Models and High kicks

Boys over Flowers

ALRIGHT GUYS GO BACK AND READ ALL OF CHAPTER 5 NOW THAT THE WHOLE CHAPTER IS UPDATED!!!!! IF YOU DON'T YOU NWON'T GET WHATS GOING ON AND YOU WILL ONLY HAVE YOURSELVES TO BLAME LOL!!! Also guys I probably won't have the time to finish the entire chapter 6 today as I have got to go out tonight and be social....why must I have to be social I rather write for you nice people. But It will be finished hopefully by tomorrow night, and I will have to start for ideas on chapter 7 soon as well lol...I shouldn't be so lazy lol Anyway guys enjoy Chapter 6 ^__^



"What? Henry?" Kyuhyun said looking at the boys who had attacked Sungmin, and away from his computer screen for the first time all afternoon.


"Yes, he had appeared at the percise moment." Said on the boys. As the boys stood there they couldn't help but look at the surroundings, they were so scared of Kyuhyun's reactions, it was also their first time in Cho Kyuhyun's house, so they wanted to see as much as they could before they had to leave. Everything was clean and in a precise place. It was the nicest looking house any of them had every been, and they had only seen the entryway and what appeared to be the sitting room. There was booksheleves that stocked all the finest literature that they could see, and even foregin books as well. All the furniture was ornate and beautifully crafted to the finest detail.

The desk Kyuhyun was sitting at was made of a dark ashy wood, it had been carved beautifully, there was swirls on the legs and it shined up creating it to look like if you were stare in it you could see you own refection. The computer that Kyuhyun had been playing was obviously state of the art, it had three monitors. Why someone need that many monitors was beyond the boys, but apparently Kyuhyun needed them. from what they could see Starcraft (as everyone at the school knew was Kyuhyun's favourite game) was paused and a few articles had been placed on the other monitors, they gathered he must of been reading them before he got imersed in Starcraft.


"Who asked you to do those things to Sungmin?" Kyuhyun askedf the boys in disgust.


"Didn't you say to let Lee Sungmin suffer?" One of the boys perked up and dangerously looked to Sungmin's face, instead of at the marble floor he had been looking at before.


"I just told you to scare him so he could admit his mistake!" Kyuhyun yelled at them and got off his leather computer chair.

"Who told you to do that! How could you even think I meant that!" He yelled at the boys, he had never felt so angry about anything, how could someone want to do what they attempted to do to Sungmin. He looked to innocent for that.


"Sorry. It's our fault." They apologised in unison.


"Do you guys want to leave the school as well?" Kyuhyun shouted as he started making his way over the boy whith his fist ready to punch them.

"Get lost!" Kyuhyun screamed at them as he thought of Sungmin being attacked by the boys.

"I don't want to see any of your faces ever again." Kyuhyun shouted as he charged after the. The boys ran in the opposite direction to the door and quickly scrambled out of the house as quick as they could.




Sungmin trudged around the Porridge Shop sadly, his mind in constant thought about what had transpired today, and that odd feeling he kept getting whenever he thought of Henry. Ryeowook who was fed up with Sungmin's attitutd quickly grabbed the bowl off the table he was cleaning and handed them to Shindong through the window. He walked up to Sungmin and stood in front of him and pouted. Sungmin looked at Ryeowook in suprise and gathered by the look on his face, Ryeowook was not happy about his odd behaviour for the day.


"Sungmin, are you alright?" Ryeowook asked as he quickly changed his face into one full or worry and concern for his friend.


"It's nothing big." Sungmin said as he looked at Ryeowook for a moment and then went back to his train of thought. He really didn't want to tell Ryeowook what had happened at school today, it would only scare Ryeowook and cause him to get all flustery and worried about him.


"It has to be something big if it's gotten you like this." Ryeowook said as he placed his hand on Sungmin's face making him look at him.

"It's that F4 again..." Ryeowook said as he started getting fired up about it.

"I thought about cutting them some slack because of their good looks, but I can't believe that these guys are really this bad!" Ryeowook grumbled loudly as he stamped his foot on the ground in frustration as if he was a 5 year old child not getting his way. Shindong looked out of the window to Ryeowook and Sungmin, as he started to listen in on the conversation.

"Birds of a feather flock together. The four of them are always together right?" Ryeowook spouted, really knowing what exactly he was saying, and not really knowing what he was talking about at that. Sungmin smiled as he began to think of Henry again.


"It's not really like that." Sungmin spoke softly as he reminisced about the time he had seen Henry smile for the first time.


"Why not?" Ryeowook asked cocking his head to the side.


"One of them is different." Sungmin smiled, as Shindong nodded his head and smiled in agreement at Sungmin's words.


"One person? Whose that?" Ryeowook asked as he rose his eyebrows in suprise at what Sungmin had said. Sungmin smiled at Ryeowook and then giggled a little to himself as he thought about the time Henry attempt at trying to wipe flour and egg of his face. Sungmin placed his hands into his pocket slowly bringing out a handkercheif with the intials H.L embroided on it. Sungmin's face fell a little as he sighed to himself, he had never felt like this beofre and it was beginning to be a bit to much for him. He couldn't even concentrate on anything anymore with thinking of Lau Henry.




That night as Sungmin was riding his bike home, Sungmin stopped infront of a large screen that was playing an advertisement starring Liu Amber. Sungmin looked at the beautiful girl in the advertisement. She had shirt brown hair, a creamy complexion and bright big eyes Sungmin loved to look at. Amber was dressed in black baggy shorts a bright blue football jersey and a cap the was styled to sit on her head on a side angle. Sungmin watched as she played around with the phone that she was advertising, she was pulling soft cute faces of mock suprise as she found something new she could do with the phone. He smiled as the screen as he pulled a lollipop from his pocket unwrapped it and popped it into his mouth.

"She's so pretty in this advertisement, despite her choice of wardrobe." Sungmin laughed as he admired Amber on the screen smiling and playing with the screen of the phone.

When the advertisement finished Sungmin threw his lollipop stick in the bin and kicked off on his bike. He was really impressed with Amber as a person, she had done some much and achieved so much, that he really hoped the best would happen for her. As Sungmin started looking around the street he was riding on he passed someone who looked very familiar to him. Sungmin stopped and looked back to see Henry embracing a picture of Amber that was on the back of a bus stop. Sungmin backed up his bike slowly and watched as Henry's beautiful hands the poster of Amber's face.

"Sunbae likes her too?" Sungmin asked happily. Henry looked behind him in suprise to see Sungmin smiling sweetly at him from his bike.Henry backed away from the poster, his eyes never left Amber's smiling face.

"No matter what, touching the advertisement like that will dirty you hands Sunbae." Sungmin said smiling to Henry. Henry looked at Sungmin for a moment then to his hands, finding that they were covered with a think layer of dust and dirt.

Sungmin smiled and looked into his bag, he retrieved the wet naps that he took to work with him to clean his hands of all the grime from the food.  Sungmin hopped of his bike and kicked the stand down. Henry held out his hands as Sungmin walked past him and straight to the poster. Sungmin began to wipe the poster down, carefully removing any dust and grime that was stuck to Amber's face. Henry just watched Sungmin and smiled at the odd behaviour of the boy.

Sungmin stepped back to admire his cleaning job, finding it rather acceptable. He walked back to his bike placing the left over wet naps back in his bag, making a mental not to buy some more next time he went to the shops.l

"She's really pretty right?" Sungmin said smiling at the poster.

"She's just like a goddess who descended to earth." Sung smiled as he looked up at Henry who was smiling.


"Goddess?" Henry asked looking down at Sungmin's smiling face.


"Not only is she beautiful, She's very smart too, she donates almost all the money she earned from modelling. Not long ago, she passed the French International Lawyer Exam." Sungmin said as he stared admiringly at the poster.


"You know this woman?" Henry asked in suprise


"Of course she's my idol." Sungmin said proudly.


"Idol?" Henry laughed


"Although everyone though that she would take over her parents' company after she graduated...I didn't think so." Sungmin said while Henry watched him.

"I've always thought that she would do something even greater. on every school holiday she would go to Africa or Afghanistan. Oh she went to Tibet not to long ago too." Sungmin smiled at Henry.

"Though this is just my imagination. I hope she marries someone of royalty status or someone who may become President. Like Diana or Audry Hepburn, to be a princess that contributes to world peace. Something like that." Sungmin smiled as the picture. Henry looked away from Henry and stopped smiling.


"She's just a model." Henry said.


"Why? Didn't the French President divorce his wife to marry a model? who would know? Maybe the next French President or some European prince, would fall in love with her at first sight and ask for her hand in marriage. I think there is a high possibility of this happening. Don't you think so? Sungmin said looking at Henry for an answer.


"Everytime I see you. I find you so noisy and irratating." Henry muttered at Sungmin as he walked pass him.


"I just..." Sungmin began as Henry stopped. Henry closed his eyes and in breath in with annoyance. He wasn't annoyed at Sungmin, just at what Sungmin had said.


"What would you know?" Henry asked refusing to look at Sungmin as he walked off leaving Sungmin feeling very confused.




Sungmin walked through the front door of the apartment and yelled his greetings to his family as he walked to the kitchen to find his mother making dinner. Sungmin glanced over at Sungjin who was playing around with the computer.


"Hey Sungjin! Aren't you going to eat?" Sunhee yelled from the kitchen as she slapped Sungmin's hand away from the pot she was stirring.

"You've been on that computer all day long! Sunhee said as she walked into the loungeroom and set the table for dinner, as Sungjin ignored her. Sungmin walked out of the kitchen and sat at the table eager for dinner.

"Can the computer give you money or food?" Sunhee continued to scold Sungjin as he ignored her ranting for a moment.


"I can earn money and get food" Sungjin yelled back as he stared at his family piling food on their plates.

"How dare you look down to your Cyber King Sungjin." he muttered to himself as he glanced back at the screen.


"Cyber what?" Chunhwa said with his mouth full.


"Cyber King." Sungmin answered with his mouth full as well.


"It maybe the rich and wealthy who support the world, but to make this world more rich adn exciting, you'll need to depend on a maniac like me." Sungjin muttered to his father, who just continued to stuff his face.


"You just keep staring at the computer screen." Chunhwa spoke with cabbage hanging out the side of mouth.


"How dirty." Sunhee muttered to Chunhwa as she flicked the cabbage off Chunhwa's chin and into his mouth.


"Hey, whats is this?" Sungjin shouted in suprise.

"Hyung this would totally make headline news!" Sungjin shouted at Sungmin to get his attention.


"Headline Chunhwa repeated.


"It says that one of the male studenets in you school Hyung, got some girl pregnant and is refusing to acknowledge or even help the girl!" Sungjin shouted as Sungmin and his parents rushed over to Sungjin side and glanced down at the article Sungjin was reading. Sungmin and Chunhwa started chiking on their food at the same time as they saw how poorly bthis girl was being treated by this boy.


"Where, where?" Sunhee yelled in Sungjin's ear still trying to find the information.


"Mister S, a second year student as SM High, has been accused of impregnanting a first year student. When questioned, the boy simply stated that he not know her, nor will he help her in anycase as she is not his burden."Sungjin finshied reading the article out loud for his mother.


"Sungmin is it possible the boy isin your class?" Sunhee questioned excitedly over the gossip.


"How can a boy not take responsibilty for his actions, ecspecially when this girl is so young!" Chunhwa exclaimed in shock and sadness.




As Sungmin entered the school the following morning he couldn't help but wonder which female student was pregnant and which boy had done the deed in the first place. Someone had to be sick to take advantage of someone that young, he couldn't even think Cho Kyuhyun would be that disgusting and stupid. As Sungmwalked around he noticed the buzz of excitement around the students, it seemed they were all staring at him he thought. They were all huddled over with each other whipering excietdly as they stared and pointed at him. Shrugging thinking they were all plotting some other form of stupidity against him, he walked to his class. But when he noticed even the boys doing it he just got even more confused, usually the boys would leave him alone now since Henry's intrusion the other day.

"What are they all looking at?" He muttered angrily as himself.

As Sungmin was just outside his door he could hear some of the girls from his class talking. He recognised Sooyoung's voice almost immediatly.

Oh my, I didn't think a commoner would actually do something like that." Sooyoung said snidely, obviously thinking te worse in him. As Sung min enetered the classroom bracing himself for what was to some, he stared at all the individual sets of eyes that landed on him. As sungmin looked around and saw two girls writing something out on the front chalk board. As he walked around the room slowly he read what had been writted up on the chalk board.

' Sungmin has done this before.'

'How disgustling!!'

'You call yourself a man!!'

'How sick!! GO DIE LEE SUNGMIN!!'




"Why is it so quiet today?" Jongwoon asked as he looked at Henry, Donghae and Kyuhyun.


"What?" Donghae responded.


"Cleaner boy." Jongwoon answered for Donghae's and Kyuhyun understanding.


"Wait and see. He'll appear in no time, that boy doesn't know his limits." Kyuhyun smirked as he told Henry, Jongwoon and Donghae.


"What prank have you pulled this time?" Henry asked with a straight face.


"Why so you can save him again?" Kyuhyun asked Henry with a little attitude, though feeling grateful that he did show up at the right time.


"What does that mean?" Donghae asked Jong woon, who just shrugged his shoulders not knowing what the two boys infront of him were talking about.


"You shouldn't push him to far, you never know what my reprecuss." Henry warnerd Kyuhyun.


"Since when did you care about this?" Kyuhyun scoffed at the idea of Henry actually taking interest in something he was doing for once.

"If you aren't going to help, then mind your own buisness."


"Making life difficult for this boy is ridiculous and childish, and I'm just warning you, Sungmin might get angry enough and do something." Henry tried to reason with Kyuhyun.


"Does he look like a dangerous boy to you?" Kyuhyun laughed

"He completly disregards people just like a horse, or a dog. Whether he is a horse or a dog, he still defied the great Kyuhyun. Don't you know the rules?" Kyuhyun finished and smirked.


Sungmin came bounding down the stairs and walked into the room staring at Kyuhyun, Donghae, Jongwoon and Henry. He looked at them with distaste and hatred, not believing that Kyuhyun would actually pull something like this. Actually Sungmin couldn't believe he actually thought more of Kyuhyun, he should have believed he was a worm, no worse than a worm he was an a little bacteria that wouldn't leave you alone.


"Speak of the devil..." Kyuhyun smirked at Sungmin.

"I was right, wasn't I?? He came looking for me. If you came to apologise though you're to late." Kyuhyun said as he turned his head away from Sungmin's cold gave, feeling as though maybe he had gone a tad bit to far.


"I will not take this quietly anymore. I'm warning you of this outcome. These words are all prepared for you Cho Kyuhyun so you better listen good." Sungmin seethed through his teeth as he continued to death stare Kyuhyun.


"Hey laundry boy. Is that how your people apologise?" Kyuhyun said with an annoyed tone as he stared back into Sungmin's face.


"Then among your people, must the victim apologise to the culprit?" Sung yelled as he chucked his bag harshley at Kyuhyun. Henry, Jongwoon and Donghae continued to stare at Sungmin, they found this to be the most amusing thing they had ever witnessed to happen to Kyuhyun.


"What did you say?" Kyuhyun asked as he pushed himself out of his chair and walked straight up to Kyuhyun's face, staring into his eyes with wild fury as he dropped the ground at Sungmin's feet.


Sungmin changed his stance into a fighting one, he placed his fist infront of his face, blocking it from Kyuhyun just in case he through a punch, and spread his legs slightly apart taking a firmer stance. Kyuhyun walked closer to Sungmin, as Sungmin kept his stance and slowly edge his way around in a circle kepping a good distance between Kyuhyun and himself.


"You...What are you doing?" Kyuhyun asked with disbelief written all over his face.


"I told you, I won't sit back and take it anymore. I told you clearly already!" Sungmin shouted as he jumped into the air and kicked Kyuhyun, though it wasn't hard enough to hurt him, Sungmin didn't want to hurt the boy, just shock him into stop doing what he had been doing to him. Kyuhyun fell onto the ground in suprise, as Donghae, Jongwoon, and Henry just sat on their couches with their mouths agape in suprise at Sungmin. Sungmin stamped his way over to Kyuhyun and looked down into Kyuhyun's suprised face.


"Did you ever see me sleeping around with anyone?! Did you ever see me holding hands with anyone?! How dare you spread those rumours about me! I haven't even had my first kiss yet!" Sungmin screamed into Kyuhyun's face. Kyuhyun just laid on the floor still in disbelief at what had transpired. Henry Jongwoon and Donghae could no longer contain themselves, they bursted into a laughing fit right in front of the two fighting boys, they couldn't believe the scene they had just witnessed.

"If you keep up these filthy tricks, I'll really hurt you!" Sungmin stated as he turned around, picked up his bag that was laying on the floor and stormed out the room, listeneing to Henry, Jongwoon and Donghae laughing hyseterically behind him.




"Why is he so amused?" Donghae asked Jongwoon, they stacked up the balls getting ready to have a game of pool, as they stared over at Kyuhyun who was smiling like an idiot to himself.


"He actually dare to pull a spinning back kick on the Great Cho Kyuhyun." Jongwoon laughed as he pictured Sungmin jumping in the air and kicking Kyuhyun again.

"It's been awhile since our school life was so fun. But don't you think that he remindes you of someone?" Jongwoon thought out loud.


"You're right I was thinking that too." Donghae said as he lined up to take his shot on the table.

"Who is it?" Dongahe questioned with a brief pause.


"Cho Ahra noona." Jongwoon and Donghae said at the same time as they felt the lights click on in their brains. Kyuhyun looked over at the two boys who caught his attention.


"What? They're nothing alike." Kyuhyun said to them as Jong woon took his shot.


"No, no. There's simliarities between them." Donghae smiled.


"What similarities?" Kyuhyun spoke.

"How an you compare that boy to my sister."


"Whether he is like your sister or not, you'd know best." Jongwoon smiled playfully at Kyuhyun.


"Shutup!" Kyuhyun yelled at the two boys.


"But why were you laughing and smiling to yourself right now?" Donghae asked smirking, as Kyuhyun began to smile again as he thought of Sungmin's angry little face.


"Did something get to your head?" Jongwoon joked.


"Haven't you guys caught on yet?" Kyuhyun asked smiling, still thinking of Sungmin.


"What?" Donghae asked feeling a little confused.


"That guy, no matter how I think about it, is totally in to me." Kyuhyun said smiling to himself again.


"What?!" Jongwoon and Donghae asked in unison, shcoked over what Kyuhyun had said to them.


"Cho Kyuhyun, how in the world did you arrive to that conclusion?" Jongwoon asked.


"You guys How can you call yourselves experts at love, or playboying?" Though that Sungmin appears to hate me on the surface, he's actually totally infatuated with me. Kyhyun said smiling at the boys.


"Uh...huh" Donghae sounded sarcastically.


"Think about it. He didn't want me to misunderstand him, so he came himself to insist that he is innocent." Kyuhyun explained.


"Following that logic..." Jongwoon began


"Saying he hasn't had his first kiss..." Donghae continued.


"Is his way of saying he's waiting for his first kiss to be from me." Kyuhyun finsihed with a smile.


"Bravo. Impressive Kyuhyun. You're my friend but that is something." Jongwoon said laughing


"That goes without saying." Kyuhyun laughed as well, his thoughts stilol consisted of Sungmin and his cute little adorable angry face.


"He's totally in the wrong." Donghae whispered to Jongwoon and laughed.


"He think he could fool me by acting so mad. Though it would be burdensome too if he was too straight forward. Wouldn't it?" Kyuhyun said to himself, noting hearing what Donghae had said previously to Jongwoon. Jongwoon looked to Donghae shaking his head as Donghae whispered something else to him causing the two into giggle fits at Kyuhyun's stupidity about the whole thing.




Sungmin, you're getting closer to having a stalker lol




How close are you now to meeting Yesung Wookie...hopefully not to far >.<



Our Chef at the Porridge shop!!!! He may not say much but he knows what's right...really want to add some Nari stuff into it lol



Oh Kyuhyun, you're finally sort of admitting your feelings about Sungmin >.< so excited!!!


Please don't be mad at Yesung you and Wook will have each other soon lol, even if it take some time lol




Donghae Iget excited....Hyukkie will be appearing  soon...maybe in a couple of more chapters, or more but he will be there for you I promise.




To the people who don't understand why i pput Amber in this place well, i thought just having a pretty face wasn't enough...She need to have spunk and since Henry is Ji Hoo I though Hey why not Amber she has a frak load of spunk lol and I personally think she is goregous!!! Don't you?




Sorry this took so long guys, had a load of work and was not happy about it Chapter & will be up tomorrow night and maybe if we're lucky the first half of chapter 8 Love you all!!!


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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-