All for smiles and mixed emotions

Boys over Flowers



Sungmin hadn't seen or heard anything from Kyuhyun in a few days. Everytime he thought he saw Kyuhyun's curly hair he would be hoping it was him for some weird reason. He missed the disruption in his life that Kyuhyun used to cause. Though it was sort of a relief as well considering he had more time to catch up on his training. Though evey morning and afternoon he would go to the dojo for an hour or so and train, hoping he would see the smirking bastard in the middle of the room, ready to make a snarky comment at him. Though there had been nothing about Kyuhyun, and it was really confusing Sungmin endlessly why he hadn't seen the idiot for so long.

The lack of Kyuhyun around also allowed time for him to catch up with Sunny and Taeyeon, the leaders of his odd obsessive fan club. Even if they were President and Vice President of his club he still liked talking to him,. They would give him in sights on who to be careful of and who was fine to talk too. During this meeting he had found out that after Amber's birthday party his fan club had grown expentually, it was closing in to be as big as Dongahe's was, and that fan club was bigger then Henry's impressively enough. The idea of him being this popular was really scaring him. He still had somone following him to the dojo every now and then, and also when he was on his way to work and  on his way home, they had even gone as far to follow him when he was on a delievery for the porridge hop ir the Dry Cleaning store his father owned.

Everytime Sungmin tried to closein on this person they would quickly flee the scene and leave him standing in the middle of the street staring off as the person ran in the distance away from him. he had never had this much attention in life and it was really starting to affect him. He wished a little that it would all stop, but Sunny and Taeyeon seemed to be so happy organising all these fan club projects on him. So he thought he would just let them and let them have their fun. When he asked Sunny and Taeyeon about the stalker, they looked at each other with a confised expression on their faces.


"Sungmin I wouldn't worry. The F4 have stalkers as well, there followed all the time. Jessica and Sooyoung don't leave them alone for a moment half the time. And their fine, so why wouldn't you be?" Sunny said sweetly, trying too soothe Sungmin's fears and worries.


"I'm pretty sure it's just someone who wants to be close to you, they also maybe taking some great photos of you when your unaware." Taeyeon said as she showed Sungmin a couple of pictures that a couple of the girl in his fan club had taken while he was at the porridge shop. Alot of the were with him and Ryeowook. He was a little upset there was so few of him and Shindong though, he needed more of him and Shindong.


"If you think so. Also can I have a couple of these?" Sungmin said as he pointed at the pictiures in Taeyeon's hands. Taeyeon nodded quickly and quickly scanned the pictures into the computer and gave Sungmin the original copies for him to keep.

After his talk with Sunny and Taeyeon Sungmin started walking towards the Dojo for his morning training session. All his thoughts on stalker were still unsettled and even though Sunny and Taeyeon thought nothing of the matter it still worried him endlessly that there was someone out there who was keeping an eye on him. Sungmin walked into the still empty dojo room, hoping again to see Kyuhyun. Sungmin sighed and sat in the middle of the dojo and placed his head phones over his ears, hoping that the music would drown out all his worries for the morning so he could at least feel a little happy when he walked into his classroom.




Upstairs in his classroom, Kyuhyun's mind kept spinning on Sungmin. It had been days since he had seen him, and he was really dying to see the blonde boy. Though the only thing that kept him away was that he was also worried about Henry. Henry was still acting odd about things and Kyuhyun, really didn't want to see his freind going through so much turmoil. But between Henry and Sungmin, Kyuhyun's thoughts were more focused on the blonde boy.

Everything about the boy was driving Kyuhyun up the wall. Sungmin's fiery attitude, his quirky soft smile that made Kyuhyun's insides tremble everytime he saw it or thought of it. Sungmin's sharp words when he was insulting him, his sweet enticing kiss and sugary taste that rattled Kyuhyun's brain. Sungmin's touch, Sungmin's moans, Sungmin's gasping for air when Kyuhyun he would kiss a certain spot on his neck. Sungmin's every look when he would look at Kyuhyun with anger, confusion or happiness. Everything about Sungmin had left Kyuhyun in a whirlwind of red hot, fiery, passionate emotions which Kyuhyun could not drown out of his body.

Joongwoon and Donghae watched Kyuhyun off to the side of the class. They had never seen Kyuhyun in so much turmoil in his life, it was highly amusing to them to see there friend acting like this. It was good for him to get some prespective on other people emotions and how they should affect him. Jongwoon pulled out his phone and scrolled through his  photo gallery to the pictures that Yunho had sent him a few nights ago. He chuckled at the screen, which had Kyuhyun and Sungmin in a rather intamite moment. Well it more or lessed looked like Kyuhyun molesting the boy who was sitting on top of the bar.

Jongwoon smirked at the phone and chuckled again gaining Donghae's attention. Donghae leaned closer into Jongwoon to see whatever had gained the odd boys intrest. Donghae's eyes widened in surprise as he stared in shock at the picture on Jongwoon's phone. Donghae couldn't believe his eyes as he stared at the picture of Kyuhyun and Sungmin in a very passionate kiss. Donghae looked at Jongwoon who was still chuckling into his hand, he mouthed silently to Jongwoon.

'Where did you get that?!'

Jongwoon stifled another chuckle, his dark eyes were glistening with laughter and mouthed to Donghae Yunho's name. Donghae bursted into a giggle fit in the middle of class, distrupting the whole lesson. The teacher sent a sharp dissaproving look over at Donghae, who quickly covered his mouth with his hands and apologised for his disruption. Kyuhyun looked over to Donghae and Jongwoon, who were still snickering at something on Jongwoon's phone. Jongwoon looked over at Kyuhyun, to find the boy staring at the two with an odd expression on his face. Both Jongwoon and Donghae smirked over at the boy, as Jongwoon closed the picture on his phone and turned it off, stuffing it back in his pocket. Jongwoon couldn't wait to show Kyuhyun the picture and unravel a plan to cause more entertainment for himself and Donghae.

"Where's Henry?" Donghae whispered, finally noticing that Henry was not in class. Jongwoon and Donghae looked over at the empty chair and desk at which Henry usually sat at.


"I don't know." Jongwoon whispered and shrugged his shoulders at Donghae.




Sungmin walked out his last class for the day, heading along the track towards the dojo for the second time today. Sungmin was enjoying walking underneath the canopy of red and gold leaves that were still somehow clinging to the trees. the glow of the sun had caused the scenry around his to glow the same bright red and gold colour. Sungmin suddenly heard the sound of soft sad melody music emitting in the direction he was headed. Sungmin broke out in a run, stopping when he came before Henry.

Henry's eyes were closed and tears were falling onto his cheeks as his fingers ran deftly over the stings of the violing, playing the beautiful melody Sungmin had heard.Sungmin watched Henry, Feeling his heart rip and shred in his chest as he watched the boy cry as he continued playing the melody on his violin, all Sungmin wanted to do was to reach out to the boy and pull him into his embrace and stop him from crying, but he knew that was not the best after what he had witnessed between him and Amber noona the other night.

Sungmin's eyes filled with tears as he fought with himself as to not disrupt Henry. Sungmin dropped his head and closed his eyes tightly, feeling the tears fall from his eyes, a choked cry left Sungmin's mouth, causing the blonde boy to run and head towards the dojo beofre Henry had noticed he was there. Sungmin ran as fast as his legs could carry him away from the depressing scene.

Henry opened his eyes in time to see the running figure of Sungmin. Henry wiped his face and quickly packed up his violin and bow into the case and headed off into the direction that Sungmin was running. Henry didn't know why he was following the boy or why he was feeling crushed that Sungmin had left him without saying anything to him, but he couldn't stand the thought of him crying over someone who was feeling as pathetic as he was. he didn't feel worth it.




Sungmin walked into the dojo, wiping his face of all evidence that he had been crying. he looked off the floor as he entered the dojo hoping to see Kyuhyun smirking in front of him. Instead he saw Amber standing in the middle of the dojo looking like herself again. Her short brown hair was spiked up in a boyish fashion, she had donned on her a large green baggy singlet top with intricate patterns designed on the front of it. She had loose black shorts on that stopped at her knees and black higtops that had green shoelaces. When Sungmin saw her, he smiled brightly at her, causing Amber to smile just as happily at him. This was the Amber that Sungmin loved. Not the one dressed in dresses and looking like a someone from high society. But the real Amber. The one that dressed like a boy but somehow remained feminine in her looks. The impish one that looked playful and like a normal person.


"Amber noona, why are you here?" Sungmin smiled at the beautiful girl in front of him.


"I came here because I had to process my school withdrawal." Amber smiled at Sungmin.

"I also wanted to see you one more time before i left, So i took my chances of you being here. I guess I was lucky." Amber giggled, causing Sungmin to blush at his predictability.


"Leaving school?" Sungmin's eyes widened.

"You really aren't retrning are you?" Sungmin's said as he face fell into a sad expression.


"I'm afraid so." Amber mumbled, sctraching the back of her head.


"When will you be leaving?" Sungmin asked.


"Tomorrow." Amber replied, feeling her heart sink at Sungmin's now worried face.


"Why so soon?" Sungmin questioned as he looked at Amber, knowing all to well that if she didn't leave as soon as she could, she never would.

"There's no time to thankyou for all you have done for me. I still haven't returned the favours I owe you." Sungmin sniffed, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening his eyes again.


"I'll be really dissappointed if you keep saying things like that." Amber said as she took in a deep breath and began fanning her face to stop her tears.

"I knew from the first time we met, you are the person that our Henry always smiled when mentioning." Amber smiled letting the tears fall on her face.

"It's you Sungmin, you mean more to him." Amber cried.




Henry was outside the brick building that held the school's dojo in. When he looked across the road he saw a familiar black car parked across the road. The man that was leaning against it, gave a polite bow to Henry and Henry respectively ree. Henry's eyes widened as he took in that it was Amber's chauffer. Henry's looked back at the building next to him and started walking up the stairs heading toards the dojo. There were millions of questions that were passing thorugh his head, he had to hold himself from running all the way to the dojo. But Henry knew that if he did that, he would never find out why Amber was here.

Henry reached the door of the dojo and saw Amber and Sungmin sitting in the middle of the dojo together. Sungmin had Amber in his embrace, trying to stop her from crying. Henry quickly jumped out of the doorway and leaned against the wall next to the door to listen to the conversation that the two were havig. Sungmin pulled himself away from Amber and sat kneeling in front of the surprised sobbing girl.


"Well, Noona." Sungmin began, as he wiped his face, trying to hide the fact that he had been crying too. He wantd to appear strong for Amber.


"Sungmin?" Amber stuttered in shock.

"What are you doing?"


"I was a fan of yours for a very long time, even before I met you. And so, I understand why you made such a decision more than many others. But still...I'm begging you not to leave." Sungmin let a couple of tears roll on to his cheeks again.


"Sungmin, stop." Amber Sobbed into her hands.


"I know really well that I am not qualified to beg you and there's no reason for you to listen. But I don't know what to do besides this." Sungmin said as he looked into Amber's eyes that were damp with tears.


"Is it beacuse of Henry?" Amber muttered as Henry held his breath outside.


"I don't know anything at all about Henry Sunbae." Sungmin spoke softly as he felt his tears rolling off his cheeks. Henry exhaled the breath he had been holding and leaned his head up against the wall. He felt a mix of emotions at Sungmin right now. He was Angry that Sungmin was doing this, and he was also feeling somewhat that the boy had actually cared enough about him for this.

"But I know, how precious you are to him. When I see him, why does he alwys have an unknown sadness on his face?" Sungmin exhaled shakily. Henry could feel the sting of tears in his eyes as he continued to listen to Sungmin.

"But he still smiled sometimes." Sungmin laughed sadly as he wiped his eyes.

"And it can melt people's hearts. It is really warm. Noona, you are the only person that can make him smile. If you are to leave like this, there's a possibility he may never smile again." Sungmin smiled sweetly at Amber, taking her breath away at the sincerity behind Sungmin's words. Amber took Sungmin's hands in hers and smiled. Henry buried his face in his hands and wept. He knew that Sungmin cared, but to the point like this it broke him. Sungmin should know better than anyone that he makes he smile as well.


"Sungmin. Whatever decisions I've made they're similar to shopping overseas. There won't be anothr chance if I don't take the oppourtunity to do this now." Amber said as she smiled at Sungmin.

"I know clearly how cruel those feelings of regret are. Henry is a really precious person to me too. I believe he feels the saem way. And so I feel that Henry wouldn't want to see me living with regrets as well. How do you feel about this?" Amber smiled waiting for Sungmin's response.


"Sorry. I'm sorry." Sungmin mumbled.


"No, I'm really happy that you are telling me this." Amber pulled Sungmin into his embrace.

"Thankyou." Amber said softly as she buried her face into Sungmin's hair.


"Noona..." Sungmin muttered.


"Oh wait." Amber pulled out of their embrace to dig through her bags. Amber slowly revealed a pair of black converse shoes very similar to her own. She slide them over to Sungmin and smiled .


"You are giving these to me?" Sungmin asked confused.


"That's not it." Amber squealed feeling very excited as she took Sungmin in her arms again and pulled him up with her.

"I went to that place where you arok, to enquire about things that you enjoy to do. And the short adorable waiter said that you can play the guitar and is always stealing his when you come over to his place, so I bought one for you too, since you didn't have one and all. It will be at your house when you get home. I left in the care of your little brother. According to him your mother will want to sell it for money and your father would just break it by accident if it was kept in his care." Amber sai with a happy smile on her face.


"This is to much." Sungmin mumbled, feeling extremely happy.


"Oh don't worry. I stole the shoes from Jongwoon, he has never worn them. So what he doesn't know don't hurt him." Amber laughed as she and Sungmin reminisced about stealing Jongwoon's shoes for the party.

"Now remember. Shoes are the most important thing and I want to see them in good shape when I see you next. And also I want to hear something beautiful on that guitar." Amber smiled." Amber said seriously.


"Anything Noona." Sungmin smiled.


"Let our Henry regain his smile again." Amber sadi softly. Henry pushed himself off the wall and stormed off down the corridor, he was furious at sungmin and was also deeply touched at the same time. He didn't know what to do or how to feel.





Sungmin started walking towards work, his new shoes were on his feet and he couldn't stop staring at them and smiling. Though when he thought of Amber noona he began to have a thousand thought come burtsing through his head all at once. He kept his head low to the ground as to keep and extra eye on his shoes. He didn't want anything to happen to them. He was also deeply unhappy with himself. He didn't get Amber noona to stay and he felt bad that he had requested such a thing in the first place without even thinking about her own happiness. Sungmin was so wrapped up in his own thoughts he didn't even hear the running footsteps heading towards him.

Sungmin was grabbed roughly by the forearms and shaken so he looked up. Sungmin's eyes widened in surprise as he came across Henry's angry features. Henry's eyes were darkened and fierce. Sungmin's face contorted in surprise and pain as he registerd how hard Henry grasp was on his arms. Sungmin felt hit heart jump in his thrat as he stared at Henry's furious features.


"What are you doing?" Henry seethed in Sungmin's face.

"Who are you do this kind of thing?!" Henry yelled at Sungmin, who scryunched his face up in fear at Henry's anger.


"What?" Sungmin asked as he opened his eyes slowly and squirmed in Henry's rough hold.


"Did anyone ask for that kind of favour?" Henry could feel his heart beating harshly against his chest as he looked into Sungmin's worried eyes.

"That isn't even a favour. It's groveling. Don't you have any pride?" Henry yelled. Sungmin could feel himself crying in Henry's grasp. Sungmin snapped his open and regained a stronger caring look at Henry.


"It's not because I don't have pride. It's because you were hurting to much. Because you were about to die of sadness. Sungmin yelled in Henry's face as he felt his tears roll of his face.


"What does it matter to you? It has nothing to do with you, does it?" Henry looked down at Sungmin, his expression softening at the boy's caring face.


Henry feeling annoyed at Sungmin's lack of response to his question brought his face closer to Sungmin's. He gently brought his lips to Sungmin's, caressing them softly with his own. Sungmin froze to the spot not responding to the kiss in anyway. His heart was palpatating roughly against his chest. Henry gripped Sungmin's forearms a little tighter, causing the boys to gasp in pain, giving Henry entry he needed to deepen the kiss. At the feeling of Henry's tongue sweeping across his own, Sungmin responded to the kiss. Henry tasted like cinnamion and sweet pastry. Henry feeling Sungmin's response felt his heart soar in his chest. He didn't feel this way when he kissed Amber, this was different, there was something more to Sungmin.

Sungmin snapped out of th thoughts of how good the kiss felt when his mind came across Kyuhyun again. He puished Henry away from him, disconecting their lips. Henry who had been enjoying the sweet taste of Sungmin's kiss whined at the loss of contact. Sungmin shook his heads side to side and pulled his body out of Henry's hold. He looked at Henry, feeling confused at everything.


"No." Sungmin muttered as he his heels and left Henry standing in the middle of the sidewalk confused.


Henry threw his head back and groaned as he ran his hands over his face. He was so infuriated with himself for what he had done to Sungmin. He didn't even know what he felt for Sungmin and he had kissed him. Henry closed his eyes and remembered the sweet taste of Sungin's pink lips. Henry walked towards his bike and continued in thought at what he felt for Sungmin and why the kiss had felt so good. His thought ran across to Amber, and he felt ashamed of himself. What was his suppose to feel? Henry jumped on his bike and tried to clear his thoughts on the way home.




This was a very Henry and Sungmin orientated chapter sorry guys...








He is just to cute!!!!



Omg Donghae stop trying to ruin peoples biases!!!!






Omg Yesung your so perfect!!!!



Kyuhyun is adorable!!!





Amber so cute!!!!



Sunny and Taeyeon >.< I love Fan club pres and V.P lol


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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-