Sungmin's afternoon and Henry's fun

Boys over Flowers



Sungmin watched as Ryeowook and Jongwoon walked away together, arguing in loud voices that echoed through the entire hotel. He wouldn’t be surprised if the two would be kicked out eventually for their loud behaviour. Kyuhyun grabbed a hold of Sungmin’s hand and watched as well, hoping that the two would eventually get along rather than argue about something stupid. Henry smiled down at Sungmin who looked up just in time to see the soft sweet smile on Henry’s face. Sungmin could feel the warmth from Henry’s smile invade him like a disease, he could help but smile back at him, the warmth was too infectious.

Hyukjae watched the interaction between the two. it was so sweet and innocent, but there was something more underlining the way that they were looking at each other. Something that he couldn’t comprehend like they both knew what the other was thinking and could communicate it through their soft smiles. Donghae looked at Hyukjae anxious face and looked in the direction where he was staring at, since he was just looking at Henry and Sungmin smiling he just shrugged his shoulders and kissed Hyukjae’s cheek to attempt to brush the worry off Hyukjae’s face.

Hyukjae just turned to Donghae and smiled at the confused little smile on Donghae’s cute face, any little expression on Donghae’s face could cheer up and wipe the worry out of Hyukjae’s mind. Those brown eyes furrowed in confusion always made a little chuckle emit from Hyukjae.


“Come on guys! Lets go check out our new rooms!” Sungmin shouted as he waved over Donghae and Hyukjae.


Sungmin spun around and raced up the hall with a very eager Kyuhyun and Henry, while Donghae and Hyukjae strolled behind happily watching the three act childish. Sungmin bounced up and down as Kyuhyun pulled the key out of his pocket and Henry walked to the room next door. Kyuhyun opened the door slowly, revealing the splendour that was inside. It was a large, beige, soft purple room with matching large comfy couches that looked as though you could just sink into them. Sungmin ran into bedroom and awed at the splendour of the large king size bed planted into the middle of the room. It thick quilt spilling over the edge of the bed, the millions of pillows stack high, the little bar in the corner that Sungmin told himself he wouldn’t touch. Though then again if it was a really stressful day maybe one couldn’t hurt...right? Kyuhyun watched Sungmin’s child like delight as he ran around from room to room, when he reached the bathroom there was a god ear piercing scream. Kyuhyun ran to the bathroom and saw Sungmin squealing at the size of the bath that had floating pink soft rose petals coating the top of the half full tub. Sungmin quickly shed all his clothes, not even caring about the boy standing in awe behind him and jumped into the huge tub and started running more hot water into the tub. Sungmin looked across the tub and found a small bottle bubble bath and squeezed a huge amount into it. Kyuhyun smiled as Sungmin started blowing around the bubbles that accumulated into the bath tub, smiling happily as he looked over at Kyuhyun and started blowing the bubbles into his direction, making Kyuhyun chuckle at his childish behaviour.


“Want to come in?” Sungmin asked as Kyuhyun’s eyes became wide as saucepans.


“Really?” Kyuhyun asked as Sungmin nodded shyly and kept blowing bubbles.


“Yeah, it’s not like you haven’t seen most of me anyway, and if you hadn’t you probably got an eyeful then.” Sungmin shrugged as he continued to happily play with the bubbles as Kyuhyun cautiously began to remove his clothes.


Kyuhyun looked over at Sungmin who, so like him was paying him no attention at all while he was undressing, the boy was just contently playing with the bubbles and flower petals, as they stuck to his skin with each movement he made in the water. His white arms were splotched in soft pink and red petals, his hair was smothered in the white foam of the bubbles, he just looked so happy to be in a bathtub.


“You’re easily amused.” Kyuhyun chuckled as he ed his pants.


“I have never been in a bathtub this big, well without it being a public bath house that mum works at.” Sungmin explained as he finally looked over at Kyuhyun and blushed heavily as he noticed that he had shimmed out of his pants.


“Really?” Kyuhyun asked in surprise as Sungmin nodded and turned his head to face the bubbles again and resume his contentment.


Kyuhyun finally pulled the last piece of clothing away from him and gently placed his foot into the really warm water. Sungmin smiled happily over at Kyuhyun who lowered himself in the water, raising the height of the water in the tub till it sloshed over the edge slightly. Sungmin quickly turned off the taps behind him and leaned lower into the water, feeling it gently roll over his shoulders. Kyuhyun leaned over and grabbed a soap bar and began to move it over his skin, coating it in a thin layer of bubbles and the white creamy substance of the soap.

Sungmin smiled happily over at Kyuhyun and blushed slightly as he remembered that the taller man was completely up the layer of water and bubbles. Sungmin blushed as he cautiously moved closer to Kyuhyun, which did not go unnoticed. Kyuhyun extended his arms in the water and grabbed Sungmin by the arm and pulled him even closer to him. He could feel the heat and blush resonate from the smaller boy. Sungmin struggled slightly in Kyuhyun’s hold, feeling an uncomfortable tingling in the pit of his stomach as Kyuhyun smirked at him.


“Sungmin, what do you want to do for you first day in Tokyo.” Kyuhyun whispered as he pulled him into his arms and wrapped them around him.


Sungmin shivered slightly in the hold, feeling the soft muscle of Kyuhyun’s chest pressing against him, the strong strength of his legs wrapping around him, keeping him secure against him. Sungmin thought about what he wanted to do and then smiled happily as he began to think of the possible delicacies and delicious foods he can eat while he was here.


“Eat.” Sungmin said as he tried his best to ignore the tingling still.


“What do you wangt to eat?” Kyuhyun whispered against Sungmin’s ear, feeling him shiver in his hold again.


“Ummm. Some noodle dishes i guess.” Sungmin spoke in deep breaths, as
Kyuhyun’s hands traced the soft smooth skin.


“There has to be something else?” Kyuhyun said as his hands moved to Sungmin’s legs, feeling the tight sinewy muscles taunt underneath his touch.


Sungmin gasped as he felt his legs being pulled around Kyuhyun’s body. Sungmin wrapped his arms around Kyuhyun’s neck, and shyly buried his face into the nook of Kyuhyun’s neck as he felt hands slowly move up his thighs, grazing his hips.


“I don’t know..” Sungmin hitched as he gently traced his lips against the crook of Kyuhyun’s neck, giving into the sensation of Kyuhyun’s hands travelling against him in the water.


Kyuhyun smirked as he felt the gentle lips on his neck, to soft nips when Sungmin felt more daring. Kyuhyun nuzzled against the feeling of Sungmin’s lips against his neck and sighed happily. Kyuhyun moved his hand up Sungmin’s body and his thumb softly grazing against the dusky pert , causing Sungmin to hitch in his breath and the water around his body to slosh at the jolt he felt.

Kyuhyun pulled himself away from Sungmin just to look at him. Sungmin’s face was coated in bright hot pink, his cheeks dusted with the blush. His deep chocolate brown eyes were glazed over and darting, they were darting around everywhere to avoid the deep look in Kyuhyun’s eyes. Sungmin whined when he felt a hand on his chin, holding him to face the person holding him. Kyuhyun’s eyes seemed more deep than ever, like he was trying to guess what was going through Sungmin’s mind.

Kyuhyun gently brought his lips to Sungmin, enclosing the boy around him, his hands dancing along his chest, his thumb running over the small nub, eliciting hiss a whines from Sungmin. Kyuhyun pushed forward and the water moved around them, his teeth nibbling along the smooth plump flesh of Sungmin’s bottom lip. Sungmin could feel Kyuhyun length poking him in the stomach, his heart was racing, his mind running, the feeling of his stomach toiling in a spur of tingling sensations.

A muffled moan was echoed through the bathroom, and Kyuhyun and Sungmin pulled apart and looked around the room. They were breathing heavy, and sure one of them didn’t make the noise otherwise they would have felt the vibrations from the other lips. They both waited for a moment when they heard the muffled noise again. Kyuhyun quickly moved out of the tub and looked around the room while reaching for his towel.

Sungmin quickly gathered himself up from the tub, feeling the intimacy of the moment lost, from the curiosity of the muffled moans.  Sungmin quickly grabbed the towel on the rack and put it around his waist. Kyuhyun walked into the bedroom and placed his ear against the wall, while Sungmin followed and copies the same thing, listening for anything more that could be heard.


“Whose room is that?” Sungmin whispered with his ear pushed hard against the wall, straining to hear the soft muffled moans.


“I forget...” Kyuhyun whispered back as they pushed themselves off the wall to find a better source of sound.


“Should we knock and find out?” Sungmin asked.


“And... What if it’s a stranger?” Kyuhyun chuckled as he got on top of the bed and placed his ear above the head board.


“Weren’t we in the middle with Henry in room on the right and either Donghae and Hyukjae or Jongwoon and Wookie?” Sungmin questioned as Kyuhyun nodded.


“Well it wouldn’t be Jongwoon and Ryeowook.” Kyuhyun laughed in disbelief as Sungmin chuckled with him and crawled on the bed next to him and pushed his ear to the wall as well.

“And it wouldn’t be Henry as he just likes to read a lot or sleep when he is alone.” Kyuhyun smiled as Sungmin chuckled again.


“So that would leave Donghae and Hyukjae.” Sungmin said as he scrunched his face in disgust as he removed his ear from the wall.


“Would they really be that silent though?” Kyuhyun mumbled as Sungmin flopped off the bed and towards his suitcase.


Kyuhyun followed with Sungmin and grabbed his suitcase as well to get ready. Sungmin chose a small black wife beater and some khaki  shorts to go with and walked into the bathroom to pull the plug from the bath and get changed. Kyuhyun sighed as he realised his chance to have some fun time with Sungmin was cut short by most likely Donghae and Hyukjae being predictably naughty with each other. Kyuhyun sighed and shook his head and removed a stylized shirt and a pair of jeans and flopped on the bed, trying to ignore his annoyance on missing a very rare chance with Sungmin.

Sungmin walked out of the bathroom and smiled at Kyuhyun who was lying on the bed, still in his towel.  Sungmin walked up silently towards him and looked over at the figure with his eyes closed. His smile got bigger as he moved in on closer inspection, just to see how far he get without being caught. Sungmin was about face to face leaning over him and watched Kyuhyun face transform into a cheeky grin, his eyes opened and Sungmin stood stunned as he looked at him.


“Sungmin if you don’t move your face soon i’m afraid it will end up with my lips all over it.” Kyuhyun chuckled and Sungmin back away a little, afraid of being grabbed and thrown on to the bed.


“Wouldn’t let it happen.” Sungmin shrugged and straightened himself up just as Kyuhyun grabbed is arm and pulled him flush up against him.


“Oh, really?” Kyuhyun smirked as he tried to kiss Sungmin who was fidgeting all over the top of him, trying to escape his grip.


“You should really let go of people who are struggling Kyuhyun, Sungmin has an advantage at the moment.” Henry laughed earning a surprised yelp from Sungmin who fell to the floor and Kyuhyun.


“You should really learn to knock.” Kyuhyun complained as he threw Henry a dirty look.


“What? And miss all the fun of Sungmin fighting you off.” Henry smiled as he help he walked over to Sungmin and helped him of the floor.

“Besides I did knock, there was no answer.” Henry chuckled as he pulled Sungmin to his side, watching the annoyed look on Kyuhyun’s face as he shuffled over to the other room with him.

“You should also probably get changed to; I don’t think it would be appropriate for you to be going out in a towel. So for now I will be borrowing Sungmin to help me usher the others out of bed.” Henry smiled again as Sungmin looked at Henry in confusion and then smiled, knowing that Henry was only trying to push the day so that they could all have fun.


“Fine.” Kyuhyun huffed as he stomped into the bathroom to get changed.


Henry and Sungmin walked hand in hand over to the other room, walking past the room that held the strange just recently, to the other room on it’s other side. Henry knocked really loudly this time, knowing to well that there could be a possibility of a Donghae and Hyukjae trying to cover himself up. Or a yelling Jongwoon, and equally loud Ryeowook.

The door opened slowly to reveal a smirking Donghae. His eyes were twinkling mischievously as he opened the door and showed a very awkward looking Hyukjae. Henry looked at the two and just from the look that Donghae was giving off and the fact the Hyukjae was standing oddly near the wall that was shared the room next door, Henry knew that they had some sort of big news to share. Sungmin walked in happily, oblivious to the fact that Donghae smile was like the Cheshire cat, and headed towards Hyukjae who was blushing madly. His cheeks completely red his head hung low in embarrassment, his constant fiddling with his finger. This was a dead give away to Henry that the two had heard or witnessed something completely unbelievable.


“Hyukjae, why are you so red? Do you have some sort of fever.” Sungmin asked as he put his head on the older males forehead.


“Nah just a little warm in the room, i have to open a window before i go to bed.” Hyukjae chuckled awkwardly as Henry allowed himself in.


“So...what happened?” Henry smiled over at Donghae who was shuddering from fits of giggles.


“Oh we just heard some rather odd noises from next door.” Donghae tried to say calmly.


“Kyuhyun and I did too.” Sungmin perked up as Hyukjae went another shade brighter red, earning another fitful of laughter to come from Donghae.


“Well I wouldn’t worry about Sungmin, probably just those two fighting again.” Henry said as he tried to keep his calm, knowing all to well what had happened between the two next door now.


“Yeah, they seem to have gotten all their frustrations with each other out for the moment.” Donghae boisterously laughed, earning a confused expression of Sungmin and a very angry one from Hyukjae.


“Well as long as they sort whatever their problem is out.” Sungmin nodded as he walked out of the room to go bang on Wookie’s and Jongwoon’s door.


“How long till you think he understands what happened.” Donghae asked Henry as Hyukjae face palmed himself in disbelief.


“Not until it’s been suggested.” Henry said as he turned to walked out the door before stopping.


“How long till Kyuhyun knows?” Donghae smirked knowing a wager was beginning.


“Not till it’s right in front of his face. Now hurry up.” Henry laughed as he walked over to Jongwoon and Ryeowook’s room catching up with Sungmin.


“I know what they did, i’m not that stupid..” Sungmin sighed as Henry looked down at him.


“I know you know, lets just keep it to us for now, I rather keep the fighting fools, thinking they have fooled the lot of us.” Henry said as he ruffled Sungmin’s hair happily.


“I feel like noodles, with lots of seafood. “ Sungmin smiled happily as they reached the door.


“Sounds good. I was hoping for the same myself.” Henry said as he knocked on the   door loudly.


Sungmin and Henry could hear an arrangement of yelling, swearing and even a painful yelp before Ryeowook opened the door. His face was flushed with a bright pink, he hair was mussed in different place, sticking out on all side of his head, and he was wearing a black turtle neck hiding any mark that been placed on his neck by Jongwoon. Jongwoon came to the door a moment later, his hair was wet and shaggy, his eyes glistening in a cheeky way, it all screamed to Henry and Sungmin, I just had .


“I-I’m ready to go.” Ryeowook smiled happily to Sungmin, who smiled back politely. Trying his best not to giggle at his friends awkward blush and stutter.


“That’s good I’m starving.” Sungmin said happily while Jongwoon placed his hand gently against Ryeowook’s behind patting him out the door.


“Get moving already. It seems that they have been waiting awhile.” Jongwoon teased Ryeowook earning a quick yelp and the touch before he turned around to face Jongwoon with an irritated look.


“Like you can talk! Get your in gear already!!” Ryeowook seethed before grabbing Sungmin’s arm, pulling him away from the area so they could pick up Kyuhyun and meet down in the lobby.


“You two should learn to keep quiet when you’re yelling, everyone could you hear you before we picked you guys up.” Henry smiled as he watched Jongwoon go bright red.


“What...?” Jongwoon asked, feeling a little nervous.


“Nothing, nevermind.” Henry chuckled as he turned away and walked in the same direction at Ryeowook and Sungmin, who were happily talking about the food they could eat while they were here.


But as Henry watched Sungmin smile happily up at Kyuhyun when they met him on the way down, he felt his chest drop, his heart quiver in pain slightly. He just wished that this trip won’t be for waste. He just really hope he could explain to Sungmin if he got some time alone what had happened on his trip with Amber, and how he feels about himself and Sungmin now.















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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-