Emotions and Deceitful Bastards

Boys over Flowers



Upstairs away from the party, Sungmin was hurriedly rushed into a hotel suite by Henry. He quickly pushed him in the room and closed it again. Sungmin looked around the room to see that it was full of opened brief cases, all of which had Amber's style traited clothes and a few dresses for parties. The room was large and beautifully decorated, it had a large king sized bed in the middle of the room, it was covered with a golden satin like material with a royal blue unerlay, giving it a royalty look about it. Amber opened the door causing Sungmin to jump in fright, she just smiled at him and walked quickly into one of adjoining rooms that was connected to hers. She came back in the room with aq black suit jacket, black pants and a light blue long sleeve collared shirt. Sungmin cocked his head to the side in confusion.

Amber shoved the clothes in his arms with an excited look on her face, as she pushed him into the bathroom to get changed. Sungmin looked around the white and black marbled room, taking in the size of the actual bathtub itself. it looke igger than his entire bathroom he thought to himself in awe. He quickly stripped out his clothes, not wanting Amber to wait any further for him to get changed. Amber squealed in delight as he exited the bathroom, she was very pleased with the colours she had chosen for him, they suited and compleminted his skin colour perfectly, giving him a snowly complexion look about him. Amber rushed over to him and forced him down on the bed and pulled a seat right up to the bed. She put her finger up to indicate she would be just a minute.

Amber came out with a ton of hair products and make up bags in her arms, she had  a very excited look on her face as she began dumping the contents on her bed. Amber had never given a makeover to guy before so she was extremely happy about, considering this man in particular was very beautiful she thought in excitement as she looked down at the contents and thought about what would be best to make his eyes pop. Knowing the best way to go was with the black eyeliner and eyeshadow she quickly chose them.


"Can you please look up without  movingyour head." Amber asked as Sungmin did exactly as he was asked to.


Amber delicatley began tracing underneath his eyes with black liner, and smiled as he quickly jerked his head back in suprise. Amber chuckled a little and continued on with her makeover. Sungmin sighed in relief as the eyeliner was taken away from his face, he really hated things coming that close to his face, ecspecially his eyes, it really freaked him out. Amber put the lid back on the liner and grabbed a small little black rectangle off the bed and opened it. Sungmin took in that it was one of those black powedery cases his mother had in her room. He closed his eyes understanding immediately where it was suppose to go. 

Amber dragged the brush across his eyelid with the black eye shadow.  She couldn't wait to see the finsihed product of his face, he was going to look so adorable and cute, but as soon as finished the makeup she set her eyes on top of his messy head. She got up and made him switch chairs with her. As soon as she ran her fingers through his hair trying to figure out what to do with she paused. It was soft and silky, not all what she had been expecting since it was bleached. She rubbed some mousse on to her hands and began smoothing out his hair, though she had to really keep trying with his annoying cowlick thingy he had on the top of his head, it just did not want to go down, depite the amout of mousse and gel she put on it. After she finished with her product, the product being Sungmin of course she giggled to herself at the joke she smiled down at him.


"Thankyou, but you didn't have to go to this extent." Sungmin smilied and blushed, causing Amber to gush internally at his adorable expression.


"It's what i wanted to do, so don't feel burdened. Besides you turned out so perfect." Amber laughed


"This isn't a place where I'm suppose to be from the beginning anyway." Sungmin sighed, thinking about Henry and Amber holding hands and smiling, and then of Kyuhyun smirking down at him, which slowly turned into Kyuhyun smiling at him.


"Henry invited you right? If you're Henry's friend, then you're a precious friend of mine too." Amber smilied as she walked behind him again running her hands ver his head smoothly, as Sungmin's cowlick had popped back up annoyingly so.


"No. That was just out of curtesy." Sungmin said as he looked to the ground, feeling Amber's fingers running through his hair ina delightful way.


"No. Henry is not like that. And to stand up for someone like he did for you, well it's the first time I have ever seen him do something like that." Amber said as she continued running her fingers through Sungmin's blonde locks thoughtfully.


"Henry Sunbae has always been very attentive." Sungmin smilied.


"Henry's attentive?" Amber said in suprise.

"See what I mean. I think it's because Sungmin is a very special person she laughed.

"I've heard thay you've sffered alot thanks to Kyuhyun. I heard that you swore that you'll never bow down to him." Amber laughed imagining Kyuhyun's shocked face.


"Thats.." Sungmin started but stopped only to be pinker than he was before.


"It's because he's lonely." Amber said sadly.


"What?" Sungmin looked up at Amber face with suprise.


"He's covering his lonliness with violence." Amber said with a sad smile.


"Cho Kyuhyun is lonely." Sungmin said disbelievingly, as he thought now he had heard everything that the world could offer as suprising.

"How can that be?" He said.


"He can only be with his parents only a month per year. From the moment he was boprn, he wasn't a normal son, or friend. He was treated as the heir of the company. Can you inmagine how that feels." Amber asked as she walked around to face Sungmin again. Sungmin shook his head, he couldn't believe Kyuhyun was actually that sensitive, he was usually cold, cocky or just stupid, Sungmin thought.

"Don't lose to him." Amber smiled down at Sungmin.


"What?" Sungmin said as he looked into Amber's beautiful face with confusion.


"I like you Sungmin, so i'll cheer you on." Amber laughed.

"We've done here. You can get up now." Amber said, only just realising that Sungmin wasn't wearing any suitable shoes so she began pyushing him back on the chair and telling him to wait a moment before runnoing back into one of the adjoing rooms to grab a pair of black leather shoes. She passed them to Sungmin who quickly put them on and ties the laces. He got up and did a test walk before smiling at Amber.


"These feel great." Sungmin said as he rocked back in forth in them, testing how well they moved around on his feet.


"To women, shoes are important. So these better come back in good condition." Amber laughed.


"These are yours?" Sungmin asked in suprise.


"No. There Jongwoon's, but what he don't know won't kill him." Amber laughed.


"He can think of it as repayment for making the night more entertaining and fun for him." Sungmin chuckled to himself, knowing to well that Jongwoon would have gotten a kick out of everything. Amber cocked her head to the side in confusion, not toally understanding the joke Sungmin had said.


"Shall we go now?" Amber said as she offered Sungmin her hand




Dongahae was watching the door rather intently, he was waiting for Sungmin and Amber to come through so he could warn Kyuhyun when they were both here. As soon as Donghae spotted Amber, he patted Kyuhyun's shoulder and nodded over into the doors direction. Kyuhyun turned his head around to watch as Amber pulled a very reluctant Sungmin into the room. Henry's eyes widened in suprise as he took in Sungmin.

Sungmin's face was covered in a slight embarrassed blush, making him look so adorable, that it was unbelieveable for Henry to think of anything else besides how much he wanted to go up to Sungmin and wrap his arm around him and pull him into a tight embrace and to never let him go. Henry shook his head at the thought and then quickly looked to Amber as though he thoughts had just betrayed her, though he still couldn't think of anyting else but Sungmin's adorably shy posture and blush.

Jongwoon and Dinghae forze when they saw Sungmin. Jongwoon shook his head in disbelief as well as Donghae. Sungmin's cute blushed covered face, was so tempting to kiss that they could evenn feel themselves moving slightly towardss him only to stop when they saw Amber walking towards Henry. They both looked at Kyuhyun who had completely frozen to the spot. So much so that it looked like he had actually stopped breathing.They looked back over at Sungmin, taking in everything, his hair was sitting on his head in a flat style that curved his face, his beautifully dark brown eyes stood out,  the makeup creating the illusion that they looked larger. They couldn't believe how good he looked.

Kyuhyun just stood thre, frozen to the flor. He had never seen Sungmin, so shy and alluring as he was now. Kyuhyun was frozen so stiff that he actually dropped the plate of food in his hands, causing Sungmin to look up at him. Sungmin's blush deepened when he saw Kyuhyun and Henry staring at him. Sungmin looked into Kyuhyun's dark eyes seeing them filled with something he had never seen before, a certain light shined through them he thought. Henry's face was pulled into a weird smile, that caused Sungmin to feel frozen to the spot. He had never been looked at like this beofre, and it was making him feel really really embarrassed. Jongwoon and Donghae began to laugh a little as they stood next to the two gaping morons, this had been the most entertaining night for them in a long time.


"You know, you should probably go talk to him. He came out so adorably and now he is all shy, he can;t even talk to anyone at the moment he is so shy." Amber giggled and prodded Henry's side.


Henry walked up to Sungmin eagerly and stopped right in front of him, he couldn't keep his eyes of his pink face. Sungmin looked up at Henry, then looked back down at his feet fiddling with his hands awkwardly, feeling the deep blush that was trying to remain permanent on his face. Henry was shocked at the fact that he couldn't say anything to Sungmin, words had never failed him before, he didn't know what to say to him. So he did the best thing he could, hoping that Sungmin would get the jist of the gesture he was giving him. Henry held out his hand to Sungmin, in offer to dance.

At that moment Sungmin looked up at Henry with confusion, only to se have his eyes widen when he realised the gesture. Sungmin looked around him, thinking to himself, could they really do this around here, wouldn't there be a lot of girls pout for his blood the next day. Kyuhyun watched as Henry offered his hand to Sungmin, , he hoped and prayed that something would stop the whole scene that was running before him. At that moment in time Taeyeon came rushing over to Sungmin, she smilied and blushed profusely art him as she took in the sight of Sungmin.

Sungmin looked down at Taeyeon and saw that she was dressed in a cute little pink dress, and her face was painted ina pink blush as she looked up at him. Sungmin smiled down at Taeyeon, she had nenver approached him by herself before, so this was all new to him. As he remebered the last time he had seen Taeyeon she had ran off after telling him that he should come, because both Henry and Kyuhyun had extnded their invitations. He extnded his hand to her, which ended with her squealing in delight and taking it, causing him to smile down at her adorable display of excitement.


"Sorry Henry, I'm going to dance with Taeyeon, we can talk later if you wish." Sungmin smiled at Henry, which caused Henry to look confused at Sungmin, then smiled acceptingly at him.


"Taeyeon, I kniw were not all that close, but would you dance with me." Sungmin asked. Taeyeon enthusiastially nodded her head again and pulled Sungmin over to the dance floor as quickly as she could.


"I'm next Sungmin!" Sunn screamed over at them and waved. Sunny looked absoluetly goregous, she was wearing a pastel blue dress, with a white fur like coart over it. Her hair had been straightened a little and she had a matching blue flower pinned in her hair.


"Okay Sunny, but to be fair, and also warn you guys at the same time, this is my first time dancing. So please be kind to me." Sungmin smilied.


Kyuhyun and Henry watched focusely at Sungmin as he stumbled slightly on the dance floor and then quickly reclaimed himself. Sungmin had actually gotten the hang of the steps rather quickly. Amber, Jongwoon and Donghae smilied and laughed with each other as they watched Kyuhyun war with himself in his mind.

Kyuhyun had never felt anything so powerful before. He was angry and anxious at the same time, he wanted to be the one to make Sungmin smile like he was right not at Taeyeon, he wanted to waltz around the room with Sungmin in his arms. He wanted Sungmin more than anything in his life. Why could't he have gone up and extended his hand like Henry did, though then again Henry did get rejected, Kyuhyun thought. He didn't want to be rejected.

Sungmin looked down at his sore feet, only to see that Taeyeon was standing on them, as he turned around the room. She must be new to dancing thing as well, Sungmin laughed internally, but he really wished she would get off the tops of his feet, it wasn't like she was heavy or anything, it was just the added pressure in his feet that hurt.

Jessica and Sooyoung were fuming at Taeyeon's audacity to dance with Sungmin, he was their sworn enemy, why would she do that they pondered together,. Though since Jessica and Sooyoung aren't the brightest epople in the world the possiblity of Taeyeon actually liking Sungmin had never crossed their minds. Jongwoon and Donghae watched as Sungmin's face tweaked in pain slightly as he spun Taeyeon around the room. They looked down at Sungmin's feet and saw that Taeyeon was standing on the tops of them so that she could follow his steps. Jongwoon started chuckling with Donghae, gaining Kyuhyun's attention. Donghae pointed over to Sungmin's feet to let him in on what they were joking about.

Kyuhyun looked down at sungmin's feet, his lips cracking into a smile, as he chucled at Sungmin's kind heartedness, but a little while, until the weird, foregin, powerful emotion returned.


"He looks completely different." Jongwoon smiled.


"Definetly Amber's work." Donghae chuckled as he grabbed a glass off the table behind him.


"Maybe I should take him to the next exhibition as my partner?" Jongwoon said, hoping to get a rise out Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun stormed off out of the party, leaving Jongwoon and Donghae very confused at his actions and behaviour, usually he would yell at them or something, not walk out. Kyuhyun walked out of the hotel into the pool area, he was rubbing his chest right over his heart, he needed to relieve the tension that was crushing his heart. Kyuhyun groaned in frustration as the pain in his chest was not going away and the thought of Sungmin smiling down at Taeyeon was causing it to get worse.

Kyuhyun who was not used to feeling this way started throwing the pool side chairs around in frustration at his emotions. He continually swore at himself as he flipped over another table, and breaking only to run his hands through his hands and hit his head with the palms of his head to remove the image from his head. It was the hardest thing Kyuhyun had ever felt and it was not helping him to have a fit s of rage and destroy everything, so he stopped breaking the hotels property adn stood there and looked at the stars and sighed.

Sungmin who had finished dancing with both Taeyeon and Sunny, stopped and sat on a chair. He watched as Henry twirled Amber around the floor, smiling beautifully at her in a way Sungmin had never seen. This was the real Henry, Sungmin thought as he watched them, feeling hopeless at his own emotions. Feeling fed up with his clashing emotions on liking Amber, as she was a nice person and knew that he could never hate someone like her, and watching Henry smile down at her causing him to feel what he assumed was jealousy, he decided now was a great time to take a walk and figure his own feelings out.

Sungmin walked out of the party, hoping to find somewhere quiet to walk and think to himself. As soon as he stepped outside he heard numerous things crashing and slamming against the concrete. Sungmin's curiousity got the better of him and decided to investigate the situation.

Kyuhyun who had become completely exhausted from his thoughts, and still slightyly buggered from his tantrum sat down on one of the lucky chairs that had not been thrown onto th ground in anger. Kyuhyun sighed and looked towars the sky again, hoping that it would show him the answers to why he was feeling the way he was.Kyuhyun whipped his head around quickly when he heard a low buzzing noise coming closer to him. Kyuhyun saw a rather large bug flying around him, coming dangerously close to his face.


"What's that?!" Kyuhyun screamed as he began to freak out as the bug flew even closer to his face.

Kyuhyun jumped from his chair. The bug followed closer to Kyuhyun and unfortunatly landed on him, causing Kyuhyun to jump and run around the pool, grabbing at his shirt, as he felt the bugs tiny, hairy legs crawl underneath his shirt onto his skin. Kyuhyun violently grabbed at his shirt hoping that the bug would die soon, or fly out from under his shirt, until Kyuhyun tripping over his own feet fell into the pool beside him.

Sungmin heard a large splash s he walked down the stairs that lead to the pool section. He heard screaming, and more violent splashing. Sungmin bolted into the direction to hear the splashing and screaming stop. Thinking the worse, continued running to find someone unconcious in the pool.


Back at the party one of the security officers of the hotel came running into the party. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him in shock, as they were not expecting a security guard to come running in.


"Cho Kyuhyun has fallen into the pool, we need someone to help him! Hurry Hurry!" He screamed as everyone in the room ran out after him.

Henry,Jongwoon, Donghae and Amber bolted ahead of the officer and the class, knowing all to well that there was one thing that their Cho Kuhyun could not do. And that was swim. They ran into the pool section to find a very wet Sungmin, pumping Kyuhyun's chest and slapping his face harsely as he screamed out his name.


"Kyuhyun! Kyuhyun, wake up!" Sungmin shouted as he repeatedly slapped Kyuhyun face.

"Open your eyes!" Sungmin scremed as he began pumping Kyuhyun's chest again.


Sungmin opened Kyuhyun's mouth and pinched his nose. Sungmin leaned down and enclosed his lips over Kyuhyun's and blew air into Kyuhyun's mouth. Sungmin repeated this several time. Kyuhyun's eyes snapped open as he watched Sungmin draw closer to his mouth again. Sungmin stopped midway to see Kyuhyun's eyes opened in suprise. Kyuhyun grabbed the back of Sungmin and tried forcing him down to meet his lips again. Sungmin stuggled out of Kyuhyun's grasp and fell back onto his bm.


"What?" Sungmin looked confused down at Kyuhyun, only to see him smiling gleefully back at him. Kyuhyun pushed his chest of the ground and looked at Sungmin  smirking. Sungmin was so annoyed , so confused, that he punched Kyuhyun in the face as hard as he could, successfully wiping the smirk of face.

"You are such a jerk!" Sungmin yelled, as he removed himself from the ground, grabbed his shoes and stomped off away to go dry himself and change back into his casual clothes and leave the party.


Kyuhyun smiled giddily as he looked up at Jongwoon, Donghae and Amber. Watching as Jongwoon, Donghae and Amber laughed along with him, for his stupid antics. Henry on the other hand watched as Sungmin walked away mutterin angirly to himself. He turned back around to look at Kyuhyun who was still on the ground as Amber slapped him on the back of the head playfully.




Sungmin had arrived back at Ryeowook's aunt and uncles house, and decided  not to tell Ryeowook much about the night, though Ryeowook knew somethinghad happen with Sungmin, he didn't bother prying at this point in time. When Sungmin was ready he would tell him about it, Ryeowook reasoned with himself. Sungmin grabbed his toothbrush and walked into the bathroom. As Sungmin started brushing his teeth, he scowled at himself in the mirror, as the memory of him performing CPR on Kyuhyun flashed through his mind, as well as Kyuhyun trying to pull him down for a kiss. Sungmin went bright red and leaned his head against the mirror.

"You deceitful bastard!" Sungmin muttered to himself as he smiled at the thought of Kyuhyun's gleeful smile.




Kyuhyun arrived at home, with a slight cold. Siwon was standing by Kyuhyun's side ready for any orders that were to come his way, or if Kyuhyun just wanted to talk to him, which was usally the case.. Kyuhyun sat on his chair lazily playing Starcraft, witnessing the obvious defeat of his online rival. Kyuhyun sneezed  loudly, scraing the maid who was pouring him his morning coffee, causing her to spill it all over the table and herself.


"I'm sorry sir, I'll make you a new coffee right away." The maid said as she bowed to him, expecting any moment now to be fired.


"What?" Kyuhyun asked as he looked up from his laptop, suprising Siwon and the maid.


"Do you have a cold?" Siwon asked

"Should I call the Doctor?"


"What cold I feel great." Kyuhyun smilied at Siwon.

"Prepare the car. I need to quickly get to school." Kyuhyun smilied as he thought of Sungmin.


"You want leave this early?" Siwon eyebrows rose up in suprise.


"It's never to early for a student to go to school. Don't you know the saying. Bugs who wake early die early?" Kyuhyun laughed.


"Don't you mean the early bird catches the worm, Young Master?" Siwon asked jokingly.


"Oh...Yes..."Kyuhyun said as he gained his morining victory on starcraft.


"Should I fire the maid?" Siwon asked.


"Why?" Kyuhyun looked at Siwon confused. Kyuhyun placed his laptop onto the coffee table and removed himself from his chair and walked to Siwon. Kyuhyun wrapped his arm around Siwon and smiled playfully at him.

"Siwon, aren't you being a bit too picky with the maids?" Kyuhyunlaughed as he walked away from Siwon and out the room smiling to himself.


"Anyone would have thought he got some on that trip." Siwon laughed out loud, causing the maids in the room to giggle.




Sungmin would have looked so good at that party, i can just see it in my head....



Dammit Kyu why are you so much fun to write lol




Lol Jongwoon's charcter is soo much fin at the moment I can't wait for him and Wookie....EXCITED!!!!!!



Donghae, I feel as though I'm not doing enough for you but in a couple of more chapters you get to meet Hyukkie!!!!



I kinda want you to pair up with someone...though i don't think it can be Amber...maybe someone else hmmmm....







Sunny Sorry about leaving you out for awhile, but you weren't need for the story at that point, but i'll make it point for you to come in more soon




I like Taeyeon being nice, it suits her personality more <3



Love Siwons charcter so much <3


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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-