Waking up in the wrong house, awkward introductions and sapphire eyes

Boys over Flowers



Sungmin was laying in a large spacious ben with the blue coveres pulled up over his head. Sungmin was trying to prevent the sun from hitting his eyes and causing that stinging, burning sensation that you get when you open your eyes to the sun. Sungmin remained under the covers with his eyes closed contemplating more sleep, he felt really terrible. It fellt as though his head was going to split in two parts, his mouth felt dry and fuzzy at the same time, and his stomach was trying to figure out if it was hungry or nauseous. Sungmin coouldn't figure out why he felt so bad. Sungmin heard the door of the bedroom being opened and the small shuffling of footsteps along the carpet, there was also a weird crinkling of paper rustling through the room and the occasional sound of someone clearing their throat. When Sungmin heard the person walk out of the bedroom again he could something warm and sweet in the room.

Sungmin stretched underneath the covers, still preventing the sun from hitting his eyes. He experimentally opened them underneath the covers to see nothing but his own blue world. When Sungmin deemed his eyes well enough to handle the sun, he slowly lifted the covers off his head and closed his eyes instantly as the light in the room flooded them. Sungmin groaned in pain and kept his eyes closed. Sungmin lied there letting the warm sun hit his face and upper torso, it was a very pleasant feeling lying in a very warm bed, with the even warmer sun hitting you nicely. Sungmin could smell the scent he had picked up underneath the covers a lot clearer now. It smelled like warm frresh buttered bread that he had often smelt whenever he passed a bakery on his way to school. There was also the unmistakable scent of sweet strawberries and mandariens.


"I know that this place must be really expensive, just the smell seems really expensive." Sungmin yawned as he buried his head underneath the soft pillow.


"You look completely wiped out." Someone spoke from the otherside of the room.

Sungmin's eyes snapped open at the familiarity of the voice. Sungmin quickly sat up on the bed and tossed the pillow behind him. The sudden movement Sungmin made, made his head throb painfully and everything in the room seem to move on its accord. Sungmin groaned painfully and clutched his throbbining head. Sungmin squinted his eyes open forcefully letting the light flood them and the whole room as well. Sitting on the opposite side of Sungmin's chair in a chair with his legs up on an ottoman was Kyuhyun reading a newspaper.

Sungmin looked around the room cautiously. Confusion hit Sungmin when he took in the room, it wasn't his room. There were flowers everywhere and it was somewhat disturbing him how feminine this room was. The were bright pink and yellow flowers littering the wallpaper of the room. The furniturs fabric had been apholstered with the same floral arrangement as the wallpaper, except that most of the furniture was a creamy beige coloured wood. The only thing not fitting the room was the colour of the blanket and pillows in the bed. Everything else was the same meticulous girly pattern except for the blanket covers. The blanket was a soft blue and the pillows behind Sungmin were a very bright, deep pink. Sungmin immediately loved the pillows, they were soft and pink, some of his favourite things.

After a minute Sungmin suddenly became very aware of everything. He was wearing no shirt, and somone else long pjama pants. Sleeping in someone else's bed. This was just to weird for Sungmin to handle. He kept looking around the room, while Kyuhyun amused himself by watching Sungmin's face contort in several emotions as everything was sinking in.


"How did I become like this?" Sungmin stuttered as he pulled the blankets up to copver his chest, clutching them tightly.

"Why am I here?" Sungmin questioned as he continued to look at Kyuhyun with a frightened, worried expression.


"I brought you here." Kyuhyun answered as he continued to read the newspaper in his hands.


"I'm asking you, why am I not at my place, why am I at yours Cho Kyuhyun?" Sungmin yelled.


"I knew you wouldn't remember." Kyuhyun said as he looked over at Sungmin's searching face.


"Remember what?" Sungmin asked.


"Nevermind." Kyuhyun sighed, closing the newspaper in his hands, to snap his fingers.


Siwon entered the bedroom with a couple of maids behind him. Siwon was dressed in a smart buisness like suit, his hair was parted to the side and he had that smile that Sungmin couldn't remember was as bright as it was now. The maids behind Siwon were in the traditonal maid outfits, the black and white dress, with cute little lace ribbons, white stockings and flat black shoes. The maids were carrying a longsleeve black shirt, a pair of blacks pants and shoes. All these clothes seemed familiar but Sungmin just looked at Siwon and Kyuhyun with a confused expression.


"It's a word famous brand." Siwon said to Sungmin, who was still had his head cocked to the side in confusion at everything that was happening. This had to be one of the weirdest mornings he had ever experienced.

"It's Gucci, designed by the Milan designers. It was shown in their new Spring/Summer collection. It just arrived the day before, by air  from Milan." Siwon continued, smiling at the still confused Sungmin.


"Enough..." Kyuhyun cut in.

"You want to scare him?" Kyuhyun said to Siwon as he looked over at Sungmin with a concerned face. Siwon just smiled, and tried his best to supress the giggle that wanted to burst like a bubble from him. Sungmin looked inbetween Siwon and Kyuhyun, not understanding the situation, or anything about this weird morning. Siwon bowed along with the maids and walked out of the bedroom.


"You know, I don't feel like hearing you gloat about your clothes right now." Sungmin muttered at Kyuhyun as he rubbed his temples, trying to release some of the tension in his head.


"That was the suit I wore yesterday." Kyuhyun said.


"Why does the suit you wore yesterday concern me at all?!" Sungmin sighed in annoyance.


"I wore it for the first time yesterday. But it became the last time i'll be wearing it, because of who?" Kyuhyun smirked at the angry confused expression on Sungmin's face.


"How is it my fault?" Sungmin asked as he stared at Kyuhyun with a very annoyed expression.


"Well when I carried someone's drunken out of the car last night, he threw up all over me." Kyuhyun  smirked over at the blonde boy who was groaning into his hands now.


"Oh god, I'm so sorry Kyuhyun." Sungmin groaned in his hands again.


"That's not all, you actually tore off a couple of the top buttons of my shirt as well, I realised it this morning when Siwon finished cleaning and gave it to me to inspect, he almost missed it as well." Kyuhyun was still smiling like the cheshire cat.


"How did I do that?" Sungmin asked.


"What's the last thing you remember from last night?" Kyuhyun questioned as he tapped the newspaper that was in his hands on his knee.


"I rememeber a guy called Jung Yunho and I remember making a terrible joke in english about his name, then I remember talking to to you about..." Sungmin paused mid sentence as the entire night came flooding through his memory.

"Oh god." Sungmin muttered as he looked at Kyuhyun, who sat there with that damn grin on his face.

Sungmin blushed heavily, feeling his whole body become pink and heat up at the memory of Kyuhyun's hands trailing over his waist. The feel of his lips against his when they shared that deep intamite kiss. Sungmin groaned when he remembered un buttoning Kyuhyun's shirt. That would explain how some of the buttons tore off Sungmin thought. What Sungmin couldn't believe it was him who initiated the whole thing as well. Sungmin shook invoulntarily as he thought about the moment when the gyrated against each other, and turned a deeper shade of pink if it was possible.


"Ahh, did you just rememeber a little bit of it right now?"  Kyuhyun asked, feeling himself go pink as Sungmin nodded his head that was buried in his hands. Kyuhyun cleared his throat gaining Sungmin's attention.

"You came to my place of course, since you were in that condidtion. If not, did you prefer to go home?" Kyuhyun asked.


"Sorry.."Sungmin muttered .


"I already made a call to inform your parents." Kyuhyun said as he removed himself from thr floral arm chair to grab the orange juice on the little dresser that had been placed there by the maid who came in earlier, along with a large crossiant and several cut strawberries and mandariens. For Sungmin's breakfast.

"It seems that they aren't worried about you." Kyuhyun said as he sat back down, taking a swig from the glass of orange juice. Sungmin just sighed a little, knowing all two well that his parents would not be worried about him at this moment. Though he did find some comfort knowing that no doubtedly that Sungjin was missing him.


"I'll be leaving now." Sungmin said sadly as he thought about the multiple qustions he would recieve off his mother when he walked in the front door. Like if he found a prospecive wife or what the place was like where he lived.

"Sorry for creating so much trouble." Sungmin said as he hopped out of the comfortably warm bed.

Kyuhyun's eyes widened as Sungmin let go of the blanket covering his chest and removed his body out of the bed. The pjama pants were obviously too long for him since they were pooling at his  feet, that it looked as though if Sungmin took a step he would surely trip over. Kyuhyun raked his eyes over Sungmin's muscular chest and broad shoulders and arms, he didn't know that Sungmin was so fit. Kyuhyun cleared his thorat and shook his head, trying to remove all the naughty things he was thinking of doing to Sungin's beautiful body right now. Kyuhyun looked up to see Sungmin's pouting face and sad eyes, he wasn't used to a sad Sungmin, it wasn't like him at all and Kyuhyun knew he did not like it.


"It's best that you go back to being the happy you, you know be yourself, with the anger and the violence and the yelling, I like that Sungmin better than the pouting one." Kyuhyun smiled, as Sungmin scrunched his face into annoyed look for Kyuhyun's sake.

"That's the Sungmin I know." Kyuhyun laughed as he finished the orange juice in his hand. Siwon came  racing into the room at an unbelievable speed, he stopped straight in front of Kyuhyun and took in several deep breaths as he looked at Kyuhyun with a worried expression. Kyuhyun looked up at Siwon with a concerned look as Sungmin just stood their looking confused at the racing servant.


"Sir..." Siwon said with a deep breath.


"What's up?" Kyuhyun said worriedly.


"Madam, she..." Siwon started.


"What about that witch?" Kyuhyun hissed.


"She has already arrived." Siwon said in an incredibly fast pace. Kyuhyun jumped from his arm chair with a scared look covering his face. Sungmin stood there just as confused as he was earlier this morning as he wondered, who on earth could make Kyuhyun act so scared.


"So early?" Kyuhyun stuttered in disbelief.

"Why is she here so early?!" Kyuhyun yelled terrified as Kyuhyun ran around the room trying to figure out what to do, while Siwon went back downstairs to greet Madam Cho.




Downstairs President Cho of SM Coreperation walked into the large layer that was being decorated for the auction. She was followed closely behind by secretary Yopungwoon. As the maids lined up in a file near the foyer walk way and bowed respectively to the head of the house. Youngwoon smiled cheekily when the maids raised there eyes to him,earning fits of giggles to erupt from the girls when Madam Cho and Youngwoon walked around the corner of the foyer.

Siwon had just joined the other line of maids that were waiting by the stairs, while Kyuhyun was still upstairs contemplating what to do with Sungmin. Siwon bowed to Madam Cho and smiled polietly to her. Siwon extended his hand to Youngwoon, who grabbed it and pulled the younger servant into a large bear hug, cutting off all the air in Siwon circulation. Youngwoon was smiling excitedly as he kept a hold of Siwon, who was struggling around in Youngwoon's tight grasp.


"Youngwoon, enough of that, let Mr. Choi go." Madam cho spoke sternly to the two males behind her.


"Sorry Madam." Youngwoon apologised as he let Siwon go.


"You can have your grettings later, off the clock." Madam Cho said.

"Mr. Choi, where is my son?"


"On the second floor." Siwon answered.


"I have to make him help out with the event." Madam Cho said to Siwon, knowing the two have a special bond.

"Arrange someone to follow him so he doesn't  slip away." Madam Cho continued, then walked off up the stair case. Youngwoon looked at Siwon and smiled beautifully at him.


"I met someone so adorable it should be a crime." Youngwoon whispered to Siwon, who cracked a smile at his friends giddy smile.


"Who?" Siwon asked, getting swept up in the Kangin's emotions.


"His so sweet and cute, and been through a lot recently. He also has this really adorable little dimple when he smiles, that just cried out to be kissed. But that bad thing is he maybe to young for what I'm thinking." Kangin said sadly at theend.


"How young Kangin?" Siwon asked, as he watched his friends face fall a little.


"Ten years." Kangin replied as he looked at Siwon, still smiling face.


" Kim Youngwoon!" Madam Cho yelled from the top of the stairs.


"I got it." Youngwoon shouted as he raced after his boss up the stairs.




"What are you doing?" Sungmin shouted as Kyuhyun dragged him to his bedroom, then shoving Sungmin in the room before two men had reached the top of the stair case and walked towards Kyuhyun's door to stand by it and keep guard.

Sungmin looked around the room, it was so mature, which was so not like the Kyuhyun, Sungmin had gotten to know. There were brown leather couches in the middle of the room with a dar cherry wood coffee table in the middle. There was a large oak computer desk off to the side, with what looked like to be the most state of the art tehnology on top of it. Sungmin continued looking aorund looking for a bed, but only found another pair of large doors. Sungmin wanted to see  what was behind the doors, but thought it was a little inappropriate to go snopping through someone else's room.

Kyuhyun watched as Sungmin took the whole room in awe. He smiled for a moment before realising he had to think of something quickly before his Mother came up to see how he was and why he was hiding out i his room, and not trying to escape. Kyuhyun quickly pulled out his phone and started going through his contact list before landing on Henry's name. Kyuhyun contemplated for a moment on whether he should call Henry or not, ecspecially when Sungmin might still be upset about it. Kyuhyun threw all thoughts out the window when he realised he needed everyone's help for this and pressed Henry's name and put his phone to his ear, listing for the other end to pick up. When Henry answered Kyuhyun took in a deep breath and shouted into the phone.


"Hey I have an emergency here!" Kyuhyun shouted in the phone, possibly rupturing Henry's ear drum.


"Why what's happened?" Henry asked.


"The witch came back suddenly and Sungmin is in my room right now. I have no way of getting him out." Kyuhyun yelled as Henry just stood on the other side of the phone shocked and angry at Kyuhyun for having Sungmin with him.


"What?!" Henry shouted angrily at Kyuhyun over the phone.

"I'll be right there as soon as I can be. Call Jongwoon and Donghae." Kyuhyun hung up the pohone and quickly scrolled down his contact list for Jongwoon's name and pushed.. Kyuhyun qiuckly relayed what he had told Henry to Jongwoon, having the same reaction come from Jongwoon, excpet Jongwoon was more vocal about his anger.


"Kyuhyun you idiit! If your Mother finds  Sungmin there, not only you, buyt he will be finished as well!" Jongwoon shouted.


"Oh gee, I never thought of that my life and Sungmin's life would be ended pretty shortly if my Mother came in and found us. No I thought to call my friends and just let them know that I was having a marvelous time stressing out here!" Kyuhyun shouted sarcastically into the phone.


"I'll call Donghae and we will be there in a moment.




It was about 20 minutes before Henry, Jongwoon and Donghae had shown up outside of Kyuhyun's room. Kyuhyun pulled them in quickly as they saw Sungmin sitting on one of the leather counches in nothing but long pyjama pants and a blanket wrapped around him. Henry could feel his anger triple as he saw the innocnet look on Sungmin's face look staright at him. Henry had never felt so angry at Kyuhyun in his entire life at having someone so delicate like Sungmin here. The boy was to inncoent to be sitting on Kyuhyun's couch dressed in nothing but pyjama pants and a blanket wrapped around his chest.

Henry looked at Kyuhyun who had a worried look all over his face as Jongwoon and Donghae walked around the room saying hi to Sungmin who just smiled back at the politely. Henry saw something faint around the high neck line fo Kyuhyun's turtle neck, which had slipped slightly down as Kyuhyun was trying to attempt to cool his neck by stretching the neckline. It was large and a purplish yellow colour. Henry eyes widened when he recognised what it was. It was a huge hickey. Henry quickly looked down at Sungm in who still had an inncoen confused look on hisface. Henry stood there and wondered if it was Sungmin who had created it.

Henry walked striaght over to Sungmin, feeling angry and possessive over the small boy. he took the blanket off him and examined the boy for anything that could have been proof that Kyuhyun had done something untoward to the boy. anything, anything at all. Sungmin felt his cheeks warm up as a pink blush spreaded over his face as Henry continued to examin the boy in front of him.


"There is a strange boy in my son's room, and it's just 'Lee Sungmin'. How is she going to react to that?" Jongwoon asked as Sungmin pouted a little at the words, causing Henry to fluster over the boy again, to keep his own mind at peace and that the blonde boy was still indeed pure and not corrupted by Kyuhyun.

"It makes me really curious." Jongwoon mumbled, causing Sungmin to think this problem is just adding more fuel to Jongwoon's fun fire.


"Tomorrow morning, Kyuhyun is going to be sent to Alaska." Donghae laughed as he played with the large world globe on Kyuhyun's computer desk.

"$1000 Won, I bet." Donghae said as Jongwoon looked at the globe contemplatingly.


"Me? I bet $3000 Won that he is dispatched to Se Jong base." Jongwoon laughed.


"But first she'll employ a hit man." Henry laughed, joinging in with the fun, when he deemed Sungmin still innocent and pure from what he could see.


"What?!" Sungmin yelled in shock.

"Really?! She is that scary?" Sungmin asked feeling fear creep into him.


"When we went to summer camp in sixth grade, we escaped. Don't you rememeber we almost died that day." Donghae said with a little laugh at the end.


"How could we forget?" Jongwoon laughed a little as well.


"She called the policend forced them to dispatch the S.W.A.T team. I thought for sure they were going to shoot us." Kyuhyun spoke softly as he remembered the night all to well. Sungmin just sat there dumbfounded, he couldn't believe someone said the S.W.A.T team on there own chil and friends when they were only in the sixth grade and possibly hiding out in one of there family's holiday houses.


"Oh I know what we can do!" Donghae smiled as he looked at a confused Sungmin.





Jongwoon walked downstairs to see the foyer had been set up immacuately for the auction. Everything was neat and presice. It was a very conservative looking party. Jongwoon looked around the room until he spotted the women he was looking for. She was tall, leggy and had beautfully long hair. Jongwoon took in a deep breath and forced out a charming smile for the beautiful woman, who he was not in lest bit interested in at all unfortunately. He tapped the woman on the shoulder softly, forcing her to turn around and look at him.


"Bonjour. Noona." Jongwoon said sweetly.


"Oh, bonjour." The woman said as she stepped back and looked at the charming smile on the boy's beautfully handsome face.

"You are Kim Jongwoon, right?" The woman asked, as she noticed that the boy looked very familiar.

"How can you be so good-looking at this age?" She said as he stared at his adorably sweet smile.


"Noona, you are Korea's Vivan. Everyone has been saying it." Jongwoon smiled as he tooked the woman's hand and kissed the top of it, earning a small blush to fall on the older woman's face.


"What do you want? Say it quickly." The woman said as she could feel herself getting lost in his deep borwn eyes.


"Hmm? Jongwoon hummed as be brushed an strand bit of hair from the woman's face behind her ear.


"What do you want from me." The woman whispered, feeling her heart rate alleviate at the boy.


"You knew it...That's why I like you so much." Jongwoon smiled cheekily at the woman earning a deeper blush to coat the woman's face.




"The seoul branch has sent over the concept application of helping children with diseases." Youngwoon said as he loooked at the paper in front of him as Madam Cho sat at her home office desk and started crossing things and stacking papers she had read to different sections of her overlarge desk.


"Reject." Madam Cho said as she placed a file in cabinet draw nderneatht he desk.


"The educational resources and SM Academy too." Youngwoon continued.


"Reject. Madam Cho said again as she continued looking down at the stack of papers in front of her.

"You didn't let Kyuhyun escape, right?" Madam Cho asked as Youngwoon smilied.


"No Madam he has not escaped," Youngwoon answered, feeling sympathy for the child hiding away in his room away from his Mother.


Madam Cho left her desk and walked out of the door along the large corridors heading to Kyuhyun's bedroom. When she saw the men still standing at the door she sighed in relief, knowing that Kyuhyun had not escaped, or even made an attempt. Which concerned her slightly. Madam Cho grabbed the handles of the large double doors as the men next to hr bowed respectively as she opened th door. Kyuhyun, Donghae, Henry, Jongwoon and Sungmin looked at the openeing doors. They just hoped that their plan has worked well enough for them to pull it off.

Madam Cho walked into her son's bedroom, seeing Kyuhyun sitting down in one of his leather arm chairs that was just at his computer desk. Donghae and Jongwoon sitting next to the blonde boy who she could not recognise and Henry standing by the window, who was most likely looking out before she walked in surprising all of them. Madam Cho stopped just before the leather chairs and looked down at Sungmin inquisitively, the boy somehow looked familiar, yet she knew she had never seen him with Kyuhyun or his friends before.


"Who is he?" Madam Cho asked sternly as she looked over at the squirming blonde boy again.


"Hello." Sungmin muttered, feeling the woman's gaze piercing him.


"He's my guest, so it's none of your buisness." Kyuhyun said to his mother, as she watched Henry walk away from the window to sit on the arm of the chair that Jongwoon, Donghae and the mysetry boy were sitting on.


"He's my guest as well since he has come to my home." Madam Cho said calmly.

"Isn't that so?" Madam Cho asked Sungmin, who stuttered on his wordsd no knowing what to say.


"He's our friend." Henry said as he wrapped his arm around Sungmin.


"Friend?" Madam cho questioned.


"Yes, he's our school's junior. We let him join the F4 as our mascot, because he looks so cute." Jongwoon smiled, though laughing hysterically at Madam Cho expression on the inside.


"Which family's son are you?" Madam Cho interrogated.


"I'm..." Sungmin began.


"What work doe your father do?" Madam Cho interjected sternly, with a forced smile.


"My father is..." Sungmin began


"He's a buisness man." Henry said clmly, squeezing Sungmin's shoulder reassuringly.


"Is that so? What kind?" Madam Cho continued.


"Well clothes. No, no....Teh fashoin buisness." Donghae said.

"He's quite famous in the clothing world." Donghae spoke, trying to seem confident in his words. Sungmin nodded his head and fored a smile on his face.


"That's quite interesting...And so, are you interested in today's auction?" Madam Cho asked..


"Yes, not only is he interested. He bought with him Bella Song's new work, which will be in the dark horse for the auction tonight." Jongwoon said quickly.


"It looks like your mother has very good taste." Madam Cho said as she looked at Sungmin's pale yellow longsleeve collared shirt, his black vest and tight black pants. On top of the blonde boys head was a matching  black hat with thin vertical pale yellow stripes. What other work does she do?" Madam Cho asked.


"Madam, It's time to greet the guests." Youngwoon interrupted as he walked in the room.


"Kyuhyun, you stay behind and guard your position. You guys too...It's for a good cause, help out as well as you can." Madam Cho said.


"Yes.." They replied with smilied. Sungmin looked up at Youngwoon, he smiled when he noticed the boy who won the scholarship. Youngwoon winked at Sungmin before following Madam Cho out the bedroom doors and down stairs to greet guests with her.


As soon as Sungmin was sure that both Madam Cho and Youngwoon were out of the hearing shot, Sugnmin let out a very audible sigh, and Henry dropped his hand from Sungmin's shoulder. Sungmin stood up and looked at the four boys with evident anger in his eyes. Sungmin's cheeks were turning a very deep shade of red, instead of the usual pink tinge he got from embarrassment, but the red that he got when he was very angry, usually at Kyuhyun.


"How can you lie like that?!" Sungmin shouted in a hushed tone just in case there were certain poeple outside the room that would report this to Madam Cho or Youngwoon, not that he thought Youngwoon would go out of his way to tell Madam Cho anything by the looks of it.

"How are we going to damage control this whole situation?" Sungmin took of his hat and chucked on the couch next to Donghae and Jongwoon.

"We should have just told the truth." Sungmin groaned as he raked his fingers through his hair.


"Then be honest by saying that your father runs a dry cleaner and your mother operates a public bath. Jongwoon said sadly as he watched Sungmin go thorugh his inner turmoil over the whole thing.

"But then, not only you, but your family as well, will encounter things no one can guarantee." Jongwoon continued.


"You will lose your life once she singles you out Sungmin." Donghae spoke softly.

"This is not a joke." Donghae sighed. Sungmin looked over to Kyuhyun and wondereed on something.


"Is it heridiatry?" Sungmin asked. Kyuhyun just looked over at Sungmin and sighed at him, for all he knew it could be considering what he had been doing at school until recently.




Oh my god look at that plushie, its so cute." Sungmin whispered as the  boys watched the auction from the sidelines until there parts were up. Sungmin watched as the auctioneers wheeled out an expensive white plush rabbit, it had  on a green vest and its eyes were a sparkling sapphire blue. Kyuhyun watched and smiled as Sungmin watched the rabbit with an eager face as it was wheeled pass him.


"The auction item this time, will make everyones eyes light up and reminisce about their childhood. The item is here now! Everyones attention on it please. The auction item is a rare and collectable plush rabbit, it was made in Paris, France by a very  prestigious toy maker. Many of his clients insisted that he create a collectable series of plush toys. This plush rabbit is one of five in the entire world, it is the rarest intem the toy maker Gene Lumier created. It's eyes are made of real sapphires, and the green suit that the rabbit is wearing is made out of some of the finest silk ever created. It was hand threaded by the toy maker himself." The auctioneer announced to the crowd. Sungmin was jumping up and down excitedly to get a better view of the rabbit.


"The starting price is $500,000 Won." The announcer shouted from his podium.


"1 Million." Donghae yelled.


"2 Million ." A woman from the crowd screamed eagerly.


"7 million." Donghae yelled again.


"Well that quickly esculated." Kyuhyun whispered to Sungmin who giggled.


"I would love to have that as my own, I would treasure it for awlays and give it to my children when they have children." Sungmin smiled at the rabbit, wishing he had the money for it.


"8 Million!" The woman in the crowd screamed again.


"8 Million has been called. Is there anyone for 8.5 Million won?"


"10 Million Won over here." The woman in charge of the phone bidders yelled.


"10 Million! Someone has telephoned with a 10 Million Won bid." The announcer said.

"Is there anyone who wants to go higher? If there isn't then...The auction is closed for this item."



"Three!" The announcer hammerd the mallet on the podium indicating the end of the the items auction.

"The deal is for 10 Million Won." The announcer shouted. Kyuhyun looked down at Sungmin who was in complete shock over the price of the plush rabbot that had just been bought.


As the auction went on Jongwoon had his turn and brought out the most beautiful vase Sungmin had evern seen it his life. It was crystal clear with assorted flowers stuck underneath the glass or crystal, and it was large to, not just your ordinary small vase that you get to put in maybe a couple of flowers in it. This vase could fit maybe three or four bouquets in it. Though you wouldn't have to cause it would distract from the beauty of the vase itself. Sungmin watched as Jongwoon forced of his fake charming smaile for the masses, which he only ever did ever so often now, that Sungmin ever saw anyway. Jongwoon's vase had sold for over 20 Million Won, which Sungmin thought was stuill undeserved since it was so beautiful. Ryewook would have loved it, the way it looked, the flowers stuck underneath the glass or crystal. It would have made his day to see something so beautiful on display. Sungmin smiled and decided in his head to take Ryeowook to one of Jongwoon's exhibitions one day, if he was invited. Though he had to rememebr to keep Jongwoon clear of Ryeowook, after what he said last night.

Kyuhyun walked out onto the auction floor seeling the clothes on his back. They were from a designer in Milan as well, but they were not Beall Song's they were another name Sungmin had never heard of before. Kyuhyun stood there handsome as ever, his smirk plastered on his lips when he caught Sungmin watching his with wide open eyes. Which caused Sungmin to retrest his head away and blush profuely which did not go un noticed by Kyuhyun's mother. Henry looked over to see Sungmin blushing and looking away from Kyuhyun, the anger was rising in him again, but he couldn't explain why he was feeling this way. When Henry looked over to see Kyuhyun's mother gazing venomously at Sungmin, Henry quickly walked over and grabbed Sungmin, causing Kyuhyun's smirk to change into a frown. Kyuhyun's clothe sold for over 20 Million Won as well.

Sungmin was pushed by Jongwoon, Donghae and Henry into the little walk way that headed off for the auctioneers to be able to see the product on suction. Donghae and Jongwoon were laughing hysterically as Sungmin tried to fidget out of the grasp. Henry walked behind the three boys smiling and laughing along with them as Sungmin's eyes beckoned for Henry to help him, which he almost did several time, only to stop himself, when he remembered it was for all fun and games.


"The auction item this time is really brightening eyes. Bella Song's new collection." The announcer shouted to the crowd.


"I can't do this. I can't do it. Just this once let me go." Sungmin wriggled in Donghae and Jongwoon's grasp as Henry pushed Sungmin along laughing still.


Sungmin was pushed out in front of the crowd of people. feeling all eyes on him. Sungmin straightened up and stared back at the crowd, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. Sungmin in a breath and gathered all his courage and started walking out into the crowd in front of the stage where he was indicated earlier to stand and let the auctioneers view him.


"Everyone please pay attentoin to this item. The plae elegant lemon yellow will highlight your complexion. The silver accessories on the model will increase your elegance. Bella Song's new design's starting price will be 10 Million Won. Yes 10 Million Won going once!" The announcer yelled.

Sungmin looked at all the poeple out in front of his, feeling all the eyes searing into his body. Though there were one set of eyes that were scarying him more than the whole crowd together. Te set of cat like eyes that belonged to Kyuhyun's mother. She obviously not appy, nor did she look angry. She just looked cold, stern and frightening. Sungmin looked out at the crowd trying to keep his eyes of Kyuhyun's mother which was a hard job to do, until he saw Kyuhyun standing at the side loking at him. Sungmin laughed and felt his body calm dfown as well. Sungmin kept his eyes glued out to the crowd and saw Henry smiling beautifully at him. Sungmin could feel his cheeks flame up, and started to feel a little awkward again, he had never seen Henry staring at him like the way he was now before.


"How about 15 Willion Won? Yes 15 Million Won is called." The announcer yelled excitedly.


"What has Kyuhyun been doing lately." Madam Cho whispered to Youngwoon who standing right behind her.


"He's more well behaved these days. Youngwoon said.

"He's taking school more seriously." Youngwoon smiled over to Kyuhyun, who watching Sungmin with a sweet smile on his face.


"Then do you that male student?" Madam Cho asked as she indicated. Youngwoon thought back on the first time he had met Sungmin in his dingy apartment flat with his obsessive Mother, sweet Brother and simple minded Father. All in all Youngwoon still thought no one deserved this scholarship more than Sungmin, since he was so modst and polite.


"Youngwoon?" Madam cho said, breaking Youngwoon out of his thought pattern.


"Yes...According to what I know, he is a transfer student at Sm Academy." Youngwoon answered.


"Check out which family's son he is." Madam Cho said as she continued to watch Sungmin smiling out at the crowd.


"I got it." Youngwoon responded




"Are you serous this plush rabbit cost 10 Million Won?" Chunhwa asked as he stared at the toy Sungmin had put on the table in front of him.


"This is no joke!" Sungjin screamed from the his computer.

"Hyung, Hyung, you are going to be rih for sure. Superby rich this time." Sungjin yelled over his shoulder to Sungmin.


"What, again? You're not over reacting to something stupid again, are you?" Sungmin yelled to Sungjin fron the table.


"Gene Lumier's famous sapphire eyed rabbit will fetch you 2 Million Won if you were to sell it! Sungjin yelled.


"@ Million Won!" Chunhwa gasped along with Sunhee.

"A plush rabbit worth 2 Million Won?" Chunhwa yelled.


"Sell it, sell it right now!" Sunhee yelled at her son.

"Were else can you get 2 Million Won?" Sunhee shouted at Sungmin. Sungmin snatched the rabbit off the table before his mother could grab it.


"No, this is really expensive!" Sungmin shouted leaving his parents shocked.

"Well, what I mean is...It's worth can't be measured by money. I meant that." Sungmin rambled. Sunhee snatched the rabbit out of Sungmin's hands.


"Sell it! 2 Million, 2 Million!" Sunhee continued to yell at her son.

"We are selling it even if it's 20,000 Won." Sunhee continued.

"I really don't know what you are thinking abolut. Oh really..." Sunhee finished as she threw  her son an annoyed look.


"But still, selling it is a little...I don't care anymore, Goodnight." Sungmin sighed, and got up from the table, beofre snatching the rabbit out of his mother's hands and running inot his room and locking the door. Sunhee screamed at her son for his stupidity as she pounded on the door. Chunhwa just laughed and let his son do whatever he wished with the plush rabbit, after all it was his.

Sungmin his the rabbit in the draw of his desk next to Henry's handkerchief, he attempted to study and do his homework, but Kyuhyun kept entering his mind. When Sungmin was leaving Kyuhyun's house. Kyuhyun had stopped him.


"Where are you going?" Kyuhyun asked.


"I'm leaving. Thankyou for today, and last night." Sungmin mumbled.


"What? I can't hear you?" Kyuhyun smirked.


"Thankyou." Sungmin nervously said louder.


"What?" Kyuhyun asked again.


"I said thankyou!" Sungmin shouted.


"Just a simple thankyou would have been enough, why did you have to add on what for?" Kyuhyun smiled.

"That's right, you are rather prideful and also like to state the obvious." Kyuhyun laughed.


"You were pretending when you heard me already." Sungmin said in an annoyed tone.


"See what I mean, stating the obvious." Kyuhyun laughed.


"That's it I'm taking it back!" Sungmin shouted.


"What?" Kyuhyun laughed in confusion.


"I'm taking back my thankyou." Sungmin said.

"That's right, people won't change that easily." Sungmin said as he looked in Kyuhyun's eyes.

"I'm leaving." Sungmin said in an annoyed tone.


"Hey Sungminnie." Kyuhyun laughed.


"What?!" Sungmin yelled as he poked out his tongue rather childishly. Kyuhyun chuked the soft rabbit into Sungmin's arms. Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun in surprise at the gift.


"Don't you ever drink when I'm not around. Kyuhyun smirked and walked towards Sungmin,feathering his lips of Sungmin's before turning around and walking away with a self satisfied grin on his face.


Sungmin shook his head to clear his thoughts from Kyuhyun, though it didn't work. Sungmin pulled open his draw again and pulled out the cute soft rabbit, fiddling with it ears. Sungmin groaned in frustration as he pushed the rabbit away from him a little and slammed his head on the desk rather hard and loudly, earning a surprised yelp to come out of the other side of his room. I was probably just Sungjin keeping their Mother away from Sungmin's door. Sungmin rubbed th sore spot on his head and looked into the sapphire eyes of the rabbit and smiled.


"Damn you, you rich bastard." Sungmin uttered as he pecked the rabbits nose softly with his lips.





Lol Kyumin moments!!!!!!













Lol I love writing Yesung so much...his so playful and cheeky











Donghae is also alot of fun to write as well... I like the childishness of him











Henry is starting to get jealous I love it >.<













Kangin Omg I love writing his character as well, well when i get the chance to anyway










Siwon you adorable ball of fluff










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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-