Since when do guy use lipstick and the return of a king

Boys over Flowers

SORRY ABOUT BEING LATE YESTERDAY...apparently my friends thought i had to eb social on days off...i didn't agree however but dragged out anyway.



They are sasukeandme1 and SoneELF2gether. Thanks guys for always commenting I hope you continue to do so.


Ryeowook quickly ran around to the computer at the front of the shop that was usually used to take customer reservations and pay the bill at the end of the night and quickly removed the POS system down and waved for Sungmin, Donghae and Jongwoon to walk over and produce the evidence that was incriminating Sungmin as a cheating distrusting liar right now.

Jongwoon flipped through his phone and quickly sent the pictures to Ryeowook’s email where they flipped it up on the screen. Ryeowook gasped in shock as he looked at the picture of a man with his face blurred holding a peace sign in front of him and a very unconscious Sungmin. Ryeowook squinted at the picture and turned to Sungmin who had his head bowed in shame. He didn’t want to look at the pictures, he had seen them before and been given a very threatening message along with it.


“What did your message read Sungmin?” Jongwoon asked as he quizzical stared at the picture on the computer.


“It read, now we know what the real Lee Sungmin is like, I wonder how the whole school will take it if they were to find out.”  Sungmin sniffed as he looked at the picture.


“Well we know that the rest of school doesn’t know about this, considering you would have problem been beaten to a pulp by the students for this.” Donghae said as he continued staring at the screen.


“First thing though, we have to find out who this man is, and where he is.” Jongwoon said as he turned away from the picture to look at Sungmin who was on the verge of breaking into tears.


“You most likely ran into him at the club.” Donghae said just as he phone started vibrating and singing Infinite’s ‘the chaser’.


“Seriously dude, Infinite?” Jongwoon asked as Donghae blushed.


“They’re awesome and you know it!” Donghae yelled at Jongwoon as he pulled out his phone and answered it.


“What’s wrong with Infinite?” Sungmin asked.


“Nothing...I suppose.” Jongwoon sighed as he watched Donghae’s face change into very excited and happy expressions as he continued to talk on the phone.


“I like Nell better.” Ryeowook mumbled as both Sungmin and Jongwoon looked at him.


“I agree Nell is a better band, though when it comes to popularity under those two bands labels Infinite has much more, giving them more chance to actually get out into the public.” Sungmin said as Jongwoon still looked at Ryeowook in surprise.


“You like Nell?” Jongwoon said in disbelief as both Sungmin and Ryeowook had turn to him.


“What? I can’t like a good band.” Ryeowook sneered at Jongwoon.


“You don’t look the type.” Jongwoon grimaced at Ryeowook, who just continued to sneer at him.


“Oh come on Hyukkie don’t be like that.” Donghae whined on the phone out loud, causing everyone to look at the pouting man.


“Whose Hyukkie?” Sungmin asked Jongwoon.


“Some jewel that I am not allowed to touch.” Jongwoon chuckled as he continued to watch Donghae whine around the shop.


“Sungmin, did you actually go to the hotel room you woke up in?” Ryeowook asked.


“Yeah, I went there but they said they don’t know him.” Sungmin sighed unhappily.


“Then when you opened your eyes that morning did you see anything in the room out of character?” Jongwoon asked as Sungmin’s face went into a puzzling look as he tried to recollect the room in his memory.

“Anything would do, a business card, some belongings.” Jongwoon continued as he side eyed Ryeowook who was making faces every time he spoke, like he was mimicking Jongwoon in an over exaggerated and rude way.

“You have a problem kid?” Jongwoon yelled at Ryeowook.


“You got a problem kid.” Ryeowook mimicked in a childlike manner. Sungmin was so deep in thought about the room he didn’t even noticed that the two had started a squabble in front of him.


“Do you wanna die, seriously?”Jongwoon said as he grabbed a hold of Ryeowook’s collar.


“Do you wanna die, seriously?” Ryeowook continued to mimic, finding it all very entertaining that he was getting under Jongwoon’s skin and that the man was biting back.


“Ah, he wrote a memo on the mirror.” Sungmin said as he recollected the mirror with the message written in lipstick.

“What are you guys doing?” Sungmin asked as he looked at Jongwoon gripping Ryeowook’s collar tightly with anger directed at the boy, and Ryeowook making overly dramatic faces in a mimicking way.


“Nothing.” Jongwoon said as he pushed Ryeowook away, letting go of his collar in the process.

“What did the message say?” Jongwoon asked as he looked at Sungmin who had a look of confusion on his face as he looked in between Jongwoon and Ryeowook.


“’Thanks for the night.’” Sungmin said as he continued to look oddly at the pair.

“It was written in red lipstick.” Sungmin said as he scratched the back of head awkwardly.


“Wait. Lipstick?” Jongwoon and Ryeowook asked in unison, only to look at each other for a brief moment and stick their tongues out at each other in a childish manner.


“Hyukkie I’ll come by soon okay, I promise, I do need your help for this and you were at the club all night.” Donghae whined on the phone.

“No Hyukkie, I’m not seeing you just because I need your help, I really do want to see, and you wouldn’t believe how crazily I do want to see you.”

“Wow, really? Well we will be over in a minute we have a development on this side and we are about to go check it out.” Donghae said as all of them heard a little chuckle on the other side of the phone.

“So what are you wearing.” Donghae asked in a sultry voice.


“Now is not the time to be asking that Hae!” The voice over the phone carried over so everyone could hear it.


“Okay, see you soon.”Donghae smiled as ended his call.


“About the lipstick...was it yours?” Jongwoon asked with a giggle.


“Since when do men wear red lipstick?” Sungmin asked as lights came popping in his mind.


“Well I only think goths would.” Ryeowook thought in contemplation.


“He is not goth Ryeowook, does he look goth too you?” Jongwoon yelled as Ryeowook began making faces again.


“Enough you two, it was hard to talk to Hyukkie while you guys were having such a childish fight.” Donghae shouted as Sungmin looked surprised at the whole ordeal. He had never seen both Jongwoon and Ryeowook act so rudely to anyone before.


“No the lipstick wasn’t mine.” Sungmin sighed as he started pinching the bridge of his nose in slight irritation. He just wanted the help, not a squabble.


“Then that means that the lipstick is someone else.” Ryeowook sighed.


“There are three people in this picture.” Shindong interrupted as he went out to see what all the hullaballo in his shop was about.


“Stop saying nonsense and go away.” Ryeowook said with irritation.


“Wait, it’s true.” Jongwoon said as he looked at the computer more closely.

“Look, at this angle, there’s no way he could have taken the picture. There was a third person in the room that took this picture.” Jongwoon continued as everyone around the computer moved in closer to the screen.


“Then that’s...the lipstick owner.”  Donghae interjected.


Shindong moved closer to the screen and his finger to try to remove what looked like a smudge on the computer. When the smudge wasn’t removing he tried harder to no success the smudge on it wouldn’t remove.


“What are you doing?” Jongwoon asked.


“It looks like a smudge but it’s not erasing from the screen.” Shindong said, as he looked closer at the smudge.


Jongwoon went to the mouse and enlarged th photo on a a picture program the computer had for when Sungmin took pictures of the customers on special days. Everyone inches themselves closer to the screen to investigate what the smudge was. Jongwoon’s eyes went alight when he figured out what was stuck on the mans arm.


“This! Is not a smudge” Donghae shouted happily as the picture revealed it to be a picture of a tattoo on the man’s arm. He knew the tattoo.


When Donghae was younger his father and his father had slowly become aware of the outside dangers of rival companies which also employed certain gangs and group affiliated with warring mafia gangs, his father had taught Donghae about the different symbols and tattoo that these people put on their bodies.

After what seemed like a gruelling process for Donghae’s father, since the young boy’s attention span was that of water through a sieve he finally succeeded in teaching Donghae the difference in the tattoo styles of gang members and some non gang members and which men to stay clear of, and which men were perfectly fine to go near.


“Let’s go.” Donghae said as Jongwoon straightened himself and was about to follow.


“Wait, what about us?” Sungmin and Ryeowook asked in unison, only to earn a smile from both men who were really confident in themselves.


“Just leave it to us Sungmin, we care a lot about you, and we don’t want to see you getting hurt because of something someone stupid had started.” Donghae smiled as he patted Sungmin’s head.


“Besides, you’re not our toy, you’re our friend. Despite what some people think.” Jongwoon smiled. Earning Ryeowook to blush and feel infuriated with himself.

“You should have waited and listened to the end of the conversation before storming out.” Jongwoon smirked at Ryeowook.


“Yeah, well, who would want to listen to you.” Ryeowook spoke out causing Jongwoon to become flustered with anger.


“What was that kid?”Jongwoon yelled as he moved closer to Ryeowook.


“Guys enough! Jongwoon we are moving on now, I want to see Hyukkie.” Donghae said as he grabbed hold of Jongwoon’s arm, causing Ryeowook to smirk at Jongwoon and wave a little, feeling as though he had just won a personal victory for himself, when Jongwoon was pulled out the door.


“Wookie what the hell was up with you?” Sungmin asked worriedly.


“I have never seen you act so rudely to someone before.” Shindong said as he pulled out his phone and started texting Nari.


“I really hate guys like him!” Ryeowook mumbled.


“And what kind of guy is he, you barely know him.” Sungmin said.


“His a playboy, who gets by everywhere with how he looks! And I really hate guys like him!” Ryeowook said affirmatively.




Donghae sped his way through to Gangnam and ran into the club where he was in last night with Jongwoon in tow behind him. Jongwoon looked around the club thinking that this was indeed the place and scene of where Sungmin had lost all wits. Donghae rounded a corner and came into view on the man he had been looking for.

The man was obviously very beautiful Jongwoon took in. He had short dark hair and a very sharp and defined jaw line, his eyes look very large under the eyeliner he was wearing. His arms were well toned with a healthy muscle tone, though the man’s thighs were very thick and muscular. Jongwoon took in from the man’s body that he was either a very good dancer, or he just hit the gym a lot. Though since he worked in a club, it could be that he was a dancer, and he knew Donghae had a massive thing for dancers.

When the man notice Donghae walking towards him, he smiled happily and waved excitedly to him, he had a very gummy smile that Jongwoon consider was another appeal for Donghae considering it wasn’t unattractive, but oddly adorable in a weird way on this man. Donghae quickly grabbed the man’s hand and smiled happily at him, while the man looked at Jongwoon in confusion.


“Hyukkie, this is my friend Jongwoon.” Donghae introduced as Jongwoon bowed to the politely.

“Jongwoon, this is Lee Hyukjae.” Donghae introduced as Hyukjae bowed politely to Jongwoon as well.


“Please to meet you.” Hyukjae said shyly, earning a pinch on his cheek from Donghae.


“I hear you can help us with our friend.” Jongwoon smiled as Hyukjae smiled nervously.


“I hope I can.” Hyukjae mumbled softly.


“First off, to make sure I need to know if you serve alcohol here without looking at identification.” Jongwoon asked as Hyukjae sat back down offering the other two seats in the process.


“Well, I know for sure that we don’t serve alcohol to anyone without looking at their identification, considering most of the people in hear are in high school or early undergraduates in university.” Hyukjae smiled.

“Though I’m not always at the bar, last night my group and I were on stage dancing. But I know that if any of our bartenders had done something like that, they would have been fired, we make sure they check by watching the security system.” Hyukjae said as he pointed to the various cameras around the bar and stage.


“What about dealers, do they come in here?” Jongwoon asked.


“Unfortunately we can’t stop dealers, though once we have their faces on the camera we never allow them back into our club after that, and we also do make a statement to the police about it. Considering most of the people here are children.” Hyukjae smiled happily.


“How old are you?” Jongwoon asked curiously.


“Oh, is that important.” Hyukjae asked as he looked over to Donghae who just shrugged his shoulders and smiled at his pretty catch.


“No, just curious you seem to be very young to work in a club, even if it for high school students and university students.” Jongwoon smiled.


“Oh, well I’m 21 if that helps.” Hyukjae smiled as Donghae started tickling Hyukjae’s arm softly.


“Okay, I’m going to show a picture of our friend and could you please tell us if you saw him last night.”


Jongwoon produced a picture of Sungmin from his phone and handed it to Hyukjae who looked at the picture quizzically. His eyebrows shot up when he realised he had indeed seen the boy last night. He gave Jongwoon the phone back and nodded his head, but had a grim look on his face which Donghae noticed as well.


“He was carried out last night, one of regulars found him on the balcony and said he would take him to a hotel room to rest. It had been very obvious that he had been drugged. His face was all scrunched up in pain and he groaning.” Hyukjae said softly.


“What happened after that?” Jongwoon asked.


“Well two girls followed them out, she was very cute too. One had straight brunette hair, big eyes pretty face, though she has been causing problems here lately. We don’t know her name, but she is very popular amongst the men. The other I had not seen much of, she was pretty too though, not as pretty as the first girl but still pretty none the less. She also had long hair though, she was hiding her eyes behind glasses and had a camera tied around her neck.” Hyukjae said in thought.

“We have them on camera if you’re interested.” Hyukjae said as Donghae and Jongwoon nodded enthusiastically


“The regular man works at a host club just a little down here, just selling himself a little so that the girls would go to the host club, we don’t mind having people promote in our club, considering it brings in more business for us as well. Most of the younger men from the host club come in here to the girls.” Hyukjae said as they stood up and walked to a small room located in the back of the club.


The small room had a variety of computer screens and television screens around it, all with individual camera angles pointed at various parts of the club. Hyukjae sat down in the chair and started typing in a few keys and clicking with the mouse for the screen to appear from last nights recordings.


“We record everything so we have something to show the police in anything bad happens here, considering our clientele are very young, we don’t want anything to happen to them.” Hyukjae said as they started from the beginning of the night.


“Look there you are Donghae.” Jongwoon said as he pointed to one of the screens .


“Yeah I pretty much just go sit down at that table and watch the performance while waiting for Sungmin.” Donghae said as they watched the Donghae on the television take a seat and start watching the performance with an amused smile on his face.


“Look there’s Sungmin and a girl.” Jongwoon yelled as he pointed to Sungmin who was standing in the middle of a dance floor with a look of awe on his face.


“That’s Taeyeon.” Donghae said as he remembered the name of the girl that Sungmin had said was coming with them that night.


“Taeyeon?” Jongwoon mumbled for a moment.

“Wasn’t she in Kyuhyun’s fan club before Sungmin’s?” Jongwoon asked looking at Donghae.


“Yeah according to Sungmin she like vice president of his fan club.” Donghae laughed.


“Sungmin actually talks to his fan girls?” Jongwoon asked impressed.


“Yeah, they’re nice girls.” Donghae smiled.


“Well this one’s not.” Hyukjae interjected as he pointed to another screen where they saw Taeyeon talking to a dealer and paying for something.


“What’s he selling her?” Jongwoon asked as he moved closer to the screen.


“Rohypnol, by the looks of it. We have seen a lot of different forms of drug in here, but usually anything in a pill form here is rohypnol.” Hyukjae sighed as he watched the girl swirl the drug into Sungmin’s fruity drink.


“She just handed him the drink.” Jongwoon seethed as they watched Taeyeon smile sweetly at Sungmin.


“And ...Of course, Sungmin trusting enough to drink something else that someone gave him, that idiot.” Donghae mumbled as he watched Taeyeon kiss his cheek and move away from him to dance with someone else.


“Well now he is doing nothing, Donghae what were you doing at this time, because I can’t see you.” Jongwoon asked scanning the computer screens for Donghae.


“Ahh, I was just talking to Hyukjae.” Donghae and Hyukjae both blushed.


“Yeah sure, everything when it comes to you ends up in talking.” Jongwoon said sarcastically as he finally caught sight of Donghae and Hyukjae on screen.

“There you are, and look at that Sungmin sees you.” Jongwoon said as he watched Sungmin get up from his seat and sit back down starting to look dizzy.


“What’s wrong with him?” Donghae asked as they watched Sungmin stumble back up from the chair clutching a bottle of water to his stomach and the dizziness in his eyes.


“Rohypnol is starting to kick into him.” Hyukjae said.


“What’s he looking at over his shoulder now?” Donghae asked gripping onto Hyukjae’s shoulders.


“The girl.” Hyukjae said as he zoomed in on Taeyeon bumping into another girl with glasses and a camera around her neck.

“That’s the other girl that left with them.” Hyukjae pointed out.


“Can you get sound on this thing?” Jongwoon asked as he watched the girls converse and start looking around the room, spotting someone they had been looking for.


“No we don’t get sound from the cameras unfortunately, unless it’s really loud, like someone screaming or yelling.” Hyukjae said as they continued to watch the girls.

“That’s him the guy who carried him out.”  Hyukjae said as he pointed to the man the girls were talking to.


“Can you zoom in on his arm, I want to see if there is a tattoo there.” Donghae smiled and Hyukjae zoomed in.


“That’s definitely him, his the guy in the photo with Sungmin.” Jongwoon smiled happily.


“Do you know his name Hyukkie?” Donghae asked.


“No, he may be a regular, but we don’t inquire our customers for there names unless they’re at the bar and we need identification.” Hyukjae said as he stopped the camera of both Sungmin and the man in the balcony.


“What’s happening to Sungmin?” Jongwoon asked as he looked closer at the man’s face, noticing he was severely uncomfortable with what he was about to do to him.


“His passed out.” Hyukjae said.

“I might be able to get some sound here since it’s quiet on the balcony.” Hyukjae said as he turned the volume on the computer as loud as he could.


They heard a very muffled groan when the man picked Sungmin up and draped him over his shoulders. The man looked at the boy’s face behind him and sighed heavily from what they could hear.


“Sorry kid, I really don’t want to do this, but unfortunately I need the money for someone very important to me, and I bet your a sweet kid too.” The man sighed as he carried Sungmin out on his shoulder off the balcony.


“He needs money, so they’re paying him to do this.” Jongwoon sighed as he turned to the other screen where both Taeyeon and the other girl were waiting for them.


“That looks like Kwon Yuri.” Donghae said as he moved closer to the picture.

“Why would she help through this?” Donghae asked as he looked at Jongwoon with confusion.


“I don’t know, why would Sungmin’s friend betray him like this.” Jongwoon asked with the same confusion.


“Unrequited love.” Hyukjae interjected as he paused the image of both girls and Sungmin and the host carrying him.


“What?” They both asked in unison.


“This girl is obviously suffering through some sort of unrequited love. Whether it be from Sungmin himself, or someone that Sungmin is involved with it is obvious to see this girl is suffering through unrequited love.” Hyukjae explain as the boys eyes widened.

“These photos you received, where they only intended to be sent to you, Sungmin and his love interest?” Hyukjae asked.


“Yeah no one else in the school got them.” Jongwoon said.


“Then it’s obvious that this girl doesn’t want to hurt Sungmin, just scare him away from his love interest and vice versa. All you have to do now is find the guy and question him about the nature of how the girls asked him to do this?” Hyukjae said as he looked away from the screen to Jongwoon as he grabbed Donghae’s hand on his shoulder.


“Where would we start? There heaps of host clubs here.” Jongwoon asked.


“Fortunately I know the parlour where he got the tattoo done, and it looks recent to since it’s a little red around the sides. His also part of a small gang trying to come up through the seams by the looks of the tattoo, its a fairly new group as well.” Donghae said.


“Something Dad taught you?” Jongwoon laughed.


“Yep, good thing i started paying attention when it was important and keep track of the rising powers around Korea when it comes to crime.” Donghae smirked.

“We have to go Hyukkie I’ll call you tonight.” Donghae said as he turned Hyukjae in his seat and kissed his lips softly.


“Fine with me, tell me how this all ends up please.” Hyukjae smiled as Donghae nodded his head.


Both Jongwoon and Donghae walked out of the club, just as it was about to start bringing in business. Jongwoon smiled as Hyukkie entered the car with alittle pout on his face. Donghae looked at the club entryway and saw Hyukjae waving from the entryway.


“You really like this one.” Jongwoon said with a little smile.


“I do, I have only known him for day and we both feel this weird attraction to each other.” Donghae giggled as he started the car.


“A bit fast isn’t it?” Jongwoon asked with his eyebrow cocked.


“I could say that about you and Ryeowook.” Donghae laughed.


“What are you talking about?” Jongwoon huffed.


“Nothing just wanted to tease.” Donghae smirked as he headed off to the tattoo parlour to enquire about the tattoo.




It took both boys about an hour to pry anything from the tattooist; he was actually in fear of telling them the guys name. Though he said the guy was reasonable nice, it just that the people who were forcing him into the seat were a little scary. Donghae sighed a little hearing the new that the man was forced into the chair, and by the way that it sounded he didn’t even want to be working with the group that had pushed him the seat. Which, was a rather worrisome thing.

When they finally pulled some information out of the tattooist on who the guy and the whereabouts on with club he worked at they quickly entered the car and drove as fast as they could to the club and walked up straight into the manager’s office.

The manager realising who both of them were, asked both of them to wait down stairs in one the large rooms, and wait for him there as he finished some work. He explained to the employees to give anything the men wanted as fast as they could with speedy service and not to say no to anything. Ten minuted later the manager sat down in the seat opposite of Donghae and smiled politely at him.

He was an elder gentleman of about fifty years of age, he looked knowledgeable in business, though there did seem to be some various flaws in his dealing when it came to his employees. The men were handsome in there own way, but a lot of them seemed to have no idea on how to deal with the women properly.

Jongwoon pushed a photo of the host he was enquiring about and asked for his whereabouts and if he was working tonight or not. Sensing something bad was happening, or that he could potentially lose his top selling employee. He chose to remain silent about the employee.


“I heard that he is the number one employee here.” Jongwoon said, only assuming as the man’s mouth remained closed when this host came into question.


“If we take your Number One, I guess it would hurt you a bit.” Donghae sighed as he nodded in thought.


“Thank you for understanding.” The man smiled softly.


“But...if you don’t hand him over to us, you won’t just be getting hurt, you’ll mostly likely be closed. Permanently.” Jongwoon said as he leaned in forward closer to the man.


“Will that be okay with you?” Donghae asked as the man in front of him remained quiet and stoic.


“It’ll take about two week’s right?” Jongwoon sighed as he scratched the back of head.


“And we also have a reputation. We are children of major corporations that help run this place; we also have a reputation as the F4 as well. Women will generally flock to us as well. “Donghae smiled sweetly.

“We could actually finish this place of in a week.” Donghae laughed a little.


“The building next to here, it’s yours right?” Jongwoon asked now smirking at the man.


“I can probably start tomorrow.” Donghae smiled.


“I should loosen up and get some practice in.” Jongwoon smiled brighter now, as the man in front of them looked completely confused.


“What are you saying?” The man asked.


“To repay you with the customers you might lose if you gave us the information we need, we will work for you for a week, you’ll earn all the money you need while he is off.” Jongwoon explain while Donghae smiled happily to the man in front of him.


“Are you going to sing Jongwoon?” Donghae asked with amusement.


“That’s why the practice.” Jongwoon sighed.


“His name is Ahn Chil Hyun, we call him Kangta. Please don’t hurt him, he is having some problems at the moment, that’s probably why he did the things he did.” The man explained.


“We know why he did it, but what are the complications he is having. Also is he seriously named after the band guy from H.O.T?” Donghae asked.


“No, they just have the same name; we just call him Kangta for the fun of it, considering how much they look alike as well.”  The business man laughed.


“Oh, I didn’t even notice it before, but he does.” Jongwoon said as he looked down at the photo.


“He kind of looks, like Henry’s friend, the one that lives in China, Zhou Mi.” Donghae laughed as Jongwoon agreed.


“He does too; hey he also looks a little like Kyuhyun’s butler Siwon.” This is very amusing Jongwoon laughed as Donghae nods his head enthusiastically while the man whose sitting in front of them watched the two in confusion.




I took minimal time to actually find Ahn Chil Hyun; he was sitting in one of the booths of the club talking to a woman very sweetly. When Jongwoon and Donghae knocked on the door softly, interrupting the two, they asked the woman to leave for a moment and that they would reimburse the money she had payed. The woman made no fuss and smiled politely to both of them as both Jongwoon and Donghae sat down next to Chil Hyun and smiled at him.

Chil Hyun stared at the men in confusion as he started rubbing his arm where the tattoo was starting to itch again. Donghae poured a glass of water for all three of them and took a small sip before looking at Chil Hyun and smiling while Jongwoon pulled out the photo to make sure it was the man they were looking for.


“So, we have questions about last night.” Donghae said as Chil Hyun’s eyebrows rose into his hair.


“We know you needed the money, but this was our friend you framed and we need to know who made you do it and why.” Jongwoon said as he took a swig from his glass and Chil Hyun sighed.


“I knew this was going to happen, I was expecting it a lot later though.” Chil Hyun sighed.


“We also are aware that you have know been forced to join a gang as well because of your monetary problems as well.” Donghae said as he looked at Chil Hyun who head was buried in his hands.


“My mother is sick, I need the money to help, and I can’t help her any other way! I didn’t want to hurt the kid, I didn’t want any part of it honestly, but I need the money!” Chil Hyun yelled into his hands.


“So who asked you to do it?” Jongwoon asked, wanting to know once and for all if it was indeed Kim Taeyeon and Kwon Yuri behind this.


“Her name is Kim Taeyeon, she has been one of my customers for awhile and when she asked me to do this she said she would give me the money to help my mother. The other girl is Kwon Yuri; she didn’t even seem to want to go with the plan until Taeyeon pushed her into it. They’re not bad girls I know that, they just feel heartbroken.” Chil Hyun said as he looked at both men.


“So it is unrequited love that fuelled this.” Jongwoon mumbled.


“She’s in love with this Lee Sungmin, and she was devastated that he was with some guy.”  Chil Hyun explained.


“Well Sungmin is becoming quite the catch these days.” Donghae laughed.


“I can understand why, he is very pretty, and according to Yuri very sweet.” Chil Hyun smiled.


“Well we’re going to have to punish them either way.” Jongwoon sighed.


“Go easy please, they really are nice girls, even if they did something as lousy as this.” Chil Hyun smiled.


“Kangta huh?” Donghae laughed.


“Don’t even with that, I don’t even understand why Kangta allowed himself to be called that.” Chil Hyun laughed.


“Well to repay you for coming clean, we will give you the money to help you and you’re mother, also take over your shifts for a week.” Jongwoon smiled.


“Also I can help you break out of this tie you have with this gang.” Donghae said as he pointed to the arm that he knew very well had a tattoo on it.




Kyuhyun sighed as he watched Sungmin smile happily at customers from afar, he was just so happy to see the boy smile a little, even if it was at customers. Yesterday Sungmin had said to him he will prove that he was not even aware of what had happened to him yesterday, and that he just wanted to be Kyuhyun’s and no else’s.

But Kyuhyun was still having a lot of trouble on dealing with everything, he really did want to go in there and hold Sungmin and never let go of him, but another part of him felt betrayed and confused about the pictures. He just couldn’t stand the idea of someone else actually touching Sungmin.


“Don’t be so distressed Sunbae.” A voice said from behind Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun turned around and came face to face with Kim Taeyeon and Kwon Yuri. The girl hiding her eyes behind thin wire framed glasses and a camera hanging around her neck looked incredibly uncomfortable to be standing in front Kyuhyun like this. Her eyes were casted down and looked a little bleary.


“For the Cho Kyuhyun to act like this is something really incredible.” Taeyeon smiled as she looked at the boy’s troubled face.

“Actually it’s pretty unbelievable.” Taeyeon laughed.


“What’s so unbelievable about it?” Kyuhyun hissed, feeling his anger arch up every time Taeyeon spoke.


“Snap out of it! You don’t really love Lee Sungmin!” Taeyeon yelled.

“How could someone like you love him, and he love you! It’s so unfair!” Taeyeon continued as Kyuhyun stood there in confusion.


“Why do you care, your just his friend!” Kyuhyun yelled, causing Yuri to jump and run away into the restaurant that Sungmin was working in and sat down in one the chairs and hoped that the yelling would stop.


“Because you stole him away from me! Taeyeon shouted as she stormed away from Kyuhyun in the opposite direction of the restaurant, not wanting Sungmin to see her like this.


Yuri watched from the window as Taeyeon stormed away and Kyuhyun just stood there fuming. Yuri really had enough of all of this, it was getting to be exhausting, she liked watching Sungmin from a distance better. There was less work and she always got great photos of him. He was so pretty just to look at.


“Can I help you?” A voice asked next to her.


Yuri looked up and saw Sungmin standing right in front of her, she could feel herself starting to hyperventilate at his sweet little smile on his face. Yuri nodded shyly earning a small chuckle to emit from Sungmin as she pointed to a bowl ramen that was on the menu in front of her.


“You’re Kwon Yuri right?” Sungmin asked, as the girl nodded shyly.

“You know instead of following me around, you can say hello, I won’t bite. The only person I snap at is Kyuhyun, and that’s only because he deserves it.” Sungmin laughed.


“He’s just outside Sungmin oppa.” Yuri said in a hush voice.


“I know, and I can see him storming in frustration right now since I’m talking to you. It’s actually a little entertaining.” Sungmin laughed again as he took Yuri’s order and handed it back to Shindong.


Kyuhyun’s and Sungmin’s phones vibrated at the same time. Kyuhyun quickly took his phone out and read the message that Jongwoon and Donghae had sent him. Kyuhyun’s face went into a relived smile and he looked back into the shop and watched as Sungmin began jumping up and down in the shop with his friend right behind him. Ryeowook and Sungmin grabbed a hold of each other and started laughing uncontrollably.

Yuri stood up from the table feeling all the pressure of what she done to Sungmin weighing on her, she walked to Sungmin and tapped his shoulder. Sungmin looked at Yuri and smiled slightly, Yuri had her eyes down casted and bent down in front of Sungmin and started crying.


“I’m sorry Sungmin oppa. I was one of the people who framed you, and I can’t start feeling good about anything anymore until I tell you. I’m actually really fond of the idea of you and Kyuhyun sunbae. It makes me really happy to see you happy, but she wanted help, and she was really angry and I couldn’t say no for some reason. I’m so sorry Sungmin oppa, please forgive me. Please.” Yuri cried on the ground.


“Kwon Yuri, it’s okay. I understand. Taeyeon is very upset I can understand. Well not really, actually I don’t get any of this really. But I know that you do feel bad and I was just told that you weren’t really putting much into it all. A man named Chil Hyun said you were not very eager for the plan.” Sungmin said as he picked Yuri off the floor.

“As for Kyuhyun, you might want to hide for awhile, he is going to be very angry and you know it. So just stay here, and I’ll clear your name with him. With Taeyeon its going to be harder.” Sungmin said as he patted her head softly.


“Sungmin you’re to forgiving.” Ryeowook mumbled.


The door of the restaurant opened and Kyuhyun came rushing in. He looked at Sungmin with a little smile and ran towards him. He took in the big brown eyes that were gleaming with happiness. The blonde hair, glowing like a halo under the light of the shop, and the small pink apron that was wrapped around Sungmin, hugging his body.


“Shut up. I don’t care, well I do a little.” Kyuhyun said looking down at Yuri angrily.

“But there’s something I have to do right now.” Kyuhyun said as he grabbed Sungmin pulling him against him.


Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin’s face by both hands and pulled the boy to meet his lips with his. Sungmin gasped surprisingly as Kyuhyun smirked and laughed at the boy’s soft kiss. Kyuhyun moved his lips along Sungmin’s in a slow passionate movement. Sungmin could contain the little giggle emitting from him when Kyuhyun’s fingers gently brushed  against Sungmin’s face.

 The both of them were completely lost in each other and the happy and passionate moment they were feeling. They heard Yuri giggling slightly, Shindong and Ryeowook cheering them and the door bell ringing to let them know that people were coming in.


“It’s nice to see it, but I hope they don’t get stuck like that.” Jongwoon laughed as Kyuhyun pulled away and softly pecked Sungmin’s lips again.


“You know this means your mine now right?” Kyuhyun smiled as Sungmin become bright red.


“That was in the heat of the moment Kyuhyun! You can’t make me keep that.” Sungmin said as he playfully hit Kyuhyun’s arm.


“Nope your mine! All mine!” Kyuhyun shouted as he kept Sungmin in his hold as they heard the bell ring again.


“Oh his yours ? Really, well not if i have something to day with it. So I object.” A voice said from the doorway.


Henry was standing in the door way smile radiating from him as soon as he caught sight of Sungmin. His hair was still the same shade of autumn brown accept it had been slightly cut into a rather shorter style. His eyes were still twinkling in the same impressive brown that Sungmin could get lost in, though when he looked at Henry he felt nervous and excited at the same time.

But he didn’t feel like he used too, there was still something there but everything was different in the way they could feel it.  Henry couldn’t be happier to see Sungmin, he had been waiting for a long time to see that face again, and now he wanted it all to himself and he was going to do anything to achieve his goal. Lee Sungmin.


“Hey. I’m back.” Henry smiled as he walked over to Sungmin and kissed his cheek softly and hugged Jongwoon and Donghae.


A/N: Hope you guys all enjoyed the return of Henry!!! Anyway please leave comments and tell me what you think. Love you guys!! NOW FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT MACROS MADNESS























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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-