Shindong's loss, and Sungmin's night

Boys over Flowers

Hopefully I can get this up by at least the end of the week, so pray for me to get ome writing time on this. I am trying to be frequent as possible, but it's just really hard at the moment, things keep getting in the way, and I really want to finish all of this story so much considering how much i love to write it, and how fun the characters are. Plus you guys give me a lot of inspiriation to do it in the time I have when I see your comments thank you. Please let me now what you think of the new chapter and go back and read it, as I really loved writing this one, I felt like i am slowly getting back ino the groove of wiriting it again. Thank ^^




It had been a couple of days since Sungmin had come home, and seen Kyuhyun. To his word Kyuhyun had said he needed time, and Sungmin could understand that, so Sungmin spent his copious amount of time he had now in the martial arts room at school practicing for his scholarship, and sparring with his new friend Zitao. Zitao had a very different appearance at school Sungmin had foud out, his usually styled hair, was messy and curling chaotically on the top his head, his eyes weren't donned with a thick black coat of eyeliner and shadow, so his eyes, still large looking, were a bitter smaller looking than what Sungmin was used too. He also wore thick black frames upon his face, which caused Sungmin to chuckled at (reminding him of a character on a drama that looked like he wanted to be in disguise), and his tall lean frame was over coated with layers of clothes, making him look dishevelled and unkept. How on earth Zitao had manage to keep himself out of trouble from the other students, when it came to his appearance was beyond him, but to Sungmin, he looked like an adorable little hoobae that wanted take out and spoil.

Practice usually consisted of hours of stamina training, defensive and counter attacks and talking about what Zitao and Kris had been up to the last couple of days. Sungmin smiled as Zitao excitedly spoke about Kris's new movie deal in China, and that he could follow him over there to do an a modelling gig his manager just signed a contract for. It was a nice change of pace for Sungmin, he did miss Kyuhyun terribly, but the man needed his time, and would call for him when he wanted him. The only contact he had with Kyuhyun was from his phone, but there were no messages, no notes, no nothing from the spoilt brat, and it was now taking its toll in annoying him greatly, Sungmin would just sigh and then grumble incoherently, which would cause whoever he was with at the time to mutter about Sungmin's stupidity not to go over there and give the man a piece of his mind.

Work was a comforting release as well from the muddle mess his brain was in, unfortunately though, Henry and Jongwoon had made it the place to be when Donghae was otherwise tied up (occasionally quite literally) by Hyukjae, or Kyuhyun was being a mopping mess. Jongwoon was happily annoying Ryeowook, which seemed to be the new favourite pass time for him, and Henry would smile away have small conversations about his day, and then inform Sungmin on Amber, who was messaging him every other day with updates on her life. Sungmin had also gotten to know Kibum a lot better now as well. Kim Kibum was younger than him just by a couple of months, his dream was to become a actor, though if he couldn't live his life that way he had a cozy back up plan to open a cafe or restaurant of his own. Kibum would exclaim he was not the best cook in the world, but he would practice vigourously in the kitchen, and get lessons from Shindong, who was happy someone was taking on a somewhat similar dream.

Sungmin had found out that Shindong and Nari had broken up over there holidays, it was an unpleasant fight to do with Shindong's dream not being similar to hers, she wished to explore the world, live in exotic places and do whatever she could and wished to do. She was sick of living in seoul and didn't want to end up running and living of a porridge shop for the rest of her life. Shindong, let her go sadly. It was hard for him to say goodbye to her, as she was a big part of his life for years, but Shindong wanted something more permanent, something more longing then to flit around the world, he wanted marriage, children and partner who wanted the same things as he did. So Nari left, and was on her way to New Zealand apparently as her first destination.

Sungmin sighed as he let go of the idea of seeing Nari's smiling face in the shop, as he cleaned the table for the next new lot of customers that were trying to bust their way through just for a glimpse of Henry and Jongwoon, who were eating a few dumplings and talking to themselves softly.

"What's on your mind Min?" Ryeowook asked, feeling a little worried about his friends behaviour for the las few days.

"Nothing,. Just a bit down about what transpired while we were away. I kind of wished we were here for Shindong, instead a galavanting around Tokyo." Sungmin sighed as he looked over at Shindong, his shoulder slumped pver a bit as he worked on a couple of broths for different selections.

"I know what you mean, but hey, Shindong will cheer up soon." Ryeowook smiled as he went to lead a new group of girls into the restaurant.

"I guess.." Sungmin sighed to himself before heading over to another gaggle of gossiping girls.

Sungmin felt his phone vibrate in his pocket as the girl he was leading to a table sat down. He respectively collected their orders, as they tried to force Sungmin to place them closer to Henry and Jongwoon. When he Left to go stand by the register, he pulled out his phone and unlocked it. There up on the screen was a message from Kyuhyun. Sungmin held his breathe for a moment and opened the message.

" I miss you.."

Sungmin smiled happily at the message before getting annoyed again. He pocketed the phone away, not responding to the message and continued to grab the bowls of ramyun from the bench of the kitchen to deposit on the tables for the girls.

"I think someone just messages Sungmin." Jongwoon chuckled softly.

"Took him long enough." Henry huffed as he grabbed another dumpling off the plate and stuffing it into his mouth in annoyance.

"You know for someone who like Sungmin so much, I thought you would be all over him these last couple of days." Jongwoon slyly smiled as Henry looked the over at Sungmin.

"That would be counterproductive." Henry sighed as Sungmin looked annoyingly at his phone again, from what appeared to be another message was given.

"Why would that be?" Jongwoon asked as he looked over at Sungmin who was now looking as though he was contemplating throwing his phone at the wall.

"Shouldn't you be more preoccupied with that other waiter moving in on your territory right now?" Henry laughed as he watched Kibum moved some hair out of Ryeowook's face with a cheeky grin.

"What?" Jongwoon almost shouted as he watched Ryeowook grab Kibum's hand an move it away from his face with a chuckle.

"Hmm, if I were you, I would be more worried about one's own personal love life then others." Henry chuckled, as he wateched Kibum now slapping Ryeowook's behind, telling him to get moving.

"I don't like that kid." Jongwoon said he got up and started walking over to Ryeowook, as an obvious way to stop whatever was happening between the two.

"Well at least now he can be prying." Henry smiled as Sungmin quickly glanced over his way and beamed a huge smile.

Henry felt his heart pick up and looked back over to Jongwoon, who was now teasing the hell out of Ryeowook, causing the younger boy to rise in temper and a blush to spread across his face as Jongwoon ruffled with his hair. Henry looked back down at his plate and tried not to contemplate on the issue at hand with his heart, all he wanted to do was take Sungmin, and take him with him, but the lesson he was teaching was more important then what his heart was feeling. Much more important.


After the shop had closed and Jongwoon and Henry had long since left, Sungmin stayed behind to help to help close up considerin it was Friday night, and he wanted to keep Shindong a little more company before having the weekend off for study and practice. Shindong was slowly placing the pots in the cupboards and placing broth in the fridge for tomorrow, his eyes looking down at the ground, they red rimmed and sullen slightly.

"Shindong, are you okay?" Sungmin asked as he looked ovr the counter into the kitchen.

"Oh ." Shindong jumped, almost dropping the whole pot of broth on the floor."

"You're still here Sungmin." He panted as he quickly placed the pot he almost dropped in the fridge.

"Well I think that answers my question." Sungmin chuckled a little at the man's shocked face.

"No, no, I'm fine, you just surprised me, I thought you left awhile ago with Ryeowook and Kibum." Shindong attempted to smile.

"No, I wanted to stay here for a bit and help you close up." Sungmin smiled brightly.

"Thanks, but I was nearly done anyway, I just had to put the broths in the fridge for tomorrow and then lock up. Since Henry and Jongwoon left before dinner we had a very quiet night it seems, so I got to clean up a lot earlier." He sighed with a little chuckle.

"Okay, well you wanna get something to eat, cause I feel like some company." Sungmin asked as Shindong smiled brighter then he had in days.

"Sure, I will have a couple of drinks, and if no one is looking, you can have some too." Shindong laughed as he turned off the lights in the kitchen and the front signs.

The two of them walked out of the front door, and headed down town to a bbq joint that was known for their really low prices and good quality food. The walked down was a little brisk, but wasn't too bad. Sungmin could already feel Shindong's spirits were rising as they reached the little outside joint, Shindong hurried to a little table with bbq pit and grill int he middle, and quickly order 3 bottoles of soju, samgyeopsal and bulgogi. The older woman fussed around them for awhile, placing down a small plate of kimchi, sukju namul machim and goguma mattang for sides. Sungmin quickly grabbed the bottle of soju, and poured some for Shindong in his glass, as shindong looked around to make sure no one was watching and got Sungmin to pour himself some.

"Ahh, this is really good." Shindong said before he downed the glass and nodded to Sungmin to fill more.

"Is it?" Sungmin said before downing his glass, then making a satisfied face.

"It is good." Sungmin hummed as he poured himself some more as well.

"So, why the needed company today Min?" Shindong asked as they both took another gulp of the soju, then grabbing their chopsticks and picking into the sides for a bit.

"No reason, just wanted company and to go out with the boss." Sungmin laughed as he poured themselves some more.

"Sure.."Shindong smiled sarcastically.

The older woman came to the table again, fussing around with the food again and placed the two laden plates of meat next to Shindong, before supplying another bottle Shindong who laughed heartily at the woman and thanked her. Shindong began piling the meat up on the metal grill, listening to the sizzling of the meat and the steam rising of the plate. Sungmin grined happily, as he took another shot and watched Shindong play with the meat.

"So what's with Wookie and the artist?" Shindong asked as Sungmin chuckled happily.

"Who knows, I don't think even they know" Sungmin laughed as played with the drink.

"What about you and the grumbly one?" Shindong asked as he flipped the meat over and sculled his drink again.

"He needed time over something that happened while we were away, but he misses me." Sungmin smiled as he downed his drink, thinking of how he was going to confront Kyuhyun with his annoying behaviour.

"Ahh he is so annoying!" Sungmin grumbled as he poured himself and Shindong another drink, then placing the empty bottle over the side of the table to discard.

"Yes, people can be very annoying, especially when they're ones you care about." Shindong sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Sorry, about you and Nari. Sorry we weren't here for you when it happened." Sungmin looked down at the meat cooking, his head feeling a bit muddled from the alcohol and his guilt.

"Dont be, you guys were having fun, and you shouldn't be blaming yourself for it either." Shindong spoke firmly, while Sungmin nodded his head.

"I know, but you're my friend and I wished I was there for you." Sungmin sighed as Shindong grabbed his plate and piled the bulgogi and samgyeopsal.

"Ehh, happens, I'm still young, I'm good looking and lets face it, it's not the end of th world. I have you and Wook, I have my shop, and I will have another love eventually. But for now, I'm going to be sad, cause we were together for so long, but this won't be for forever." Shindong smiled as he ruffled Sungmin's hair playfully.

"Now tell me, why's the grumpy one so annoying." Shindong smiled and nodded for Sungmin to open another bottle and pour more drinks.



Sungmin was wasted, completely gone and he knew it on his way home. Shindong had walked him up till the point where he had to turn the corner and head back to his apartment close by his shop and Sungmin was left to walk home along bright street towards his mum and dad's apartment. When he reached up to the corner of his shop, he noticed a tall figure waiting outside playing with his phone. Sungmin's phone started buzzing in his pocket, he pulled it out and looked at the name with slight disdain,

"Hello." He answered his phone, as he looked back up at the person on the corner who was also on their phone, knowing all to well who the person was.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Kyuhyun shouted, feeling his anger bubbling over spending hours waiting outside of dry cleaners for Sungmin to come home.

"I'm right behind you idiot." Sungmin laughed as Kyuhyun turned around to face him.

WELL, WHERE WERE YOU?" Kyuhyun asked, still talking to Sungmin on his phone.

"Out with Shindong, you're not the only one with relationship problems you know." Sungmin deadpanned him, still answering the question on his phone, wonderiong how long it will take Kyuhyun to notice.

"Fine, but you could have messaged me back." Kyuhyun grumbled into his phone, as Sungmin grinned up at him.

"I'm going to hang up now." Sungmin laughed as Kyuhyun, looked scared for a moment, attempting to keep Sungmin on the phone before realising that he was being an idiot.

"You could have told me." Kyuhyun growled as Sungmin continued to laugh.

"You're funny." Sungmin laughed hysterically as he fell to the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you." Kyuhyun shouted as Sungmin was still laughing.

"Help me up, please Kyuhyunnie" Sungmin said in a very sugar coated voice.

"Fine." Kyuhyun pulled Sungmin to his feet.

Sungmin smiled and playfully slapped Kyuhyun in the face repeatedly, watching the surprised expression being slapped onto his face. Kyuhyun grabbed his hands and looked down at the still smiling and laughing boy. He should have known all to well what kind of Sungmin this was. This was a very drunk Sungmin.

"You can't slap me everytime you go drinking Sungmin." Kyuhyun sighed as Sungmin wriggled his hands out of Kyuhyun'sand slapped him softly again.

"But you're a bad man. You made me feel as though I did something wrong when I didn't" Sungmin poted dramatically and the giggled, as he watched Kyuhyun's face twitch in a annoyance.

"I know you didn't, you were just being you." Kyuhyun sighed as he grabbed the slapping hands again.

"Then are you going to give me a kiss hello." Sungmin smiled with a big grin and Kyuhyun chuckled as placed a soft chaste kiss on Sungmin soft pink lips.

"Hello my very drunk Sungmin." Kyuhyun spoke softly.

"I'm not drunk idiot, I'm just inebriated." Sungmin chuckled loudly before loosing his footing on the ground again and bringing Kyuhyun with him.

"That's drunk Sungmin..." Kyuhyun stuggled as he picked himself up, with Sungmin still attached to his neck.

"Okay I'm drunk." Sungmin whined as he pushed his lips agaist Kyuhyun's again.

"You going to come up with me, you can sleep in my bed, with me ." Sungmin chuckled placing soft kisses all over Kyuhyun's face.

"Is that a question or a demand?" Kyuhyun asked with a mischevious grin.

"A demand." Sungmin growled provocatively, before grabbing Kyuhyun's face and bending it down to him kiss him.

Sungmin's lips roughly joined with his, teeth nibbling gently against Kyuhyun's bottom lip, causing him to groan at the intense kiss. Sungmin body pushed up against his, closing all gaps that they had, tongue braking through and delving in across Kyuhyun's. Kyuhyun was doing his best not push Sungmin against the building and take full control of the kiss, that Sungmin was currently in possession. He tasted so much like Soju, that Kyuhyun thought he was going to get drunk from being kissed, he could already feel his head feeling light headed. Sungmin pulled away, his lips glistening slightly from saliva, his face in a deep pink blush, and eyes clouded over with a haze of lust.

Sungmin grabbed Kyuhyun hand and started leading him to the apartment, the front light was still on for Sungmin, so he could see where to put his key in the lock. Sungmin attempted several times before giving up and looking at his key like it was the greatest puzzle in the universe.

"What are you too good for your home?" Sungmin mumbled as he tried to put his key in the lock again.

"Just give it here Sungmin." Kyuhyun grumbled as he snatched the key from Sungmin and unlocked the door.

Sungmin quickly shuffled his shoes off, while shushing at Kyuhyun, when he shoes scuffed against the linoleum floor. He quickly edged his way to his bedroom, watching carefully for any signs of movement to come out of any of the otehr bedrrom doors, hopiung and pleading that his parents, Sungjin wouldn't see him in this manner. He made it all the way to his door and opened it, switching on the light and looked over to his inviting bed.

Kyuhyun looked around the small cramped apartment in the dark, noting that he will get a proper look in the morning. When he walked into Sungmin's room, his eyes went wide, the room was completely Sungmin, There was shades of pink's, blue's and black's, the guitar that Amber had given to him was in one corner, a desk and small laptop was sitting on another, and a small single bed with a white and black duvet and pillows on top.

"You're not as poor as I expected." Kyuhyun said as he looked around the room.

"That's a little offensive." Sungmin muttered as he walked to his closet to pull out a a pyjama shirt and and track pants for Kyuhyun to sleep in.

"Well, I thought something a lot worse." Kyuhyun said as he took the clothes and started ing his shirt.

"We own a dry cleaning store, how can you think were doing so bad?" Sungmin asked.

"Why did I even ask, of course you thought we were." Sungmin sighed as he removed his shirts as well to put on a singlet top.

"I hope you won't be to hungover tomorrow, we're meeting my sister." Kyuhyun smiled as He pulled on Sungmin's tight shirt.

"I don't think that fits properly." Sungmin laughed quietly as he helped Kyuhyun pull off the tight shirt.

"If you weren't so small, I wouldn't have trouble getting clothes on." Kyuhyun laughed, as Sungmin pouted.

"Maybe you're just insanely tall." Sungmin chuckled as he put the shirt away.

"Doubt it, you're just small." Kyuhyun joked, as Sungmin huffed in annoyance.

"Such a mean man." Sungmin mumbled, crawling into his bed and ignoring Kyuhyun.

"Go drink some water, the amount of alochol you have consumed you're going to have a hangover." Kyuhyun stated as Sungmin pulled the covers over himself.

" you, you're mean!" Sungmin growled underneath the covers.

"Just go do it!" Kyuhyun said strongly, while Sungmin shook his head no under the covers, causing Kyuhyun to growl.

"NOW!" Kyuhyun shouted, causing Sungmin to jump out of the bed and place his hand over Kyuhyun's mouth.

"Shut up, my parents will wake up" Sungmin hissed as Kyuhyun's eyebrows rose in surprise at how fast Sungmin moved.

"Fine I will go drink some water, now get into bed and shut the up!" Sungmin growled, pecking Kyuhyun on the lips before leaving.

"His emotions are all over the place when his drunk. He is either all over me, slapping me, and now he telling me off, then kisses me." Kyuhyun mumbled to himself as he listened to the tap in the kitchen go on.

Kyuhyun crawled into the bed and pushed over to the edge up against the wall so Sungmin would have heaps of room. The smaller boy walked into the room, his hair was sopping wet now instead of dry, he looked a lot more alert now then he did before, but somehow still looking like was tired. Sungmin crawled onto his side and looked at Kyuhyun with annoyance, before Kyuhyun gave him a soft chaste kiss to chase away the irritation he had caused earlier.

"Why is your hair wet?" Kyuhyun questioned as he pushed Sungmin's wet bangs off his face.

"Dunked my head under the tap. For some odd reason I thought it would be a good idea." Sungmin wondered, as he tried to think of why he had don't it in the first place.

"Well you're more coherent now, thats good." Kyuhyun smiled as Sungmin laid down and snuggled closer to his side.

"Yeah. So you're sister tomorrow?" Sungmin whispered, feeling his head hit the soft pillow.

"Mmhmm, she's really scary just so you know, but she doesn't mean to be." Kyuhyun mumbled as he pulled Sungmin closer to him.

"What about you and Henry?" Sungmin asked, his eyes big and doe like.

"I don't know still, I haven't talked to him still. Probably should though." Kyuhyun pondered, as how he was going to talk to Henry.

"You should, I like it better when you're getting on." Sungmin yawned as he closed his eyes

"I know, so do I." Kyuhyun muttered as he felt Sungmin slowly drifting a bit next to him.

"Just right now, it feels as though he is taking what's mine." Kyuhyun whispered as he put his head on top of sungmin's holding him as close as he could.

"Not yours, I belong to me." Sungmin softly chuckled, as kyuhyun smiled into the mess of hair and kissed it softly.



There was a hard buzzing and gentle beat of music happening somewhere in the room. It was rousing Sungmin out of his sleep, in a rather rude manner. He grumbled and rolled around a bit, realising there was someone sleeping next to him. He looked over to see Kyuhyun gentle face still sleeping rather heavily. Sungmin grumbled to himself, recollecting last night, and then crawled out of the bed (quite literally), hoping not to wake up Kyuhyun as he went searching for the cause of the noise.

Sungmin pulled through the lump of clothes that Kyuhyun and He had dumped on the floor to get changed, and pulled out the vibrating phone, out of Kyuhyun's pants. Sungmin looked at it uncertainly, as the name read Cho Ahra. The phone died out, and started back up again, as the person tried to ring again. Sungmin gathered his courage and answered the phone.

"Hello?" he answered, hoping to god it wasn't someone important.


"I'm sorry, I'm not Kyuhyun.." Sungmin winced, as the shrill voice ached his head a bit.


"Oh .." Sungmin said as he started feeling himself freak out, as the voice continued screaming into his ear.

"Sungmin, what are you doing, is thay my phone?" Kyuhyun asked as his head lifted from the pillow.

"Um... Miss Cho, I'm going to give you to your brother now." Sungmin stuttred slightly, as he chucked the phone to Kyuhyun, and crawled into the bed next to Kyuhyun again, snuggling into his side.

"Hello Noona." Kyuhyun sighed, as he rubbed his hand over is his face.

"I'm fine, stop swearing!" Kyuhyun shouted in a whisper.

Sungmin watched as Kyuhyun wrestled with his sister verbally about what had happened last night. there was a lot of loud shrill screaming on the otherside of the phone. Kyuhyun was doing everything in his power to get his sister to calm down, it was almost like listening to high pitched dogs whining, or when Ryeowook had enough of Jongwoon annoying him for the day, and he went into that really weird high pitch screeching thing he does.

"Yes noona, we will be there soon." Kyuhyun sighed as he could feel the day already becoming crap.

"No noona, I will not put him on the phone. No I'm not going to do it." Kyuhyun spoke firmly, while looking down at Sungmin gently, as more shrill yelling was heard from the other end of the phone.

"Alright, alright! She wants to talk to you again." Kyuhyun sighed, handing the phone to a very nervous looking Sungmin.

"Hello?" Sungmin answered, while Kyuhyun laid back down, holding Sungmin as close as he could to him.

"I'm so sorry Sungmin ssi, if I knew it was you I wouldn't have threatened you." Ahra apologised profusely.

"Thats alright, I totally understand, if it was my brother i would have felt completely the same." Sungmin said, feeling uncomfortable with being apologised for something that was understandable.

"I will see you two for lunch then. Bye." Ahra finished as she hung up on the otherside, leaving Sungmin confused.

"We should really get out of bed then." Kyuhyun said as he snuggled closer to Sungmin, hoping to stay in the small little world, that was Sungmin's bed.

"I suppose, but it's more fun to have you here in bed with me. " Sungmin replied, with a coy smile placed on his lips.

"Hmm, perhaps we should stay in bed then." Kyuhyun said, his lips lingering gently scross Sungmin's.

A huge commotion was being made outside of the bedroom, causing Sungmin and Kyuhyun to jump for their comfortable kiss. There was rattling, yelling and pots and pans being clanged away. Muffled voice on talking to each other were echoing into the bedroom from the small living area, huge bounding footsteps were heard. Sungmin shrugged his shoulders, and then continued to kiss Kyuhyun, hoping that everyone would leave him alone to sleep a little longer, cause they believed him to be alone and coming home late from work. The bedroom door opened with a huge bang and a running of small feet came pounding in the room.

"Sungmin!" Sungjin yelled, hoping to wake up his brother.

Sungjin stopped in shock as he saw another person in bed with Sungmin, his eyes coming across the familiar face of Cho Kyuhyun, the Heir of SM industries. The only company tht could rival Samsung. Sungmin turned to face Sungjin, who placed a sly smile on his face, as he realised his brother was just recently kissing the heir.

"Well, I shall let you continue then. No doubt dad will want to talk to you today, before you go anywhere." Sungjin smirked as he exited out the door, closing it behind him, only to laugh himself stupid on the other side.

".." Sungmin mumbled, as he looked over to the door, worrying about the conversation his father was going to have with him.

"Your swearing is getting worse." Kyuhyun chuckled nervously, as he too worried about what waited for him beyond the door.





















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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-