Chocolate Chip Cookies

Boys over Flowers


IF YOU DON'T IT WILL BE YOUR OWN FAULT also probs won't finish the whole thing tonight as the fraking internet fraked up on me and erased the whole chapter that i worked ttonight for you and i was right at the end and the stupid computer fritzed!!!!!!!! kjhsdfjabhdljabsfgloaijbdgf GAH!!!!!!!! But iw ill do the same thing tomorrow evening and update the whole chapter, i just don't like leaving you guys hanging.


Kyuhyun was the type of person who couldn't let things go easliy. So Henry, Jongwoon and Donghae understood to do their own thing as Kyuhyun invested his time and anger on his laptop playing Starcraft. Jongwoon and Songhae decided to play a game on the console as Henry watched the both of them battle it out against each other. Both of them were doing pretty good, until streams of profanities and came screaming out from the other side of the room. Jongwoon knew that Kyuhyun must have been having a losing streak, since he had heard something like that before, excpet less intense the last time.

It seemed to Jongwoon that Kyuhyun was having a harder time today, beause of the whole Sungmin incident. Kyuhyun could not erase the Sungmin's smirk out of his mind, this really wasn;t a good day. He was losing at game he was such a pro at, and then having to keep thinking about Sungmin standing up to him like that, it drove him nuts. As Sungmin losed something again in the game another stream of curses came from him causeing Henry to get up and look for something to play on the music list of his Ipod that was plugged into the sound system, hoping that he had something loud enough on there.

Jongwoon who was tiring of his losing streak decided it was time to stop Kyuhyun's incessant swearing and screaming. He chucked the remote onto the couch and got up. He looked at Donghae who started pouting becuaseJongwoon had stopped playing with him. Jongwoon looked over to Henry, who started walking towards them and picked up the contorller and started playing along with Donghae.


"What's wrong with Kyuhyun?" Donghae asked Henry.


"I think it must have been to much for him today for someone to stand up to him." Henry said as he began to button bash on the remote hoping that this time he could win against Donghae who was still reigning champ over him.


When Jongwoon reached Kyuhyun, Jongwoon did the most unbleievable, unimaginable thing to Kyuhyun ever. He paused Kyuhyun's game. Kyuhyun snapped his eyes over to Jongwoon, jongwoon just stared back at Kyuhyun's filthy look and sighed. as he leaned against the computer desk. not getting over how childish Kyuhyun was being.


"What's with the serious face?" Jongwoon asked Kyuhyun.


"You paused my game, you of all people should remember what happens when you pause my game." Kyuhyun said threateningly as he hoped it would jog Jongwoon's memory of what happened last time when Jongwoon had paused Kyuhyun's game. Though Jongwoon for the life of him couldn't remember what had happened last time so he just shrugged it off and sighed again.

"Can't you hear my brain ticking Sungmin or whatever his name is. I'm thinking of a way to step on him." Kyuhyun said as he turned his head back to the laptops screen and unpaused his game. Jongwoon loked down at the laptop and saw the sticker that Sungmin had slammed against Kyuhyun's head stuck against the laptops keyboard.. Jongwoon annoyed with Kyuhyun's attitude slammed the pause button again.


"Why are you thinking so hard?" Jongwoon asked sighing, as he though Kyuhyun would have thought of the most obvious thing.

"Just do what we always do." Jongwoon smirked at kyuhyun. Kyuhyun looked at Jongwoonlike he was a god, he couldn't believe that Jongwoon had said the mmost obvious thing, and it didn't even come across his mind. Kyuhyun jumped out off his Computer chair and pulled Jong woon into a headlock and laughed. Jongwoon tried to puch Kyuhyun off him but sighed and laughed along with him.


"Idiot, why are you so smart?" Kyuhyun laughed as he released Jongwoon.


"Don't contradict yourself there Kyuhyun, how can i be an idiot yet smart enough to think of something that didn't even cross your mind." Jongwoon laughed playfully as he nudged Kyuhyun

Kyuhyun ripper the sticker off his laptop's keyboard and laughed as he read 'Lee Dry Cleaners.'


"You're so dead Lee Sungmin." Kyuhyun laughed as he scrunched the sticker into a ball and threw it in the bin.




The next day as Sungmin walked to his locker unaware of the plans Kyuhyun had installed for him. He became oddly aware of the amount of people that were staring at him. He turned around and saw Jessica, Sooyoung and Taeyeon behind him, as well as few other groups of girls, whose names Sungmin could never remember.. Sungmin shrugged his shoulders choosing to ignore whatever they had installed for him later, probably just more insults and jibes he thought to himself.

As he opened his locker he came face to face with a silly little red card, it had on it a skull and crossbones. Sungmin looked at thinking what the hell is this?" though when he looked down at the bottom of the card he saw in big, bold writing F4.


"It's happened again." Jessica squealed in delight.

"Second year Class B Lee Sungmin! He got chosen by the F4 red card!" Jessica shouted down the corridor.

Students from everywhere started flocking around his him, Sungmin turned back around looking at the crowd with confusion. The boys were all smirking and laughing and the girls laughed and pointed. Sungmin glanced at Jessica, Sooyoung and Taeyeon, the only one he noted that wasn't laughing was Taeyeon. In her eyes looked like alot of concern and worried, but it quickly changed as Sooyoung looked down at her.


"Is it a football field here?" Sungmin yelled at the crowd in confusion.

"What's a red card?" Sungmin grabbed the card and looked at it. Sungmin looked back the crowd to see id dissappating, he threw the red card on the floor and stamped on it in an angry fit.




Sungmin for the first time walked into his classroom to find all the students there before him, that had never happened before. He took in the fact that the students had started laughing at him, but that didn't bother him. As he looked around the room he couldn't find his desk or chair. He continued to search around the room, hoping for it to pop up somewhere. As he continued looking Jessica, Sooyoung and Taeyeon walked up to him and stopped in a pose. They had their arms across there chests and smirks across their faces excpet for Taeyeon who seemed to look a little worried about something.


"Hello? Hello crazy?" Jessica said as sungmin shoved his hand in her face to shut hr up as he continued looking around the classroom for his desk and chair.

"It looks like your desk isn't here. Your desk must not be here." Jessica laughed as Sungmin shoved his hand in her face again succedding in shutting her up, couldn't she he was busy looking for his desk he thought.


"How can a common person like you study with us." Sooyoung said obviously pleased in her status in life.


"Why did you come to our school?" Taeyeon asked with a flicker of curiousity and sadness crossing her face. Sungmin looked down at her for a moment into those big brown eyes. He didn't have Taeyeon, he felt sorry for her. All he wanted to do was grab her by the arm and take her away from the girls she had clung herself too, and introduce her to Sunny. Sungmin looked at the ground and found something familiar to him.


"Oh my book." Sungmin shouted as he ran over into the middle of the classroom to find his book. It was defaced with insults, that were obviously writtten by girls. some of these insults were ;' and ''. Did he really look like a girl he thought as he read the insults that were clearly written for a girl as well.

As sungmin bent down to pick up his book, he found that it moved slightly out of reach, he stood straight again and thought for a moment. That couldn't have happened.  As he bent over again to try to pick it up a second time, he watched as the book slipped right out of his fingers again. He bit his bottom lip in frustration and thought for a momenton how he could get the book. He turned around slowly and the jumped right for his book, hoping to land on it. Though the book just slid away again.Sungmin repeated this action sveral times as he was lead out into the corridor. Not believing that all this was happening he sighed and had a little hissy fit to himself.

"Thats it!" Sungmin shouted and pointed at his book

"You're dead today!" Sungmin yelled as he charged over to his book only to have it slip out of his grasp again. He suddenly stopped running when he came across his desk. It too had bee defaced with insults and disgusting graphic images. As Sungmin stared at his desk in confusion, he became lost with his thoughts again. He wasn't even aware of the crowd of students buzzing around him. When he heard laughter he looked up and turned his body around to face the swarm of students laughing at him.


"Who did this?" He shouted at the students in disgust.

"If you have anything to say then come out. Who did this?" Sungmin shouted. Sungmin jerked back a bit as he felt something impact with his head, he ran his fingers through his hair only to find it moist and sticky. Sungmin pulled back his hand and looked at it. Someone had thrown and egg at him. He could feel it saturating his the side of his head, and drip down his face onto his uniform. All of sudden Sungmin body was pelted over and over again with more eggs, from all different directions. The crowd cheered and laughed as Sungmin just stood there stunned, not doing anything. The only thing he could think of was to cover his face, though as Sungmin stared down at his uniform through the gaps in his arm he couldn't help but to think of what his father had said to him.


"Sungmin, consider this kind of designer clothing as inheritance. When you sit down be careful. This kind of thing is for my son, why would my arm hurt? Daddy's arm doesn't hurt at all." Sungmin pictured his father's smiling, laughing face as he ironed his school uniform


"Do it more! Give me what you've got!" Sungmin screamed to the crowd

"Try to do more!" He continued to scream as the crowd continued throwing eggs at him. Then he felt something much denser then eggs hit him, as he looked at his hands he could see white powder covering his entire body. He recognised it as flour. How could someone waste this much food Sungmin thought as he felt all his clothes dampening from the eggs.


"Hey someone bring some oil." Someone from the crowd shouted.


"All we have to do now is fry him!" The crowd laughed as Sungmin breathed in deeply and walked slowly off to find a bathroom to claen his face.

As Sungmin poorly cleaned his face and hands, he sighed. He walked out of the bathroom feeling as the whole cleaning himself thing seemed pointless as everything was caked on to him now. As he stepped out of the bathroom, he soptted Sunny hiding behind one of the cement pillars. When she noticed that she saw him she ran off into the other direction, Sungmin knew better than to follower her. He didn't want to chance her being pelted with eggs and flour as well, that would just waste more food he sighed in thought.




Kyuhyun watched fom a recording someone had given him, on his tv, the events that had unfolded around Sungmin. Kyuhyun felt something inside him twinge as he looked at Sungmin's face on the TV. Kyuhyun couldn't believe that Sungmin stood there and taken what the crowd had given him, and then asked for more.  The whole thing was just so silly Kyuhyun thought, why would he take that abuse?


"Is it all over now?" Donghae asked covering his eyes, so he didn't have to see Sungmin's face. Donghae was really soft emotionally and could not watch people do that to someone.


"What do you mean over? Kyuhyun snapped at Donghae.

"This boy needs to come to me and kneel down before me, and beg for my fogivness. Did anybody ever tell you to touch the whiskers of a sleeping wolf." Kyuhyun said with a smirk as he looked back to Sungmin's face of the screen of the TV. Jongwoon and Donghae gave each other a little snicker at the phrase that Kyuhyun had incorrectly used in this kind of situation and the fact that he got it wrong as well, was just to funny.


"Did he realise that this isn't the time to say this phrase." Donghae nasked as he continued to snicker with Jongwoon.


"It was also incorrect, he was suppose to say has anybody ever tell you not touch the whiskers of a sleeping lion." Jongwoon laughed as he looked at the creen to Sungmin's face.

"It looks like he won't even last a wekk." Jongwoon sighed. He really hoped that Sungmin would last longer really. School had never been so much fun in ages, and it would entertain him even more if Kyuhyun would continue chasing after Sungmin.


"A week? I say 3 days." Jongwoon laughed as he looked at Kyuhyun's smirking expression. obvious Kyuhyun had not heard Jongwoon's comments beofre about him getting the phrase incorrect, otherwise Kyuhyun would sulking like a brroding child.


"Really?" Jongwoon said feeling a bet coming.


"Jongwoon, If I win you have to give me the tea ware you had displayed last time."Donghae bargined excitedly.


"A guy who can't even distinguish the difference between tea ware and a vase shouldn't even have such things. Though you on!" Jongwoon said feeling a tad of Donghae's excitement spread to him.


"It's not for me, it's for my new girl. She's a big fan of the work you produce." Donghae explained.


"Really, in that case. If I win you have to give me this girls phone number." Jongwoon said, making sure he had gotten something out of this bet.


"Your on!" Donghae shouted in eagerness.


"Shut up you two!" Kyuhyun shouted as he looked to the door in anticipation.

"It's about time that Sungmin got here."

"Now...5, 4, 3, 2, 1." Kyuhyun counted as he clicked his fingers and pointed to the door expecting to see a flor covered Sungmin. But there was no one there, Jongwoon looked away from Kyuhyun and tried his best not to burst into a laughing fit at Kyuhyun's suprised expression. Donghae just chuckled at Kyuhyun and smiled at him expecting Kyuhyun to start swearing.

"Ah you're right! It would be really embarrassing to come to me look like that. I was a little to quick" Kyuhyun laughed to himself as he tapped his fore finger lighty.




"3..." Kyuhyun's counting had gotten slower with each number as he counted down. He couldn't believe that Sungmin still hadn't bursted through the door yet. Jongwoon feeling quite happy with the way things were going couldn't contain his laughter anymore. He bursted out as loud as he could as he continued to look at Kyuhyun's suprised expression as he continued to count down.

"2..."Kyuhyun stared at the door intently hoping that any moment Sungmin would come through with that angry expression all over his cute face.

"1." Kyuhyun finished. There was still no Sungmin. Donghae and Jongwoon were making him angry as they continued to laugh and point at Kyuhyun's angry expression. Kyuhyun frustrated with the way Sungmin had not walked in to apologised pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialled in a number.

"What are you guys doing!" Kyuhyun shouted into the phone.

"Did you guys do it right?" Kyuhyun waited as the otherside explained what had happened.

"Then why is he not coming! Where did he go?!" Kyuhyun screamed as he pushed himself off his chair and stamped on the ground like child throwing a tantrum.




Sungmin had run to the fire escape and bursted through the door and braced himself on the wall for support. He was breathing heavily and was still covered in flour and egg, he had done a really poor job of removing it he thought as he looked at his hands and clothes that were caked with  a doughy substance and covered in a slight white powdery substance the flour had left behind. His uniform, hair and face looked the same.

"Surrender?" Sungmin screamed off the balcony of the fire escape.

"Surrender, my . Since I'm Lee Sungmin, you think you have a right to step all over me like you have. You have touched the wrong person Cho kyuhyun. Have you ever eaten dumpling that you made with your bare hands? Have you ever mastered a freestyle in the bathtub? Korean common people cannot survive without the spirit of revalry and patience" Sungmin screamed out as loud as he could. Did he just really scream out 'have you ever mastered a freestyle in a bathtub'? He must be angry he thought to himself, he was making no sense. Sungmin looked down at his hands again and sighed at the sight of them.

"Don't these people know that flour is gold dust? They really want to die. It's so wasteful." He said as he his fingers as clean as he could possibly get them, not wanting to waste what he thought was a precious commodity.

"How much is flour just for one crate?" He questioned as he sighed looking at his nahs that were a little cleaner than they had been. Sungmin snapped around when he heard someone yawn. This was the last thing he had been expecting. Why can't he ever be alone when he needs his screaming fits he thought. Sungmin looked down the staircase expecting the worse to happen.

"Oh god! Who is it?" Sungmin yelled down the staircase. Henry emerged slowly as he walked towards Sungmin. Sungmin jumped a little and looked to the ground in embarrassment. Wjhy was it always Henry who caught when he had his screaming fits he thought.


"You're really noisy every time I see you." Henry said looking at the scenery before taking in Sungmin apperance for the first time. Henry really was expecting a flour covered Sungmin standing there in front of him. Henry looked down at him in suprise, he didn't care how the flour got there, he just wanted to know one thing though.

"You. Do you know how to make Chocolate chip cookies?" Henry asked as he continued to stare at Sungmin.


"Huh?" Sungmin asked with a look of confusion on his face.


"Chocolate chip cookies." Henry repeated.


"Oh, you make the batter out of flour, eggs, milk, sugar and chocolate, then you bake them." Sungmin listed off still feeling a little confusion at the question he was just asked.


"That's pretty simple. Henry said as he looked off thinking about the recipe he was going to try out as soon as he had gotten home. Henry glance down at Sungmin again, who was wishing he was a turtle at this time. Though unfortunalty for Sungmin he didn't have a shell he could hide into everytime he felt embarrassed and this was a perfect time to hide.

Henry bent down a little to expect Sungmin's flour covered face, Sungmin turned his face away really wishing that Henry would not look at him while he was covered in flour and egg, Sungmin ecspecially didn't want Henry to see the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes at any moment. Henry closely examined Sungmin's face and uniform, he stood straight again and dug into his pocket searching for something. Henry slwly pulled out a handkerchief and unfolded it in his long fingers. He bent over again to Sungmin's face and began gently cleaning Sungmin's face with the cloth.

Henry was not doing any better than what Sungmin had tried before while he was in the bathroom. Sungmin stood stiff as he felt the spft fabric against his face, he was so shocked by Henry's actions. As Henry wiped Sungmin's uniform he took in Henry's expression and smiled lightly at it. Sungmin never saw Henry's smile though, he couldn't stop staring at the ground in shock. When Henry believed he had did the best he could, only succeding in getting of the dough from Sungmin's face slightly, though it wasn't much of a mark improvement, he grabbed Sungmin's hand and stuffed the cloth into sungmin's hand and began to walk to the door.


"Wait, your handkercheif." Sungmin cried, holding out his hand to Henry for him to take the cloth back.


"You keep it." Henry said as he opened the door.


"I'll return it to you next time." Sungmin spoke softly to Henry.


"I'm not coming back here anymore. It's not quiet anymore, thanks to a certain someone." Henry muttered  to sungmin as he walked into the building, leaving Sungmin outisde. Sungmin felt his heart beating erratically in his chest as he looked down at the cloth in his hand. Sungmin had never felt like this before about anyone. He was so confused at his emotions. Sungmin looked down the staircase at where Henry was supposedly napping and saw a magazine. Sungmin squinted his eyes to get a better view at the article Henry was reading, as he looked he saw a picture Lui Amber holding a plate of chocolate chip cookies and a cute smile placed on his lips.




As Sungmin walked into the now empty classroom, he found in suprise his desk and chair back in its original place. He looked at it in confusion, noticing that it had been scrubbed clean of all its insults and crude pictures. In the middle of the desk sat a pink rabbit plushy. Sungmin walked slowly around his desk, hoping another prank would not jump from it. He sat down slowly never taking his eyes of the pink bunny, he stared at intently for a moment gathering that it was not a prank. He looked next to the rabbit and found his training gear laying next to the rabbit. Sungmin smiled and thought of Sunny for a moment when he saw the uniform. Sungmin played with the rabbits ears for a moment and dragged his hands down the rabbits arms and squeazed its paws in encouragement for himself. Sungmin jumped back a little when he heard a recorded message come from the rabbit.


"I''m sorry Sungmin. Please forgive cowardly me." The rabbit spoke. Sungmin automatically recognised it as Sunny's voice


Sungmin grabbed his change of clothes, his bag and the rabbit and headed to the door to look for a changing room and then to go out and find a dry cleaner. He didn't want to have his father clean his uniform and have his whole entire family finding out about today. So he thought he would use the last of his work money to clean it to save himself from seeing his father's displeased face. Chunhwa should never be upset Sungmin thought, it didn't suit his upbeat and funny personality.




"I think I will have to take 30,000Won for this." The dry cleaner told Sungmin asked he looked down at the mess of a uniform that was in his hands.


"I perfectly know how much it should be. But what you're saying is not it." Sungmin yawned from the exhaustions of his day.


"Shirts are expensive from the start, and look at the state of these clothes. I have already cut the cost down because it's a uniform." Dry cleaner stated at Sungmin.


"Really...I'm a junior of the dry cleaner buisness." Sungmin explained to the cleaner who was still looking at the uniform in disgust at the state the uniform was in.


"If you don't like it, then too bad. There's another dry cleaner next door called Lee Dry Cleaners, Go see them." The dry cleaner rose his voice at Sungmin.


Sungmin really didn't want have to do this he thought as he looked at the dry cleaners face. But he was desperate and he only ever did this if he was in a desperate state, knowing that it always worked. He was going to have to you his aegyo on the cleaner. Sungmin looked at the dry cleaner making his eyes big and wide.


"Why are you ebing like this sir?" Sungmin said in a voice dripping with sweetness as he jutted his bottom lip out into a pout. He looked at the dry cleaner through his blonde bangs, noticing the cleaners facial expressions had become much more softer at Sungmin.

"25,000Won? Sungmin asked as he changed his pout into a cute little smile. The dry cleaner looked at Sungmin and felt his heart was going to explode if he refused the boy any longer. Sungmin raised two fingers to the side of his head to indicate how much he was willing to spend then repeated the procedure with all five fingers.

"Please." Sungmin said as he looked at the dry cleaner, who was bursting from what he could see.


"Fine!" The dry cleaner shouted giving into Sungmin's will.




At school the next week, which Sungmin had survived well, Sungmin thought he would go for a morning train by himself, knowing that no one used the dojo in the morning. As Sungmin walked into the changing room and dropeed his gear to the ground, he looked around the changing room just in case someone was in there with him. Sungmin didn't like changing in front of other people, it would always worry him how some of the poeple would stare at him when he did. As Sungmin confirmed all was clear he bagan stripping his clothes, as he dragged his shirt off over his head he swore he could hear noises coming outside. Sungmin shrugged it off, feeling he was just being paranoide, because of last week being so intense on him. He knew nobody wouldn't be in here in the morning, they would rather go see the perfect F4 walk in through the main entrance and do something unbelievably shocking to someone again.

Sungmin finished dressing himself in his training gear and walked into the dojo. He stopped suddenly and looked at what was infront of him. the dojo had been vandialised, there was trash all over the floor, food smeared all over the walls, all the equpiment had been stolen and someone had sprayed on the wall with paint 'DIE LEE SUNGMIN'. 

Wasn't everything neat and tidy when he walked in here this morning he thought to himself. Then it hit him, the nnoises that he heard while he was getting changed, surely people couldn'tdo all this in the space of a couple of minutes, unless there had been alot of people. Sungmin walked over to the sprayed painted wall and dragged his fingers down the still wet paint. Why were the students doing this Sungmin thought, didn't they respect anything?


"What is all this?" Sungmin yelled in disbelief as he continued to stare at all the mess that circled around him.

"Does nobody have any respect for anything!" Sungmin screamed as he went back into the changing room grabbing a bucket running hot water and detergent in it and a cloth. As he stamped back into the dojo with his bucket and cloth he began scrubbing the paint of the wall with as much vigour as he could.

"This is all Cho kyuhyun's fault!" Sungmin screamed to himself.




At this time while Sungmin was screaming and yelling to himself aboput the state of the dojo, Jongewoon and Donghae were having the morning coffee as they watched Kyuhyun smirking and having a laughing fit all by himself. They looked at each other and quirked the eyebrows as if asking what the hell is going on with him?


"Why does he keep laughing to himself like that? It's really disturbing." Jongwoon asked Donghae as he pointed his coffee cup over towards Kyuhyun.


"His top must be blown off by now." Kyuhyun laughed even harder at the image of Sungmin adorably screaming and yelling at himself as he cleaned the room creeping into his brain.


"Who?" Donghae asked.


"Cleaning boy, by any chance?" Jongwoon said feeling his hoped raise at the thought of more fun for the year.


"How long has it been?" Donghae asked Jongwoon.


"It's past a week." Jongwoon said with glee. Donghae noticed the difference in Jongwoon's smile then the one he usually has on his face, it was subtle but there was definetly something.


"Okay, I'll give you her number." Donghae said as he slipped his hand into Jongwoon's pocket and pulled out Jongwoon's phone and started typing in her number.


"Isn't this the first guy to really oppose the F4?" Jongwoon asked still not hiding his glee as he thought of more fun that was to be had at Kyuhyun's expense. Hopefully Sungmin wouldn't be hurt to badly, Jongwoon really liked the boy for standing up against Kyuhyun, and also he was the source of this fun.


"What did he do? It's because I'm going easy on him little by little. Hey how come I can't see Henry anywhere." Kyuhyun said as he looked around the room for Henry.


"He must be stuck in a corner somewhere sleeping." Jongwoon thought out loud as he snatched his phone back from Donghae, before Donghae had a chance to go through it properly.




Back at the dojo, Sungmin was getting really, really pissed off, he had finished cleaning the whole dojo and was laying on the floor in exhaustion as he listened to his Ipod, he was so involved in his own frustrated mind, which was trying to clam down by listening to Teen Top's Don't Spray Perfume, (he wasn't usually into this type of music but Ryeowook had forced him to put it on his Ipod) that he didn't even hear the people sneaking into the dojo's changing room. After finishing calming himself down and mentally cursing Ryeowook for putting so much of hiw own taste of music on his Ipod he walked to the changing room. Sungmin did his little inspection making dure no one was hiding behind the wall of the changing room. Sungmin deemed it fit enough to change in after his very brief inspection, he shrugged out of his training shirt and slid into his arms into the white uniform shirt, not bothering to do up the buttons at the moment. He quickly shimmied out his training pants and quickly put on his uniform pants.

Sungmin jumped as he heard the sound of one of stalls doors slam open, he quickly turned around to see two boys heading straight towards him. Sungmin jerked in suprise as the grabbed him and shoved him into the changing room wall, all Sungmin could think was to knee the guy as hard as he could in the stomach, and that what he did. Sungmin succeded in knocking the wind out of the boy, he took his open window to grab his bag and clothes and run into the dojo. Unfortuantly two other boys had run into the dojo and charged at Sungmin. They grabbed Sungmin, successfully pinning his arms to the side of his body, causing him to drop his bag and clothes on the floor, the other two boys from the changing room grabbed Sungmin by his kicking legs and dragged him in the corridor. Sungmin had never screamed so loud in his life as he felt the boys pinning him to the ground.

"Let go!" Sungmin screamed as he tried kicking his legs free. Sungmin's eys widened as one of the boys straddled his waist and ran his fingers down Sungmin's chest which was revealed to him as Sungmin hadn't done up his buttons before he was attacked. Sungmin attempted to shake his body free from the boys raking fingers.


"He's really soft for a boy." The boy straddling Sungmin said as he smiled at Sungmin, his face full what Sungmin guessed was desire and need. Sungmin shouted as the boy's hands slowly moved down to the button of his pants.


"Be quiet!" The boy holding sungmin's chest yelled. Sungmin could feel the boy behind him inhale deeply into his hair. Sungmin could feel tears forming in his eyes as he thought the worse thing was about to happen.


"What's going on?" A voice asked from the other end of the corridor. All the boys snapped there eyes over to the sound of the voice, only to see Henry glaring at them.


"What...That.."One of the boys failed to speak, as they looked at Henry's cold angry face, which to Sungmin looked exactly the same, except his eyes were more harder, colder, sterner then what they usually were. Sungmin looked at Henry and began to plead to Henry with his eyes. Henry looked down at Sungmin to find his shirt open and the button of his pants popped open. Henry looked at the guy straddling Sung,in's waist and then back down to Sungmin.


"You didn't forget anything in that Chocolate chip cookie reciepe you gave me did you?" Henry asked Sungmin, as the other boys looked at each other in confusion then back up at Henry.


"What?" Sungmin gasped.


"I did as you instructed. But it didn't taste right, and they were dry." Henry said still looking at Sungmin. Sungmin didn't know whetehr Henry was just ignoring the boys that were still pinning him to ground or whether he was just refusing to help him.


"Did you add butter?" Sungmin asked.


"Thats it! You know they sell cookie dough." Henry asked Sungmin, finding the fact rather fascinating.


"Let go." Sungmin muttered to the boys pinning him to the ground. Henry looked around at the boys that look in his eyes returned. The boys looked back at Henry unsure of what to do.


"Why are you guys still her?" Henry asked them as he gazed at them coldly.


"That...Kyuhyun...Sunbae..." One of the boys attempted to speak.


"Our convrsation is none of your buisness." Henry said rather matter of factly. The boys let go of Sungmin and scrambled away down the corridor.

Sungmin sat up, took in several deep breaths and closed his eyes in relief. Henry walked into the dojo and grabbed Sungmin's bag and clothes, then into the changing room and took two towels with him. Henry walked back over to Sungmin who was still breathing heavily on the floor and slwly buttoning up his shirt. Henry bent down and wrapped a towel around Sungmin's back and then placed the other towel on top of Sungmin's blonde head.

"You're getting goosebumps." Henry spoke softly as Sungmin raised his eyes of the floor to see Henry's warm eyes staring at him. Henry turned around and started walking down the hall muttering to himself

" I know. Seems like I have to try again."


"Sunbae." Sungmin said softly to Henry who stopped. He turned his head around an looked down at Sungmin.

"Thankyou for helping me."


"I wasn't helping you. I just couldn't stand what was happening." Henry said as he walked off again leaving Sungmin on the floor. Sungmin took in another deep breath and started to cry in relief. Sungmin picked himself off the floor grabbed his clothes and bag and chucked the towels into the dojo . Sungmin smiled as he thought of Henry and he walked out of the school feeling that same feeling he had last week beating in his heart.




Aww Sungminnie I can't wait for you and Kyuhyun to really start focusing on each other



Can't wait for Kyuhyun in the next chapter... o(>.<)o



I agree Yeye but you have to wait, you will get to have him soon ^__^


Figured out how to bring in EunHae so excited to start writing it!!!



Can't wait for Henry to come out of shell even more...if you guys couldn't tell he has started lol

I personally love Amber i think she a big ball of fluff and I hope you guys love her too.

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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-