Schemes that cause weird emotions and one invitation with a gift

Boys over Flowers




The nest day at school, Kyuhyun  was headed towards the dojo to suprise Sungmin with another sparring match, or something more Kyuhyun secretly hoped. Kyuhyun had been so pleased with his thought of Sungmin, they mostly contained them kissing like they had yesterday, he had been so caught up in these thoughts that he didn't even hear Jessica and Sooyoung approach him from behind. Jessica cleared to gain his attention, which caused Kyuhyun to jump slightly and turn to stare at the two girls behind him. He noticed that he had seen the two girls before. They were at that party and were trying to humiliate Sungmin for being dressed in his commoner clothes. Jessica and Sooyoung had smirks across their faces as Kyuhyun stared down at them with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Kyuhyun Oppa, we have something important to show you." Jessica said with a rather pleased look across her face. Kyuhyun didn't like the way she looked, it made his skin crawl.


"I'm not interested." Kyuhyun said as he continued his way to the dojo ignoring the two girls who followed him.


"But has something to do with Lee Sungmin and Henry Oppa." Sooyoung shouted, causing Kyuhyun to stop in his tracks and look down at them. Sooyoung battered her false eyelashes at him, while Jessica waved her ceel phone infront of Kyuhyun's face.


Kyuhyun sighed giving into to the two girls and his curiousity. He followed Jessica and Sooyoung to bench on the side of the walkway. Jessica and sooyoung sat on eaither side of him, feeling pleased to be so close to Kyuhyun. Jessica tapped the screen of her phone's screen and brought up a video of Sungmin and Henry. Kyuhyun eyes widened when he saw the cover picture of the video, seeing that it was indeed Sungmin and Henry.

Kyuhyun snatched Jessica's phone out of her hand and quickly tapped the play button. Kyuhyun watched as Sungmin grabbed Henry's hand and delicately tied the handkerchief around it, all the while smiling softly at the boys soft hands. Kyuhyun could feel that odd angry emotion sweep over him as he watched Sungmin rise and smile beautifully down at Henry, and then pull out his umbrella to place it over the instrument. Kyuhyun watched feeling enraged as Henry watched Sungmin walk off with a weird look of his face, it was a look Kyuhyun knew too well. It was a look that Henry had only around AMber, only this one was different. It was the same, but when Henry looked at Amber, it looked more like a child wanting affection from his mother. This look was longing and something that Kyuhyun could not explain clearly to himself.

Jessica and Sooyoung watched as Kyuhyun's face contorted into mutliple expressions, it was like he was angry, frustrated annoyed and sad all the same time. They just couldn't figure out which one he was, but either way, they were emotions that they wanted Kyuhyun to have about Sungmin. Jessica and Sooyoung tried hard to supress their happiness as the video clip stopped. Kyuhyun  sat there for a moment longer staring at the picture of Sungmin with Henry hand in his.

Kyuhyun quickly stood up and started walking in the direction where the video haad been taken place. Jessica and Sooyoung followed behind him giggling to themselves at the proud moment in which they thought they had achieved.  Jessica trying very hard to match Kyuhyun's strides as well as Sooyoung started talking with each other so Kyuhyun could obviously hear the conversation.


"I think they've been together for awhile now. " Jessica said as she managed to catch Kyuhyun's stride by having to start a little jog.


"Yes, why else would Henry Sunbae protect that little weed of a boy?" Sooyoung said smiling over at Jessica.


"So as time passes, what if your friendship gets destroyed because of that boy?" Jessica asked Kyuhyun, trying to seem as inncoent as possible, but failing hoplessly.


"You know now right?" Sooyoung asked.

"That weed look innocent, but his actions are those of a snake." Sooyoung continued trying to look concerned at Kyuhyun.


"Shut up!" Kyuhyun yelled as he stopped in his tracks and stared harshley at the girls with a meancing expression.

"If you say one more word, the both of you. I will snap both your necks." Kyuhyun threatened causing both girls to reach for the neck protectively. Kyuhyun threw Jessica's phone on the concrete pavement below them, shattering it into piece.


Kyuhyun stormed off leaving the girls standing their trembling in fear. As soon as they were sure Kyuhyun was not coming back, Jessica bent down to the ground and picked up the scrattered piece of her phone. Sooyoung bent down with her and they let out a small sob together as they stared at the phone, then to Kyuhyun's retreating figure.


"This was the latest model" Jessica cried into Sooyoung's uniform jacket.




Sungmin trudged along the path headed for the main entrance of the school. He was thinking over and over again about the events that he happened yesterday. He didn't know what it was he was feeling for Kyuhyun, and he was sure he had slight knowledge on how he felt for Henry, though he was with Amber which made it all so much more complicated. Sungmin thought about the passionate kiss he had shared with Kyuhyun yesterday, and felt his face flame up. He really couldn't explain what is was about Kyuhyun that he liked and disliked. He was just so obtainable and unobtainable at the same time, also he was highly annoying and frustraing. Henry on the other hand. As Sungmin thought about the innocent moment he had with Henry, was so unobtainable it nearly killed Sungmin for thinking about it. Sungmin not really knowing what to do in this minute thought of Henry again and hoped he was in the same spot he was yesterday.

Sungmin bolted into a fast pace run and followed the track to the dojo that Henry usually played on. The trees were letting in a warm glow even though there were small patches of snow still on the ground from yesterday. There were tones of leaves piled up on the walkway that Sungmin leaped. When Sungmin drew closer to the bench were Henry usually played near, he slowed down, catching his breath as he intaked breath after breath of ice cold air.

Sungmin reached the little bench that Henry was sitting on yesterday and was confronted by nothing, just the small, little dingy bench, that looked as thought it couldn't support much let alone Henry yesterday. The trees surrounding the bench were covered slightly in white patches of snow that had fallen yesterday. The leaves were blowing around it scattering themselves around the bench. The sun softly lighted up the area, but since there was nothing there Sungmin turned around, closed his eyes, sighed heavily and started walking to classs,, only to bump into a firm chest.

Sungmin looked up and was faced with Kyuhyun's deep onyx eyes and stern face looking down at him. Sungmin could feel the gaze digging deeply into his nad he began to squirm under the prence of Kyuhyun. Sungmin looked away from Kyuhyun, his face coated with a small pink tinge that Kyuhyun took note of and then shook it out of his head.


"Are you disappointed that I'm not the person you wanted to see?" Kyuhyun asked Sungmin coldly.


"Cho Kyuhyun, why are you here?" Sungmin asked, feeling the frustration of Kyuhyun's attitude and presence hit him.


"What? I can't come here? Kyuhyun asked, leaving Sungmin feeling awkward and remaining slient to the question.

"Have you two rented this place?" Kyuhyun's voice rose higher. Sungmin feeling fed up with Kyuhyun's attitude, tried to walk pass him, only to be stopped by Kyuhyun grabbing harshley by his arm.

"Where are you going?" Kyuhyunquestioned with anger in his voice.


"I have nothing to say to you, so I'm going to class, why?" Sungmin said as he looked up at Kyuhyun, feeling a little bit more confident in his angry expression.


"I have.." Kyuhyun began only to be stopped by Sungmin fidgeting his arm to escape the grasp Kyuhyun had on him.


"What do you want?" Sungmin whined as he continued to struggle.


"I have something to say." Kyuhyun spoke trying to calm himself down and, trying to stop Sungmin's figdgeting by grabbing him by both sides, holding him firmly as he could.


"Then say it and let me go." Sungmin said looking defiantly at Kyuhyun before looking away.


"Who do you think you are? Do you think you can toy with me? Toy with the great F4?" Kyuhyun seethed , letting his angre escpae him.


"Who's toying with who?" Sungmin rose his voice and snapped his eyes angrily back at Kyuhyun's enrage onyx eyes.

"Let me go!" Sungmin yelled at Kyuhyun.


"I'm letting you go because I think you are cute." Kyuhyun said, but not releasing the boy in his hold.

"Am I joke to you?" Kyuhyun asked while Sungmin stared back at Kyuhyun with a confused saddened expression.

"I don't know if you know...I'm not the kind of person who replays what is given to me. I'm dissatisfied repaying an equal amount." Kyuhyun spoke softly as he stared deeply into Sungmin large brown eyes. Kyuhyun brought Sungmin closer to him, dropping his grasp on Sungmin's arms to his hips. Sungmin's eyes popped open in suprise as Kyuhyun's hold became tighter around his hips.


"What are you doing?" Sungmin whispered under Kyuhyun's hold and gaze.


Kyuhyun brought his face closer to Sungmin's, feeling the boy underneath him hitch his breath in anticaption. Sungmin could feel his heart beating rapidly underneath his chest, he held onto Kyuhyun's gaze with his own until Kyuhyun feathered his lips across Sungmin's bottom lip. Kyuhyun could feel Sungmin melt underneath his hold, feeling confident in himself, knowing that Sungmin wouldn't reject him, he deepened the kiss, biting Sungmin's bottom lip softly, then raking his tongue pover it, begging for entrance into Sungmin sweet addictive kiss. Sungmin opened his mouth and felt Kyuhyun ru his tongue across his, Sungmin could feel the same electric pulse run through his entire body as he caressed his tongue over Kyuhyun's as well earning him a soft moan to emitt from Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun felt Sungmin shudder under him as held Sungmin as close as he could to him, never easing off the kiss. Sungmin still tasted sweet, there was addictive sugary likness to Sungmin's mouth that Kyuhyun had to have. It was the only thing Kyuhyun had tasted that made him want to beg for more, it was like Sungmin's kiss had a certain amount of control over  him and Kyuhyun liked it, ecspecially when he knew he had the same affect over Sungmin. Sungmin would fuel it ever time he let out a soft moan, when Kyuhyun would softly nip his bottom lip, only to run over it again with his tongue.

Sungmin wrapped his arms around Kyuhyun's neck, his fingers racking heavingly through Kyuhyun soft brown hair. Kyuhyun's placed his arms oaround Sungmin's back lifting him lightly so Sungmin was on his tip toes. Not once did they pull away, they were so wrapped up in the touch of each others lips, and small small caress they gave to each other. It was like Kyuhyu had entered Heaven and he was happy to stay their if he could keep doing this to Sungmin.

But suddenly Sungmin's mind flashed over to Henry, the small soft smile that the boy had, the soft chuckle he would share whenever he thought something was funny. Sungmin began to let go of the back of Kyuhyun's neck and pushed Kyuhyun slowly away from him, sperating them from the passionate kiss. Kyuhyun looked down at Sungmin with a confused expression. Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun with a sad expression, causing Kyuhyun to become scared. He had never experience this before. He was so scared about being rejected.


"I can't...I don't know, what i feel." Sungmin muttered as he stared at the ground. Kyuhyun looked down at Sungmin, still feeling like his world was going to crash. His scared face changed rapidly into an angry expression,he looked away from Sungmin, and tried to regain his composure over all these new emotions he was feeling.


"Am I that loathsome?" Kyuhyun asked Sungmin. Sungmin buried his face in his hands and started sobbing.


"No." Sungmin replied through each intake of air, as he still covered his face with his hands.


"Then why?" Kyuhyun asked as he watched Sungmin cry.


"I don't know." Sungmin whispered. Kyuhyun walked pass Sungmin, as not to yell at him. Sungmin continued to cry, wiping his eyes and taking in a huge breath and headed off in the opposite direction of Kyuhyun, heading towards class.




"Lee Sungmin, why are you home and not at school?" Sunhee asked as Sungmin buried himself deeper under his blankets on the bed.


"I'm not going to school." Sungmin muttered underneath the blankets.


"Do you want to get hit and then go to school, or go to school now?" Sunhee yelled at Sungmin.


"I'm not going. Hit me." Sungmin mumbled.


"Really?!" Sunhee yelled ripping off the blankets covering Sungmin, letting the cold hit Sungmin's skin.


"I'm not going! You can't make me go!" Sungmin yelled at his mother, who stood taken aback.

"I rather break ice off Han River than go there." Sungmin continued to yell at his mother. Sunhee had never experienced this kind of reaction from her son. He did yell but he had never been so admant about not doing something before. It scared her slightly.

"I am not oging to school. If you want to see me die, then force me to go." Sungmin yelled up at his mother from his bed.


"You!" Sunhee started.


"Isn't today a no school day, it's saturday." Sungjin said looking at his brother and his mother.

"Aren't you cold Sungmin?" Sungjin said registering the fact that Sungmin was only wearing a white wife beater and a pair of pink boxer shorts, that their father had given to him for his last birthday, cause he couldn't afford anything else.

"Oh!Also Ahjussi told me to give you this." Sungjin said as he pulled out a small envelop and pointed it at Sungmin's direction, having it snatched off him by Sunhee.


"What this?" Sunhee said as she ripped opened the creamy white envelop.

"A party?" Sunhee shouted as Chunhwa bursted into Sungmin's room.


"Party? What party?" Chunhwa said as he walked over to his over excited wife who was still clutching onto Sungmin's invitation. Chunhwa stopped and read the invitation and smiled happily over at Sungmin, who just looked at his parents as if they were both crazy.

"That means our Sungmin is finally making his way into society." Chunhwa shouted excitedly as he looked back down at the invitation. Sungmin couldn't believe it, another party. Who has this many parties he thought to himself

"Oh honey! Honey! Honey!" Chunhwa happily laughed as he took Sunhee into his arms and waltzed her around Sungmin's room, as Sungjin clapped his hands and bounced happily on the bed.


"Let me see." Sungmin said as he pointed at his inviation that was still in his mother's hand.


"We shouldn't be like this now." Sunhee said to Chunhwa.

"We need a suit for Sungmin. Honey a suit, a suit." Sunhee shouted as Chunhwa and her dragged Sungmin out of bed, down into the freezing dry cleaning store down stairs.


Sungmin stood there begrudgingly as Sunhee, Chunhwa and Sungjin ran around the store picking out through all of there customers clothes. They pressed an assortment of different colours and styles of shirts and dress jackets against Sungmin's body, while Sungmin stood there sighing at his parents and little brothers behaviour.

Everynow and then Sunhee would drag her son into the warm steaming and irnoning room and chuck an assortment of shirts and pants for him to try on. When he came out with each different shirt and pair of pants on, sunhee and Sungjin would stand there and star at Sungmin, contemplating on the colours and the size. They could agree on anything and they didn't like anything, it was all to big or to small or the patterns made you to sick or the fabric just didn't sit right for them.

Sungmin walked back into the the room he father was standing in with the best that the dry cleaning stor had to offer. His father looked at his son, and started sobbing into his hands. Sungmin walked over to his father and patted him on the back, not really understanding why his father had just brooken down into tears infront of him, but  all he knew was that his father did need a little comfort, even if he didn't know the reason.


"I'm sorry Sungmin, your  father is so useless. I can't even provide my son with proper dress clothes." Chunhwa sobbed into one of the customers shirts that Sungmin was wearing.


"Damn this neighbourhood." Sunhee muttered as she looked over to Sungmin overly large shirt that he had on.

"Can't they bring in at least one decent outfit." Sunhee sighed and shook her head.


"Usually at this point in dramas, some prince or princess would come in and buy Sungmin an outfit." Sungjin laughed as he walked over to his sobbing father and Sungmin and rubbed Chunhwa's back. At this point the family hadn't heard the front bell off the door go off, as they were all to busy trying to calm down Chunhwa.


"Hello?" A woman called from the front room, where the customers usually waited to collect their clothes.


"We're back here." Chunhwa yelled inbetween sobs, as he tried to compose himself for the possible customer.


The woman walked in with a large gift underneath her arm and a note in the other. She looked around the shop taking in the older man who was trying to wipe the tears away from his eyes, the older woman, who was looking rather displeased with her husbands behaviour and two sons. One wearing a overally large shirt that obviously wasnt meant for him, and a younger boy rubbing his father, trying to soothe him down for some odd reason.


"This is Ms Liu Amber's gift to Lee Sungmin." The woman said as she handed a large gift in the direction of Sungmin, before having it snatched out her hands by the younger boy. The box was the same creamy white as the envelop but a had a pastel pink ribbion decoraction the front of it. Sungjin, Sunhee and Chunhwa ran over to the closet irnong board and unwrapped the bift in a haste.


Inside the box was a black dress jacket and pantswith a matching longsleeve collared shirt and vest. Sungjin pulled out a pastel pink tie and hang it walked over to Sungmin and hung it around Sungmin's neck. Sungjin smiled up at his older brother, the tie matched Sungmin's creamy white complexion and bright brown eyes.Chunhwa examined the dress jacket and vest closely, expressed by the soft material underneath his fingers, it was some of the most expensive fabric Chunhwa had seen in his whole twenty years of dry cleaning.

Sunhee grabbed the shirt from the box and stared at expectantly, then smiled happily as she grabbed Sungmin by the arm and pulled him upstairs into the apartment, leaving Chunhwa and Sungjin to apologise to the young delievery woman for Sunhee's behaviour. Sunhee shoved Sungmin in the bathroom, ordering him the have a shower. Sunhee raced back down stairs down to her husband and Sungjin who still had the clothes in their hands. She quickly snatched them out of their hands and raced back up to Sungmin and placed them in the bathroom, scaring Sungmin out of his wits, and thanking God that someone had invented shower curtains.

When Sungmin hoped out of the shower he quickly changed into his new clothes from Amber, smiling at himself in the mirror as he was pleased that Amber had thought about him before he came to the party in something terrible. Sunhee knocked on the door ordering Sungmin to hurry up in there. Sungmin sighed and exited the bathroom to be dragged into Sunhee and Chunhwa's bedroom. She sat him down on the edge of their bed and started styling Sungmin's hair as best she could. She then quickly put some make up on him, thinking of how popular popstars were during this time, and they always worse make up, ecspecially eyeliner and eyeshadow, so there eyes could look bigger.

Sunhee finsihed quickly and stood back and admired her son, she smiled and told him that if he didn't get a rich girfriend by the end of the night that she would be very upset with him, cause she took all this time and effort into making him look presentable. Sungmin sighed at his mother again, quickly running into his room and finding a piece of clothing that he could feel like himself in, in black converses. Sungmin was quickly rushed down stairs, to see his father in his 'bodyguard/ chaffuer suit again. Sungmin smiled at his father and walked over to Sungjin to bid him good night.


"I found this in the box."Sungjin whispered as he gave his Sungmin a little card.


The message on the card was written: 'Sungmin I know you don't have much to wear, so I hope you don't mind that I got something for you myself, this way we don't have to steal from Jongwoon again. Can't wait to see you tonight and I bet the guys can't even. Love Amber.'


Sungmin quickly jumped into the van with his father and drove off towards the party. The only good thing he was going to do at this party was talk to Amber, but everything else he was completely dreading the whole nightand he wasn't even at the party yet. He just hoped whateve happened tonight would be simple and easy, and that somehow even if it was still simple and easy Jongwoon and Donghae would stll have fun, even if nothing did happen to himself.



Lol we all wish!!! it would be so damn adorable >.<













It does look rather tempting but still no!



AWWW there so cute...i love the Sung bros


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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-