irritatingly beautiful things.

Boys over Flowers

I hope to have this chapter soon, i have had the time and the means to actually write lately so I am rather happy, i just hope it will stay like this for awhile, anyway guys go back and have a look at the new chapter i have and let me know what you think. i love to hear feedback from you guys, it makes me very happy to hear people enjoying the story. Hasppy reading :)

After leaving the temple, Kyuhyun decided upon himself to have the group split up into different group, unfortunatly to Kyuhyun's dismay Henry ended up tagging with Sungmin and him. While Donghae and Hyukjae went off to go check ut studio Ghibli and a couple of clubs, and Jongwoon and Ryeowook ended up together grumbling about having to be in such close proximity enough as it was with each other.

Ryeowook watched  Sungmin, Kyuhyun and Henry walked off together in search of something to do, while Jongwoon and him stood their watching them walk out of sight. Ryeowook sighed and flipped out his phone and his GPS and typed in tokyo tower. Jongwoon looked over his shoulder and watched as Ryeowook moved the screen around to find the quickest route through walking. It was going to take about an hour to walk all the way to tokyo tower and it was pushing on lunchtime.


"What do you want for lunch?" Ryeowook asked as his focus was still on screen.


"I'm pretty easy." Jongwoon said as he continued to look over Ryeowook shoulder at the screen.


"Well I could go for some Tonkatsu, what about you?" Ryeowook looked up from his phone for a moment a gauged the idea of how far a cafe would be.


"Whats that?" Jongwoon inquired as he looked at Ryeowook.


"I's basically a fried pork cutlet, in a kind of soy and tomato sauce mixutre. You'll like it." Ryeowook replied as he turned his head and looked at Jongwoon from the side.


"Are you sure I am going to like it, I'm rather finicky with food you know." Jongwoon chuckled as Ryeowook sighed.


"You're not finicky. Stop being a pain." Ryeowook grumbled as he pushed Jongwoon's face away.


Ryeowook typed into his pone tonkatsu restaurants and happily smiled at result that showed only a thirty minute walk. So they would be halfway to tokyo tower and wouldn't have to worry to much about a far walk after lunch. The younger happily started walking into the direction of the resturant, memorising the location as he placed his phone in his pocket. Jongwoo quickly followed with keeping in time with Ryeowook steps, which were going faster than usual.


"Whats the rush?" Jongwoon asked as he looked down at Ryeowook.


"I'm am very hungry, it feels likes forever since it was breakfast." Ryeowook said as he rubbed his stomach to relieve the hunger.


"Really, but you ate heaps at breakfast." Jongwoon laughed.


"I know, but it's like two in the afternoon, and we had breakfast at nine." Ryeowook said as he stomach growled.


"We'll we better hurry up then." Jongwoon smiled, walking at a faster pace than Ryeowook.


"You don't even know the way! You will get lost going off like that you idiot!" Ryeowook shouted as he tried started into a trpt to keep up with Jongwoon.





Ryeowook heaved as they reached the door of the small little cafe that they had been rushing too, Jongwoon was laughing away, wincing slightly as Ryeowook was pummeling his arm furiously. The both of them were led to a a little table by the window and quickly order two plates of tonkatsu a couple of iced teas.

Jongwoon watched as Ryeowook's face became ecstatic as the large plates of tonkatsu appeared in front of them both. They were piled high with fried pork cutlets, smothered in the dark rich sauce, and sided with cabbage that had been cooked in sesame oil and lightly sprinkled with pepper and sesame seed. Jongwoon smiled happily, watching Ryeowook happily dive into the pork cutlets, describing each morsel of food he bit into and every sip tea he from the straw. Jongwoon had never seen anyone so happy to eat food before, or even just try something different. The the younger boys eyes shined with pleasure, they way he his lips every time sauce dribbled or smeared onto them, they way he hummed in pleasure. Jongwoon had never see someone so fascinated by food before.


"So what do you enjoy more, or food?" Jongwoon smirked as Ryeowook actually stoppped eating for a moment and looked up at Jongwoon.


"Food." Ryeowook said bluntly.


"Really?!" Jongwoon demanded, feeling a little inadequate as he started at the food.


"Well, i have had some pretty dissapointing , and so far, food has yet to dissappoint me." Ryeowook smiled as he took another bite of his tonkatsu.


"I'm not a dissappointing lover." Jongwoon mumbled with his head down low.


"Who said you were dissappointing?" Ryeowook said as he took another bit.

"I don't want to get your hope up to high, but you were pretty good." Ryeowook smirkes Jongwoon looked a back at what was said.


"I wasn't your only?" Jongwoon asked feeling a little stunned.


"Nope, I have had girlfriends you know, I'm not as bad looking as some people think." Ryeowook snided as he glared at Jongwoon.

"You were just my first guy." Ryeowook smirked


"And they were, terrible?" Jongwoon asked.


"Well, it was dissappointing, but not terrible, it was still all new to them and me. But food, food is always satisfying to me." Ryeowook smiled.


"So if we were to do it again, you would be all for it." Jongowoon smirked over at Ryeowook as he kept shovelling in more food into his mouth.


"That would take me some serious convincing." Ryeowook  spoke with his mouth full.


"What?! I still have convince you?" Jongwoon shouted.


"Mmm, you going to eat that." Ryeowook said as he stared over t Jongwoon's still full plate.


"Yes. I am!" Jongwoon spoke harshly as he began to devour the meal in front of him.


"Jongwoon, what do you want from me?" Ryeowok questioned as he looked up into Jngwoon saucer wide eyes.

"We hate each other, we don't hate each other. We get on each others nerves and then we have socialble conversations. What is it you exactly want me to say?" Ryeowoook looked at Jongwoon expectantly.


"I'm not too sure really, I feel like there should be more." Jongwoon said softly.


"Ohh God you're so irritating." Ryeowook sighed as his head collapsed into hands.


"I love it when I irritate you." Jongwoon chuckled as he pushed his plate of food over to Ryeowook.

"You can have the rest, you enjoy more than I do." Jongwoon smiled as ryeowook lifted is gaze to him and smiled down at the food.


"Why? not hungry anymore?" Ryeowook pulled the food towards him.


"I would prefer something else, but apparently it will take some convincing to have." Jongwoon sighed as he looked out the window.


"It wouldn't be that too hard to convince what you want, is that hard to even try." Ryeowook chuckled as he finished the remainder of what was on Jongwoon's plate.

"Now lets go see the tower, I have been dying to see it since I got here." Ryeowok said as he pulled out his wallet and left the money on the table for his share.


Jongwoon chuckled as he followed Ryeowook out after leaving his share on the table including a tip. Ryeowook walked ahead after checking his phone again and this time waved over to Jongwoon to hurry his pace. Jongwoon broke out into a little trot running after Ryeowook. Ryeowook ran off as fast as his short legs could ran, while he could the thudding of feet coming up next to him as they ran through the streets, trying to narrowly miss poeple that were walking to get to their every days lives, they caused yelling and screming and rude hollering behind them.





ryeowook and Jongwoon soon found themselves on top of tokyo tower looking over the spectacular view of the city. Skyscrapers, bustling city traffic below, air traffic buzzing around was the city that greeted them. To Jongwoon it was not all the different then looking at Seoul from the top of Namsan tower, to Ryeowok however it was completely different. Just the way that city presented itself was very different from Seoul. He wanted to see the night versoion of Tokyo beneath him, he wanted to see the sunset from the long horizon, he wanted to see the misty fog lift away from Mt Fugi. He wanted to see it all. 

Ryeowook leaned over as far as he could, face close to pushing against th glasses just to admire the scenery that was given to him. Jongwoon next to him, softly admiring the view as well, though he hadn't seen it before and something told him he would probably see it again, But when he turned to look at Ryeowook, he was so mesmirised by the way his face lit up again. Maybe this is what it was to admire something beautiful Jongwoon thought to himself as he continued to stare at Ryeowook excited features.


"You know if th wind changes your face will stay like that." Jongwoon laughed as Ryeowookautomatically closed his mouth, his eyes still on the scenery.

"I take it you like the view." Jongwoon asked as he looked back out to the city.


"Yeah I definetly do." Ryeowook awed


"It looks similar to Seoul to me, probably just the way the city is laid out or the way there are million of people crammed down there together." Jongwoon spoke softly.


"I thought you were an artist. you're suppose to find beauty in the things." Ryeowook mumbled as he tried to remove his eyes away from the scenry.


"I do see beauty in the city, I still see it...I've just seen it too often. I like art that changes it beauty, you don't expect what you get." Jongwoon said as he looked over at the scenery,


"What changes more than a city, buildings are always being constructed and tore down, the colour of light changes with how the sky is, the way that the mountain is shaded changes as well, how is that not something that changes in beauty." Ryeowook inquired.


"Because its expected, the city is expected to change, yes it still beautiful, but its a constant change thats alway the same.  will be forever beautiful in the most expected of ways." Jongwoon replied as he looked at Ryeowooks questioning eyes.


"Whats something that changes in beauty and you don't get what expect then. It can't be pottery." Ryeowook laughed as Jongwoon chuckled as well.


"No that beautiful despite its flaws and thats art I love as well. I guess it would be hard to describe such beauty." Jongwoon laughed.


"But you ave seen such beauty." Ryeowook hummed as he looke back out at the scenery.


"Yep, I constantly see it lately, its always in my face and I still can't get enough of it. The hardest thing about it though, is that ts irritatingly beautiful." Jongwoon sighed.


"Irritatingly beautiful...How can something be irritatingly beautiful?:" Ryeowook grumbled, when he turned his head to look at Jongwoon who was still smiling.


Jongwoon grabbed a hold of Ryeowook's face and just stared at him. Ryeowook felt his face heat up just a little bit more, not noting whether its was from annoyance or just the close proximity of jongwoon, but he kept his face, the irritated annoyance that he usually has for Jongwoon. The little chuckle that emit from the man holding him was more than enough to make Ryeowook face explode red.

That was it, the changing beauty, the thing that was to hard to describe. It was here in his hands, waiting to be unravelled, waiting for be shown to the world just how beautiful he was. Jongwoon inched closer to he could feel the warmth of Ryeowook breath against his, he could feel pink cheeks heating up his hands, the thumping of his heart banging against his ribcaged like a man with a sledge hammer. He didn't know why someone would have an affect on him, he shouldn't let it happen. Jongwoon enclosed his lips over Ryeowook's earning a surprised squeal from the man he was holding.

Jongwoon moved his lips softly over Ryeowook's. He felt the boy inch closer to him, his arms moving to wrap around his torso. Jongwoon moved his hands from Ryeowook's face to gently snake one through his velvet like locks, while the other wrapped around the small of his back, urging him as close as possible. Ryeowook's mouth moved along with his, urging him to kiss him deeper. Jongwoon rnoved his tongue across the pouty bottom lips, erning a doft giggle. it was just enough to be still polite, in particular since they were both still in public and who nows how many people would find in offensive enough to see to men kissing as it was. Jongwoon gave a swift peck on the lips before stopping completely much to Ryeowook's dismay.


"Something irriatatingly beautiful, constantly changing in unexpected way." Jongwoon smiled down at Ryeowook irritated pink face.


"Smooth move mister." Ryeowook teased as Jongwoon smiled.


"Wasn't trying to be smooth, just tling an annoying truth." Jongwoon laughed as he grabbed hold of Ryeowook's hand and looked at the scenery.

"A very annoying truth." Jongwoon feigned being exasperated.


"Excuse me?" Ryeowook shouted as he ripped his hand out of Jongwoon's and stormed to the elevator.


"I take it I need to give you some more convincing then, that hopefully won't be to hard for when we get back to the hotel. Unfortunatly i will have to wait awhile." Jongwoon chuckled as they walked together into the elevator as Ryeowook continue to ignore Jongwoon.

"Come on, tell me you don't like it when annoy you." Jongwoon played.


"I don't like it when you annoy me." Ryeowook spoke harshly as his eyes stayed on the floor.


"Awww, come on. You love it." Jongwoon poked Ryeowook in the arm.


"You're an enormous pain." Ryeowook huffed as Jongwoon started getting irritated again.


"I'm not the pain, you are!" Jongwoon yelled.


"Your the one who is annoying me constantly, trying to get a rise out of me." Ryeowook shouted back.


"Well if you weren't so adorable when I annouyed you then I wouldn't feel as though I have too." Jongwoon confessed before shuting his mouth again.

"And don't forget you started it! If you had just listened to what I had to say instead of getting all huffy then I wouldnt be feeling this way." Jongwoon explained as the doors opened to the bottom floor.


"I am sorry for that you know. I should have listened, but the way you were talking about him just annoyed me." Ryeowook sighed as he grabbed a hold of Jongwoon's hand to stop him from walking to far.

"I have to admit life is a little more fun now with you in it, even though half the time I can't stand you. But it's still more fun." Ryeowook smiled as Jongwoon looked down at him in disbelief.


"So.."Jongwoon asked.


"Well, we're already kind of friends so let's stay like that. I don't think both of us are ready for anything more." Ryeowook laughed.


"Can we still have fun?" Jongwoon asked while playfully raising his eyebrows in suggestion.


"As I said, you may have to convince me." Ryeowook laughed as he let go of Jongwoon's hand and skipped ahead of him.


"Well, if I can convince him to kiss me, then it won't take that much more to have some fun." Jongwoon whispered to himself as he caught up with Ryeowook.





" How do you think Jongwoon and Ryeowook spent their day today?" Kyuhyun asked as he, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae and Henry walked back all together to the hotel.


"They probably ed again." Sungmin said bluntly as Kyuhyun stopped his tracks.


"What?!" Kyuhyun shouted as the other four laughed ridiculopusly at the reaction.


"Sometimes Kyuhyun, you can be so dense." Donghae laughed as he patted his friend on the back.


"How come no one told is?" Kyuhyun demanded.


"Oh come on, we all heard it." Sungmin laughs he grabbed a hold of Kyuhyun's hand.


"So that's what that noise was." Kyuhyun mumbled.


"I just hope Jongwoon won't get himself hurt again." Henry said as Kyuhyun and Donghae looked to him.


"What?" Sungmin and Hyukjae questioned.


"Don't worry." Henry smiled as Donghae looked worringly at Kyuhyun.











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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-