Cabbage sales and 30,00won cup of coffee

Boys over Flowers





Sungmin, Sunny and Taeyeon were sitting happily with each other for lunch. Sungmin stuffing his face with the egg rolls he had made himself for lunch the night before. Sunny and Taeyeon were smiling happily at Sungmin, laughing in amusement when Sungmin had stuffed to much food in his mouth to be considered a bight sized portion. 

When Sungmin had swallowed the food in one go the both of them would pinch the side of his cheeks and giggle in unison. Sungmin would just smile back at their affection and offer an egg roll. Sunny bent her head down to the chopsticks and took the egg from them, earning a happy laugh to emit from Sungmin when her eyes opened in surprise at the delicious flavour.

Taeyeon would then plead to have a bite as well making Sungmin smile at her adorable pouting lips as he offered her an egg roll as well. Her eyes also popped at the flavour making them hope to have another bite of Sungmin’s packed lunch.


“Sungmin oppa, can I have another one please.” Taeyeon asked as Sungmin gave her another egg roll from the lunch box.


“Sungmin oppa, would you like to try ours?” sunny asked as she held out a spoon that held a smooth yoghurt that the kitchen staff had prepared for the students.


Sungmin opened his mouth happily as Sunny pushed her spoon into his mouth. Sungmin hummed happily at the taste of fresh raspberries and the creamy sweetness of the yoghurt. Taeyeon then held out her spoon happily after Sungmin had swallowed what Sunny had feed him. Sungmin opened his mouth for Taeyeon as she spoon feed him a soft chocolate mousse.

Sungmin hummed happily and then asked for more as both girls squealed and giggled in delight as he allowed them to continue spoon feeding him. Over in the back corner Jessica and Sooyoung scowled unhappily as they watched their former friend feed Sungmin spoonful after spoonful of chocolate mousse happily.


“More Taeyeon, more please.” Sungmin laughed happily as she continued feeding him.


“Sungmin oppa is so cute and happy today. Why?” Sunny asked as she watched Taeyeon feed Sungmin a little more food.


“It’s a good day. I haven’t see Kyuhyun, Henry is happily in France with Amber, Jessica and Sooyoung have left me alone for quite some time, I haven’t seen my stalker for awhile as well, and now I have two beautiful girls feeding me raspberry yoghurt and chocolate mousse.” Sungmin smiled happily as he reached over the table and ruffled Sunny short blonde hair playfully.


“Sungmin oppa thinks were beautiful!” Taeyeon squealed as Sunny giggled happily.


“Why wouldn’t I? I have a blonde bombshell in front of me with a sweet yoghurt on her spoon, and a wide eyed brunette with an adorable smile feeding me chocolate mousse.” Sungmin laughed as he opened his mouth for another spoonful of yoghurt from Sunny.


“Sungmin oppa is only thinking with his stomach.” Sunny laughed as she feed Sungmin another spoonful.


“No I’m not; you girls have always been beautiful to me. When I first met you Sunny I thought you were beautiful and sweet and Taeyeon was beautiful and inquisitive. Now another spoonful please, ahhh.” Sungmin said as he opened his mouth for another spoonful of chocolate mousse from Taeyeon.


“Sure you’re not thinking with your stomach Sungmin oppa?” Taeyeon asked giggling feeding the boy another spoonful.


“Positive.” Sungmin said with his mouthful as both girls laughed and pinched his cheeks again.


A chorus of screaming, and girls hoarding over into the corner of the entry way to the cafeteria echoed throughout the cafeteria. Sungmin, Sunny and Taeyeon lifted their heads in curiosity as they watched the girls and boys hoard over to the corner. Sungmin groaned internally as he watched Jessica and Sooyoung quickly pace over to the corner as well while they attempted to fix their makeup plastered faces.

Sungmin never understood the necessity of why women put that much make up on their faces, which was one of the reasons he liked looking at Taeyeon and Sunny so much. They had a sensible amount of make up on their faces. A little foundation, not to much that they looked plastic and fake like Jessica and Sooyoung did, they had a little bit of pink blush on their cheeks that looked more like a natural glow, rather than the pink clown look Jessica and Sooyoung had.

Sungmin even liked the girl’s choice colouring when it came to eye shadow and eyeliner. Sunny had a soft pink around her eyes, while Taeyeon opted for a soft brown to accentuate her large brown eyes. While Jessica and Sooyoung attempted a y smoky grey look for their eyes, if didn’t look terrible, just a little too trashy for school.  And then Sungmin smiled at the innocent look at Taeyeon’s playful clear lip gloss and Sunny’s pale pink lipstick. Then looked back over at Jessica and Sooyoung, who looked like clowns with their deep sultry red look.

Sungmin sighed and looked down at his plate until Sunny and Taeyeon tapped his arm making him look over in the corner that the girls and boys were hoarding in. He didn’t need to look to know who was coming down the stairs. But it didn’t stop him from looking. Kyuhyun came down stairs wearing a long thick black woollen jumper with a grey beanie covering the top of his usually curly brown thick locks.

As soon as Kyuhyun had spotted Sungmin he headed straight towards him, Sunny and Taeyeon, who were about to grab a hold of Sungmin’s hand  to let Kyuhyun know it was friend time. Kyuhyun sneered as Sunny and Taeyeon’s hands reached Sungmin’s. Sungmin looked up with the same sneer, trying not look flustered as he continued to think how extremely good looking Kyuhyun was wearing his beanie and jacket.


“Saturday at 4 o’clock. In front of Nam San Tower.” Kyuhyun said as he walked away from the table leaving Sungmin very confused.


Sunny and Taeyeon looked at their hands on Sungmin’s feeling a little depressed, knowing all too well That Kyuhyun had a gained a major liking for Sungmin, though they were very unsure of Sungmin’s feeling on the matter. They watched again as Kyuhyun turned around and walked back over to Sungmin, who was still confused on what Kyuhyun said.


“If you’re late for one minute, you’re dead.” Kyuhyun spoke strongly, making Sungmin even more confused as the boy walked off from the table.

Sungmin sneered at Kyuhyun’s back, shaking his head in confusion as he moved his hands out of underneath Sunny and Taeyeon’s to depressively go back to eating his egg rolls and rice balls. A million thoughts were running through his head, on whether he should go or not. Though he just shrugged and decided to forget about it completely rather than dwell on it and create more confusion for him.

In the corner of the room a girl sat there watching the whole scene unfold. She was very unhappy about Kyuhyun’s up front attitude with HER Sungmin. She wrote a quick jog down of the time and place that Sungmin was supposably meeting Kyuhyun and made it in her mind to keep it in her mind to follow what was happening for the rest of the day before Sungmin went off to meet Kyuhyun.




Saturday was a rather large day for Sungmin, he had completely forgotten Kyuhyun’s odd meet up and ended up going to a large sale with his mother at the local grocery store. Sungmin and his mother were agreeing excitably about all the products that they could by at such a very cheap price.

Sunhee grabbed her son’s hand excitedly and dragged him around the corner outside a store with hundreds of women and their daughters were gathering around it. Each of them with the same discount sale magazine in their hand. Sungmin watched all the pushy women, including his mother try to attempt to get to the front of the shop so they would be the first to buy everything they could for such a low price.

Sunhee grabbed her son again and pulled him through the crowd over women and pointed to several items in the magazine for him to remember to buy. Sungmin attempted to imprint each of the items into his brain as well as he could and then looked at his mother and gave her a very affirmative nod.  Sunhee smiled at her son and then continued to pull him through the hoard of women till they were pushed to the front.


“We must get it at all costs.” Sunhee yelled towards her son so he could hear her.


Sungmin looked over in the corner of the store to see several shopping trolley’s and decided to grab one of those as calmly as he could when the doors entered, that way it would give his mother time to grab as much as her arms could carry and then chuck it in the trolley when he found her in store after he grabbed what he needed to get.


“As soon as the shop opens at 4 o’clock, run for one of those trolley’s.” Sunhee said in the same line of thinking as her son.

“And if you find something that you think will fit in the cart that you think we need, just stuff it in the cart as quick as you can.” Sunhee said smiling strongly at her son.


“Wouldn’t it be better if we went together?” Sungmin asked as the thought of his mother getting into a fight over something as simple as a head of cabbage came to mind.


“No, I need to go to the cabbage blow out sale.” Sunhee said to Sungmin, as Sungmin worst nightmares of his mother, cabbage and fighting continued to break out in his head.

“If shopping for clothes was a civil war, then this cabbage sale is...” Sunhee began only to have Sungmin interject.


“The cabbage sale will be World War II.” Sungmin sighed.


Sunhee made the same speech every year when they went to major sales around Seoul. Clothing shopping was a civil war between women and daughter, while the cabbage sale was always World War II for some reason. Sungmin was dragged every year to fill up his mother’s cart and watch her get into heated arguments with women the same age as her or even older. Only last year Sunhee manage to knock out a woman a few years younger than her for stealing cabbage out of the cart Sungmin was carrying.

Sungmin not wanting to hurt the woman just stood there an let it happen, knowing all to well that his mother had grabbed to much cabbage to begin with. Though Sunhee being the kind of women to spend all she has at a sale screamed and raged at the woman as loud as she could, and then successfully landing a punch into the woman’s face.

Lucky enough for Sunhee there were no charges pressed against her. Perhaps the woman was so disgusted by her own behaviour she saw fit that she deserved the beating the Sunhee had given her. Though Sungmin told his mother that if she went overboard like that again this year, it would be the last time he ever came with her to these things.


“That is exactly right Sungmin.” Sunhee said happily.

“You know, the lady who was standing next to me last year. Her teeth were out too.” Sunhee said, confusing Sungmin on what she was going on about.


“Mum what are you talking about?” Sungmin asked in confusion.


“Every home mother sees this as a war Sungmin, and we must be on the winning side.” Sunhee  wrapped her arm around her son as they looked towards the door to see the man approaching slowly to open it.


“Really?” Sungmin sighed, feeling frustration at all the women here who were stupid enough to fight over cabbage.


“Three months worth of our shop’s profits are in our hands right now Sungmin. Got it?” Sunhee asked as Sungmin just nodded his head indicating that he was going to the best he could without hurting anyone.


The man opened the doors slowly and Sunhee pushed herself  through the door pulling Sungmin behind her and pushing him over to grab a shopping cart as she ran ahead of him. Sungmin ran as quickly as he could once he grabbed a shopping trolley and then pushed it around the store. Sungmin grabbed several different sizes of sweaters, shirts, pants, and beanies for the winter than pushed the trolley over to find his mother as fast as he could.

Sungmin filled the trolley half way up with clothes of different sizes, mostly sizes for him, Sungjin and his mother. Chunhwa didn’t see the need to buy new stuff when he had other clothes that were fully functional as it was. But Sungmin threw a couple of his father’s size t shirts and sweaters into the trolley with each clothes bin he found.

Women came up behind him pulling pushing and trying to grab the clothes in his arms. Sungmin just growled at the women behind him, noting for them to back off. When they didn’t move or continued to pull the shirt that was tightly in his arms he turned around and faced the women behind him. He looked at her shrewdly and pushed her out of his way with the shopping cart and told her rightly the shove off.

A couple of metres away a girl watched closely as Sungmin grabbed all he could manage into the cart and then went off looking for his mother.  Sunhee was found at the cabbage bin with several large cabbages in her arms. Once she saw Sungmin she quickly dropped them into the cart and continued to stock up while Sungmin stood guard and continued to growl at several women who approached his cart with their grubby little hands. Every time Sunhee heard her son make some sort of animalistic noise she turned around and smiled, she was so proud her son had told the woman to back off as quickly as they came.




Over at Nam San Tower Kyuhyun waited as patiently as he could for Sungmin to come. He was cold and tired and he watched as the sun had set over the small horizon outside the entry of the tower.  Kyuhyun continued to pace outside the entryway looking at his watch constantly.

He texted to Jongwoon and Donghae meaningless questions about how long it would take Sungmin to leave from his house to arrive at Nam San Tower. Jongwoon just told him to wait patiently, telling Kyuhyun that Sungmin was probably stuck somewhere or that he was dolling himself up.

While Donghae took the approach of saying he probably forgot about it all, his family would probably be very busy this time of year I would suspect as I have seen numerous women hoarding the street trying to get to sales as quick as they could. Kyuhyun side angrily as he couple after couple go inside the tower and order small cups of coffee for the both them.

Kyuhyun sat down on the edge of a wall and looked up the darkening sky. Kyuhyun sighed feeling the weather grow colder as snow started to fall around him. Kyuhyun  looked back down at his watch and again and continued to look around the street to see if any of the people turning into the square were Sungmin. Unfortunately none of them were him. So Kyuhyun continued to wait.



Sungmin and Sunhee emerged out of the shopping centre with the cart stacked high with products that they needed and probably didn’t need at the same time and Sungmin had a bag placed on his back full of clothes and few new umbrellas. Sunhee smiled at her son who was pushing the trolley towards the where there father would be parked waiting for them to come out the store. Sungmin looked at sky and smiled as he saw the snow falling around him and his mother.


“It’s snowing.” Sungmin smiled happily as he thought of the time he had caught Henry playing his violin in the falling snow.


Sungmin remembered the familiarly sad and haunting tune that Henry was playing on the violin. He smiled to himself wondering how Henry was doing in France with Amber, and how Amber was doing with her studies and having Henry with her as well. Sunhee looked at son’s soft smile and looked up at the sky herself


“Dad must be waiting for us, we should hurry along Sungmin.” Sunhee said as she patted the trolley to gain Sungmin’s attention.


Sungmin pulled out the umbrella he had bought while in the shops and opened it for him and his mother to walk underneath. Sungmin suddenly had a thought about Kyuhyun and then remembered the weird statement Kyuhyun had made in the cafeteria the other day. His confusion continued to grow as Kyuhyun’s voice echoed through his brain.

Sunhee seeing her son was slightly troubled with what was going on in his head looked at him and tapped his shoulder to gain his attention back to where he was pushing the shopping trolley.  Sungmin sniffed in the cold air shaking his head of the memory, though it wouldn’t shift out of his brain for some reason.


“No, no. He wouldn’t would he?” Sungmin muttered to himself.


“What are you murmuring about?” Sunhee asked as her son continued to shake his head.


“Mum, there’s no way someone would wait outside in the snow for four hours, when I didn’t say that I’d go, right?” Sungmin asked as he looked at his mother hopefully.


“How can someone do that, unless they’re stupid or crazy.” Sunhee said

“Let’s go.” Sunhee said grabbing her sons arm.


“Hold on.” Sungmin muttered, causing Sunhee to look at her son oddly.

“Oh god, he is stupid enough and crazy enough to do that.” Sungmin sighed as he gave his mother the umbrella and started running off into the direction on Nam San Tower

“Mum, go ahead without me!” Sungmin yelled over his shoulder as he waved to his mother and pulled out another umbrella from the bag on his back that was full of bough clothes.


“Lee Sungmin where are you going?” Sunhee yelled to her son.


“I’m going somewhere!” Sungmin yelled as to his mother as thoughts of Kyuhyun freezing to death or catching pneumonia plagued his mind.




When Sungmin reached outside of Nam San Tower he looked around furiously for any sign of Kyuhyun. Sungmin sighed heavily as he continued to look around for him. He was looking for the brown curly hair that he had grown very fond of, despite what he had first told Kyuhyun. But he could find anything .

Sungmin began to start think that maybe Kyuhyun had gone home and would now be very furious with him when he saw him next. Sungmin turned around as his eyes landed on a huddled figure sitting on the edge of corner. A long black coat was draping around this figures body as he shivered in the freezing cold weather.

Sungmin smiled slightly to himself as he saw the brown curls shift in the snow a bit and Kyuhyun’s face came into view. Sungmin walked over to the shivering figure and placed the umbrella over his head. Kyuhyun looked up and scowled when he saw Sungmin’s worried face. He didn’t want to admit that Sungmin looked absolutely gorgeous in snow, his withered freezing pride couldn’t d it.


“Do you know what time it is?” Kyuhyun said as Sungmin looked away and scoffed.


“That’s what I am supposed to ask you.” Sungmin said as he looked at the shivering figure who buried his face in his coat a little.

“Do you know what time it is? Do you really have nothing else better to do?” Sungmin asked as he started brushing the snow out of Kyuhyun’s locks.


“Didn’t I say that you’d be dead if you were late?” Kyuhyun said as he looked up at Sungmin.


“Did I say that I would come?” Sungmin asked leaving Kyuhyun stumped for a moment.


“Well, you’re here now.” Kyuhyun mumbled into his coat causing Sungmin to smile sweetly at his childish behaviour.


“That’s because...I was thinking and hoping that maybe there’d still be a chance that you’d be waiting.” Sungmin said as Kyuhyun looked up at him again and smiled softly.

“So what would have happened if I didn’t come by?” Sungmin said as he wiped the snow of Kyuhyun’s cold cheek.


“You came anyway, who cares?” Kyuhyun yelled as Sungmin laughed at him softly.

“And whose fault that I went through all this in the first place?” Kyuhyun said as he stood causing Sungmin’s hand to drop away from his face.

“It’s cold.” Kyuhyun mumbled as Sungmin hugged him.


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened in surprise as he felt Sungmin’s arm wrap around his waist and his face bury into the crook of his neck. Kyuhyun took hold of the umbrella in Sungmin’s hand and held it as Sungmin’s other hand wrapped around Kyuhyun’s waist. He could feel him smiling and laughing in the hug. Kyuhyun smiled and rested his head on top of Sungmin’s and smiled softly into the blonde bangs. Sungmin let go of Kyuhyun’s waist and grabbed his free hand and looked up at him smiling softly.


“I’ll buy you something warm as an apology.” Sungmin said, making Kyuhyun chuckled slightly as they started walking towards the tower.

“You know you could have waited inside, the steam is coming off your body.” Sungmin chuckled as Kyuhyun looked at him with an annoyed look.


Sungmin and Kyuhyun walked into the tower and took the elevator all the way to the top of the high building. Sungmin stopped by a coffee machine and place several coins into it and selected Kyuhyun a black coffee, while he bought himself a cuppa chino and loading it with sugar. Kyuhyun smiled to himself as he watched Sungmin place three packets of sugar into the coffee and stirred it happily.

Kyuhyun started thinking maybe this is way Sungmin tastes so sweet most of the time, he loads all his drinks with sugar and he is always eating sweet foods when he is around him. Sungmin handed Kyuhyun the cup of black coffee while he sipped he overly sweet milky concoction.


“Enjoy it. It’s a 30,000won cup of coffee.” Sungmin smiled at Kyuhyun who sipped it cautiously, just in case Sungmin put something sweet in it as well.


“Sungmin, are you scamming people now too? That shouldn’t be the price of a coffee.” Kyuhyun said as Sungmin walked over to another door.


“Just try it.” Sungmin muttered.

“And I shall show you why it’s a 30,000won cup of coffee in a moment, follow me.” Sungmin mumbled as Kyuhyun followed him to a see through door.


Sungmin pulled Kyuhyun out onto the small balcony next to little cable cars. Kyuhyun’s breath was taken away when his eyes came into view with the lights and sounds of the city of Seoul beneath him. Sungmin was smiling peacefully next to him as they watched the lights flickering in the streets below them.

Sungmin looked over at Kyuhyun who was in awe of the large vast city beneath him. Kyuhyun feeling eyes upon him looked down at Sungmin next to him. Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin’s hand and smiled brightly down at him as he went back to looking down at the city beneath them.


“Wasn’t I right?” Sungmin said.

“It’s just like drinking coffee from a hotel’s sky lounge room.” Sungmin smiled as Kyuhyun chuckled next to him.


“Would someone even be able to leave the drugstore in your hands with your poor calculations?” Kyuhyun laughed as he looked down at an annoyed Sungmin.


“What?” Sungmin asked with annoyance.


36,300won.” Kyuhyun said confusing Sungmin.


“Huh?” Sungmin said shaking his head.


“If you’re going to take money, you might as well count in the labour and extra fees.” Kyuhyun said surprising Sungmin.


“So a wealthy person CAN do those kinds of calculations...” Sungmin teased.


“I’m just acting like I don’t. If I really didn’t know, then how would I become a wealthy person?” Kyuhyun asked making Sungmin chuckle slightly.


Sungmin looked up in the sky and smiled happily that Kyuhyun did understand the meaning of work and the people who help him through it. Sungmin place his coffee on the banister and stretched as he continued to look up at the sky in fascination at all the stars and twinkling lights.


“Wow there are so many stars.” Sungmin smiled as he picked up his coffee again. Kyuhyun bursted out into a fit of laughter at Sungmin statement earning another annoyed look from the boy.


“Hey, those aren’t stars. They’re satellites, you idiot.” Kyuhyun laughed into his coffee cup.


“Are you an idiot?” Sungmin asked in disbelief.

“Are there THAT many satellites?” Sungmin asked in annoyance again, cursing Kyuhyun’s stupidity.


“Are you kidding me? They’re satellites” Kyuhyun continued smiling and laughing at Sungmin.


“I don’t want to hear that from you.” Sungmin huffed as he turned away from Kyuhyun.


“What, you idiot?” Kyuhyun asked


“What, are you dumb?” Sungmin mumbled angrily,


“This clueless boy.” Kyuhyun muttered.


“You’re even more clueless!” Sungmin yelled still facing away from Kyuhyun.


While the boys were fighting upstairs on the balcony the janitor came towards the door with  his keys whistling happily to himself. While he was looking around outside his phone vibrated in his pocket signalling he had just received a message. He pulled out his phone and stared at the message happily as he continued to send a message onto the other person saying that he was on his way and to leave him some soju for his arrival.

The janitor quickly closed the door and locked it and placed the chain around it locking it in a padlock, while sending another message to the other person on the phone. The lights went off leaving the two squabbling in the darkness and quite surprised....






A/N: Sorry this shorter than what I usually write, had people over and I didn't want it to look suss cause I kept on thinking of dirty images for the next scene and then I would scream and they would all look at me oddly lol. So sorry i decided to kepp it clean this chapter. Might be some next chapter if I am around no one lol

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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-