Flower Four?

Boys over Flowers

To the largest corporation to sponsor the 2012 London Olympics, the SM Cooperation. And therefore in the global-wide recession South Korea's economic growth started, it has maintained status of the best company, and kept growing and growing and the reached the level of multinational cooperation, it's name is SM. Electronics, oil, distribution, and telecommunications. If you are a citizen of South Korea, you know the two letters of SM before you know the presidents name, as they have created a kingdom and therefore is Korea's largest conglomerate.

On a day where they had managed to increase their imports by One Trillion Won, and were sent to the Blue House, the founder of this company instead of receiving a medal said,

"Sir, please allow me to build a school where my grandchildren could attend."

And then there it was, SM Academic School. The First school in history of Korea where it was backed by the President, who believed that economic advancement was more important than education, and even went to make special laws to accommodate the school. And now there is a saying:

'If you do not have SM Academic School on your resume, don't even bother applying.'

It is a school made for the 1%, attended by the 1%, and fit for the 1%, and therefore has maintained the reputation the best elite school. Most common people, even if they apply here when they are born, they cannot attend SM Kindergarten, but when accepted, then you have the way paved nonstop for Elementary, Middle and High School, and even eventually University. It is a subject of jealousy and awe for the rest of the nation's students, and parents who suffer from the hard admissions to University. However in this SM Highschool, a school for the chosen, Something unimaginable was happening.


A students hand was trembling with fear as it slowly moved towards a school locker, the key shaking intensely as he feared to open the lock. As soon as he twisted the key all he could hear was the lock opening in a resounding click, the noise seem to echo in his head. The students breathing became quickened, he was hoping, praying that what he thought was inside the locker was not. He quickly opened the door as if it was a bandaid hoping the pain would subside quickly. But looking in the locker his eyes widened in fear as he saw a small square shaped red card staring back at him. The card had an angry skull with black empty sockets that stared back evilly at him, and down the bottom of the red card in bold writing was written F4.

He glanced next to him as a student waved at him with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Aigoo Leeteuk, or Park Jungsoo or whatever your name is." He said with a condescending tone and the smirk still on his lips.

"What are we going to do with you?" Said another student who crept up behind him and patted his shoulder harshly he could feel the animosity through it.

Leeteuk was shaking he couldn't believe what was happening to him. He felt himself being push forward by the boy behind into the smirking boy in front of him. Leeteuk could feel the group of boys get larger around him, he could feel all their hatred roll over him as the crowded around him. The boy behind him pushed him again forcing him to collide with a fist . He felt his stomach clench with the impact as the fist repeatedly hit him with enough force to push him back into the boys behind him. He winced in pain with each blow and yelled out every time the fist made contact with his stomach.

Leeteuk Decided that it was time to fight back instead of just take the abuse that was given to him, he pushed a few of his attackers off him and scrambled and wrestled his way out as best he could. The boys behind him screamed out for people to get him. Unfortunately Leeteuk was not fast enough to gain momentum to run from them. One of the boys he pushed to the ground grabbed him around the ankles as the boys from behind him circled his waist, causing him to fall the ground with a loud thus. He could feel pain exploding through his body. The students circled around him again and started kicking him with as much force as they could. The boys laughed at Leeteuk's pitiful display of pain every time something new would bleed or when he was kicked sharply in the ribs.

During this time a boy was riding a bike towards the school with clean laundry tied to the back of him. His blonde hair shone brightly illuminating every hair on his head when he rode into the sun. His eyes were wide with curiosity as he took in the sight in front of him. He had never made a delivery to SM Academic School before and it was really exciting for him to see where the elite went to school. Not really paying attention to what was in front of him till the last moment he quickly braked  his bike before colliding with the barricade. He looked forward at the school and realisation hit him straight in the head as he slowly backed up his bike to the window of the security booth next to him. He smiled shyly at the security guard and nodded his head, the security man in the booth smiled politely at him.

"What is the purpose of your visit" the security guard inquired.

The boy took in the man's uniform and started to feel really out of place while the guard smiled politely at him waiting for an answer.

"Ah yes..." The boy stuttered shyly

"I'm delivering from Lee Dry Cleaners." he said nervously, with a slight chuckle of embarrassment as he attempted to smile again.

"Okay." The security guard nodded and flicked the switch to open the barricade. The guard smiled at the boy and turned his head to the switch board again.

The boy watched as the barricade slowly lifted up, he quickly bowed his head and smiled at the security guard and taking off on his bike again feeling a little more relaxed again.

"Thankyou." he shouted out from his bike and waved.



Two boys emerged from a small bathroom cubicle with smug smirks plastered on their faces, they laughed to themselves as the walked to the sink washed the hands and brushed them on their clothes to dry. Leeteuk stumbled out of the same bathroom cubicle. His face was covered in blood and what was presumed to be water from the toilet bowl. His gym uniform was saturated in blood, sweat and water.

His eyes were wild with anger and fear as he looked at the two in front of him. He felt a surge of confidence was over him for a bit and he smirked at the two in front of him fleetingly as he fell to the floor. He braced himself with one hand on the wall of the cubicle and his knee that was digging into the cold wet floor.

He glanced up at the two with animosity as he picked himself off the floor as pushed himself with the hand that was still on the cubicle wall and attacked both boys fiercely. He kicked the first in the head as hard as he could, once he was sure that he was on the floor he grabbed th other one by the collar and punched him repeatedly with as much force as he could.

Two other boys who were guarding the the bathrooms entrance charged at Leeteuk, but Leeteuk mustered all his strength together and pushed them both into the wall over and over again before chucking them onto the bathroom sink and counter and ran out of the bathroom as fast as his legs could carry him.


The young boy was still riding around the large campus  curious at all the sights he had never seen before SM Academic School was really something, he felt so excited and so nervous to be in the school at the same time that he couldn't ride slow enough for him to take it all in. Though he felt he did have to speed it a bit considering he was on a delivery and his father and mother would be expecting him to be back at the shop soon.




Leeteuk was clutching to his ribs as he ran bare foot around the campus trying to escape the gang of boys chasing him everywhere. He could hear them screaming at everyone to find him and he was pretty sure that even a few of them now had brought weapons along with them. He stumbled into the front entrance of the school limping along the way. His eyes glanced at the stair as his only form of escape  so he quickly hopped towards them feeling the sharp pain in his robs every time he breathed out. He gripped the railing and supported himself along it as he climbed the stairs as fast as his tired legs could carry him. He felt a sense of relief as he reached the top, his face relaxed a bit and he smiled at his accomplishment. He clutched at his ribs again felling them burning.

Thundering footsteps bellowed through the hall, Leeteuk carefully glanced down the staircase and saw that the group of boys that had been chasing him had now tripled in size and even had girls in it.

"There he is!" One of the boys screamed and pointed. The group was now racing for the stairs pushing there way as though they were one unit. Leeteuk sighed and winced in pain as he began running as fast as he could towards the next route of escape.




The young boy rode into a tall building in the campus assuming that would where he would be likely to find his client. He passed a pair of girls walking he gave them a quick nod and wide smile as they waved at him smiled and giggled. The boy took in what they were wearing as the school uniform a short skirt with a plaid like design, a jacket with the school emblem placed over the pocket, a white collared shirt, and black knee high socks. He was amused to find how cute the girls looked in the outfit and looked back at them from his bike and noticed they were still watching him.

He got off his bike as he reached a stair case, he leaned it against the wall and removed the laundry from the back and walked down the stairs hoping to find his client somewhere down here. What he walked into was what looked like to be the most astonishing cafeteria he ever saw. His mouth was agape in surprise as he took in what the students were eating and how the cafeteria was set up. It looked like high priced cafe were he knew he would never be able to afford what ever they were serving. There plates and plates of the most delicious looking food he had ever seen in his entire life, and it was arranged in the most intricate ways. The boy had to swallow the pool of saliva that he had created in his mouth, he also had to quieten the sound of his stomach.

"Is this really a school?" he said to himself still looking at all the plates of food in front of.

An excited boy ran down the stairs and stopped right behind him.


"His on the roof! Park Jungsoo is on the roof! Now!" He yelled at the whole cafeteria.


"What? Really?" a couple of people started running towards the over excited boy.


"Is he putting on some kind of show?" A girl asked from the crowd.


"No! He's covered in blood." The over excited boy shouted to the gathering crowd in front of him.


"Oh really?" The whole group started following the overexcited boy up the stairs.


"Park Jungsoo?" the young boy said to himself with a puzzled look on his face.

"Park Jungsoo?!" He yelled at hit himself on the head for forgetting who it was. The young boy raced up the stairs and towards his bike, he lashed the laundry back onto the bike and sped off after the excited students.

The boy came to a halt when he found the crowd of students he had been chasing. He popped the stand on his bike and pushed his way through the swarm of students. Some of the students had their phones out recording everything that was happening on the rooftop. The young boy looked up towards the rooftop and saw a man balancing himself on the railing of the school building. He was wearing no shoes and looked completely exhausted. The young boy couldn't comprehend the situation, suddenly he over hears two students in the crowd talking to each other.

"What did i tell you?! He wouldn't last a week." said a boy with a bad haircut, glasses and wearing a clean gym uniform.


"Hey at least he lasted three weeks." the other boy said as he laughed with the boy with the terrible haircut.


"But he resisted three days." The other boy said.




Leeteuk was cold and scared, he had been chased by a group of people all day, beaten and scared out of his wits, and there they still were, laughing and recording his misery on their phones. Jumping from the railing seemed really easy compared to what these people had done to him. He looked back at the people behind him, he was exhausted, he had enough of this school and its students.


"This is what you guys want right?" he said to them feeling frightened and tired.

"Okay. I'll give you what you want." He said.

He looked to the crowd below him, he felt all the pressure life of him and he felt something take over his mind completely. He closed his eyes and breathed in what he thought was his last intake of life.


"Wait!" shouted someone.

"Wait! Student Park Jungsoo!" the voice cried again.

"Customer." the voice said as it was obvious the person was breathing heavily.

Leeteuk turned his head and looked down at a blonde boy around the same age as him maybe a little younger. He has what appeared to be laundry on his back from what Leeteuk could see as the boy was bent over breathing in as much oxygen as he could. Leeteuk looked down at the boy confused, what had just happened?


"What...What are you?" Leeteuk said still looking at the boy with confusion.


"Me?" The boy said touching himself in the chest as to indicate himself.

"Well speaking for myself, I've come to deliver your clothes!" He said smiling but still breathing heavily as he raised the laundry above his head, smiling even brighter than he was before.

"Lee Dry Cleaners 30,000 Won please." He said still smiling.

The group of people behind Leeteuk and the boy started laughing loudly at the boy with the laundry. Though the boy was unsure at what or who they were laughing at so he decided to ignore it.

"Okay, okay 25,000 Won." He said softly to Leeteuk with a confused look on his face that slowly turned into another adorable smile.

"Your Gym clothes are service. But you better become a regular customer!" The boy pointed at him and smiled cheekily as though he had won in his bargaining with the customer.


"When I'm dead, you can bill it to my house." Leeteuk said to him with a serious face.


The young boy opened his mouth and sighed loudly.

"Now don't be like that..."He said sighing again at Leeteuk, though suddenly realising what Leeteuk had actually said.

"D...D...Dead?" He said with a shocked face.

"You're gonna die now?" he remarked with the same expression.

"Why?" The boy cocked his head to the side.

"Why? You go to such a great school." The boy said again looking worryingly at Leeteuk.


"No, this isn't a school." Leeteuk said shaking his head.

"It's Hell."


"Excuse me?!" The boy said with disgust written all over his face.

"REal hell is outside this building." The boy said still disgusted at what Leeteuk had said.

"Have you heard of admission hell?" The boy asked Leeteuk.


"Have you heard of the F4?" Leeteuk asked the boy.


"F...F...What?" He asked confused

"F4?"He said a sniffed a bit.

"What's that?" He cocked his head to the side with curiosity.


"From the moment you get a red card from them you become the prey for the entire school." Leeteuk told the boy.

"Remember it."


"Ahh...You can't just let them do that to you!" The boy yelled at Leeteuk.

"It's always the lame losers who walk around like they're the ," He yelled frustratingly

"If it was my school, I would have grabbed them and break them." The boy yelled again, making fighting movement with the clothes in his hands. Leeteuk laughed at the boys silly attempts at fighting with the clothes in his hands and smiled at him.


"They're fortunate, your friends." Leeteuk said smiling at the boy sincerely.


"Huh?" The boy asked confused again at the conversation and worried for Leeteuk's safety on the rail.


"That they have a friend like you,"Leeteuk said smiling

The boy smiled brightly at Leeteuk, the comment made him feel so happy and shy at the same time, so he laughed thinking the worse was over with Leeteuk and he would come off the rail soon.


"Well...I suppose so." He said shyly.

Leeteuk turned his head around and looked at the ground again, he took in a deep breath closed his eyes and let something take over his mind and body again, and finally he jumped. The young boy threw the laundry aside and ran as fast as he could catching Leeteuk by his shoulders saving him just in time.




Later that day reports were flying all over the news and papers and online.

'Brave Common Student, who is he? Aristocratic Elite school SM High School Murder?'

'SM High's group bullying, the savour is a common Superman.'

'What is going on in the best educational High School, SM High?'

'Who saved the student being severely bullied by his Highschool at SM High is...not rich nor comes from a family with a title..."

'SM High's bullying, the saviour is a common Superman.'

'There is only so far a special privilege can go, SM Group confess!'

'Abolish special education.'




"Sungmin, Do you know what your nickname is?" Ryeowook asked with a big smile on his face, making his cheeks very pinchable.

"Common Hero, Superman, you are our generations true Superman!" Ryeowook continued reading off the rice porridge shops computer.

"Superman to SM High!" Ryeowook  punched his arm in air as he made the symbol for fighting , along with Sungmin's boss Lee Shindong.


"Stop that." Sungmin said throwing his T-towels at Shindong and Ryeowook for the stupidity.


"But...That flower four? I wonder if they're that pretty." Ryeowook said sticking his head out of the window that connects to the kitchen and payment desk.

"I think all my wishes would come true if I could see them close up..."He said sighing and smiling to himself as he gazed at Sungmin's back pouting a little.


"Flower Four?" Shindong asked confused on the subject.


"Flower Four? Yeah right." Sungmin scoffed at the name and smirked.

"More like Fly Four, they herd around ." He laughed a little.


Ryeowook snickered and smiled at Sungmin's back, then to Shindong who also chuckled at the bad name Sungmin had adorably given the Flower four. Sungmin bent down and picked up his T-towels and lost himself in his thoughts again. Suddenly a light flashing caught his attention from the window as swarms of paparazzi headed towards the entrance of the restaurant trying to get to him. They were yelling at him to look this way and that way, he was so confused. Surely saving some kid was not that big a deal he thought to him self. Eventually He just smiled brightly and tried his best not to look confused as they screamed his name.




Please don't hate me for this all you Teukkie Lovers Cause I love him too and i will have him return...maybe...hopefully







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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-