Electricity with an umbrella on the side

Boys over Flowers



Sungmin had decided to spend his entire morning hiding out at the dojo and as well as to get a good work out for the day, he had been to lazy on his 1 month holiday with Ryeowook. Sungmin walked into the changing room feeling happy that he wasn't going to be faced by anyone s soon, ecspecially after his ordeal with Kyuhyun during the holidays, Sungmin wasn't really in the mood to see him. He still hadn't gotten control of his emotions about it. He wasn't even in a good enough spirit to see Jongwoon or Donghae either, knowing to well that Jongwoon would still be in the midst of a laughing fit, as well as Donghae, only on a more child like extreme.

As Sungmin looked around the changing room to make sure no one was in it,and throughly too ever since that attck from the other boys. He noticed a small gym bag in the corner of one of the changing benches. Sungmin shrugged his shoulders and looked down at his bag again to get changed. Sungmn stopped in the middle and thought about who the bag belonged too. He really hoped it didn't belong to some crazed person, after that party for Amber he unexpectedly found himself having his own groupies following him.

These groupies usually contained some really pretty girls, from what he gathered. Though ever since he gotten home, he had started being stalked by one girl in particular, and it was really freaking him out to the point of him wanting to confront the girl and say something to her. But Sungmin couldn't chance being rude to a girl, no matter how scary she was. Everytime he walked into the dry cleaning shop his parents owned, he could see her rather petite figure hiding behind the brick wall. As it was this morining he had to take a different route to the dojo. He knew she would be waiting around the main entrance of the school in hopes of finding him. Though he was happy that his certain fan club was being controlled by Sunny and Taeyeon, otherwise who knew who could have been in charge of it. He certainly didn't want another Jessica and Sooyoung situation.

Sungmin started changing again, removing the thoughts of crazed girls from his mind as he was pleased to find that the gym bag belinged to a man on closer inspection. He really hoped it was one of the less threatening guys in his martial arts club. Even though he can take down all the guys there, he really didn't want to go home to his mother and have to explain to them where he got his bruises from.

As Sungmin walked out of the changing room and opened the door, he stopped in his tracks as he saw Kyuhyun sitting in the middle of the dojo, smirking in that ridiculous way that just begged Sungmin to slap it off, or something else much more pleasing Sungmin suddenly thought as he closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. Sungmin opened his eyes again and started scowling.


"What are you doing here?!" Sungmin yelled as he pointed towards Kyuhyun.


"Thought you could use a sparring partner." Kyuhyun said as he removed himself off the floor and walked over to Sungmin.


"Do you even know what you are getting yourself into." Sungmin sighed as he walked into the dojo, slamming the sliding door behind him. Sungmin spun around and looked at Kyuhyun with slight irration as he placed his hands on his hips.


"You can't be that hard to beat. I mean if you could do the sport how hard could it be, I'm sure I can most definetly do this." Kyuhyun smirked as he again made his way towards Sungmin, feeling mightly confident in himself.


Sungmin looked up at Kyuhyun's cocky smile. He suddenly felt like laughing as something popped in his head. If Kyuhyun wanted to be his sparring partner for the morning, he was definetly going to pay. For eveything, that he had ever did to him. Sungmin laughed out loud andquickly grabbed one of Kyuhyun's arms and twisted it slightly, and rolled Kyuhyun over his back. As Kyuhyun's back made contact with the hard padded floor, he groaned in pain. He opened his eyes to see Sungmin standing over his head smirking down at him.


"Oh, you Think so." Sungmin chuckled, finding the sight of Kyuhyun below him in pain slightly amusing. Kyuhyun just looked up at sungmin with a suprised look on his face.


"Yah! I wasn't ready!" Kyuhyun shouted as he pushed himself off the floor to face Sungmin again.


Sungmin quickly side stepped around Kyuhyun and grabbed both of his arms and pulled them behind his back. Sungmin softly nudge the back of Kyuhyun's knees, causing Kyuhyun to fall down onto them. The pain to vibrate through his upper thighs as his knees made contact with the hard floor. Sungmin applied some pressure to Kyuhyun's back causing him to bend forward underneath Sungmin's control. The added pressure to his back cause Kyuhyun to groan in pain again as he started feeling an uncomfortable muscle strain begin. He could feel Sungmin move closer to his ear,. His breath making contact with the back of Kyuhyun's ear.


"Were you ready yet?" Sungmin smirked as he whispered into Kyuhyun's ear softly, feeling the boy underneath him shudder involuntairly at the feeling of Sungmin's breath against his ear.

Sungmin began to feel a little more adventrous with his new power of affect he had over Kyuhyun. He applied more pressure to Kyuhyun's back causing the boy underneath him to groan again as his face came closer to the floor below him. All of a sudden Kyuhyun's could feel the grasp Sungmin had on his arms loosen slightly. It seemed Sungmin could only concentrate on so many things at a time, and pushing Kyuhyun closer to the ground seem to be the only thing on Sungmin's mind.


"Yah! Lee Sungmin! I wouldn't get to cocky just yet." Kyuhyun laughed, as he used all his strength his legs to push himself off the ground, suprising Sungmin.


Kyuhyun broke Sungmin's grasp on his arms and turned around to face the smaller boy. He grabbed the material of Sungmin's training clothes and pushed him harshely against the closet wall to them. he removed his hold on Sungmin's shirt and grabbed both of Sungmin's hands and pinned them to his side with a crushing vice like grip. Sungmin looked up at Kyuhyun with suprise, to see Kyuhyun smirking above him in triumph. Sungmin could feel the heat rising his face as he gazed into Kyuhyun's onyx eyes with confusion and uncertainty.

Kyuhyun stared at Sungmin's pink face, feelingb his heart racing at an unbelieveable pace. He locked his eyes on Sungmin's pink M shaped lips. He closed in closer to Sungmin's face, feeling the heat emananting from Sungmin's face. Sungmin was breathing heavily as he felt Kyuhyun's breath on his face, it smelled like spearmint toothpaste. Kyuhyun felt every second pass as he kept a hold of Sungmin staing at his lips, he could feel their breath mingling together in anticipation as the other pondered what the other would do.

Sungmin swallowed an imaginary lump that got caught in his throat. Kyuhyun experimentally grazed Sungmin's bottom lip with his with great ease. Sungmin feeling the contact, snapped his eyes open in suprise and used his feet to kick Kyuhyun's feet underneath him. Kyuhyun feel to the ground dragging Sungmin with him as he still had a grasp of his hands. Kyuhyun groaned in pain when his forehead collided with Sungmin's. Sungmin sat up sitting on Kyuhyun's waist. Rubbing the spot on his forehead Kyuhyun had collided with.

Kyuhyun looked up at Sungmin, who was sitting on his hips, his legs either side of him. He watched as Sungmin rubbed his forehead, pouting his lips slightly at the pain. Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin by his waist and flipped their positions, so that he was ontop Sungmin, whose eyes had popped wise open as Kyuhyun pinned both of Sungmin's arms above his head with one hand, as the other hand was on his face keeping Sungmin facing him.

Kyuhyun's eyes stared intently on Sungmin's pink face once again. He could fel Sungmin's breathing quicken underneath him. Kyuhyun his lips slightly and bit his bottom lip in contimplation at what he was going to do with the boy underneath him. Kyuhyun lowered his face closer to Sungmin's and sofly grazed his lips over Sungmin's. He felt Sungmin's whole body jump slightly in suprise, and then quickly relax underneath him. Kyuhyun applied more pressure to Sungmin's ips, even feeling adventurous enough to nibble lightly on Sungmin's bottom lip.

Kyuhyun got a little shock as he heard a moan escpae Sungmin. Kyuhyun smirked a little into the kiss and swept his tounge across Sungmin's bottom lip, asking for permission to be let in. Sungmin gasped in suprise and jumped a little at the unexpected eletic senstaion that swept across his bottom lip. Kyuhyun took the opportunity to graze his tounge delicately across Sungmin's. Kyuhyun felt a jolt of electrictity jump thorugh him as he felt Sungmin respond to him. Sungmin grazed his tounge against Kyuhyun's, earning an animalistic groan to come from Kyuhyun, as his hand left Sungmin's face to grip his hip and bring Sungmin's leg around his Kyuhyun's waist.

Sungmin moaned at the feeling of Kyuhyun's grip on his upper thigh. Sungmin could feel all of Kyuhyun's emotions run through the kiss, all the confusion, all the sweetness, al the passion that Kyuhyun could store up. Kyuhyun oculd not get over the taste of Sungmin, he was sweet and addictive sugar, making Kyuhyun sweep over Sungmin's mouth leaving no trace left un touched or unexplored. Sungmin couldn't describe the taste of Kyuhyun. he was sweet like spearmint toothpaste, but also bitter like black coffee, which Sungmin thought suited Kyuhyun's personality.

Kyuhyun nibbled Sungmin's bottom lip before pulling away regretfully to breath. Sungmin opened his eyes to stare into Kyuhyun's onyx eyes, Kyuhyun's face was coated with a pink blush, as he was breathing heavily in embarrassment. Kyuhyun stared down at Sungmin who was also pink and breathing heavily. Sungmin began to struggle in Kyuhyun's grasp. Kuhyun let go of Sungmin's hand and hip only to feel a sharp stinging impact hit his face.


"What was that for?!" Kyuhyun shouted as he clutched his cheek, as sungmin removed himself from underneath Kyuhyun.


"You know what that was for!" Sungmin yelled trying to fan his pink face.


"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it!" Kyuhyun yelled as he got up and grabbed Sungmin by the shoulders.


"Why did you do it?!" Sungmin shouted looking up into Kyuhyun's eyes fiercely.


"Ahh how am I suppose to know?!" Kyuhyun responded letting go of Sungmin to run his hands through his hair.


"Cause you did it!" Sungmin yelled, feeling his face get hot with a flush again.


"Well you responded!" Kyuhyun shouted as he grabbed Sungmin by the face and crashed his lips against his own again, causing the blonde boy under her to moan into the kiss again, and to run his rams around Kyuhyun's neck and through his brown locks.. Sungmin realising what he was doing, pushed Kyuhyun off him.


"Stop doing that!" Sungmin yelled as he ran out of the dojo into the changing room.


"I can't help it!" Kyuhyun shouted chasing after him.


"Just leave me alone Kyuhyun." Sungmin pleaded as he turned t look into Kyuhyun's goregous eyes again.


"I can't there's something about you." Kyuhyun spoke softly as he looked down at sungmin sadly.


"But we don't like each other, we're suppose to not like each other, aren't we?" Sungmin looked confused at Kyuhyun.


"Well you said you didn't hate me! You said I wasn't that despicable, rememeber?" Kyuhyun shouted throwing hand gestures at Sungmin


"That wasn't an invitation for you to kiss me Kyuhyun! And that was over a month ago as well!" Sungmin shouted.


"Well what about at the party? If that's not an invitation I don't know what is!" Kyuhyun's voice rose.


"I thought you were unconcious! I was performing CPR!!" Sungmin shouted in frustration.


"Well why did you respond to my kiss, and might i add you were ." Kyuhyun quitened down.


"Oh I don't know!" Sungmin said as he removed his training shirt and chucked it into his bag., and grabbing his school shirt, slipping it on forgetting to do up the buttons as he chucked his school jacket on and looped the tie around his neck.

"Kyuhyun can you turn around please." Sungmin asked Kyuhyun as he turned around blushing profusely.Sungmin quickly changed his pants and chucked his training ones into his bag.


"Sungmin, I'm going to go, obviously we both need to think things through." Kyuhyun said ashe stormed off grabbing his bag off the opposite changing bench.


Sungmin sat down  on the bench and buried his head in hands, beofre racking them through his blonde hair in frustartion. He looked over at the changing bench which Kyuhyun's bag had been, he smilied to himself slightly and sighed out as he hit his head slightly. He really needed to think about what had just happened between himself and Kyuhyun as well as those confusing emotions he had about Henry as well.



"He asked us to come to lunch early and he's been like this ever since we got here." Jongwoon said looking concrnly over at Kyuhyun's confused expression.


"This is the first time I have seen him work on something so hard before." Donghae said as he looked over at his strangely quiet friend.


"But the question is, why is he like this?" Jongwoon said as he picked up his coffe cup and took a sip, relishing in the taste silently.


"Maybe it's about Sungmin." Donghae said as his eyes lit up.


"What are you sayin?" Kyuhyun interjected as he looked over at Jongwoon and Donghae.

"I'm not thinking about Sungmin." Kyuhyun blushed hard and looked away.


"Normal people would think you are." Jongwoon smiled, obviously seeing through the lie Kyuhyun tried place.


"Shut up!" Kyuhyun groaned in frustraion.


"Where's Henry?" Donghae asked trying to change the subject.


"Ever since we came back from our trip. I don't know what happened. He's completely slipped into his depression." Jongwoon said.


"It must be a lover's quarrel. What else could it be?" Donghae shrugged his shoulders.

"Amber is hard to please." Donghae sighed as he looked down at the coffee cup in his hand.


"He's beating around the bush. If you like someone, you should just grab them and kiss them." Kyuhyun said, as light bulbs went blinking in his head.

"Thats' it! Now I know why it happened!" Kyuhyun shouted as Jongwoon and Donghae just laughed at Kyuhyun's expression.




Henry was outside, playing his violin lost in his own world and thoughts. He was playing the same sweet sad melody that he played that Sungmin first heard. Henry was so involved in his own little world he was unaware at the fact that it had started snowing softly around him. The snowflaked fell delicately into his hair, creating him too look as though he was a beautiful creature from another world. As Henry closed in on a sadder note of the song he felt the string snap underneath his finger, slicing into it just enough to cause it to bleed.. Henry looked in suprise at the snapped string and huffed in anger. He carefully placed the violin on the bench behind him, then chucking the bow ontop of the violin.

Henry sat down on the bench next to his instrument and groaned in frustration, as he bent over and stared at the ground. Henry could hear footsteps walking their way closer to him on the path, but decided to ignore it. he closed his eys and  sighed. Sungmin walked down the path seeing Henry bent over with an annoyed and frustrated expression on his face. Sungmin walked over to Henry and looked down at him with a concerned face, causing Henry to look yup to see who was staring at him.

Henry looked at Sungmin's concerned face and sighed, and turned his head to look away from him. Sungmin looked down at Henry, he could see that Henry's finger was bleeding and staining his white uniform. Sungmin bent down infront of Henry and pulled out a piece of fabric from his pocket. Sungmin grabbed Henry's hand that had the bleeding finger. Henry pulled it out of Sungmin's grasp and sighed, only to have Sungmin grab his hand again. Henry looked down at Sungmin in suprise.


"I'll leave after I do this." Sungmin looked up at Henry's face and smilied.


Sungmin carefully wrapped the cloth around Henry's finger tightly, as Henry looked away, trying his best to look uncaringly at the blonde boy bent down in front of him wrapping his finger. Sungmin and Henry were both wrapped up in their own world that they didn't even hear Jessica and Sooyoung hiding behind the bushes, recording everything that was happening.


"Kyuhyun Sunbae isn't enough for him, now he wants Henry Sunbae as well!" Jessica muttered.


"He's really digging his own grave." Sooyoung scoffed.


As Sungmin finsihed tieing up the cloth around Henry's finger. He looked up at him and pushed himself off the ground. Sungmin stopped in front of the vilin and pulled his bag around him and ped it. Sungmin began digging around his bag, pulling out an umbrella. He popped open the umbrella and placed it over the violin and began to walk away. Henry looked down at his hand and sighed, he moved in his chair to face his violin, to be suprised by the umbrella that was open, protecting the musical instrument from the falling snowflakes. He looked up over to Sungmin, feeling his heart beating erractically in his chest adn a warm tingly sensation creep over his body as he stared at Sungmin's retreating figure, thorugh the snow.



No i refuse to study i like writing this more Kyu...Don't make me go back!!


Aww Minnie and Kyu are so cute!!!




Don't be so shocked we all knew it was bound to happen Minnie, you don't think I would have held out on a kiss scene!!



Lol Yesung...it looks like his fanboying over Kyumin



Agree Massive LOL!!!




Henry why are you so sad???




Sungmin's fan club presidents LOL >.<


Does anyone want to take a guess at whose Sungmin's stalker is lol

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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-