Parties that result in confessions

Boys over Flowers

Sorry about the wait guys it took me longer to get some time to actually update...I hope you don't hate me for it TT_TT anyway here it is...The long awaited Chapter 13


Sungmin walked  into the main foyer of the party. His breath was drawn a gasp when he looked at the exquisite attention to detail. The tables were all covered in a delicate white table cloth, with a course of different entrees, wines and fake champagne. The ceiling was decorated with hanging lanterns, and draping lights that flashed harmoniously with each other. In corner of the room was a string quartet, keeping the dancers entertained and giving the room a much more softer noise to it rather than all the people talking loudly with each other.

Sungmin could feel his heart palpatating harshly against his chest in anxiousness as he looked around the room for either Henry or Kyuhyun, hoping to keep out of both their ways tonight, considering he was feeling extremely odd about both of them. Sungmin walked around the room watching the dancing couples float around the dance floor. The woman's dress hems twirling around them causing a an affect that looked like petals on a flower dancing in the wind, creating an alluring affect in Sungmin's eyes. Sungmin noted at how all the students that he knew were huddled together talking to one another, smiles on their faces. Sungmin felt happy that he wasn't the object of people's gaze for the night, it made him feel a little more relaxed, though he was still a little on edge considering he didn't want to be here, feeling awkward, though Amber did invite him and it was the best he could do for to show up.

Sungmin's eyes stopped wandering around the room when they landed on Jongwoon, who standing in the corner, being huddled around by beautiful and also very unappealing women. On Jongwoon's face was a very forced uncomfortable smile. Sungmin knew that smile anywhere, it was the smile that meant Jongwoon was extremely uncomfortable with situation. It was the same smile he had on his face when Sungmin first saw him. The fake polite one that meant that Jongwoon was only smiling to be nice, but he was in truth very awkward in the situation he was being placed in. Sungmin watched as all the women around Jongwoon begged for his undivided attention for the night. Sungmin edged slightly closer to the huddled group feeling his lips stretch out ion a smirk. Sungmin snickered to himself as he observed Jongwoon's dealing with the group of women rather inaffectingly. Sungmin was glad for once that Jongwoon was feeling uncomfortable and that it was entertaining him for once.

Sungmin moved dangerously closer to the crowd, hiding in a corner. Sungmin continued to smirk as he listened into the conversation that the women were trying to strike up with Jongwoon. Sungmin continued to laugh, feeling so happy that Jongwoon was the source of entertainment for the night.


"Why didn't you call me for your last exhibition?" One of the women asked Jongwoon, with a small pout placed upon her lips. Jongwoon just laughed uncomfortably, trying to think of anything to answer the women. When he couldn't think of anything he ran his fingers through his dark hair and looked around the room trying to look for anyone.


"You said you would contact us, but you never did." A woman with long dark hair whined, as Jongwoon continued to look around the room, now looking for an escape route.


"It's the same with me." Another woman spoke up and crossed her arms across her chest, exuding anger and annoyance at  Jongwoon.


"Who did you come with today?" A woman yelled almost in tears.


"It seems like you don't have a partner. Why don't I be yours?" The woman with the long dark hair asked eagerly. Jongwoon sighed and continued running his fingers through his hair at a loss on what to do.


"Why are you like that? I already set my sights on him." A very large women shouted to the dark haired lady, pushing her out of Jongwoon's face.


"Don't touch him!" Another woman screamed as she pushed the two fighting women away from Jongwoon. Who was right at this moment starting to get very scared on what was going on in front of him. Jongwoon looked up and scanned all the corners of the rooms hoping to find anyone or anything that could get him out the trouble he was in. Jongwoon found Sungmin in the corner close to him, snickering into his hand, while the other one was pointing at Jongwoon's obvious discomfort. Jongwoon smirked, finding his tool and means of escape.


"Excuse me for awhile. Sorry." Jongwoon said politely as he bolted over to the laughing blonde boy. Jongwoon grabbed Sungmin by the forearm and led him out of the corner, causing a surprised squeak to come out of Sungmin's mouth.


"Honey! Why are you so late?" Jongwoon spoke loudly for the group of women behind him to hear. Sungmin looked up at Jongwoon who smirking playfully down at him.


"What?" Sungmin asked as he looked at Jongwoon with confusion, causing Jongwoon's smirk to turn into a laughing smile.


"Why did you get here so late?" Jongwoon asked again, trying to let Sungmin understand the situation he was putting him into.


"Oh no you don't." Sungmin said, as he wriggled out of Jongwoon's hold, as he witnessed the group of women behind them, looking at him venomously.


"Well we're is that cute friend of yours that I last time. You know, when we were on holidays." Jongwoon whispered.


"You mean Taeyeon? Or Sunny? Cause they're right over there." Sungmin asked as he pointed over to Sunny and Taeyeon who were smiling and waving at him beautifully, with obvious blushed coating their faces.


"No. The adorable boy on the boat." Jongwoon said.

"You could have brought him, wasn't it on the invite?" Jongwoon asked.


"You mean Ryeowook? Wait a minute, you actually noticed Ryeowook on the boat?" Sungmin hissed as both of them stopped walking.


"Yeah him!" Jongwoon said with an enthusiastic smile.


"No Jongwoon! Not my Wookie! And if I was aware I could bring him, I know now to keep him away from you." Sungmin hissed again at Jongwoon, who pouted.


"Well, then it has to be you." Jongwoon smiled as he grabbed Sungmin's forearm again. Chuckling to himself at Sungmin over protective behaviour of his friend.

"Oh wait! What do you mean by your Wookie?" Jongwoon looked down at Sungmin, cocking his eyebrow.


"He is my friend. So in my mind and rights, he is mine. Not yours! Ever!" Sungmin spoke as Jongwoon just laughed again at Sungmin's behaviour.


Jongwoon led Sungmin to a table. Sungmin looked up to see Donghae's smiling face and Kyuhyun standing there with a surprised look on his face as he stared at Jongwoon's hold on Sungmin. Sungmin blushed heavily as he looked at Kyuhyun. He was dressed in a black suit, very much like his own, except with a few differences in the collar of the jacket, and Kyuhyun had a deep red tie around his neck instead. When Sungmin looked into Kyuhyun's deep onyx eyes, he could feel himself getting lost in them again, but he quickly shook his head and tried to focus on something on the wall. As to stop himself becoming to obvious to Donghae and Jongwoon.

Kyuhyun's brain was running a mile per minute as he looked at Sungmin. He wanted so desperately to wrap his arms around Sungmin and pull him into a tight embrace and never let him go, he wanted to feel Sungmin's soft rosy cheeks under his hands. He wanted Sungmin badly. Though he also wanted Sungmin to come to him, wanting him to touch him, wanting him to hold him, wanting him to kiss him on his soft pink m shaped lips. Kyuhyun let out a groan causing Jongwoon and Donghae to look up at him for a spilt second.

Donghae and Jongwoon smiled at each other, knowing all to well that there was something going on between Sungmin and Kyuhyun obviously. The way Sungmin was blushing and fidgeting with his hands, as well as trying to desperately to refrain himself from looking at anything else besides the wall, which wasn't all that fascinating. The way Kyuhyun was trying to  not look at Sungmin, but failing every time Sungmin would fidget with his hands, or sigh.

Kyuhyun cleared his throat, causing Sungmin to look at him. Those soft brown  eyes landed on Kyuhyun's, making Kyuhyun's cheeks flame up into a bright red and him to groan again. Jongwoon and Donghae covered the smiling lips, successfully snickering into their hands, at the awkward display both Sungmin and Kyuhyun were causing around each other.


"Why are you here?" Kyuhyun asked as he tried to look away from Sungmin's beautiful eyes, causing another bout of stifle laughter to come out of Donghae and Jongwoon, at Kyuhyun's behaviour.


"It's because Amber noona invited me here." Sungmin's behaviour changed drastically into an annoyed look and tone.


"Did you empty a department store?" Kyuhyun said snidely as he looked Sungmin up and down, obviously taking into consideration Sungmin's behaviour change.


"He came late last time too." Jongwoon said jokingly, trying to lighten up the now annoyed tension between the two.

"Sungmin, is exceptionally pretty when he's dressed up." Jongwoon continued.


"Pretty?" Sungmin blushed as looked at Jongwoon, slightly annoyed at not being called handsome. Girls are pretty, he was a boy shouldn't be pretty Sungmin thought, though he did take a compliment when it was given.


"I agree, Sungmin is very pretty." Donghae walked over to the other side of the table and pecked Sungmin on the cheek, just to see the reaction that would come out of Kyuhyun. Jongwoon watched Kyuhyun, who had become silently enraged with Donghae.

"You're even looking cuter than the girls." Donghae wrapped his arm around Sungmin's shoulder, bringing the blonde boy closer to him.


"Who's cute?" Kyuhyun shouted.

"Can a pumpkin turn into a watermelon by drawing lines on it?" Kyuhyun spoke angrily. Sungmin huffed out a annoyed breath at Kyuhyun's stupidity.


"What are you going on about?" Jongwoon asked as he stared at Kyuhyun as if he was a complete idiot.


"I think I'm more surprised he said the right idiom." Donghae laughed in Sungmin's ear, causing Sungmin to snicker and turn a brighter shade of pink.


The music from the quartet changed causing everyone to look at the entrance of the foyer. Everyone paid close attention as Henry and Amber walked down the corridor towards the foyer holding hands. On Amber beautiful face was a beautifully bright smile, though Henry on the other hand, looked emotionless and dead to the world as he walked towards everyone.

Sungmin's felt his heart stop instantaneously as he watched Henry walk in the room. Henry was dressed in a white suit jacket and shirt with a black silk tie around his neck. His hair was lying flat on his head and professional like. It gave him an air of a sophisticated man rather than the seventeen year old boy he was.. Sungmin couldn't believe how handsome he was, it was just to unbelievable. It wasn't until Jongwoon muttered to Donghae at how beautiful Amber looked, and they couldn't be more incorrect. In Sungmin's eyes, she was breath takingly gorgeous. She was wearing a long black dress with flowers decorating the bodice of the dress and petals skirting around the  hem. Her complexion was so creamy that it made the dress stand out . Her make up was done meticulously, and her hair had been straightened and given extensions, causing her hair to look longer that was it really was.

Sungmin was broken out of his thought patterns on how beautiful the pair of them were, by th sounds of people clapping around at him as the couple entered the party room. As he continued to watch them walk hand in hand to the podium, Sungmin's thoughts started to really hit him hard. He couldn't stop thinking about how perfect they were, and how Henry would only smile for her from now on. Sungmin felt his heart begin to ache and the sting of tears threaten his eyes as he looked at Henry who was now taking his violin from one of the waiters, and as more waiters wheeled in Amber's birthday cake.

Henry began to run the bow of his violin across the strings, as Amber smiled at Henry beautifully. The crowd began to start singing happy birthday to her. Sungmin  wasn't sure if the crowd noticed, but the smile on Amber's lips was not completely happy, Sungmin could see the sadness reflecting from the deep pool of her eyes as she watched Henry play the sweet melody. When Henry finished playing he looked towards the crowd at Sungmin, who smiled sweetly at Henry. Amber blew out the candles on her cake and Henry handed his violin back to the waiter and walked away sighing. Sungmin watched worryingly as Henry walked out the door of the foyer.


"Thankyou for attending my birthday celebration." Amber said to the crowd as Sungmin continued to watch Henry's retreating figure.

"I would like to thank my Dad and Mum for their care. And  the love of my friends." Amber smiled sweetly at the crowd who smiled back at her.

"I want to use this gathering to tell you something. That's why I'm having a party, which isn't like me, as many of you would know."" Amber looked at the ground and took in a deep breath as she lifted her head to look at the crowd again.


"Where did Henry go?" Jongwoon muttered and smiled.

"Are they going to announce their engagement?" Jongwoon smiled. Sungmin looked at the ground sadly at the comment Jongwoon made.


"I will be returning to Paris next week, and I don't think I'm returning." Amber continued, causing the crowd to gasp and whisper with each other.

"My modelling firm and I have arranged everything." Amber said looking serious at the crowd.


"What is she saying?" Donghae began to freak out as Jongwoon tried to calm him down.


"Thanks to my parents, I can enjoy life without having to work hard. But I also want to use my own abilities, so I'm choosing a new road. I won't be inheriting my parents law firm. What I want is, a life I'm able to experience a broader world. If I didn't do this, I don't think I would've been able to convince the people around me that I was happy. So I set this stage....Everyone, you must be happy for me." Amber bowed and wiped the tears that had escaped her eyes.

Amber took her things from the waiter next to her and walked out of the foyer. leaving all her guest confused at the actions of the young woman. Sungmin watched her walk out in shock. Jongwoon turned and looked at Kyuhyun, Donghae, and Sungmin with sad expression coating his beautiful features.


"Amber, she really is a bomb full of surprises." Jongwoon sighed heavily.


"Henry, did he already know about this?" Donghae asked with a worried expression.


"Now we know why he's been so depressed all this time." Kyuhyun sighed as he ran his hand through his brown locks.


"So cool. Really is cool, but...What about Henry?" Jongwoon asked trying to think positive about sudden life choice, though feeling worried about Henry's crashing life.


Sungmin looked over to the door Henry had walked out of prior to Amber's announcement. Sungmin started heading towards it, leaving Kyuhyun, Donghae and Jongwoon to talk to themselves about it. Kyuhyun watched as Sungmin walked towards the door, his shoulders down and his head looking at his hands that he was fidgeting wit. Kyuhyun slowly started walking behind Sungmin, who was so deep in his own thoughts that he didn't even notice Kyuhyun a few metres behind him.




Amber walked into Henry's room. He was sitting on his bed  with a small doll in his hands. The doll was given to him by Amber years ago. The fabric of the dress was frayed terribly with age, the painted face which had been beautifully done when she first had given it him, was now fading away leaving behind the smooth porcline instead. Amber walked towards Henry and crouched down in front of him. Amber grabbed the dolls hand and shook it, gaining Henry's attention.


"Heel there." Amber spoke softly as Henry looked away from the doll and over to the wall.

"I can't believe you still have this. I gave you this before our first summer apart." Amber smiled at the doll.


"So you remember." Henry muttered softly.


"It's from that time onwards, that you stopped calling me 'noona'." Amber smiled.


"What am I to you?" Henry asked, still refusing to look at Amber. Amber lifted herself from the floor and placed her hand on Henry's broad shoulder.


"Out Henry is really angry." Amber said, causing Henry to throw the doll into the bed beside his bed side table. Amber looked at Henry sadly, as Henry looked at the bin angrily.


"I feel like I'm being thrown away." Henry spoke harshly.


"There is nothing here that can be thrown away...You could never be thrown away." Amber said sadly.


"Don't lie to me!" Henry shouted as he stood up.


"If I was lying, I wouldn't mind you looking at other people the way you look at him." Amber shouted causing Henry to look at her.


"What do you mean?" Henry said.


"When I saw you running towards him, I didn't understand why, but my heart sank. It's funny, right?" Amber laughed sadly.


"I'm not in the mood to listen you joke around." Henry yelled.


"I felt pleased, however. I didn't know when our Henry became a man." Amber smiled softly, wiping the tears from her eyes.


"Don't joke!" Henry yelled again.

"You always do what you want. I can't stay close, nor can I stay away. You'll wind me up one day, then ignore me another day. I'm only a toy to you." Henry shouted angrily.


"If I lost you, I wouldn't be able to sleep." Amber said.


"Then tell me who is looking at whom?" Henry shouted as he grabbed Amber by the arms.

"For the past fifteen years, I've only looked at you. Isn't that enough?" Henry continued.

"I'm also a man! I want to hold you like a man should!" Henry shouted. Amber wrapped her arms around Henry and pulled him into a tight embrace.


"I know. I'm sorry Henry." Amber whispered softly. Henry pulled Amber away from him gently and closed his face closer into hers. His lips brushed softly against Amber's warm, soft lips. Henry could feel the tears spilling from Amber's eyes, creating the kiss to become wet, and his cheeks to become damp with Amber's tears.


Sungmin gasped in surprise as he saw through the crack of the door of bedroom, Henry and Amber in a soft sweet embrace and kiss. Sungmin felt his heart shatter into millions of pieced as he walked closer to the dorr, grabbing the handle and softly pulling it shut, giving the couple privacy. Sungmin slowly turned around, his eyes never leaving the floor. He felt a giant amount of pressure crushing his chest. Sungmin clasped his hand over his heart  and rubbed it, trying to relieve the pressure unsuccessfully. Sungmin leaned against the wall, and slightly hit his head softly against the marble like surface, feeling like a complete idiot because he couldn't control his warring emotions. He was happy if Henry was happy, but it still hurt him to see him with someone else.


"If you faint here, it will be really embarrassing." A voice said across the hall. Sungmin looked up to see the concerned face of Kyuhyun looking at him.

"Though it's not like you to faint." Kyuhyun smiled sweetly at Sungmin.


"Whose going to faint?" Sungmin asked as Kyuhyun's shoulders shook in laughter.


Kyuhyun stretched out his hand to Sungmin. Sungmin contemplated only for a moment. He quickly strolled over to Kyuhyun and took Kyuhyun's hand. Sungmin could feel the warmth and comfort of Kyuhyun's hand run through him. Sungmin looked up into Kyuhyun's smiling face, and smiled sweetly at him. The door behind Sungmin opened, causing before of the boys to look up. Sungmin quickly turned around and hid both his and Kyuhyun's hands behind his back. Kyuhyun and Sungmin smiled at the couple walking out the room, who looked up surprised to see both of the standing in foyer.


"Sungmin you came." Amber smiled happily at him, then cocked her eyebrow at Kyuhyun's flushed face. Kyuhyun was still in shock that Sungmin was still holding his hand.

"Since you were here guys, why didn't you come in and say hello?" Amber asked.


"" Sungmin was trying to think hard of something to say.

"Ah I wanted to say thankyou. I was about to go in." Sungmin smiled quickly as Kyuhyun grasped Sungmin's hand tighter and laughed beside the blonde boy.


"Oh...The party has gotten boring, we were going to go on a drive, did you two wish to join us?" Amber asked.


"No, it's okay." Sungmin said nervously.


"We have another place to go." Kyuhyun smiled down at Sungmin's pink face. Henry and Amber both looked at Kyuhyun and Sungmin with a surprised expression on their faces.


"We?" Amber asked.


"Yes." Kyuhyun nodded.

"This idiot and I are also going for a drive." Kyuhyun said smiling.


"Idiot? Oh, drive! We are going for a drive!" Sungmin shouted trying to look excited. Kyuhyun tightened his hold on Sungmin's hand again, suppressing his laughter at Sungmin's adorable antics.

"Amber noona, goodbye." Sungmin smiled and bowed.


"I will see you later." Kyuhyun said as he turned around dragging Sungmin by his hand.

"Let's go you blonde fool." Kyuhyun laughed.


"Who are you calling fool?!" Sungmin shouted at Kyuhyun, who continued to laugh. Henry watched in confusion as Sungmin and Kyuhyun walked away hand in hand, playfully insulting each other and laughing. Henry suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest as he watch the boys walk out of sight. All Henry wanted to do now, was run to Sungmin and yank him away from Kyuhyun.




"I have paid my debt." Kyuhyun said to Sungmin as they rounded the corner out of sight.


"What?" Sungmin asked as he looked up at Kyuhyun in confusion.


"You saved me from the pool. Now I'm you saviour." Kyuhyun smiled.


"But you were faking." Sungmin whispered in confusion.

"Weren't you?" Sungmin looked up searchingly ay Kyuhyun's face.

"Wait, how can you repay me this way?" Sungmin said looking at Kyuhyun oddly.


"Do you want to go back?" Kyuhyn he began to pull Sungmin around the corner they just turned.


"No! I dont care hopw you repay me." Sungmin grabbed Kyuhyun's hips to stop him from walking.


"How about I take you somewhere, you can vent of you need too." Kyuhyun asked.


"Okay...Though I'm not going to repay you." Sungmin said as he fidgted with his hands.


"Fine, just think of it as us trying to be civilized with each other." Kyuhyun said as he shrugged his shoulders.


"Hmm...You won't try to kiss me again will you." Sungmin asked, blushing.


"Can't promise you that Dry Cleaner." Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin's warm hand again and dragged him downstairs, into his car and drove them to one of his family's companies bars.








I bet alot of people wish this was directed at them from Donghae...



Slowly started bringing in YEWOOK!!!!!



Hope you guys aren't pissed at me for doing a Henber moment...Don't be mad at me please.






















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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-