Commercials, Gambling, Volleyball and Blood

Boys over Flowers




The next day at school Sungmin had brought Henry's shoes with him, he had spent hours the night before cleaning them meticulously, making sure that he had removed all visible signs of dirt dust or mud that had gotten onto them. He climbed the stairs in the main entrance and headed towards the place he saw Henry the most, the fire escape. He went out the door and walked to the staircase and looked down it, he was expecting to see Henry snoozing down there as usual, but unfortunatly Henry was not there. Sungmin sighed out loud and decided to stay awhile, just in case Henry did show up before class and have a lilttle cat nap before the morning bell rang for them to go to class.

After about half an hour of waiting for him, Sungmin walked into the building again and headed down the stairs to the room where all the F4 hang out during the morning and there breaks. He walked down the stair right infront of the door to the room and slowly opened the door, hoping to find Henry, Donghae or Jongwoon, since they were the friendliest of the bunch, well thats what Sungmin had gathered after the laughing fit he  saw when he kicked Kyuhyun. He entered the room slowly and looked around to find that everything was beautifully taken care of. There was a bar with an espresso machine on the counter, obviously for the morning Sungmin thought as he glanced at the machine with the urge to make a coffee for himself. He looked over the counters to see beautifully crafted mugs, teaware sets and vases.

Sungmin gathered that Jongwoon had created all these beautiful things. Sungmin placed the bag on the ground and picked up a small tea cup and looked at in his hands. he turned it upside down and smilied when he saw Jongwoon signiture on the bottom. Sungmin immediatly thought of Ryewook as he looked at the cup, it had a patchy design on it that reminded him of a giraffes coat. Sungmin smilied and laughed thinking Ryeowook would definetly love this. He placed the cup down gently as to not break it. He realised that someone could have been watching him as he was inspecting the cup. He quickly looked around and sighed in relief to find no one there, he really should look around rooms beofre doing things, poeple could be watching him, Sungmin thought.

He walked around the room and smiled when he saw a violin in the corner of the room. He bent down to the ground and looked at intently. Sungmin dared not to touch it as the whenever sungmin did touch expensive things they usually broke. He got up from the ground and grabbed the bag with Henry's shoes in it and walked to a tv that was hanging on the wall. Sungmin sneered at the entertainment centre as it was obviously  better then the one he had at home. Sungmin scoffed internally and thought amn those rich bastards, as he continued to look around the room hoping to come across something that was not overly priced and said more about the boys personality. Sungmin found a laptop to the side of one of the chairs, he looked at the name that was stickered across it.

'Cho Kyuhyun's. Don't touch Donghae!!!!'

Sungmin laughed a little, he then remembered Kyuhyun's offer yesterday, he could feel his whole face suddenly turn bright red, he still couldn't believe that Kyuhyun was that full of himself to think that he would take that offer. Sungmin, felt his face heat up even more when he thought about Kyuhyun's beautiful smile when he asked him to tell him one thing that you couldn't buy with money. Sungmin didn't know why Kyuhyun smiled at it, maybe he thought he had won when Sungmin didn't have anything to reply to him. Sungmin fanned his face to cool himself off, he presumed he was just angry at Kyuhyun again, since he had never felt this kind of stress when he thought of Kyuhyun before.

Sungmin sighed again as he walked to a couch thinking it would be best just to dump the shoes and hopefully Henry would find them and come to him to thank him later. Sungmin laughed out loud when the thought crossed him mind, Henry would never come up to him and thank him for the return of his shoes. Sungmin was so busy snickering at his thoughts that he didn't hear the door openeing behind him. Sungmin turned around when he heard the door click shut. His eyes landed upon Donghae and Jongwoon. He thought for a moment perhaps it was Kyuhyun, he really didn't want to be seen by Kyuhyun just yet.


"Whose this?" Donghae said in suprise as he looked at Sungmin, not expecting to see someone different in the room.


"Isn't this Cho Kyuhyun's mortal enemy, Superman." Jongwoon smiled playfully as he took in Sungmin's awkward expression. This had to be the first time Sungmin had ever seen Jongwoon smile for real, it was absolutely beautiful, it was so warm and inviting. Though Sungmin couldn't help but to think that there was something still missing to the smile.


"Why are you here?" Donghae asked, feeling really Donghae laughed.


"Why would I come and find someone like him."Sungmin huffed.

 Jongwoon laughed and walked closer to Sungmin and glanced down into the bag that Sungmin was carrying.


"Aren't these Henry's shoes?" Jongwoon asked as he looked back at Sungmin with an awed expression, it seemed that everyone was taken back by Sungmin, even Henry, Jongwoon thought.


"Could you help me return them to him please." Sungmin asked, as he stretched out the bag for Jongwoon to take. Jongwoon grabbed the bag and Sungmin bowed and headed towards the door.


"Wait a momnent." Jongwoon shouted, feeling exciited about the prospect of talking to Sungmin longer. Sungmin stopped walking and looked around at Jongwoon and Donghae.

"Have a cup of tea before you leave." Jongwoon smiled at Sungmin, hoping that he would stay longer.


Sungmin nodded slowly and followed Donghae over to a little table and sat down. Jongwoon boiled some water and grabbed a tea pot from one of the wares he made. Donghae grabbed the rest of the ware from the counter and began setting the table. Sungmin watched as Donghae smiled happily at him as he put down the cup in front of him. Donghae walked over the bar and grabbed biscuits and cakes from the fridge that was below the bars countertop.

Jongwoon poured the hot water into the teapot, he placed three bags of chai tea, which Sungmin was grateful for as he really enjoyed chai tea, it was also the only tea he really knew as well. Jongwoon walked overwith the teapot in his hands, and Donghae brought over a couple of plates of desserts with him. Donghae gently placed the plates on the table as Jongwoon poured the tea expertly into each of their cups. Sungmin picked up the cup in his hands and examined it. It was a beautiful dark coffee colour, with a white rim. Sungmin gazed at the teapot which had now been put onto the table. It was a deep orange colour with a black handle and that was shaped in an unusual octangonal shape. Sungmin wondered for a moment how Jongwoon managed to put the handle on the teapot without having to put it in the kiln for the teapot to harden.

Sungmin thought of Ryeowook again, he would really love to see these. If anyone can appreciate things that took time, effort and love to make Ryeowook would be the one who would enjoy it the most. Thats how he felt whenever he saw Shindong cook or when Sungmin would play the guitar that Ryeowook kept in his room ecspecially for Sungmin's entertainment. Sungmin's mother and father didn't know about his talent, as his mother would try to make him earn money from it, and his father. Well he would just gush and make a big fuss over it. But as Sungmin stared at the teaware he couldn't help but imagine Ryeowook's expression when he saw it.


"So did you really say what you said yesterday to Kyuhyun?" Jongwoon asked excitedly breaking Sungmin out of his train of thought about Ryeowook.


"Huh?" Sungin asked in suprise as he had grabbed a cookie and shoved it in his mouth.


"Kyuhyun saw us yesterday and told us everything." Donghae said as he bounced up and down in his seat like a five year old would when he was expecting an awesome present from his parents. Sungmin nodded his head slowly and shoved another cookie into his mouth.


"Wow. You're really are amazing." Jongwoon awes as he smiled at Sungmin.

"No one has ever shown such anger to him before." Jongwoon said as he grabbed a buiscuit.


"Oh it's Amber." Donghae said as he the TV to see an advertisement of Amber Liu selling her phone again. Sungmin turned around to see Amber's smiling face on the screen.


"She should be coming back soon, right?" Jongwoon said as he looked at the TV as well.


"Henry would be really happy." Donghae said smiling at Amber's adorable expression.


"That...The four of you have known each other for a very long time?" Sungmin asked as he looked back at Jongwoon and Donghae.


"Yes, from Kindergarten till now." Donghae said as he popped a cookie into his mouth.


"You seem to have something on your mind that you're extremely curious about. Ask us. We'll tell you if we know the answer. Take it as repayment for all the fun." Jongwoon smiled at Sungmin, as he was curious to what was on Sungmin's mind.


"Repayment?" Sungmin questioned as he cocked his head to his head to the side, not understanding what Jongwoon had said to him.


"As I said it has been really fun for us lately. All thanks to you." Jongwoon smiled, causing Sungmin to smile nervously at Jongwoon.


"Are Henry Sunbae and the model Liu Amber, acquainted?" Sungmin asked. Donghae and Jongwoon laughed a little at Sungmin's question.


"Acquainted?" They both asked in unison. Sungmin stared back at the boys expectingly.


"When Henry was 5, he got into a car accident. His parents both died on the spot, leaving him behind. Then he reached into his autism, ignoring everyone. The person who pulled Henry back to the normal world was Liu Amber. To us, she's just our childhood playmate, our noona and friend. But to Henry, she's like his first love, girlfriend and mother." Jongwoon said with a sigh, understanding that somewhere along the way Sungmin and Henry must have gained a secret friendship.

Sungmin for the rest of the day of the school day thought about Henry and his first love Amber.




"How pretty. How can someone be so cute?" Sunhee sighed over family dinner as the whole family sat and watched TV as one of Amber's commercials had popped onto the screen.

"Her parents must be really happy having a daughter like that. She's so pretty and cute in a woman's eyes, what would men think about her I wonder." Sunhee continued, longing for the daughter she never had.


"Liu Amber, Mom that woman is Liu Amber right?" Sungjin asked smiling with his mouth full of food. Sunhee nodded at Sungjin and looked back at the screen to watch Amber spray herself with perfume and smiling beautifully as male models quickly turned their heads and followed her on the screen.


"God is really unfair, somepeople are pretty, smart and have a good background family. yet others..."Sunhee sighed as she looked Sungmin who was stuffing his mouth full of rice, realising that she was implying that he was not pretty, smart or had a good family background.


"Why?" Chunhwa said.

"He has broad shoulders and arms, he's fit and healthy, and has look at that cute face, what women wouldn't love that?" Chunhwa defended his son. Sungmin put his spoon and chopsticks down and excused himself from the table. So he wouldn't have to hear his mother complain about him anymore, and he will never find a women that would want him that school. Though as he entered his room he could still hear his father defending him.


"Are you done already?" Sunhee yelled at the direction of Sungmin's room. Sungmin yelled bac that he was finished and flopped himself on his bed, hoping not to see his mother for the rest of the night. Sungmin could hear his parents and Sungjin continue about Amber. Until Sungjin noticed something in Chunhwa's back pocket when his father had bent over the table to grab Sungmin's left over mandarine.


"Dad, what's this?" Sungmin heard his brother ask.


"What's this?" Sunhee said as Sungmin could hear paper being passed around to his mother.

"Thunderbird, 5,000 Won. Typhoon, 20,000Won. Speeding, 30,000 Won." Sunhee muttered.

"You!" Sunhee screeched. Sungmin gathered from his mother's rage that Chunhwa had been out placing bets on the horses again.


"I'll really win this time!" Chunhwa shouted at Sunhee.


"Get out! You might as well go to the horse track and live with them! If I believe you one more time, my name would be changed to Thunderbird!" Sunhee yelled, obviously she and Sungmin shared the same problem when they were angry, they made no sense, Sungmin thought as he listened to his mother's non sensical ramblings.

The rest of the night seem to go on like that to Sungmin when he heard his family talking. Though through most of all his parents yelling and Sungjin coming into Sungmin's room and playing on the laptop to escpaing their parents incessant screaming, Sungmin could only think about Lau Henry and Liu Amber and the relationship they shared.




For sport the next day, Sungmin was thrown into a volleyball team bregrudgingly. It was a sport that he could not play well. Ecspecially when on the opposing team was Jessica and Sooyoung. They had some sort of freakish strength when they threw the ball into Sungmin's direction, which ended up with him slamming the ball as best he could back towards the other team, causing his hands to sting with th impact, though most of the time it ended ith him forcibally catching the ball, creating the whole thing to reverberate through his entire body.

For awhile when some of girl noticed Jessica's and Sooyoung clambering for the ball to chuck back at Sungmin, they all snickered a little, as they watched him either catch, hit or dodge the ball. Sungmin having enough of the game let his mind wander. He looked over towards the basketball courts, which he deperatly wanted to be considering he could play that game without being physically assulted. He watched with interest as Henry, Jongwoon, Donghae and Kyuhyun, as well as some other boys from their class played basketball. Sungmin never took his eyes off Henry. His hair was damp with sweat, he was smiling and being cocky with the other players when he scored.

Sungmin was hypnotised with Henry's body, as it twisted, turned, jumped and ran. He became so enraptured by it he forgot all about the game he was playing, he had never felt so drawn in by something before. It had to be the hottest thing he had ever seen, just the way Henry kept moving, it was like he was watching his own private game or something.


"Yah Lee Sungmin!" Jessica shouted across the court as the ball hit Sungmin harshley in the face, making a sickening smacking noise as the ball collided with his nose.

Sungmin fell to the ground from the shock and the impact the ball had caused him, he slowly pushed himself from the ground and wiped underneath his nose with his hand. He looked at his hand to find it covered in blood. Sungmin walked off in search of a bathroom as he pinched the bridge of his nose to stop the blood from floeing. He groaned in pain at the action. He could hear the girls and boys behind him laughing at him and screaming to him that he deserved everything he got.

What Sungmin didn't realise as he was walking off with his bleeding nose that Donghae, Henry, Jongwoon and Kyuhyun had watched the whole thing unfold right before their eyes. They had never been so disgusted by someones actions in their life,. Kyuhyun made a note of it in his head to give that Jessica a good talking too. Henry just watched as Sungmin was scrunching his face in obvious pain, all he wanted to do was help him, but seeing Kyuhyun's face right now, he thought better not too.




Sungmin had found a bathroom with no problem, he walked up to the basin and began wiping his nose with a wet paper towel he had grabbed. He was trying his best to stop and remove all the blood he could see. Kyuhyun who was in search of Sungmin walked passed the bathroom window to see Sungmin wiping all the blood of his face and working on stopping it. He walked into the doorway and leaned on the frame, worried about making Sungmin angrier at him then what he was.


"Mmm." Kyuhyun pretended to clear his throat to get Sungmin's attention. Sungmin who was still to involved with cleaning his face, didn't hear anything. Kyuhyun walked all the way up to Sungmin and stopped at an appropriate distance, as to keep Sungmin calm. Kyuhyun grabbed out his handkerchief from his pocket and walked closer to Sungmin and pressed it Sungmin's face, scaring the boy slightly in suprise.


"Don't move." Kyuhyun said as he gently patted the water and blood away. Sungmin pushed his hand away and looked at Kyuhyun with annoyance before pouting slightly at the sink.

"What were you thinking of? Letting yourself get hit in the face, I thought you were like a master at martial arts or something?" Kyuhyun said as he tried to look at Sungmin's face. Sungmin wiped underneath his nose, fighting the tears that wanted to spill from his eyes.

"Don't be like thta." Kyuhyun said.


"What?" Sungmin asked as he turned around to face Kyuhyun.


"Don't cry. It doesn't suit you." Kyuhyun said trying to look indifferent at the situation, but failing miserably as he looked far to concern.


"What is it to you?" Sungin asked angrily

"Do I have to get permission to cry now? And weren't you the person who was happiest seeing me crying or hurt?" Sungmin yelled at Kyuhyun. still fighting the tears that were threatening to spill.


"Is that all you can say to the person who came to help you?" Kyuhyun asked.


"Who asked for your help?" Sungmin yelled as he wiped his nose again.

"If everyone died and you were the last person on earth, I still wouldn't accept your help. I'd rather bleed to death, then be indebted to you." Sungmin finished as he walked pass Kyuhyun out of the bathroom.


"Hey." Kyuhyun yelled as he pulled Sungmin back into the bathroom.

"W...What is it about me you hate so much? What are you not satisfied about me?" Kyuhyunyelled making Sungmin confused.

"I'm good looking, I'm tall, I'm smart I'm rich." Kyuhyun listed off with his fingers.

"How...How can you hate Cho Kyuhyun?" He asked.


"Seems like you still don't know. I dislike everything about you! The way you look, the way you walk and the way you style your stupid sorta curly hair! I don't like any of it!" Sungmin yelled


"Did you take some bad medicine?" Kyuhyun asked with confusion.


"I ahven't finished speaking. It's such an eyesore to see the bunch of you wearing whatever you please to school. And picking on weak kids for fun with your stupid red cards or whatever, and your thoughtlessness, That's the worst!" Sungmin yelled.


"You!" Kyuhyun scoffed.


"You want me to repeat myself?" Sungmin asked.

"All in all Cho Kyuhyun, I don't like anything about you! Anything!" Kyuhyun screamed making Kyuhyun jump as Sungmin walked out the door and stopped again and turned to look at Kyuhyun.

"I don't hate you though...Your not that despicable." Sungmin said  as he walked off leaving Kyuhyun dumbfounded. Kyuhyun swore in frustration and kicked the bathroom basin in frustartion. How could Sungmin say all the things he just said, and then end it with that he didn't hate him, Kyuhyun thought in frustartion.



Love frustrated Kyu, he makes life so much fun lol




I agree Sungmin, your emotions are curious



I love that Yesung is getting more excited about life


I agree Hae



Gotta love Amber and the up and coming Henber lol

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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-