Starcraft, Southseas and Parties

Boys over Flowers



Later that night Kyuhyun walked into the internet cafe that was located on the University side of campus and pulled out of his bag his laptop. He logged online to his favourite game and began his mental recovery for the day, which was killing hoardes of cyberneticallyenhanced and genetic mutants, the game was better known as starcraft. Everytime a new sarm of mutants came over towards his side of the screen he  pictured the words that Sungmin had said in the bathroom earlier that day.

'I don't like anything about you! anything! But I don't hate you. You're not that despicable.'

Kyuhyun had never felt so confused about someone in his life, his heart was racing faster than ever before, his mind was muddled with pictures of Sungmin in all different emotions ranging from happy to sad. Kyuhyun through all of this managed to kill another swarm of mutants heading his way and when that wave from the opposite player ended

A waitress came forward to him and handed him his usual black coffee, she quickly walked away and resumed her job at another table as Kyuhyun looked down at his screen again. He grabbed his coffee cup and took a small sip from it and resumed game play. Every time he stopped playing for a little while he kept thinking of Sungmin, he was so frustrated at his emotions, could it be possible that he was actually falling for the little monster, he thought. He never had wanted to help anyone before, and today thats exactly what he wanted to attempt. He also had never offereed anyone someone such a bargain before, was it the fact that he couldn't have Sungmin was the reason why he desired him so much more, or was it the fact that he was the first person to actually oppose him forcefully the way he did.

After hours of game play, he decided to end the night on high of defeating a  rather hard opponent on starcraft. He paid the waitress and headed out the door. He inhaled the night air deeply as he walked through the campus alone. He noticed a group of students from the highschool section standing in front of the notice board inside the building. He headed inside the the building out of curiousity to see what the students were looking at. As he approached the students left the notice board and nodded hello to him respectfully and left the building. Kyuhyun ignoring the two continued his way to the nitice board and looked at it quizzically. It seemed that the school excursion was about to begin, he thought as he looked at the poster of a cruiseliner that said one month school excursion for second and third year students of the Highschool section of the camous.

"School trip?" Kyuhyun mauttered as he felt and idea grow into his head. Kyuhyun began smiling and laughing at himself as the plan consisting of Sungmin grew into a rather colassial idea.




"What 20 million Won?!" Ryeowook shouted across the porridge shop at Sungmin, who was buisly wiping down the table and removing all this dishes over to the counter.

"That school's really amazing! How can a school trip be 20 million Won? Are all the studenst going?" Ryeowookfollowed Sungmin around the room as he wiped down more tables trying to ignore Ryeowook's enthusiasm.


"No I'm not." Sungmin said as he brought more bowls over to the counter as Shindong now too began to follow Sungmin around the resturant, intigued by the conversation that the two boys were having.


"You want to go quietly, without me knowing right?" Shindong laughed jokingly at Sungmin, who just looked at him and huffed out a little annoyed.


"Where can we go?" Ryeowook said to Shindong and laughed.

"So what are you intending on doing for the excursion then?" Ryeowook rushed back over to Sungmin who was now on the otherside of the room.


"What can I do? It'll be a month long school holiday for me." Sungmin sighed with relief and also dissappointment as he was not going to be seeing Henry for a whole month.

"I'll work hard and earn money. Dammit why did my father have to cause trouble again." Sungmin shouted and jumped on the spot in frustration at his fathers gambling addiction.

"My family is completely broke now!" Sungmin sighed as he dropped his head on the table rather harshly. He removed his head from the table and rubbed it, as he had hit it rather hard unintentionally.


"South. Aren't you and your family going to the South?" Shindong asked Ryeowook, who just beamed as the idea popped into his head.


"Let's plead opur parents to letr us go on the holiday together. I wonder if there's anyway where we can hang out and have fun, while earning money at the same time?" Ryeowook pondered as he tapped his chin in thought.


"It's the South Sea!" Shindong shouted, trying to make it obvious for both boys who were still deep in thought about how they were going to achieve fun and money at the same time. Ryeowook's phone began to ring, breaking him out of his concentration, he pulled it out of his pocket and answered it.


"Hey Mum?" Ryeowook answered the phone.

"Really? I can go?" Ryeowook screamed into the phone excitedly as Shindong began to press his ear up against Ryeowook's other ear trying to hear the conversation that Ryeowook and his mother were having.

"Can I go with Sungmin?"Ryeowook asked as he looked over at Sungmin who just gave him a confused look.

"Really? You'll plead Aunty right?" Ryeowook smiled at the phone.

"But you must guarantee the 70,000 Won pay!" Ryeowook smiled over at Sungmin, who was smiling with excitement as he finally caught on with the conversation. Shindong grabbed Sungmin and started bouncing up and down with him as Ryeowook thanked his mother and hung up the phone to start jumping with the other two boys.


"See, didn't i tell you guiys would find something to do." Shindong said happily as he watched Sungmin and Ryeowook take each other in their arms and do a little vicotry dance around the resturant




A couple of days later Henry, Jongwoon, Donghae and Kyuhyun were waiting at the airport terminal to get on the plane to reach their cruiseliner.Jongwoon and Donghae watched in frustration as Kyuhyun and Henry had started pacing backwards and forwards in front of them. Kyuhyun was being more irratating as he was slapping his ticket on his hands and would look up and look over the the entrance of the terminal and then would looked down again and start pacing again. Henry was constantly looking to groud and looking at the clock while he paced, he was so nervous about the flight that Amber was on since it was close to arriving.

"Hey! are you two going to keep pacing up and down like this?" Jongwoon asked, feeling really irratated with Kyuhyun's tapping.


"Cho Kyuhyun! Are you waiting for someone too?" Donghae laughed.


"Waiting what?" Kyuhyun said as he continued to pace anxiously and looking at the terminal door again.

"Since we have  to take a long plane flight, i must do sufficent exercise first." Kyuhyun said trying to look as though he wasn't waiting for Sungmin, but failing miserably. Jongwoon laughed a little and smiled knowing all too well that Kyuhyun was waiting for a certain blonde boy to walk through the terminal doors.


"Hey, why did you insist going together with the other students this time? Don't you want to use your private jet and not suffer all this?" Jongwoon smiled as he looked over to the group of gathering students, mostly girls surrounding them and giggling.


"Such suffering would be a memory of my highschool life. Isn't it Henry?" Kyuhyun stopped pacing and looked at Henry who too had stopped pacing after hearing his name being called.


"What?" Henry said in confusion as he looked at Jongwoon, Donghae and Kyuhyun expectingly.


"Yo, yo, yo. Let's go." Donghae said noticing the time. Kyuhyun looked worriedly around the terminal for a trace of Sungmin's blonde hair but found nothing.


"Why isn't he here?" Kyuhyun said, as he sighed and began to follow Jongwoon and Donghae to their flight as Henry waitied for Amber over at her gate.


Henry stopped at the terminal gate, he watched as Amber walked out of the gate holding her roller bag behind her. She was wearing pastel blue skinny jeans that hugged her hips in a kindly manner, a pair of huge Doc Martins, that looked like if she stepped on it would be very excruitiating for the person underneath her feet. Her shirt was a black loose singlet top that had paint dripping over it in a very fashionable way. On her head rested a cap that looked way to big for head and a pair of sunglasses. She smiled as soon as she noticed Henry, but was immediatly swarmed by a mass of fans. Her view of Henry was blocked slightly, though she knew that he would wait there forever for her, if he could.

She began signing piece of papers with her signitaure as thousands of more people gathered around her, begging for her autograph. As Amber looked through the gaps of people that were around her over to Henry, she noticed that Henry had started staring at the ground rather intently, with the same non expressional face he made as a child. Amber said her thankyous and began to walk away from the crowd over to Henry, who looked up at her and smile beautifull at her. She wrapped her arms around Henry's waist and pulled him into a long hug. Henry bent his head down into her neck and smilied into it, feeling for the first time in ages comfort and completely content.


"Have you been doing well?" Amber asked as she pulled away from Henry's embrace


"Yes." Henry answered smiling at her.


"Let's go." Amber smilied as Henry grabbed her roller bag and hand, as they walked off in search of a later flight to take to meet up with Jongwoon, Donghae and Kyuhyun.



On the plane Kyuhyun was completely focused on the one thing, why was Sungmin not at the terminal? He continually bit his bottom lip worried that something had befallen the boy. Kyuhyun sighed nd began hitting his head for actually not thinking to bring the boy here along with him, instead of hoping that Sungmin would show up himself. Kyuhyun was pulled out of his thoughts by the feeling of his phone vibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out of his pocket and slide his finger across the screen to answer it.


"Hello?" Kyuhyun said throught the telephone as a stewardess came up behind him and tapped him gently on the shoulder.


"Excuse me. I'm sorry but you can't use your mobile on board the plane sir." Kyuhyun ignored her and listened intently to the person who was on the phone to him.


"W...What?" He asked confusion over the phone

"W...Where did he go?" Kyuhyun said in shock.




"To catch fish, we went to the ocean. Put them in a cage. Fill up the cage." Ryeowook and Sungmin sung,


"Wait is it put them in a cage?" Sungmin asked as he looked over at Ryeowook who was holding a fishingrod closely to his chest.


"Isn't it fill it up?" Ryeowook asked Sungmin who was also holding a fishing rod closely to him.


The boat that the boys were on rocked gently back and forth on the waves as Sungmin and Ryeowook began to start singing again not really caring about the lyrics. The bobbed their fishing lines in the cold blue water as the hoped that more fish would take a bite on their rodes so they can go back to the mainland and earn their money for their catch. Ryeowook's uncle watched from the warm cabin as the two boys sat smiling at each other and sining happily as they lined in a catch everynow and then. When Ryeowook was sure there was no fish wanting to take a bite in the vicinity they were in he would wave to his uncle to steer over somewhere else to find a better catch. Everytime either Ryeowook or Sungmin caught a massive fish, they would laugh and pull faces at each other, betting that the next fish they caught would be bigger then the one they had previously caught.

As the day was drawing to a close and the sky was growing a little darker, Ryeowook and Sungmin had fallen asleep. Ryeowook's head was placed on Sungmin's shoulder and Sungmin's rested on the top of Ryeowook's beine covered head. The wond was getting a bit nipper which caused them to huddle a little closer togther for warmth. A loud voice suddenly boomed at the two sleeping boys direction causing Sungmin to stir slightly.


"Hey, Dry Cleaner! Ah, Ahhh. Can you hear me? Commoner!" The voice echoed, thorough what sounded like a sound speaker.  Sungmin opened his eyes slowly as well as Ryeowook.


"What was that?" Sungmin asked Ryeowook still half asleep.

"Ryeowook, am i having a dream now?" Sungmin asked closing his eyes again.


"I don't think so." Ryeowook said shaking his head drowsely at Sungmin.


"But I keep hearing that irratating guy's voice." Sungmin muttered before opening his eyes in a snap, to see a cruiseliner right beside them. Sungmin jumped up and pointed at the ship with a shicked face. Everyone from his school and class  were looking down at him and Ryeowook from the railing of the cruiseliner. Sungmin looked over at Jongwoon and Donghae who were smiling and waving down at Sungmin with excitement and glee on their faces as they thought that their fun had only begun.


"I heard the commoner went to the sea. Look at yourself." Kyuhyun laughed through the speaker.


"Yah! Why are you guys here?!" Sungmin shouted angrily at everyone.

"Aren't you suppose to be in Europe right now?!" He growled.


"We've gone twice already. I'm sick of it already." Kyuhyun smiled down at Sungmin.

"We wanted to look for some place new, and somebody recommended here. What a total coincidence huh?" Kyuhyun laughed

"I had no idea that you would be here." He continued to laugh.


"Then go on your own route! Pretend not to know me, I'd be really grateful!" Sungmin yelled at Kyuhyun and stamped his foot in frustration.


"That boat is made of wood. Will it be ok?" Kyuhyun asked looking down at Sungmin's rickity boat.


"Even though it's small, it's still a boat! and it's none of your buisness anyway!" Sungmin yelled back.


"Really? True. You wouldn't drown even if it was to capsize right? You know how to swim. Ok let's move off." Kyuhyun yelled.


The cruiseliner blew its horn and Sungmin watched as Kyuhyun waved down at him smiling as the cruiseliner started up and again and began moving off as it passed the dingy litttle boat. The waves that the cruiseliner had created sent the boat into a rocking fit as it chucked both Sungmin and Ryeowwook onto the ground, causing Sungmin to fall on his bottom and Ryeowook on his side.


"You Jerk! Cho Kyuhyun!" Sungmin yelled as he continued to watch Kyuhyun waving at him laughing at him.



As Ryeowook and Sungmin supported each other off the docking bay holding their rodes in the hands rather lazily. Sungmin looked up in hope to see that Ryeowook's Aunty was their with the car waiting, instead he saw he saw his entire class and school on the other docking bay next to theirs. He watched as Jongwoon and Donghae moved closer to the road leaving Kyuhyun fending off Jessica and Sooyoung by himself as a white car drove up to the side of them. Sungmin watched as Henry exited the vehicle's back seat, and folloowing him was a young woman behind him. Sungmin gasped as he saw Liu Amber emerge from the car to wrap her arms around Jongwoon. Ryeowook started freaking out and pointing at Amber.


"Isn't that Liu Amber?" Ryeowook asked as he began shaking Sungmin. Everything began to slow down in Sungmin's mind as he watched Henry holding Amber's hand and smiling at Donghae who was jumping up and down on the spot hoping Amber would hug him next.

Amber embraced Donghae and reached as high as she could to ruffle his hair. then she moved onto to Kyuhyun who had somehow manage to shake off Jessica's hold of him and hug him tightly. Sungmin sighed and looked away from the scene feeling everything he was watching start crushing his heart, it felt like it was being squashed by a bulldozer or a cement press. Sungmin looked back up to see Henry smiling at Amber, which caused he squashed feeling to turn into a shattering one.

Henry who through everything looked up to see Sungmin standing there with a stranger, he smilied gently at the boy and watched as Sungmin grabbed Ryeowook by the arm and started pulling him off in the opposite direction hoping to find Ryeowook's aunt parked somewhere close by.Kyuhyun looked over to see what Henry was staring at saw Sungmin, slowly moving away with Ryeowook, he ran over to him as fast as he could and stopped in front of him, blocking their path.


"Hey, Dry Cleaner." Kyuhyun said with a smile. Ryeowook stiffined in Sungmin's arm as he noticed how completly flawless Kyuhyun's face was.


"What now." Sungmin groaned.


"Honestly, you're very happy to see me right? Tell me." Kyuhyun smirked.

"You were very bored looking on that boat."


"I was actually pretty happy before i met you." Sungmin muttered longing for the time in his life where there were no complications caused by a certain Cho Kyuhyun.


"No matter what, Since you're a student at our school, come if you want to." Kyuhyun said as he turned off in the other direction smiling at himself.


"Though I don't know where to, even if I did have the intention of going, which i do not." Sungmin said causing Kyuhyun to stop in his tracks. Henry walked over to Sungmin and his friend, causing Ryeowook t be awe struck again at the boys beautiful face. He couldn't believe how unbelieveable these two boys looked.  Amber who was now watching smiled, obviously aware that Kyuhyun was starting to get a little jealous at vthe proximity of Henry and the boy were with each other.


"There's a welcome party for Amber. It'll be fun." Henry said smiling enthusiastically at Sungmin.

"Yopu should come too. Please come." Henry said, still smiling like a god, making Sungin's heart beat fast again.


"Yes, I'll come." Sungmin said in defeat knowing that he could never say no to a smiling Henry. After realising what he just said, Sungmin began hitting his head with the fishing rod in his hand. As he wathced Kyuhyun and Henry walked back to the others together.


"Hey! you!" Jessica yelled as she walked over to Sungmin and Ryeowook with Taeyeon blushing madly in front of him and Sooyoung looking, mightly angry about something.


"I know what you're going to say." Sungmin groaned as he looked blankly at Jessica.

"I don't really want to go too you know." He sighed as he looked off to notice Henry and Amber hugging.


"Come on. Both Kyuhyun and Henry have extended invitations. You must come. Am I right?" Taeyeon said smiling up at Sungmin, then quickly running back to another group of girls before letting him answer.


"But, they left something out." Sooyoung said, not even noticing her friends dissappearnce.


"Left out what?" Sungmin said as he cocked his head to th side. Jessica and Sooyoung moved colser to him and pushed Ryeowook out of the way as they began whispering in Sungmin's ears.

Amber who started noticing what was happeing with Sungmin looked over to him, she nodded to the boys and started walking towards hom only to see that both girl had walked off leaving Sungmin with a confused look on his face and gathering Ryeowook in his arms and walking off into the other direction.




Sungmin showed up outside the hotels building where the party for Liu Amber was being held. Jessica and Sooyoung had told him come dressed in very casual clothes. So Sungmin, just donned on a pair of baggy jeans and a tshirt, thinking it would be enough. He hadn't even bothered to do his hair he was so nervouse about this party. Sungmin turned around from looking at the building to stare Ryeowook in the face, he was so nervous he couldn't believe who his heart was managing to stay in his chest.


"Is this really ok?" Sungmin asked looking down at his clothes.


"It's ok, it's ok. Once you go in there, people will be so casual that you look fancy." Ryeowook said, as he looked at Sungmin's jean not really approving that he had gone with the baggy ones instead of the tight skinny ones he picked out.


"I know but for some odd reason i'm feeling really embabrrassed." Sungmin said feeling really uncomfortable in his skin.


"Well maybe if you did your hair you wouldn't. Though don't worry ok. Lee Sungmin Fighting!" Ryeowook smilied


"Ryeowook, lets go. I should just go back with you. Sungmin said with a pleading expression.


"Love can only be obtained by those with courage." Ryeowook smirked.


"What?! Love?! I don't love anyone!" Sungmin shouted.


"Really?" Ryeowook said as he walked away from Sungmin and muttered to himself about how stupid Sungmin was.


As Sungmin walked into the hotel's lobby, he clunghis hands tightly around the bottom of his pink shirt. He was so nervous about everything, and was beginning to feel incredibly paranoid about it all as well. He spotted two men guarding the door of the entranceto the party, they bowed towards him and opened the door together. As he looked into the the room he saw all the students dressed in expensive suits and beautifully elegant dresses. He quickly hid himself beind one of the guards, who only looked down in suprise and smiled at Sungmin's blushing face. Sungmin quickly turned around trying to make his retreat until he saw Kyuhyun headed towards, he was so glad that Kyuhyun was looking down at his PSP instead of him.

He quickly ran into the party and quickly ducked behind one of the catering tables that was closest to him. He gazed up over the table to see Kyuhyun turning off his PSP and putting t into his pocket and beginning to scan the room. Sungmin watched Kyuhyun carefull, he was wearing a black suit, that seem to highlight his dark eyes. Sungmin started feeling the heat in his face flush up as he watched Kyuhyun , his eyes were always looking around the room, looking for someone in particular he guessed. Sungmin had never seen Kyuhyun look more handsome in his life, everythingwas siting perfectly on his talll, toned body, hugging him to perfectly. Sungmin's face was bright pink now, and his heart was beating a mile a minute as he continued to watch Kyuhyun walk over to Donghae and Jongwoon.

That was when he saw Henry, his heart stopped. Henry was beautiful. He was wearing a completly white suit, complimenting his creamy complexion and brown hair perfectly. He had never seen such a beautiful man in his life. Sungmin had actually forgotten to breath as he watched Henry talk to Amber, who was impressively wearing a dress herself instead of a suit.He had never seen ?Amber look so feminine and graceful at the same time, it was completly out of character for her, she usually dresed like a tomboy, a goregous tomboy, bou a tomboy no less. Sungmin began hitting his head with his hand, not being able to comprhend that he had fallen for Jessica's and Sooyoung's lie. If he saw them right now, well he wouldn't hit them, but they would be getting a yelling at, that was for sure.


"Lee Sungmin!" Sungmin looked over to see Jessica and Sooyoung heading his way. He quickly ducked under the table pulling the table over where he was hiding, thanking god it was long enough to cover him completly.

"You're late." Jessica said as they pulled the cloth up from the table

"We've been looking for you everywhere."


"Why are you hiding under there?" Sooyoung said with a smirk.

"Don't you feel all hot and stuffy under there?" she asked still smirking.


"It's not hot and stuffy. I'm still feeling cold from ther sea breeze, thats why I'm under here." Sungmin yelled at the girls.


"It's probably how your dressed, your not even wearing a jacket. Hurry and come out from under there!" Jessica yelled gaining Kyuhyun's attention. Kyuhyun walked over to investigate why Jessica was ruining Amber's night, he looked under the table to see Sungmin hiding under it.


"Oh my. What is this?" Sooyoung smirked happily at Sungmin's discomfort. Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin, he had never seen Sungmin looking so worried before, He glance over at Henry and Amber nodding at them to come over.

Henry walked quickly over to the catering tyable and looked down at Sungmin, who had his face buried in his arms. He took off his jacket, before Kyuhyun could even think about it and pulled Sungmin out from under the table. placing the jacket over Sungmin's shoulders and walking him out fo the room beofre anyone could see him. Jessica and Sooyoung couldn't stop laughing as Kyuhyun just stood there feleing angry and frustrated at himself for not doing anything. Amber walked over in front of Sooyoung and Jessica, slapping on the face harshly. Jessica and Sooyoung stoped laughing and looked at Amber in shock.


"I know why you did this. But I do know that this proves how low you are, not him!" Amber yelled, causing everyone to look over at Jessica and Sooyoung.

"Kyuhyun, Henry has taken him to my room. Don't worry." As Donghae and Jongwoon watched across the room, they couldn't believe that Henry had saved Sungmin insetad of Kyuhyun.


"Why is Henry doing thee things for Sungmin?" Dongae asked Jongwoon.


"I don't know what this is about, but isn't it fun?" Jongwoon laughed.




I love Kyuhyun being all confused about his feelings and acting like a 5 yr old with a crush



I wonder if you guys are noticing the feeling Sungmin is starting to develop



I love Wookie's charcter his like a big ball of energy!!!



Yesung is getting high entertainment from watching things from the sidelines, wait until he gets caught with his emotions muwhahahahaha



Just wait Donghae your going to be falling for someone soon >.<


It's always fun to add Shindong's character in...he is highly entertaining for me to write i find.




Loving Amber's charcter, she's gonna be a fireball and a fuzz ball all at the same time


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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-