A new nice president and Henry odd behaviour??

Boys over Flowers



A couple days after Henry’s return, things started settling down enough for Jongwoon, Donghae, Kyuhyun and Sungmin to actually confront Taeyeon about her behaviour and what she had done to Sungmin. The four of them decided the best place to actually talk to Taeyeon about this was at a place Sungmin picked, so that she would feel more comfortable about it.

Sungmin chose the restaurant that he worked in, much to Jongwoon’s dismay since he didn’t want to spend too much time with Ryeowook considering how the boy acted to him. He couldn’t understand what he done to deserve such behaviour from Ryeowook to begin with. All he did was smile and attempt to warning about what soon become the inevitable when they first met. But Ryeowook went off the deep end and automatically started disliking him to begin with.

Sungmin watched Jongwoon slump his shoulders in as he walked into the restaurant, he watched Jongwoon glance around for the smaller male till the point it actually became a little adorable that Jongwoon was looking for him, without trying to appear he was looking for him. Sungmin smiled a little when Kyuhyun came walking through the door with a huge grin on his face.

Kyuhyun quickly rushed to Sungmin’s side and sat next to him in excitement.  After a moment later Donghae came in all smiles on his face and his phone in his hands. Donghae raised his face and smiled at the boys and sat down next to Sungmin’s other side and continued texting, while stealing slight glances at his friends. He noticed Sungmin’s shy behaviour around Kyuhyun, the obvious happiness radiating from Kyuhyun and the irritated look on Jongwoon’s face as he continued to look around the shop.


“What are you looking for Jongwoon?” Donghae asked, never taking his eyes of the screen of his phone.


“Nothing.” Jongwoon eeped as he looked at his hands in his lap.


“Where’s the shorter boy today?” Kyuhyun questioned as he noticed that there was a lack of employee’s in the restaurant.


“Ryeowook has the morning off for study today.” Shindong yelled from the kitchen.

“I only have Sungmin this morning, and it’s a good thing that mornings are usually quiet.”Shindong said as he continued shredding vegetables in the back.

Jongwoon slumped and sighed in his seat a little, he was looking forward to giving Ryeowook a hard time this time, considering the younger boy had the upper hands on him at the moment. He just couldn’t let that slip. Sungmin watched Jongwoon pout slightly in his chair and Donghae chuckle off to the side of him as he quickly glanced at Jongwoon’s face.


“When’s the girl getting here?” Kyuhyun asked Sungmin as he grabbed his hand under the table.


“Well to get her to come today, I had to lure here under the false pretences that we were going out on a date.” Sungmin sighed.


“Has she caught on that we know?” Jongwoon asked, still pouting slightly.


“No, it didn’t feel like she did.” Sungmin thought as he recalled the uncomfortable phone call he had made to Taeyeon earlier this morning.


“Then why did you have to get here by saying it was a date?” Kyuhyun asked with annoyance dripping into the tone.


“Well, she wanted to see Sunny today, but I don’t want Sunny knowing about this. So I did the best thing I could think of.” Sungmin sighed as he saw Taeyeon rounding the corner of the shop outside the window to enter.


Jongwoon and Donghae removed themselves from their chairs, Donghae quickly shoving his phone into his pocket as they walked to the door of the restaurant standing side by side of the door so they could quickly grab Taeyeon’s arms when she saw Sungmin and Kyuhyun together.

They heard the bell above the door ring and Sungmin sat up quickly and watched Taeyeon walk through the door. To say that she was breath taking was an under understatement. She was dressed in a sweet pink baby doll dress with her hair curled slightly to give it a little bounce. Her makeup was done to the level Sungmin loved when he did look at girls, only a little was need to ample the largeness in her beautiful brown eyes, a slight blush was used on her cheeks to give them a rosy affect and her lips were shining with a slight gloss.

Taeyeon’s eyes widen in surprise when she saw Kyuhyun sitting at the table next to Sungmin. Her forearms were quickly linked with Jongwoon’s and Donghae’s as they brought her to the table and plopped her into the seat in front of both of the boys. Sungmin eyes fell to the ground slightly, then rose and met with Taeyeon’s. It was the first time Sungmin’s had looked so angry at her since they had known each other.

Taeyeon looked over to Kyuhyun and saw that his face was looking expressionless, though his eyes were spiralling with different angry emotions when she looked at him. It took all of Kyuhyun’s power not to jump over the table and grab her by the collar of her dress and yell at her or possible slap her silly. Though, Sungmin had a talk to Kyuhyun about this, before they would confront her about that they did.

Taeyeon looked back over to Sungmin who was looking at her rather coldly, she started to hyperventilate slightly when Jongwoon put his hands on her shoulders to keep her seated into the chair. Shindong watched from the back and couldn’t believe how cold Sungmin was looking at the girl, he had never seen him look cold to anyone before, even if that someone had done something to him. He would usually go into a fit of rage or just scream something outside if it was all getting a bit to much to him.


“Don’t be like this please Sungmin oppa.” Taeyeon started.


Kyuhyun slapped his hand on the table earning a squeal of surprise from both Taeyeon and Sungmin. Sungmin grabbed hold of his chest and rubbed it to soothe the shock of fright away. Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun and punched his arm with a little force, causing a little fit to come from Kyuhyun, Jongwoon and Donghae. Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin’s hand in his again and kissed the back of it in an attempt of apology. Sungmin just blushed heavily as he looked into Kyuhyun’s eyes which held a mischievous glint in them.


“You didn’t have to scare everybody Kyuhyun.” Sungmin pouted as Shindong stuck his head out from the kitchen window again to make sure everyone was alright.


“I thought an impact noise would scare her out of this behaviour.” Kyuhyun tried to reason, which only earned another annoyed look from Sungmin.


“Taeyeon.” Sungmin began as he went back to what they were doing to begin with.

“I want to know why you did this to me, I thought we were friends?” Sungmin began as he looked at Taeyeon again searchingly.


“Sungmin oppa, I did it for you, for us.” Taeyeon said as she looked at Sungmin and attempted to touch Sungmin’s face in a sweet way before being cut off by Kyuhyun’s hand around her wrist.


“Don’t you dare touch him.” Kyuhyun seethed as he harshly threw her hand away from Sungmin.


“Don’t you dare tell me not to touch him; he is not your property Cho Kyuhyun!” Taeyeon yelled as Sungmin looked at her in shock.


“She does have a point Kyuhyun, I am my own person.” Sungmin snickered as Kyuhyun pouted off to the side.


“You said you wanted to be just mine.” Kyuhyun sulked.


“Yes, but not as your property Kyuhyun.” Sungmin sighed.

“Which, is the way you’re making it sound.” Sungmin growled as he looked at Kyuhyun who just raised his eyebrows in surprise at Sungmin’s comment.


“Why you getting mad at me, we wouldn’t be in this position if it wasn’t with her framing you to begin with. Also how stupid are you to accept a drink from someone else with actually going to the bar with them and watching the person making it?” Kyuhyun complained as he looked out the window away from Sungmin.


“Well I obviously thought I could trust her, didn’t I?” Sungmin yelled looking at the ground feeling angry with himself.


“Well once again you landed us in a rock and a stupid place.” Kyuhyun mumbled as Sungmin whacked him up the back side of the head.


“The first time was your fault, not mine.” Sungmin yelled at Kyuhyun.


“No, we were stuck in the cable car because of you!” Kyuhyun shouted back as he grabbed hold of Sungmin’s hands to stop him from hitting him again.


“Well if you just went inside and stayed warm then I wouldn’t have had to pay for a coffee and keep you warm. Instead of waiting out in freezing snow for 4 hours, like a blithering idiot you are.” Sungmin yelled again trying to wriggle his hands out of Kyuhyun’s grasp.


“Well if you were on time we wouldn’t have been locked in!” Kyuhyun shouted.


“Does anyone else feel as though we have strayed off topic and what we were supposed to be talking about today?” Donghae asked as he looked at Jongwoon.


“Oh who cares this is more fun to watch.” Jongwoon laughed as he continued to watch the squabbling couple.


“You took full responsibility for it that night, don’t you remember! Or should I remind you?” Kyuhyun yelled as he gave off a suggestive look to Sungmin who blushed furiously and wretched his hands from Kyuhyun and looked away while he scooted his chair a little further away from Kyuhyun and turning  his body to face away from Kyuhyun.


“No thank you!” Sungmin yelled.


“Oh now you’re going to ignore me?” Kyuhyun said as he used his foot to snag around Sungmin’s chair leg to drag him back closer to him.

Sungmin felt the chair drag back closer to Kyuhyun and he smiled slightly, which was only noticed by Jongwoon and Donghae. Kyuhyun wrapped his arms around Sungmin’s body and buried his face into the crook of the boys neck and smiled at the fact that Sungmin didn’t get up and move away again. Sungmin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he turned back around and looked at Taeyeon who was staring in awe at the whole fight that had just taken place between the two.


“Fine I’m sorry, I was wrong the last time was my fault, and this time I was stupid by taking a drink I didn’t watch someone make. But in all fact this wasn’t all my fault.” Sungmin shouted making Kyuhyun jump in surprise, then smirk.


“See told you we were stuck in between a rock and a stupid place again because of you.” Kyuhyun laughed.


“I can’t wait for you to do something stupid so I can rub it into your face.” Sungmin mumbled.


“Never going to happen. I’m too smart for that.” Kyuhyun said confidently as Jongwoon Donghae and Sungmin bursted into a fit of laughter.


“Says the man, that waited outside 4 hours in the snow.” Jongwoon chuckled.


“Anyway, back to topic. Taeyeon what did you mean by us?” Sungmin asked looking at the girl again.


“Sungmin oppa, what the hell was that?” Taeyeon asked in confusion.


“Kyuhyun being an , what else would it be? Anyway answer the question please.” Sungmin said as he looked at Taeyeon’s confused expression.


“Are you in love with Kyuhyun? Please Sungmin oppa say that you aren’t.” Taeyeon shouted.

“It would just be too unfair.” Taeyeon sobbed.


“Taeyeon, whatever is between Kyuhyun and I is between him and I, not anyone else.” Sungmin said as he reached over the table and grabbed her hands.


“It’s unfair oppa, it’s unfair. You’re so sweet, loving, kind and dependable. And I love you so much!” Taeyeon sobbed.


“Taeyeon, that’s really sweet.” Sungmin said softly place his hand underneath her chin and raised her face so she was looking at him straight in the eyes.

“But, you don’t go about doing these things if you’re in love with me. You talk to me, not true to pull me away from someone I care about because you want me all to yourself.” Sungmin sighed as his thumb removed the tears she was shedding.


“No! It was the only way to get you!” Taeyeon said as she shook her head.


“Taeyeon, it wasn’t the right way to go about it.” Sungmin spoke calmly.


“Look at me! I’m beautiful right?! I’m pretty and sweet right?!” Taeyeon yelled.


“You used to be, but know I don’t know what or who you are.” Sungmin sighed as he looked at her with sorrow in his eyes.

“You lost my trust as a friend, and to be honest with you, I really did like you. If you had actually spoken to me about this we would have talked about and maybe then I may have gone on to date you.” Sungmin said as Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin with shock.

“But then again, I probably would have just wanted to remain friends with you. Kyuhyun does mean a lot to me and maybe by the told your feeling it could have been to late either way.” Sungmin said as he grabbed a hold of Kyuhyun’s hand, reassuring him with a smile.


“Nice save.” Jongwoon whispered with a little chuckle, making Kyuhyun frown agrily at him.


“Taeyeon, I don’t think I’ll be able to talk to you for awhile after this, let alone look at you.” Sungmin spoke coldly scaring everyone in the room at the quick shift in personality change.

“I’m also going to ask you not to talk to Sunny for awhile after this, she doesn’t know anything about this, and it will cause her great distress if she find out that you, her closest friend has done this.” Sungmin looked away from Taeyeon as she wailed.


“Sungmin oppa, I love you. Please I’m sorry. What about Kwon Yuri, this was all her plan!” Taeyeon yelled.


“We have already talked to Yuri and Chil Hyun and according to the both of them; this was all your plan. Also the lipstick on the mirror was a pretty stupid.” Donghae chuckled as he pulled out his phone and started texting again.


“We also have enough proof considering the money that you transferred into Chil Hyun’s account came from yours.” Jongwoon spoke.

“Now thanks to you I have a couple of more days left singing in some stupid club.” Jongwoon mumbled.


“What are you complaining about, at least you’re not being felt up there on stage. My Hyukkie thinks I like that stuff happening to me.” Donghae whined.


“You actually told him about this?” Jongwoon asked in astonishment.


“I tell Hyukkie everything. “ Donghae smiled.


“Who’s Hyukkie?” Sungmin whispered to Kyuhyun.


“You’ve got me.” Kyuhyun said as he watched Donghae smiling happily as he texted away.


“His name is Lee Hyukjae and he works in the bar Sungmin was framed in, which is how we got more proof on Taeyeon drugging Sungmin.” Jongwoon explained.

“Donghae is very fond of this man.” Jongwoon smiled over to the lovesick idiot texting away.


“I’m going to have to thank him later.” Sungmin said to himself.


“You can do it tomorrow at school; he goes to the University on out campus.” Donghae smiled happily.


“Wait, he is rich?” Jongwoon looked confused.


“He works because he wants to not because he has too Jongwoon.” Donghae explained.

“His family owns a variety of clubs around Gangnam and they even own a couple of high chained restaurants in around this area as well.” Donghae said as he continued texting happily.


“Okay...Anyway what do you to do about Taeyeon?” Jongwoon asked Sungmin and Kyuhyun.


“If it were up to me I would have her expelled and put away in a deep dark hole somewhere.” Kyuhyun said as he looked at the girl with disgust.


“Don’t do that Kyuhyun!” Sungmin shouted.


“I wasn’t going to really do it!” Kyuhyun yelled back.

“Geez, shows how much you think of me.” Kyuhyun mumbled.


“Sorry.” Sungmin said softly, unconsciously pulling a cute face as he looked at Kyuhyun.


“Don’t do that Sungmin...”Kyuhyun said as he tried to resist looking at Sungmin adorable little pout and puppy dog eyes.


“Don’t do what?” Sungmin asked while pulling another cute little pose, though this time knowing exactly what he was doing.


“If you don’t stop I will kiss you in public.” Kyuhyun threatened.


“You did the other day, like that’s going to stop me from playing around with you.” Sungmin poked Kyuhyun in the chest while still pulling sweet little smiles.


“Oh really, want me to do it again?” Kyuhyun smirked.


“Nope.” Sungmin said as he turned around to face Taeyeon and Jongwoon again, leaving Kyuhyun gobsmacked and annoyed.


“Guys, seriously.” Jongwoon sighed, feeling the tension of the day eating away at him.


“We can’t do anything to her besides not talking to her, and I don’t think she will want to talk to anyone at the moment after all of this.” Sungmin said.

“And that will be her punishment; also I think you should resign as the vice president for a little while, considering everything that’s happened.” Sungmin reasoned as Taeyeon nodded her head and cried heavily into her hands.


“Lee Sungmin you’re way too forgiving.” Jongwoon mumbled.

“Then that’s settled then.” Jongwoon said with a little smile.


“Sungmin lunch rush will be here soon, I don’t care where your friends go, but they can’t stay here unless they’re going to eat.” Shindong yelled from the kitchen as the first of the customers for the day started coming into the shop for lunch.


“I’m staying!” Kyuhyun said smiling happily at Sungmin who had gotten up and started collecting the menus for the customers.


“Oh no, you’re not. We have to meet Henry” Jongwoon said as he let go of Taeyeon’s shoulders and grabbed Kyuhyun by the ear and dragged him out of the restaurant with Sungmin waving goodbye to them.


“I wanna stay with my Sungmin!” Kyuhyun yelled as he continued to fight Jongwoon off.


“I’m not yours Kyuhyun!” Sungmin shouted to him.


“Yes you are! No one else’s but mine!” Kyuhyun smiled happily as Sungmin rolled his eyes and smiled happily, feeling the overwhelming emotion of giddiness and blissfulness take over him.


“You just like teasing him with that so he can say that you’re his, don’t you?” Donghae asked as he chuckled at Sungmin large smile.


“Maybe.” Sungmin sang as he walked over to the customers to retrieve their orders.




The next day Sungmin was deeply upset to find out that Taeyeon had decided to transfer to a school overseas for a little while. When he walked into the dojo he found the small little rabbit that he had been given to by Sunny, who he had given to Taeyeon to cheer up and now it had returned to him.

He sat on the floor and placed his bag on his lap and looked at the plush rabbit for a moment, just staring into the black button eyes. He carefully picked it up and played with the fabric of its ears and smiled softly at it. He pressed the small little button inside it paw and waited for the message.


“Lee Sungmin, thank you. I can’t say I’m sorry for what I did, though i do feel bad for it and I know you won’t forgive me anytime soon. When I have learnt and become a proper women, not a vindictive child who took her broken heart on the person she loved them most, I will return. We’ll see each other again later.” The message ended with Taeyeon singing wish upon a star sweetly.


“You’re an idiot Lee Sungmin.” Sungmin mumbled to himself as he cried for a small moment.


He would miss the kind sweetness of Taeyeon’s smile and her ever questioning eyes and her curious questions. He hoped that he could see her again when she deemed herself worthy to see each other again. Sungmin placed the rabbit into his bag and walked out of the dojo, not feeling the need to practice today, instead he felt the odd sensation to go to find a guitar and pick it up.

The guitar that Amber had given Sungmin had still not arrived and he had not even received any note or anything from her or the postal office about it. And he really didn’t want to ask her about it, that would come off as really shallow and greedy. Sungmin turned down the corridor and found a small doorway that he had often walked out of when he was feeling stressed.

Sungmin’s heart rate elevated slightly as he walked out into the fire escape and looked out to the scenery. If Henry was here he didn’t want to wake him up, so he just continued to look out at the scenery and think about the situation with Taeyeon. Sungmin sighed again and leaned on the brick wall.


“Why do I even feel like this, she’s the one who did me wrong.” Sungmin sighed softly.


“Not screaming and shouting anymore?” A voice came from the staircase behind Sungmin.


“Sunbae!” Sungmin gasped in surprise.

“I thought you were sleeping, or maybe not even here.” Sungmin said as he scratched his head awkwardly.


“Habits can be really bad, for example, this place is exactly like it was before.” Henry smiled as he climbed up the stairs with a guitar in his hands.

“From Amber. Sorry it’s very late” Henry said as he passed the instrument to Sungmin.


Sungmin could feel his heart beating heavily against in his chest as his fingers brushed with Henry’s to retrieve the guitar and he looked up into those warm chestnut honey brown coloured eyes. The guitar itself was an acoustic coloured in a pale pink colour with a black flare running along the outside. It was really beautiful and did indeed remind Sungmin of Amber noona. The same girl, with a boyish flare, just like the guitar. Feminine, with a boyish appeal to it.

Henry looked into Sungmin’s soft smiling face, holding himself back from doing something stupid, like caress his cheek. Sungmin smiled up at Henry and smiled happily and started to sit down plucking the strings individually to check if it was in tune. When the guitar was tuned properly Sungmin began strumming a beat softly as Henry sat beside him, enjoying the warmth the boy was providing him.


“You were only gone for a couple of weeks, maybe a month at the most sunbae.” Sungmin said as he looked at Henry smiling.


“That’s true. But this place is oddly quiet now, it’s really strange.” Henry chuckled as he looked at Sungmin who was really involved in the instrument.


“I could start shouting for you if you like.” Sungmin giggled as he took a deep breath preparing to yell.


“No! Don’t, I may lose my hearing!” Henry chuckled as he placed his hand on Sungmin’s mouth to stop him from shouting.


The soft contact of his hand touching Sungmin caused Henry to take a deep breath. Sungmin looked into the warm eyes again, feeling his heart beating heavily in his chest. Henry moved his hand softly away from Sungmin’s mouth to caress the round cheek in his hand and tilt the boys face to be directly in front of his.

Sungmin looked away from Henry’s eyes feeling a warm blush spread over his cheek as Henry stared at him. Sungmin grabbed Henry’s hand and was about to move it when Henry’s thumb moved and softly caressed Sungmin’s bottom lip experimentally. They were as soft as he remembered, and he wanted to feel more. Henry moved his head closer to Sungmin’s about to kiss the boy in his hands until Sungmin interrupted him.


“When are you going back?” Sungmin spoke loudly, causing Henry to chuckle slightly and move away from Sungmin’s face and let go of him.


“I’m not going back.” Henry said as he looked up at the sky while Sungmin fiddled with the strings of the guitar nervously.

“What about you?” Henry asked.


“I’m not going anywhere.” Sungmin laughed.


“That’s not what I meant. I was asking about whether if Kyuhyun and you are really in a relationship.” Henry asked as he looked back at Sungmin.


“Oh, that.” Sungmin laughed slightly.


“Looks like it’s true.” Henry sighed sadly.

“I must have come a bit too late.” Henry mumbled to himself loudly enough for Sungmin to hear.


“What?” Sungmin asked in confusion.


“I was hoping to ask you to be with me.” Henry smiled.


“I’m with you right now Henry.” Sungmin said as he cocked his eye brow still confused.


“I meant on a date Sungmin.” Henry laughed.


What?!” Sungmin shouted.


“I’m kidding, relax.” Henry laughed boisterously at Sungmin’s shocked expression.


“Oh...” Sungmin relaxed and smiled.


“Then how about this then...we date secretly behind Kyuhyun’s back?”Henry asked looking seriously.


“SUNBAE!” Sungmin yelled in surprise again.


“Yep, it’s still the same.” Henry laughed as he looked up at the sky again.

“Shouting Sungmin’s back. I really missed this.” Henry sighed as he wrapped his arm around Sungmin.


“You’ve become very different sunbae.” Sungmin smiled.

“You seem happier.” Sungmin said as he started plucking a very familiar tune on his guitar.


“That’s because I know what I want now.” Henry sighed as he leaned his head on top of Sungmin’s.


“And what’s that sunbae?” Sungmin asked.


“That’s a secret for now Sungmin.” Henry said as he took in a deep breathe and closed his eyes smelling the sweet fruity smell of Sungmin’s hair fill his senses.


Sungmin smiled happily, though feel very nervous around Henry, his heart was still beating rapidly around him, but it didn’t feel the same, it felt like there was some sort of trouble he could be in if he stayed around the boy too long. Like when Henry was touching his face softly. Sungmin ignored his heart and his feeling and continued to pluck the soft sound on his guitar, while Henry slowly drifted to sleep with his head resting on top of Sungmin’s.

Later on that day Sungmin was happy to hear from Sunny that Kwon Yuri was now the new vice president of his fan club. Though his heart was still sore from both Kim Taeyeon, and the ever now present existence of Lau Henry back in his life.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter, i think I went a bit off tangent with Kyumin fighting....if you get confused just let me know, i was a little confused myself when writing it lol. Anyway please comment I love to hear from you guys!!! AND NOW FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT MACROS MADNESS!!!




























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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-