Kidnappings, Makeovers and White shoes

Boys over Flowers




It had been a couple of days since Sungmin's incident with Kyuhyun, and Sungmin not wanting to get into anymore likely trouble from Kyuhyun thought it would be best to attend school in a hidden manner. Sungmin had a feeling that after his incident, which Sungmin liked to call considering it was an incident her rather forget, presumed that Kyuhyun had something highly extreme in plan for him.

So Sungmin took to hiding behind staircases, poles and brick walls when nhe attended school the following days, but only if he felt as though he was being truly watched, though Sungmin couldn't help but feel a little paranoid these days. So tofday Sungmin for some reason was feeling very alert to danger, as he slowly crept up the staircase towards the schools entrance, bending down ever so slightly whenever he felt someone coming closer to him, or when he heard girls laughing. Though Sungmin did doubt whether the poles of the stiar cases railing will hide him, but it was worth a shot.

"Even if it's like this, I still have to come to school." Sungmin muttered to himself as he quickly looked behind him, then straight ahead again verifying that the coast was clear to take another step.

"Ah, seriously, this is why I have to kick this damn impulsive bad temper. Why must i go agaitate them?" He muttered  as he quickly took another couple of steps running into someone who was built rather hard and firmly.


"Are you Mister Lee Sungmin?" The man Sungmin ran into asked, as he looked down at Sungmin's worried face.


"Yes I am." Sungmin replied feeling rather scared and worried at the men in suits standing in a group in front of him.


"Can you come with me for awhiel." The man asked as he judge Sungmin's wrried behaviour to be something to be on alert with.


"What? Where to? Oh, I'm a little busy at the moment though." Sungmin quickly turned around, trying to head down the stairs as quick as possible.


"We have recieved orders to take you with us." The man said as he gripped Sungmin's shoulder, stopping him from going any further.


"From whom?" Sungmin aske looking over his shoulders, as he shrugged out of the man grasp.


"You'll know when you come with us." The man said looking down at Sungmin.


"I have to go to work." Sungmin said, starting to feel a little trapped by these men.

"I'll levae first. Sorry." Sungmin apologised and ran down the steps, he looked behind him to see the men following him closely behind him.

"Ahjussi! Why are you following me?" Sungmin shouted as he broke into a run.


Sungmin ran around the campus, feeling scared and hoping to lose the guys that were close at his heels. Sungmin ran into building after building, jumping down staircases and over walls hoping that would slow down the men's pace behind him, since he was consideribly younger and probably alot fitter than the older men were.

Sungmin glanced over his shoulder fleetingly and found none of the men behind him. He quickly ran behind some bushes and broke off a couple of twigs and stuffed behind his ears and kept on in each hand, hoping to camoflage himself somewhat. Sungmin stepped out from behind the bush briefly to investigate where the men were. Not seeing any of them he quickly ran to the next bush covering his face with the twigs in his hands and as he quickly hid behind the bush again.

He looked out quickly from behind the bush and saw one of the men standing right in front of the bush catching his breath, then other followed suit. Sungmin gasped and hide behind the bush again hopefully unseen by the two men in front of the bush. Sungmin kept as quiet as he could as he heard the two men breathing heavily.


"He's not over on the other side of the campus." Sungmin over heard one of the men say.


"He's not in the dojo either." Said the other man. Well there goes Sungmin's plans to hide in the dojo, he thought.


"We'll search one more time. You go look over there." The man said as he pointd in the opposite direction and the two disperesed from the spot.


Sungmin ran from the bushes as fast as he could until he hit the wall of a stair case that Sungmin could keep well hidden from the men, since it was covered with trees and bushs. He threw the twigs he had in his hair and hands onto the ground as he braced his body against the wall of the staircase. Sungmin heard  thuderous footsteps up the stairs , thinking it was the men, Sungmin held his breath. When he heard the footsteps walk off, Sungmin bracing himself on the wall still, walked as silently as he could and ran off towards the school's exit.

Sungmin when reaching the school's exit stopped and leaned against his knees and took deep breaths, it had been awhile since he went running he thought jokingly to himself. Sungmin thinking he was in the clear started walking towards his place of work. Sungmin was quickly grabbed from behind by both arms and lifted off the ground. Sungmin started screaming and kicking his legs in the air.


"Ahjussi! Let go!" He screamed kicking, as he was lead to a car that was parked right in front of him. They placed him to the ground never letting go of his stuggling arms. One of them slipped into the car and pulled him along with him as the other one pushed him in the car.


"Stop moving!" One of the men said as Sungmin continued to kick and scream.


"What are you doing?!" Sungmin screamed at the men as he began striking them repeatedly on the head.


"Stop moving!" They shouted at him, as Sungmin continued his slapping assult against one of the men's heads.


All of a sudden Sungmin felt a cloth cover over his mouth and nose, he tried to pry the hands holding the cloth to his face off him. But all he could feel was his muscles slowly relaxing and unconiciousness clamining him quickly.




Sungmin slowly started to wake up, feeling wonderfully relaxed for some reason. He inhaled deeply and smelt a lavendar fragrance in the air but it was combined with something else that he was not to sure of. He sighed out feeling all the negative things that had happened the lask week, roll out of him without a care. Sungmin was feeling warm and secure as though he was laing in giant flower garden, he smiled at the thought. But sungmin started feeling someone rubbing his legs and feet in a slow sensual way. Sungmin couldn't help but wonder why there was someone rubbing his legs and feet.

Sungmin quickly snapped open his eyes  and looked down at his body to find two women massaging him. He started trying to shake them off his legs only to have another woman above him hold down his shoulder when she was aware he was awake. Sungmin tried to wriggle out of the woman's grip only to find out his body was still not strong enough to break it.


"There's no need to do liposuction right?" One of the women asked as she began to Rub sungmin's stomach and chest.


"It's not even fat, it's just muscles. There'll be no effect if you do it.."  The women above him said admiringly as she looked down at his chest and stomach that had become well defined of recent. So he didn't put on weight Sungmin thought, while the other girl smiled and blushed as she began on Sungin's arms and hands.


A Sungmin was being rubbed down by three women, a younger woman came in and shooed the other three out the door and grabbed Sungmin a bathrobe and quickly hurried him into it as she dragged him into another room. The room had a large  mirrior inti, it looked almost as big as the room, the basin and counter were made out of a black and white marble. Ontop of the counter were what Sungmin thought were zillions of makup products, brushes along with a line of hair care products that Sungmin had never seen before in his life. Though then again he was a boy so why would he be looking at hair care products he thought. Sungin looked at the women who smiled at him and asked him to sit down, he turned around to exit the room, he was a guy he didn't have to have make up on or do his hair.

Sungmin was stopped by a woman ten times larger than him, she was broad and muscley and Sungmin, still feel pretty weak chose to sit down in the chair, rather than chance be mauled or attacked by this bear of a woman. Sungmin sat in the chair slowly and precautiously, hoping that these women would be very kind to him and not destroy his face or make him feel pasty and gross. Sungmin was currently thinking who the hell would do this to me, what am I some rich guys doll, Sungmin thought.

Sungmin watched as best he could as the makeup woman applied a little bit of foundation on his face, carefully blending it in to make a nice a perfect complexion, though the woman was already marvelling at Sungmin's skin saying that it only needed a very fine coating of the powder stuff as Sungmin called it. She then moved to his eyes carefully tracing them with eyelines delicatly, she than ran over the tops of Sungmin's eyelids with some powdery stuff Sungmin thought as she applied it. The women then glided a stick with goopy substance over it, sloftly across his lips, Sungmin only remembering this products name as gloss cause of Sunny, looked at the woman's face as she smiled at her complete product.

When Sungmin looked in the mirror he couldn't believe his eyes, they were so huge he thought. The larger woman came up behind him, causing Sungmin to freak out a little. She started running her fingers through his hair, humming to herself what to do with it. She grabbed a product off the shelf and began running her fingers through Sungmin's hair again. To be honest Sungmin kind of liked the feeling of her hands running through his hair and styling it, she had a very gentle but firm touch. As the woman quickly finsihed her job, to briefly Sungmin thought and pouted a little. He looked into the mirror to see his hair styled in a get out of bed look. Though since Sungmin always had this look he wasn't suprise to see it, though he had to admit, her job did look alot neater than just rolling out of bed Sungmin thought.

Sungmin not be able to stand the feel of the gloss on his lips any longer grabbed a tissue and wiped it off, he noticed both women laughing as he removed all remanants of the gloss with difficutly. Both of them told him it would probably take awhile for him to get used to the feeling if he was to ever wear gloss again, though Sungmin keeping his mouth closed thought, I don't think i will ever bee wearing that ever again.

The next room Sungmin was dragged into was a wardrobe stocked full of designer clothes, that he knew his father would love to get his hands on. But as Sungmin eyes danced over all the clothes he felt a little to scared to actually touch anything let alone wear anythnig in this room. A woman walked into the room with him and siled polietly as she began pulling every shirt in nearly every colour and patterndesign imaginable down from the warddrobe and held each one to his chest and thought to herself  as she chucked what seemed to be endless supply of clothes back into the wardrobe if she didn't like them. She finally settled on a white collared shirt that seemed to clean to touch to Sungmin.

She slowly walked over to the closet with all the dress jackets in it and began the same procedure she had with the shirts. Sungmin didn't know whether to start thinking was this woman the person who thought of him as a doll, or was there someone even more sicker behind this make over. The woman finally settled on a black dress coat, though it was a very casual but expensive looking one. One you might wear if you wear to go out somewhere nice but to flashy. As she moved over to the pants and began the procedure again Sungmin's eyes widened at a sight of jeans that he simply fell in love with. Though as she held them up to his waist she shook her head and mumbled that it wouldn't go with the rest of the outfit. So she ended up picking a pair of black pants that went with the dress jacket quite well, but Sungmin really wanted those jeans, he thought sadly to himself.

The woman shoved the clothes into Sungmin's arms and pushed him into a changing room that was opposite the giant wardrobes, she pulled the curtain closed and waited patiently for him to change into them. As Sungmin emerged from the changing room he saw the woman's eyes light up in awe at him, sungmin didn't know what he looked like but he hoped to good he didn't look terrible. The woman began to fuss around him, opening the top button to reveal just that tad bit of skin to give him some sort of ual allure to him. The woman now walked straight to the shoe rack, which to Sungmin shouldn't have been called a rack but a ladder. The woman picked out a pair of simple black dress shoes and pushed Sungmin down so she could place them delicatly on his feet. When the women looked up at him from his feet, he saw something in her eyes, that made him swallow an imaginary lump that got caught in his throat. Though luckily for him a man entered just in time before the women could progress any further with her stare.

The man was abosolutely goregous, he had to be in 20's at least Sungmin thought as he took in the sight of the man. He wondered if this was the master of the house. The man was tall, muscualr and had the face of model.Perfectly sculpted. The man bowed before Sungmin. Sungmin stretched out his hand to intorduce himself, as what he was used to in commoner standards, Sungmin thought.


"Hi I'm Lee Sungmin." Sungmin introduced as the man took his hand and shook it gently.


"I'm Choi Siwon the family's Head Servant." The man greeted himself.


"You're a servant, I thought you were like the head of the house or something." Sungmin said as he stared at the man in disbelief.


"Well thankyou for the ompliement, now if you may follow me please." Siwon said as he turned to walk out the room with Sungmin following as closely as he could. Though it was hard to keep up with Siwon's long legs.


As they walked through the corridor, Sungmin gaped at all the rooms they passed along the way. He couldn't believe how beautiful each room was designed and decorated. It was like it had been designer had designed it prefectly for a king. At one window Sungmin stopped in his tracks and gasped. Outside the window was a large garden, filled with roses of every species, lily's lilacs and any other flower that Sungmin could just recognised. In the middle of the garden was a small pond over the top of it had been built a bridge so you could get to the otherside of the garden if you wanted to. When Siwon noticed that Sungmin had stopped he back tracked towards Sungmin and stared down at the garden with him. Si won looked at Sungmin's shocked and suprised face, finding it extremely adorable. Sungmin turned artound to look at Siwon who was smiling beautifully at him.

Siwon chuckled a little at Sungmin's expression and began to walk down the corridor again. Sungmin stared into more rooms when he saw two maids look at him with odd curiousity, as the continued pass the room, the maids looked out the door way, Sungmin looked behind him and smiled and waved at the girls, who just jumped slightly and went back into the room to hide.


"Everyone is very curious, as this is the first time such a thing has happened." Siwon said as he too noticed the maids.

"It's the first time the Young Master has brought someone into his home like this, and do what he has done for you." Siwon said smiling over at Sungmin.


"Can I ask you something?" Sungmin asked Siwon with a curious face.


"Yes." Siwon said as he turned his head to look at Sungmin.


"So, this is in our country, Korea right?" Sungmin asked worried that he could be out of his own country for all he knew.


"Yes, we are still in Korea." Siwon laughed as Sungin's adorable expression.


"Is this the President's house or something?" Sungmin asked as he attempted to keep up with Siwon.


"No, it's not the President's house." Siwon laughed again.


"Can I ask another question?" Sungmin looked to Siwon hopefully.


"Yes, go ahead." Siwon said.


"Why am I here now?" Sungmin asked as he began to fiddle with his fingers, feeling quite awkward with Siwon.


"I'm not sure about that too." Siwon said, as Sungmin noticed that Siwon was looking bewildered, he was obviously thinking of why Sungmin was indeed here.


"Where are we going now?" Sungmin asked.


"We've arrived. He's waiting for you." Siwon said as they stopped in front of a door and Siwon bowed to Sungmin and smiled, encouraging for Sungmin to open the door.


Sungmin slowly opened the door, he looked around the room and found a set of stairs that he had to obviously walk down. He walked down the stairs thinking who could have wanted him to be so desperatly. He walked down into a large open room, that Sungmin took in as a sitting room. He noticed a man standing by the window. He slowly walked into the room, constantly gazing at the man's back.

'Henry Sunbae?" Sungmin thought to himself as he stopped in the middle of the room and looked quizzcally at the man in front of him.

The man slowly turned around to reveal his face. Sungmin's face went into complete when he saw that it was Cho Kyuhyun.


"You! Why are you here?" Sungmin shouted in shick. Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin. He couldn't believe how adorable the boy looked, he was absolutely goregous. Kyuhyun could feel his heart beating a mile a minute when he looked at Sungmin, he was worried that it was going to jump out of his chest at this rate.


"What's so strange about being in my home?" Kyuhyun said as he walked towards Sungmin.


"Your home?" Sungmin said as he looked at Kyuhyun with confusion written all over his face,

"So this is your home Cho Kyuhyun."


"Yes." Kyuhyun said as he felt his heart beating crazily.


"Why?" Sungmin shouted as he took the fighting pose he had the other day.

"What are you tinking of doing again?"


"I've done what I wanted to already." Kyuhyun said as he smiled down at Sungmin's confused face. Kyuhyun took a hold of Sungmin by the shoulders and pushed him infront of a mirror.

"Look. You, yopurself, feel shocked right?" Kyuhyun said as he looked at both of them in the mirror together. He did like theboy standing next to him, it was unbelieveable who well the compliemented each other Kyuhyun thought.

"See money can even turn an ugly duckling into a heron." Kyuhyun had said as he smiled down at Sungin.


"Don't you mean swan?" Sungmin said as he looked up at Kyuhyun, as though he was some complete moron.

"Well it doesn't matter anyway." Sungmin muttered

"What are you up to now?" Sungmin yelled at Kyuhyun as he shoved Kyuhyun's hands off his shoulders. Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun's smiling face, he couldn't believe that this boy had a beautiful smile as well, life was so unfair, Sungmin thought.


"Hey commoner. If you like me just say so." Kyuhyun said as his smile began to turn into a smirk that Sungmin was all to familiar with.


"What?!" Sungmin said in disbelief.


"Right, you like to talk in opposites don't you." Kyuhyun laughed down at Sungmin.


"Cho Kyuhyun. There's a limit to the jkes you make. This is illegal kidnapping! It's an extremeley terrible crime!" Sungmin shouted at Kyuhyun.


"Nobody's here, so you can be open about liking me here. From now on, I'll be willing to make an exception and recognise you outside of school." Kyuhyun said as he began to think of the thought of Sungmin smiling and doting on him hand and foot. Sungmin's mouth dropped open, shocked at what Kyuhyun had just said to him.

"Why did this explosive proposal scare you silly? Shall I repeat myself? If you just do as I say when nobody's around, I can treat you as the Almighty Cho Kyuhyun's boyfriend." Kyuhyun bent down to look at Sungmin's shocked face.

"Understand?" Kyuhyun asked as he internally gushed at how adorable Sungmin's shocked expression was.


Sungmin squinted his eyes and cocked his head to the side, taking in all of what Kyuhyun had just proposed to him. Was he crazy Sungmin thought, weren't they suppose to belike mortal enemies or something? Or is Kyuhyun that big of an idiot for thinking that he, Sungmin had a crush on him?


"You're crazy right?" Sungmin asked trying to understand Kyuhyun.

"You're really crazy huh?" Sungmin said as Kyuhyun backed away from Sungmin, not pleased with Sungmin's attitude.

"Has you brain been addled by too much greas food? Who? Become whose what?" Forget it I'm leaving." Sungmin said as he turned around, only to be stopped by Kyuhyun who had quickly jumped in front of him.


"You're the one whose brain has something wrong with it." Kyuhyun said as he looked down at Sungmin.


"Move aside while I'm being nice." Sungmin sighed, as he just wanted to forget the whole day.


"Do you know how much was spent on you from head to toe?" Kyuhyun spat at Sungmin

"100 million Won."


"What?! 100 Million Won." Sungmin shouted as his eyes popped open in shick at the amount of money that was spent.


"That's right. But that's nothing If you're with me, you can enjoy more than that everyday. Are you saying you don't want it? Are you crazy?" Kyuhyun tried to reason with Sungmin, though being Kyuhyun he had accidentally insulted Sungmin at the same time without even realising it.


"Being kidnapped by a psycho like you, can I still be in the right state of mind?" Sungmin started.

"The moment I see your face, it feels like bugs are crawling all over my body." Sungmin stopped only to rip off his dress jacket, mess up his hair and start working on the buttons of his shirt, revealing to Kyuhun, his toned chest and stomach. He began to start on the buttons of his pants realising at that moment that Kyuhyun was watching him, with his eyes wide open in shock.

"Get my uniform now!" Sungmin screamed at Kyuhyun, causing him to scurry off in search of Siwon, to get Sungmin's uniform.




After Sungmin had left, Kyuhyun paced around the living in room, infuriated with himself and infuriated with Sungmin. A maid brought Sungmin's shoes that he had left behind in his state of anger. Kyuhyun snatched the shoes and chucked them to the ground. Siwon just stood there, feeling at a lose to do for his Young Master.

"Throw it away." Kyuhyun shouted as a maid came in and brought in the clothes that Sungmin had been wearing.

"What are you doing? Didn't you hear me asking to throw it all away?" Kyuhyun shouted at the maid and Siwon.


"Yes, Master." Siwon said as he bowed and gatherd that clothing with the maid .


"Fire them all." Kyuhyun shouted at Siwon, who had just given all the clothes and shoes to the maid who had quickly scurried out the room.


"What?" Siwon asked in suprise.


"Fire all those who waited on him today! What's with his hair? His clothes too! Can they only do such old-fashioned styles." Kyuhyun shouted. Siwon looked to the ground and sighed, feeling all of Kyuhyun's anger hitting him.

"Find other people. Find some top noth people!" Kyuhyun continued to shout.


"All those who came today are the best staff." Siwon said.


"Then just find even more expensive people!" Kyuhyun shouted. Siwon smilied in understanding at Kyuhyun's rage and nodded.


"I understand." Siwon said.


All of a sudden Kyuhyun could hear what sounded like a muffled buzzing sound, he looked over to find the source to have it stare straight back at him and fly around his face.


"Hey What's that!" Kyuhyun shouted

"Bee! Hurry up, catch it!" Kyuhyun shouted as he ran and hid behind Siwon as he pointed at the bee that was now circling the flower arrngement on the table. The maids started circling around the flowers, trying to coax the bee out of the window, or at least catch it.

"Hutty!" Kyuhyun shouted as he ducked behind a sofa after Siwon left to help the girls brush the bee out the woindow. As soon as the bee was outside , Siwon closed the window and turned to face Kyuhyun.

"Has it left?" Kyuhyun asked with an innocent voice.


"Yes, we chased it away." Siwon smiled at Kyuhyun's child like face.




As Sungmin walked the outside perimeter of  Kyuhyun's house he thought back to what him and Kyuhyun talked about before he left.

"Why was I so stumped back there." Sungmin muttered as he remember the conversation


"Seems like you don't know, but friends can't be bought with money." Sungmin said to Kyuhyun as he chucked on his school jacket.

"You use your heart to win them Kyuhyun." Sungin smiled slightly to Kyuhyun.


"There's nothing that can't be bought with money." Kyuhyun said as Sungmin turned around and thought

"Tell me if there is such a thing that can't be bought with money." Kyuhyun asked as Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun.

"Is there really something that can't be bought usuing money in this world?" Kyuhyun smilied at Sungmin's confused face.


Sungmin shook his head removing the memory of the conversation, he couldn't believe he couldn't think of anything that couldn't be bought with money. He walked around the and stopped feeling his feet starting to ache. He looked down at his feet to see he was still wearing the shoes that were given to him at Kyuhyun's house. He quickly kicked them off his feet then, threw them over Kyuhyun's fence.

"How embarrassing." Sungmin muttered to himself as he felt the cold road eat away at the warmth from his feet.

"I'm really going crazy." He muttered again as he continued walking on the cold ground.

Sungmin heard a motor bike coming up behind him and walked off the road into the gutter, as there was no sidewalk along this street. Sungmin turned around to make sure the bike wasn't going to hit him, only to have it stop right in front of him. The guy on the bike slide up his sun visor to show that it was Henry smiling beautifully at Sungmin.


"You again?" Henry said, as Sungin looked away trying his best to cover his feet with the hem of his school pants


"That's my line." Sungmin muttered and looked at Henry.




Henry and Sungmin had walked to a park close by and decided to sit down together for awhile. The park was empty and bare, it seemed that the weather was to cold to have children outside playing.


"Are you going somewhere?" Sungmin asked as he nodded towards Henry's motorbike.


"Home." Henry replied.

"You?" Henry asked as he looked at Sungmin.


"I'm going home too." Sungmin sighed knowing to well it was too late to go into work, but Shindong would understand after Sungmin explained the situation to him.


"In this manner?" Henry asked as he stared at Sungmin's sock covered feet.


"Some situations cropped up." Sungmin pouted as he looked at his cold feet. Henry laughed and looked away from Sungmin. Sungmin not being able not to stop himself from looking at Henry turned to stare at him. All he wanted to do was pinch Henry's full cheeks and cuddle up to him, but Sungmin knew better than to do that, he also had to stop thinking about Henry this way.


"Why are you laughing?" Sungmin asked pouting.


"Everytime I see you, you're in a dramatic situation." Henry continued to laugh


"It's a little like that." Sungmin laughed along with Henry.

"Can I ask you something?" Sungmin asked as he looked down at his cold feet again.

"Is there something in this world that cannot be bought with money? Even if you give millions of dollars you never get it." Sungmin said as he thought about Kyuhyun's beautiful smiling face when he had asked the question. Henry looked at Sungmin and thought for a moment. His widened when he thought of it.


"Air." Henry said


"What?" Sungmin said as he was still thinking of Kyuhyun's expecting smile

"Oh, air." Sungmin laughed, with Henry again, why hadn't he thought of that, Sungmin thought to himself. Henry reached over to Sungmin and ruffled his hair and smiled playfully at him.


"You're really an interesting guy." Henry said as he stopped ruffling Sungmin's blonde locks. Sungmin thought his heart was going to burst out of his chest at how hard it was beating when he looked to Henry again. All he hoped was that he really didn't want Henry to hear it.


Henry got up from the bench, as Sungmin followed him to his motorbike. Henry grabbed his helemet and bag and placed them on the seat of the bike. He started digging through his bag and pulled out a pair of white converses that he used for gym class at school. He chucked them at Sungmin who caught them.


"Wear them, they maybe a big on your feet, but they will keep them warm." Henry smiled, as he jumped on his white motorbike and rode off leaving Sungmin waving goodbye behind him.















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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-