Practice with pandas, and confessions for Henry

Boys over Flowers

Sorry it took so long guys... So go back have a read and see if you like it. Feed back is always good as well, lets me know what I need improvement on. So have fun with Irritatingly beautiful things and hopefully I can get this chapeter up soon as well. Hope you guys had a goos NY and seeya soon ^^


The last couple of days seem to fleet by for Sungmin, things went by in a whirrling by in an easy breeze. Sungmin watched everything and everyone live around him, Hyukjae and Donghae were bllissful in their love haze, the kissing, teasing, playful little banters and their romantic little trip in the mid afternoon to their bedroom was never unnoticed. Ryeowook and Jongwoon's behaviour had changed slightly towards each other. They still ran yelled, screamed and annoyed each other like there was no tomorrow, but Ryeowook was slightly softer with his blows now, and Jongwoon would softly push hair away from Ryeowook's face, gently caress his thigh, or even tickle the small of Ryeowook's back., which was often caught by Sungmin. Kyuhyun and Henry were more distant then ever, they wouldn't talk, they would look at each other, and they would do whatever they could to stay as far away from each other.

It was finally the last day of their little vacation and Sungmin was happily sitting in the gym or the floor mats meditating and relaxing his body. Sungmin had been feeling a little guilty about not practicing for his scholarship on this trip and voiced how he felt about it. It wasn't long until Jongwoon had come up to him with a pouting Kyuhyun giving him a little key card for the gym room where he could practice without being disturbed by Kyuhyun, Ryeowook or Hyukjae for as long as he liked. Sungmin smiled excitedly and quickly grabbed the key and ran off to change in the most comforable sweats he had and be alone for the next couple of hours to practice. Before he the quiet gym room, he gave Kyuhyun gave a small little peck and told him to go have some fun.

Sungmin breathed in deeply, letting his head and body relax and melt away, he felt his sense pick up, the twirl in tingle in the air surrounding him, the movement of the breeze gently blowing against his body from the open window. Sungmin picked his body off his body off the ground and began slow movement, slowly swaying his body, moving his feet against the floor until he came in contact with h=the hard wooden floor. His feet danced across the hard cold surface and stance in a familiar defensive pose. Sungminbreathed in and out again, feeling the air move around him again and quickly started swinging his legs up and down in course fast movements, he felt the air split beneath his  thigh, calves and toes. his body began to twist and turn as he twirled his body around, feeling his imaginary target take aim against his body,

Sungmin's mind was so entranced with his practice he didn't hear the door open and feet padding against the mat. Sungmin felt the hair on the back of his neck as the intruder came at him. Sungmin quickly turned and dodged the attack and quickly tarpped the intruders arm and spun it arounds body forcing himto the ground. Sungmin breathed heavily as he looked at the black mop on his intruders head, and the small chuckle emitting from the young man. Sungmin slowly removed his grip from the man's arm and allowed him to stand up, the man turned around still chuckling.


"Afternoon Sunbae." The man said as he smiled beautifully to Sungmin.


Sungmin breathed in deeply and took in the the young man in front of him, he looked awfully familiar, the way his lips where cud in a cat like smile, and dark eyes that twinkled mischeviously under a thick lock of raven colour hair. Sungmin breathed a sigh of relief when he connected twoo and two together, this was the same boy hehad meet a couple of days ago at the temple. Sungmin sighed and breathed in deeply as the boy continued smiling at him.


"Huang?" Sungmin asked as the boy nodded in excitement.


"Sunbae, you remembered me, I'm so thankful for that, otheriwse what I had just done would have been really weird for you." Zitao laughed as Sungmin will still a little lost.


"What are you doing here Huang?" Sungmin asked in confusion.


"Oh, my manager and and Yifan told me to go practice with my wushu, as the last time I was on a set I was nearly maulled by a couple of people." Zitao snickered as he started moving around the room, focusing on his upper body.


"Oh, so you guys are in the same hotel as us." Sungmin smiled as Zitao walked over to the other sideof the wall to pick up one of the tonfas sitting against the wall, chucking it Sungmin who caught with ease,  then grabbing one for himself as he began to start twirling it around.


"Guess so. Funny we haven't seen each other though." Zitao hummed as he engaged Sungmin in a light spar.


"Well we're not in the hotel for long, we're usually outside doing something." Sungmin spoke as they clashed their tonfas together softly.


"Neither are we. This was suppose to be a holiday but something came up." Zitao sighed as twirled around and made a soft defence against Sungmin.


"To be honest, when we first met I had no idea who you were." Sungmin shyly blushed as he made an advancement again.


"Ha, now thats something new, what about the other boys?" Zitao asked as he moved and clashed his tonfa against Sungmin's again.


"No, thoiugh the people who were with us told us who you were." Sungmin laughed as Zitao laughed as well.


"We go to the same school." Zitao gave a throaty chuckle.


"I know that now. I just didn't really focus on other people i guess. Sorry." Sungmin softly smiling, hoping the other wouldn't be offended.


"Nah, it's all good. To be fair I didn't realise you were in the same school as me until Yifan saw Hyukjae and then saw the F4 stading behind you guys waiting." Zitao smiled as Sungmin stepped backwards and made his last defence before knocking zitao off his feet.


"No fair Sunbae, I wasn't ready." Zitao whined as he got up off the floor.


"You left yourself open, I couldn't help myself." Sungmin chuckled as he placed his tonfa back against the wall with Zitao.


"I might have to join the martial arts club at school." Zitao said as Sungmin sat back wn on the flo a began to stretch while Zitao began practice on his high kicks.


"You would be great in there, Plus it gives me someone I can spar with that actually has an idea on what their doing." Sungmin smiled as he streched his legs out in front of him.


"What the others aren't any good." Zitao asked as he looked down at Sungmin.


"Well it isn't that they know what they're doing, I think it has something to do with the fact that Kyuhyun is pretty close to me." Sungmin chuckled as Zitao mouth an 'oh'

"They don't really want to hurt me, and if they do, they really want to hurt me." Sungmin sighed as Zitao stopped in his tracks and walked over to Sungmin.


"Why?" Zitao said as he crouched down in front of Sungmin, who started stretching his back and arms.


"Kyuhyun targeted me when we first met. Some people haven't let that go." Sungminspoke truthfully.


"That's terrible." Zitao cried in a high pitch voice.


"it's all good, I  mostly ignore it now." Sungmin smiled reassuringly.


"I will definetly  come!" Zitao spoke loudly, shocking Sungmin for a moment.

"I will come every time you're their sunbae!" Zitao grabbed a hold of Sungmin's hands.


"Well, thank you, i guess." Sungmin laughed, a little confused by what had transpired.


"I would love to spar with you everyday!" Zitao shouted more firmly causing Sungmin's laughter to become boisterious.


"Okay Huang, we can spar everyday." Sungmin chuckled happily.


A gentle tapping came from the other side of the door disturbing Sungmin and Zitao. A puffed of sandy brown hair and long lean body came thorugh the door. A large smile spread across the sharp face as its dark eyes spotted Zitao crouched on the floor in front of Sungmin. The man casually strolled over and stood besides the both of them happily smiling down at them. Sungmin smiled back finding reassurance that the man was Kris, or as Zitao called him YIfan. Sungmin did find the boy in front of him very breath taking, he was very handsome just as Zitao was. Kris had very different features from Zitao though, whereas Zitao was soft in the face, with panda like eyes and tuff of black hair on his head, with an exceptionally lean and boady, though with a hint of gentle curve to it, Kris was large and looming in presence. He was taller than  Zitao who was at an impressive height himself, probably taller than Kyuhyun, Kris stood in enormity in height. He hard sharp features to him, which appreared soft and almost angelic when he smiled in Sungmin's opinion. his eyes brows and eyes were hard, similar to what Sungmin imagined an eagle to look like. His lips were more plump than Zitao's curved cat like smile, his body had a more muscular tone to it than Zitao, which Sungmin found actually a desirable quality in the male, it almost reminded him of Donghae's and Hyukjae's dancers bodies.


"I haven't interrupted have i Tao?" Kris asked softly as Zitao shook his head.


"No, I was just talking to sunbae about coming to practice with him." Zitao stood up and slinked like cat alongside Kris, who was more than eager to take him into his arms.


"Oh, so you're going to have fun at school now." Kris asked as his eyes looked over at sungmin, who also removed himself off the floor.


"Yep, sunbae has agreed to take me on board!" Zitao exclaimed happily as Sungmin beamed back just as happy.


Another knock sounded from the other side of the door, turning the attention to the three in the room, Sungmin walked over to the door and opened it, finding Henry Lau smiling down at him. Sungmin stepped back with a nervous smile and allowed Henry into the room. He was dressed in a creamy e polo shorts and and even whiter pair of jeans, his auburn hair shining brightly like a halo when the sun from the window casted upon it. Sungmin cursed internally at how unbelievablly perfect this man always looked, even in the ridiculous amount of white he mostly wore. Henry's eyes shined beautifully when they made contact with Sungmin's who just turned his face to the side and blushed heavilly, his mind realling back from the last time the two of them were together without someone else with them.


'Sunbae." Zitao bowed respectfully before Henry before Kris repeated the same thing, except with a 'Lau sshi' rather than sunbae.


"Afternoon Huang, how are you today?" Henry asked before he went to stand over next to Sungmin.


"I'm really good!" Zitao replied energentically as Kris took a hold of Zitao's arm to keep him from jumping on the spot.


"And you Kris sunbae, classes are going well." Henry questioned as Kris smiled happily.


"They are going well Lau, just a little trouble with a couple of dance project, but mostly fairing well." Kris answered.


"That's great, if you have any trouble I am sure Hyukjae sunbae will help you out. He is rather clever and is also doing a buisness major, and a entertainment, mostly in dance as a minor, he also owns his own club, so he could help you out with anything dance related i'm sure of it." Henry suggested as Kris nodded back.


"I didn't think he was aware of my presence." Kris laughed as Zitao looked worringly at Kris.


"Well, he does now." Henry laughed as he smiled over at Zitao when he noticed he worried look.

"Do you mind if I have a word with Sungmin?" Henry asked  as both boys just nodded and waved their goodbyes to Sungmin.


"I will see you in practice sunbae!" Zitao waved excitedly before Kris pulled him out of the room, closing the door behind them.


Sungmin breath in heavily and walked tpo the other side of the room, continuing to stretch at his limbs, making sure he was limber enough for a practice tomorrow before they left. Sungmin, kept his peripherals on Henry, who watching him patiently, as though he was trying to comprehend what Sungmin was thinking, or even waiting for the younger boy to ask him what he wanted. Sungmin, was doing the exact same thing in his head, wondering what Henry wanted to talk about, hoping that the older boy wouldn't do anything as rash as he done the other day with him. Sungmin sighed believing he would have to be the first one to talk, until he heard Henry clear his throat.


"Sungmin, I don't want my confession to affect our friendship, I value you on anyway. Be it a friend or as something more." Henry said as he looked over to Sungmin's eyes snapped over to him.


"I do to Henry." Sungmin said as he walked  little clooser to Henry, testing his ground on how close he feels he should be.


"I know I'm rather late with my confession and realisation of my feelings. But I still want to help you and protect you, even as a friend.There is nothing I want to do more at the moment." Henry smiled as he too moved attle closer.


"Henry, there is something I do have to tell you." Sungmin sighed as he stopped moving to look at Henry who stopped in his tracks.

"I do have feelings for you mixed up annfusing as they are, I do. You were the first person to do that too me, and you still continue to do it to me! My heart is a mess around you, I can't think right, you always say the right thing, and you never ever say anything or did anything to me to hurt me in anyway. But You're not the only person I have those feelings for anymore." Sungmin confessed, he felt the weight off his shoulder release, and a little tension was freed, but his heart was hammering harshley against his chest and his brain and tongue were becoming muddled.


"I know." Henry sighed smiling slightly at the pain he felt against his chest.


"I have those strange conng emotions for Kyuhyun now too. Even though he has hurt me and I have hurt him,me more so physically to him I believe." Sungmin muttered as he thought back to the moment where he kicked Kyuhyun too the ground.

"But whatever I do feel it's really strong and I don't want to hurt the either of you. You are the closets person to me, except for Sungjin." Sungmin said, as Henry laughed a little.

"I just want to be close to you again without feeling uncomfortable, though then again with u its always awkward cause I usually am in some sort of trouble, or a yell something horrid from somewhere, or I just plain yell at you for doing something completely stupid. I just want to be with you, no fuss no muss, just you and me acting like we used, just being us. And I want you to be that way with Kyuhyun again as well." Sungmin walked over to Henry and grabbed his hands.


"You don't know how hard that will be." Henry looked down at their hands and his face pained.


"Its going to be hard for me too." Sungmin confessed as he looked to Henry face.


"This will be the first time something I want is going to slip away." Henry chuckled sadly as he looked up from Sungmin's and his hands, into warm chocolate eyes.that were b with feeling.


"Well theres a first for everything." Sungmin smiled as Henry braced his head against Sungmin's forehead.


Henry laughed pitifully as he felt Sungmin evelop his arms around the olders body. Sungmin's heart was beating crazy against his chest his mind was buzzing in pleasure at the warmth of Henry's body and strong arms holding his body close to his. He buried his head to side, his face nuzzling into the side of Henry's neck, his breath would intake the aromatic smell guavas and figs from the expanse of Henry's neck and hair. Sungmin pulled back away slowly from Henry and gently kissed him on his full cheek. His bottom lip lingering for a moment against the touch, as Henry hummed delightfully from the small token of affection. Sungmin pulled back again and smiled breautifully at Henry. Henry slowly leaned in, watching Sungmin's reaction, noting that he was staying, his face becoming more serious as he read Henry's actions.


"This will be it, the last time i will do this too, until when and if you come to me." Henry whispered just briefly against Sungmin before pushing his lips to his.


Sungmin jumped with a start and freaked in his mind for a bitefore enveloping in Henry's hold and the friction of his kiss. Sungmin, tentaively began returning the kiss, his lips perfectly moulding against Henry's, the tingle of electricity was spraking and shooting from the tip of his fingers and toes, causing the shiver to run through his body. Henry feeling the shudder pulled Sungmin closer, and ran his tongue delicately against the bottom of Sungmin's lip testing the waters.

Sungmin opened his mouth cautiously allowling Henry's warm tongue to rake aginst his tongue. It wasn't a mess, it felt loving and caring, it felt just perfect. The exact way Sungmin had always imagined Henry would kiss like this, not then angry over emotional kiss that he first recieved, or the forced one he was given the other day, this was perfect, just like Henry is. The way that he traced his tongue gently, the soft caress his top lip would connect with his bottom, the way his hands came up to hold his face delicately as if he was a treasured item.

Henry slowly removed his lips from Sungmin's, pecking them one last time as he looked into a bright pink face, whose eyes were still shut. Henry hummed happily, feeling the top of the world for a brief moment, only to have it crash around him as he watched Sungmin's eyes open slowly. Dark chocolate orbs looked at him with raw emotion, the book was open to read, Sungmin's pages clear to read. Henry scooped in as much as he could, just before Sungmin closed himself again. Sungmin moved his body away from Henry's his eyes moving away from Henry, beforecing a smhis face.


"Lets go out before we have people busting the hotel down looking for us." Sungmin smiled as he recollected his strength and looked towards Henry.


"Yeah let's go." Henmiled happily, as he sunk his feelings into his chest.


Sungmin smiled happily and grabbed Henry by the hand pulling them out of the practice room. As soon as they walked out Sungmin, spotted Kyuhyun waiting patiently at the end of the gym hallway. Though as soon as Kyuhyun saw Sungmin's hand wrapped around Henry's. Sungmin pulled Henry along with him as they confronted Kyuhyun. Sungmin smiling gleefully before him. Kyuhyun gazed at Henry and sneered unhappily as he looked down at the two hands.


"What is he doing here?" Kyuhyun seethed through his teeth.


"He's my friend, he can see me." Sungmin answered as though it was plain as the nose of Kyuhyun's face.


"Friends?" Kyuhyun looked down at Sungmin in annoyance.


"Yes friend." Henry smiled as he let go of Sungmin's hand.


"How can you forgive him so easily for the other day?!" Kyuhyun shouted.


"That's just how he felt, I can't forgive him for something when he hasn't done anything wrong." Sungmin shrugged his shoulders.


"WHAT?!" Kyuhyun yelled at the top of his voice, attracting the attention of some of the other visitors to the hotel gym.


"That's just how I feel about it, he is my friend, and always will be." Sungmin said as he looked over at Henry.


"No! I don't like this." Kyuh muttered as he walked away from the both of them.


"Kyuhyun! Wait." Both Henry and Sungmin shouted as they chased after him.


"I need to think!" Kyuhyun shouted at the both of them.


"Kyuhyun, I need to talk to you." Henry said as he grabbed on his shoulder to stop him from walking.


"No! Not Now!" Kyuhyun pushed Henry off him and looked over to Sungmin, who was looking at the older man in worry.

"You too!" Kyuhyun pointed towards Sungmin before walking off.


Sungmin looked over to Henry and sighed sadly as he watched the retreating form of Kyuhyun before them. Henry turned towards Sungmin and smiled slightly hopefully, his thoughts on praying that Kyuhyun would listen to what the both of them would have to say on the matter. Sungmin walked ahead of Henry and towards his and Kyuhyun's room. Before walking into the room Henry grabbed onto Sungmin.


"I will fix this Sungmin, don't worry about it." Henry spoke softly as Sungmin's eyes feel heavy to the floor.


Sungmin walked into his and Kyuhyun's room to find Kyuhyun on the couch, his eyes not focusing on anything at all,. Sungmin walked into the bedroom and grabbed new clean clothes to change in as he then proceeded into the bathroom to get changed. Kyuhyun breathed in deeply, trying to ignore his anger at Sungmin,  the fact that he didn't think he had to forgive Henry just seemed wrong in his head. Maybe he needed a break for awhile, maybe Sungmin needed a break from him as well, he thought. But Kyuhyun didn't want a break, he just wanted Henry to go away, back to france, back to Amber. But he also wanted Henry to stay, he was his friend and had been for so long.

Sungmin emerged from the bathroom and walked over to Kyuhyun warily. Kyuhyun was still angry by the looks of things, and also sed. Sungmin sat down on the opposite chair and waited for something, anything from Kyuhyun. He knew how Kyuhyun would feel, it's understandable, but Kyuhyun needed to listen to too.


"Sungmin, after this trip I think I will need some time. Just for me to forgive him." Kyuhyun spoke softly, but still with anger his voice.


"Okay." Sungmin replied.


"I know his your friend and mine,t these things take time." Kyuhyun said as he looked over to the younger boy.


"I know." Sungmin attempted to smile.


"When we get back, I think it will be time for you to meet someone impotant to me as well." Kyuhyun in a breath of air and tried to calm himself.


"Who?" Sungmin asked, his head cocking to the side as if he were a curious puppy.


"My sister." Kyuhyun smiled as Sungmin  widened in surprise.




Sorry about thite again guy, I'm trying to be as regular as I can be,  but things just keep happening that cause problems for writing time. Anyway let me know what you think and thanks for reading this chapter!




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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-