft pink colour and they were full and kissable. Sungmin stopped in his thoughts for a moment did he really think a boy's lips were kissable, he shook the thought out of his head as he examined the guys creamy honey complexion. Sungmin choose to look at the boy right behind the leader next.

The other boy was long and muscular and Sungmin declared him to have a dancers body. His hair was a messy brown that was style like he had just gotten out of bed, or maybe he had just gotten out of bed Sungmin reasoned. Sungmin leaves his hair alone when his just gotten out of bed, he like the messy style. The boys eyes were a warm brown as well, but it was his smile that was on his face that made the boy Sungmin though. The smile was cheeky, adorable, cute all the things that looked like i just got into trouble but i know i can get out it if i smile at you like this. But what intrigued Sungmin even more was this guys eyes sparkled and shine when he smiled, creating the effect that his eyes were smiling as well.

The boy that walked behind the dancer was beautiful. Sungmin again to stop thinking like this they were guys! But the boy had a mass of messy black sorta crimped hair that shaped his face perfectly, but when the boy walked in the light he could see a mahogany tinge to it that you wouldn't notice unless he was under light or in the sun. He had a very full smile as well though Sungmin believed it was not his real smile it looked put on, like he was only trying to please the mass of people around him. His eyes were dark as well, though not as dark as the leaders. This guy had warmth to his while he smiled. He was also built long though he was shorter than the other two. He had firm legs and arms as well, but when Sungmin saw the guys hands, he noticed how small they were. They were incredibly small for the height this guy was.

The last guy Sungmin noticed was the guy Sungmin saw on the path playing the violin. Though this boy wasn't smiling like the others, or even trying to attempt too. His face just look emotionless. It looked as though nothing could make him smile, and it really displeased Sungmin that he wasn't smiling.

The boys stopped in the middle of the horde of people gathered around them. Sungmin noticed that the leader was looking at a boy. Something must of caught his eyes. Sungmin squinted to see who the boy was that being stared at rather coldly. Then Sungmin remembered it was the guy who was really smug about his shirt. The leader of the F4 slowly moved towards the boy. Sungmin could see the boy was trembling badly. The leader continued to gaze coldly at the boy, watching him shake in fear.


"Is there a problem?" The boy asked in a trembling voice.


"I'll give you 3 seconds." The leader said coldly to the squirming boy in front of him.


"Huh? What?" The boy said looking up into the leaders hard black eyes.


"Three..."The leader began


"One..." The boy looked like he was about to cry at any point. Sungmin was so confused with the leaders behaviour. It reminded him of a car playing with a mouse before killing it and eating. The leader grabbed a hold of the boys collar  and pulled him closer to him. The boy winced fearing something to impact his body and cause him pain. Sungmin watched intently as the scene in front of him, he didn't think it was possible for the boy to shake and harder than he was before, but he was proven wrong as the leader continued staring at his face with no emotion.

"Donghae, any of that juice left?" The leader asked never taking his eyes of the boy squirming beneath him.


"Yeah. Want me to give it to you?" Donghae replied. Sungmin took in that Donghae was the one with what he called the dancers body and the smiling eyes.

Donghae stretched out his hand and gave the leader the juice he had left. The leader removed his hand from the boys collar and slowly slid the uniform jacket to the side a bit leaving a white, pristine shirt underneath. Sungmin opened his mouth in disgust as he knew what was about to happen was going to happen to this poor boy. He watched as the leader pored the entire contents of the juice bottle onto the boys shirt, it cause a huge dark orange stain to appear on the shirt. Sungmin felt as though he had just watched one of those dramas his mother loved so much. The leader handed the now empty bottle to the trembling boy and walked away leaving the boy crying and being carried away by his friends.

All the people started shuffling away now heading off into different directions, most likely for other classes. Sungmin was left in the hall feeling furious and confused, on why what had just happened, happened?

"What a crazy bastard!" Sungmin yelled to himself, unfortunately he was overheard by three girls heading towards the staircase.

"Are all these people on mute or something?" Sungmin said to himself, still unaware of the three girls behind him.

"Why are they just standing there and not doing anything?" He muttered to himself.


"Oh...My...God." I can't believe what I'm hearing." Sungmin jumped and turned around slowly in surprise. He faced three girls all very attractive. He looked them up and down, still not registering he was caught talking to himself.


"Who are you guys?" Sungmin said looking at the three girls rather oddly.


"Us?" Said from what Sungmin gathered was the leader of their little group. she scoffed at him and rolled her eyes when he was still waiting for her to tell him who they were.

"Oh, we haven't introduced ourselves yet. we are." She continued.

"Jessica." The leader said. Sungmin took in her appearance she had a blonde browny hair colour that was out in a wavy style, big eyes and pouty lips.


"Sooyoung." Said the girl on her left. she was brunette and had her hair pulled back in pigtails. Sungmin registered in that she was pretty as well.


"Taeyeon." Said the girl on Jessica's right, her hair was pulled to the side and was laying over shoulder in a ponytail like fashion. Sungmin gathered if he got her alone she would be the nicest of the three for some reason.


"You can call us the beauties of SM High." Jessica stated smugly. Ahh how Sungmin longed for the days when women didn't wear to much make up and perfume.

"Thats' that. Now you scholarship student what did you say about our F4 crazy beeping something?" Jessica asked.


"F...F What?" Sungmin said still annoyed and confused at the girls.

"So the people who publicly humiliated that kid, was the infamous F4?" He said as realisation hit him square on the head again.


"Infamous? More like Famous!" Sooyoung shouted in Sungmin's face.

"If you don't watch your big mouth, you're gonna be in big trouble." Sooyoung continued her rant with annoyance clearly in her tone.

"You guys own a Laundromat." Sooyoung said brushing away invisible dirt off Sungmin's jacket.


"Not a Laundromat, dry cleaning." Sungmin stated pushing Sooyoung's hand of his jacket. Taeyeon and Jessica laughed at Sungmin, for whatever reason Sungmin didn't know or care.

"What about it?" He said in tone of disgust.


"It's my first time looking at a dry cleaners son. It's so fascinating." Taeyeon said moving into inspect Sungmin face. Sungmin smirked at the girls.


"Look all you want, I won't charge you." He continued smirking. feeling satisfied that he had gotten some rise out of their shocked expressions.


"Since it's your first day here, and you are clueless commoner boy, we'll let it slide." Jessica said to Sungmin.


"What?" Sungmin now asked confused again.


"Speaking ill of our F4 princes!" Sooyoung yelled at Sungmin again.


"What can't i do that?" Sungmin said feeling as though anything he said could get him in trouble with these girls.

"I mean what's so great about them?" He questioned.


"Wow, transfer student, do you really have no idea how great the F4 are?" Jessica asked rolling her eyes.


"No, I don't." Sungmin stated. The girls rolled their eyes at him again and started waving their fingers and tsking him in a condescending manner.


"Guys lets go." Jessica said snapping her fingers and twirling around in th other direction as Sooyoung and Taeyeon followed closely behind her heels.




When Sungmin got home after his first long arduous day of school, he sat down with Sungjin in his room at the laptop as Sungjin typed in Lee Donghwa into a search engine.

"Lee Donghwa, a blue chip in the construction business, he is the CEO to Il Shin Construction. There is even a rumour that half of Jeju Island is the company's, That is this company is a huge construction conglomerate. There is also 50 years of history of gangs and the family of the Il shin gangs? They still have a hold of a fair amount of luxury night clubs and have control over the real estate values. Though with the death of Lee Donghwa, his father has taken control over the company again until Lee Donghwa's son, Lee Donghae has finished his studies and is ready to take over the company." Sungjin read from the laptop. Sungjin quickly typed in Im Bokyung into the search engine.

"Im Bokyung, she was the youngest artist to debut at the Biennale and is a gifted ceramist that appeared like a shooting star. UNESCO selected her as the best young artist. Her son Kim Jongwoon  has also inherited her talent of art, and is now staring to showcase his works, it is also said that he has a beautiful voice but it is rarely ever heard as he says:"

"'I am an artist not a singer.'" Sungjin finished the paragraph


"Well at least there is one member who actually does something." Sungmin laughed, as he thought about the guy whose smile didn't seem as real as it could be.


"Don't think all geniuses are poor Sungmin." Sungjin scolded at his older brothers narrow mindedness

National treasures that appear in our text books, and the country's biggest art museum belongs to Kim Jongwoon's grandfather.


"That's their family's? How much is all that?" Sungmin asked in astonishment.


"Don't try to know to much Sungmin, you're going to hurt your head. Sungjin laughed as he typed in another to fast for Sungmin to read, he landed on pictures of a doting family, a loving grandfather and a small child.


"This is the old, old President's photos." Sungmin stared at Sungjin.


"Do you see that kid sitting beside him?" Sungjin asked looking at Sungmin.

"That's the F4's Lau Henli." Sungjin said looking back to screen trying to pronounce the name 'Henry' correctly. Sungmin leaned closer into the computer as he read the top article headline.

'President Lau's son's family was involved in a fatal car accident. Only survivor is the 5 year old grandson.


"So, Lau Henli is President Lau's grandson?" Sungmin asked, as he remembered that it was the boy on the path playing the violin.


"Do you know where SU AM Art Centre where Jang Yoon Joo played? They own the Su Am Cultural Foundation, a European Football team and a Major League team. I am the most jealous of this guy in the entire world." Sungjin sighed as he stared at Henry's picture on the computer. Sungjin shook himself out of his jealous slump and typed in another name to fast for Sungmin to read.

"You already know who this is right? If you are a Korean citizen or even 3 years old they should all know the successor of the SM Corporation. Cho Kyuhyun, the F4's leader. Sungjin finished and walked away leaving Sungmin to stare at a picture of Cho Kyuhyun on the laptop.





The leader of The F4...Eh even when i write hm this way I still love him >.<

Out cheeky smiler. I don't know how I'm going to do it but there will be some epic EUNHAE stuff in this.


Awww why does he have to go and look all y like that!!! I'm suppose to have the innocent mind!!!

Oh well I'm fraked >.< Though I am going to have alot of fun writing Yesung and Ryeowooks love story!!!




I don't know how people feel about Henry being in the F4 I'm hoping people will take it well.

Cause when I was thinking for the character I couldn't help but to think of him ^__^




I Hope people don't mind me having them as bad guys cause i love girls gen girls and wanted to put them in....Sunny Wwill be coming soon too>.<



Too Lovely Taeyeon I think I might have you change your character slightly


Personally I think I made her a little to catty, but that was the character I chose for her



Hopefully I can update tomorrow night too guys, unfortuantly i have work....I  hate my job so much, but i will be trying hard to get on tomorrow night to update for you guys o(^_^)o  Cause I'm so frickin excited about the next chapter!!!!! And hopefully you guys are too!!

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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-