Relationships, sick girls and a shining jewel

Boys over Flowers




Sungmin fortunately wasn’t reprimanded by wither his mother or father, instead of getting yelled and whacked by his mother for arriving home the next morning and in the same clothes no less, he was received by cheers and crackers going off by all three members.

Sungjin later informed him of the fact that his mother and father had found out that he had spent the night with the heir of SM. Sunhee was excited about the idea of a developing friendship between Sungmin and Cho Kyuhyun. Though it did leave a lot of open comments and ideas for his father, it wasn’t until later that evening that Chunhwa had come into his room with Sungjin and sat down on Sungmin’s bed and looked at the younger buy who was sitting at his desk, looking rather concerned at his father.


“Sungmin, I need you tell me something.” Chunhwa smiled as Sungjin sat at his brother’s feet, hoping that this wasn’t going to turn into an argument.


“What is it Dad?” Sungmin sighed as he looked back at his desk, trying to tackle as much homework as he could before tomorrow morning.


“Sungmin, I really need your attention on me please.” Chunhwa said as he grabbed his eldest sons shoulder and looked at him with a soft smile.


“Okay,  you have it.” Sungmin said as he turned and faced his father again and smiled softly.


“Well it’s something that I think we should talk about, before talking to your mother about it.” Chunhwa said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as Sungjin got up from the floor and stood behind Sungmin and wrapped his arms around his neck and snuggled into the warmth of the crook of his neck.


“Did you blow more money on the races again Dad?” Sungmin sighed as twiddled with his pen.


“No, Sungmin that’s not it.” Chunhwa laughed slightly and scratched the back of his head again.


“Then what is it?” Sungmin asked with a serious face.


“Well son, it may be a very uncomfortable question, but it’s just that I noticed it, and also the fact that we had someone call us to tell us you had spent the night with the heir of SM, so I can’t help but notice it’s a bit more serious then I first thought.” Chunhwa mumbled with a small flush on his face.


“Notice what Dad?” Sungmin asked.


Sungjin looked at his brother and noticed for the first time on his pale neck, a series of purplish bluish marks gracing along the neckline near his collar bone. Sungjin gasped and then started muffling his laughter as he watched his father try his best to take his eyes of his eldest son’s neck.

Sungjin had gathered lately there was something a little off with brother lately. It was his erratic behaviour when you asked about the heir of the SM corporation, also his very perplexed and confused expressions he had been wearing around the house when he came home from school or an outing.

Sungjin didn’t have a problem with the idea of his brother being gay, though his father did have a good idea about talking it over with Sungmin before actually talking to his wife about it. Sunhee was pining all her hopes on Sungmin marrying a wealthy woman so that the family could be set.


“Sungmin, you have marks on your neck, and don’t try to deny what they are, I know all too well what those marks on your neck are. I was younger too remember and I’m also married to your mother, who is rather insatiable.” Chunhwa mumbled.


Sungmin quickly covered his neck after remembering what had happened between him and Kyuhyun last night. He had forgotten to hide the evidence of it and he was hoping that his mother hadn’t noticed otherwise she would surely be very depressed with it, or think it was something completely different.


“Well what I’m trying to say Sungmin is...Well...What exactly is the relationship between you and the heir of SM?” Chunhwa asked looking at his son with a small smile, trying to reaffirm his son whatever the answer was he would still love him.


“Well I don’t know really Dad...” Sungmin sighed as he ran his fingers through his blonde hair.


“Okay, here is another question. Are you...well...are you...Ahh” Chunhwa struggled to get the question out.


“Are you gay Sungmin?” Sungjin asked helping his father out.


“Sungjin! Don’t ask your brother like that!” Chunhwa gasped.


“Well if you couldn’t get it out, I had to help.” Sungjin laughed as Sungmin looked a\t is brother and father rather perplexed.


Sungmin had never really thought of himself as gay before, he did in fact liked Kyuhyun and he did like Henry, but he also found Taeyeon and Sunny attractive and y, so what exactly was he feeling. With Kyuhyun there was heat and passion, also seriousness and arguments with a little playfulness. With Henry there was someone he could talk to laugh with and he was indeed the first person he had in fact felt drawn to on a romantic level.

But with Sunny and Taeyeon, he loved the quirkiness, their soft smiles and subtle flirtatiousness that always made him want to hold them close to him and whisper sweet words into their ears and make them tremble, though he liked the idea of just being friends with them since he knew from watching his mother and father dance around each other, that women were indeed a lot of work.


“I suppose the answer would be I don’t know.” Sungmin shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t care about the of the person it seems like, what I do care about is the way they smile, the way they laugh and watching their individual personalities unfold before me.” Sungmin said as he looked at his father.


“So what is Mr. Cho to you then Sungmin?” Chunhwa asked as he looked at he son in confusion.

“Kyuhyun is one of the most confusing people I know and I really like him because of his odd behaviour. He can be sweet and gentle then turn into an egocentrically involved person who I love to argue with when we talk.” Sungmin smiled.


“But...?” Sungjin asked.


“There are others who I feel things for.” Sungmin looked at his father as Sungjin walked around and sat next to his father.


“Like who?” Chunhwa and Sungjin asked.


“Well there is Henry Lau, who is always sweet and kind, always listens to me when I feel like I’m in trouble, and seems to always know how save me when I can’t save myself. But he is in Paris with Amber noona.” Sungmin sighed.

“There is also Sunny. She was the first friend I made in school. She is sweet and alluring with smile the brightens my day when I see it, though Kyuhyun’s smile does that for me as well, but with Sunny it’s like the sun is warming my entire being.” Sungmin smiled softly thinking about her smiling face.

“Then there is Taeyeon, who soft and quiet, though loud and boisterous when she wants to be. Though thing I like most about her, is her inquisitive nature, she always wants to learn something more about me and it very sweet and loving.” Sungmin finished as he looked up at his father and Sungjin.


“Well, I think personally you care more for Kyuhyun hyung then you do anyone else hyung.” Sungjin said with smile.

“Plus it looks like you have only done things more adventurous with Kyuhyun then anyone else.” Sungjin laughed as did Chunhwa.


“Sungmin, you are a bright boy and you seem to be looking for a mate who you are compatible with despite the of the person. I have to say that I admire that, but it is also a shame considering if you did choose a boy it may shatter your mother a bit considering she is hoping you will marry a beautiful rich girl and have tons of babies. Though if you do choose a man, there is nothing stopping you from having children I suppose, perhaps biology and how everyone else in society looks at you, though with Kyuhyun being in a high end corporation, it may cause problems and his company may drop.” Chunhwa said as he looked at his sons concerned face.

“Don’t worry about it too much, I highly doubt that something like that will happen, as it is our society is slowly opening to allocate for same couples a little more these days. As it is we have an open gay man on a variety show.” Chunhwa laughed.


“That’s not the same as a huge company Dad.” Sungmin said bluntly to his father.


“I know, though I was just looking at it in a positive light. Look no matter what or who you choose, I will love you. You are my son and you always will be.” Chunhwa smiled as he ruffled his eldest son’s hair.

“That goes for you to Sungjin.” Chunhwa smiled.


“I like girl’s dad, so you don’t have to worry, I think...Well there is a really pretty boy that works at a coffee shop that’s kind of challenging that.” Sungjin said.


“Really and who is this boy?” Chunhwa and Sungmin asked together.


“His name is Kim Jongjin, though I’m pretty sure he has a girlfriend.” Sungjin pondered.


“Okay that’s about as much I can handle.” Chunhwa smiled as he lifted himself of Sungmin’s bed and walked to the door.

“Also Sungmin, I won’t be telling your mother anything about this, I think we will wait until you have decided on who you will choose.” Chunhwa said as he smiled and walked out of the door to head downstairs to help his wife with the Laundromat.



Sunny and Taeyeon looked at the endless messages that were flooding their phones. Taeyeon looked down at her phone with sadness and emptiness as she read the message over and over again. Locking the words into her brain, Sunny on the other hand was completely excited about the new that she had received on her phone.

She was jumping up and down with excitement as she continued reading the messages other girls in Sungmin’s fan club kept repeatedly sending her. She couldn’t be more excited for the news, unless it actually come out of one of the boys mouths.


“What do you make of this Sunny?” Taeyeon asked as she pushed her ohone screen in front of Sunny’s face.


“It’s either a fantastic hilarious rumour, or its the most unbelievably wonderfully hysterical news I have heard all year.” Sunny said with excitement as she pictured Sungmin and Kyuhyun holding hands together down the corridor and smiling at each other.


“But they can’t be going out. They’re not gay.” Taeyeon yelled a little.


“Well Sungmin, is a little feminine, but he is also fierce and y with a dark appeal to him when he is practising for his scholarship.” Sunny said.

“So it’s understandable how Kyuhyun can be attracted to our y beast.” Sunny laughed as Taeyeon gave a weak smile to her.


“But what about Kyuhyun, how can he attract Sungmin?” Taeyeon asked with a little pout gracing her lips.


“Kyuhyun is caring and sweet from what Sungmin has told me, but Kyuhyun also has that bad boy appeal with may attract Sungmin, also Sungmin loves an argument and Kyuhyun is the best source of an argument around here.” Sunny explained.


“I don’t believe it.” Taeyeon said firmly as Sunny looked at her friend a little worryingly





Sungmin watched around the campus as he walked in through the main gate all the people staring at their phones and then back to him. The quickest though theat pop up into his head was that it was most likely some sort of bad gossip about him again and that he should ignore it, as it was it would probably just increase his popularity with his fan club or reduce it, wither way he was happy as long as Sunny and Taeyeon were happy running what they wanted to do.

It wasn’t until some of the boys that he knew weren’t too fond of him because their girlfriends on the girls that wanted to be with were in his fan club came up to him and began being nice to him that something seemed truly off.


“You looks so handsome today Sungmin hyung.” They said as they looked at him smiling nicely.


Sungmin just smiled at them nervously and started walking a little faster, feeling his was going to be in some major trouble if he stopped and asked what the hell the two boys were going on about.

When it got closer to main entrance of the building he was swarmed with girls and boys saying good morning to him and hello. Sungmin was starting to feel a little claustrophobic in the mass of people circling him to say hello. He put his arms out and looked at all the people nervously and smiled and said good morning, causing the group to retreat from around him and follow him into the main foyer of the building.

Sungmin found Sunny standing at a huge television with more people around it, hiding whatever was on the screen away from his eyes. He noticed that most of the girls were in his fan club and that some of the others must have been new editions that he wasn’t to familiar with.


“Okay guys what’s going on?” Sungmin asked as he walked closer to the television hoping to see what someone had wrote about him now.


Sunny told the girls to move with a wave of her hand and Sungmin looked at the screen with an enraged and perplexed face. He saw a picture of Kyuhyun and him yesterday morning in front of Namsan tower with Kyuhyun attempting to kiss him. Sungmin looked at Sunny then back to the screen, he had taken in the fact that Sunny had been pleased to see the picture, meaning she didn’t care what uality he was that she would still love him and follow him around and the same of his fan club.


“What the hell is this, and who the hell took this photo?” Sungmin asked as he heard more footsteps approaching him.


“That would have been me, and I have more by the way.” Jongwoon chuckled as Sungmin turned to look at him.


Kyuhyun had led Jongwoon out here into the front foyer by his ear. Donghae in the other hand giggling just as badly, both of them not even registering the pain in their ears that Kyuhyun had a grip on. Jongwoon smiled and waved at Sungmin, who waved and chuckled a little at the awkward appearance both of them looked in.


“Changmin sent the pictures to these two jokers and they thought it would be funny to send it to some of your fan girl, who have released it all over the school.” Kyuhyun said as he tightened his grip on both boys ears making them hiss a little in pain.


“Don’t forget the ones Yunho sent us.” Jongwoon laughed then started yelling in pain as Kyuhyun gripped the ear tighter.


“Cho Kyuhyun is this for real?” One of the boys from the crowd yelled out.


“No it’s certainly not!  Whatever you guys are thinking, just stop it.” Sungmin yelled at Donghae and Jongwoon who just snickered.


“It’s real.” Kyuhyun yelled over the top of Sungmin.


Kyuhyun let go of Jongwoon and Donghae’s ears and walked over to Sungmin and circled his arm around Sungmin shoulder bringing him in closer to him. Jongwoon and Donghae just smiled excitedly and started jumping up and down a little and while Jongwoon just smiled contently at the fact that something amusing was happening again.


Sungmin looked behind his shoulder to Sunny and Taeyeon; he noticed Taeyeon’s sad eyes as she looked at the retreating figure of Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Jongwoon and Donghae. Sunny wrapped her arm around Taeyeon and brought her in for a hug at all the excitement she couldn’t contain. Though Taeyeon only felt emptiness wash over her as she took in the fact that the man she was in love with and the man she used to be in love with walked away holding each other.




Taeyeon went home sick for the rest of day, though a plan had struck up in her head to win the affections of the man that she loved, so she did the one thing she knows she should have never done since she was in the fan club. She was planning on finding Sungmin’s stalker and talking with her to work the plan out together.

Lucky for Taeyeon it didn’t take long to find the stalker, she was outside the porridge shop that Sungmin was working in, it also gave her time to see for the first time the mysterious best friend Kim Ryeowook. From the distance she was when she was watching the stalker and watching Sungmin walk and talk and smile with Ryeowook she could help be entranced with beauty that was Kim Ryeowook. Though when she looked back at Sungmin, she couldn’t compare the two together, Sungmin had a superior beauty that Ryeowook didn’t possess.

From the distance that she was she considered Ryeowook cute and soft, like Sungmin, but he had less of a manly appeal, he seemed way to feminine for her. Though, she could appreciate his high cheekbones, brown eyes, and beautifully large smile that seem to captivate the customers in the shop when he smiled at them.

The other man in the kitchen was large, and she meant really large, but not in a fate way, more in plump you could wrap yours around him and pretend his was an overly large pillow that was really squishable way. He wasn’t unattractive he was handsome, but he wasn’t her type at all. Though as she watched Sungmin flit about the restaurant she moved in closer to the stalker and tapped her on the shoulder.


“Hi.” Taeyeon said as the other girl jumped in her spot and squealed slightly.


“Ahh, I’m not doing anything bad I swear.” The girl yelled and then covered as she realised that the people in the restaurant may be able to hear her.


“Kwon Yuri?” Taeyeon asked as the younger girl nodded her head.


“Kim Taeyeon?” Yuri asked as she took in the girls appearance.


“Why are you stalking Sungmin?” Taeyeon asked in confusion.


Yuri wasn’t an unattractive girl, she was actually really beautiful she had long dark hair that cascade down the small of her back, large brown eyes and a very lovely thin figure, above all she was smart and was the heir of a very rich corporation that was a little under SM. She could get her pick of any guy in the school, but here she was taking photos of Sungmin while he was working in the porridge shop.


“Well, I know that he will never really be interested in me, so I follow him.” Yuri smiled as she showed the photos of Sungmin she had just taken.


“Oh but your beautiful and sweet and richer than most girls in the school, I’m sure he would like you if you actually talked to him.” Taeyeon smiled and then shook her head, trying to get it back in the game for the plan that she had in her head.


“Not now that he is with Kyuhyun.” Yuri sighed.


“How would you like to go into a plan with me then, I don’t like the idea of those two as much as you.” Taeyeon smiled as Yuri looked up hopefully into Taeyeon’s sparkling eyes.


“Sure, what’s the plan noona?” Yuri asked as she could all the excitement of the plan buzz through her.




“Here you go.” Sungmin smiled as he looked at Taeyeon sitting in her large bed looking weak and tired.


Sungmin handed Taeyeon the small plush rabbit that Sunny had given to her as an apology gift from what seemed like a life time ago. Taeyeon smiled slightly at the small rabbit. it was a soft pink colour and had black buttons as eyes. Sungmin squeezed the rabbits paw and smiled as Taeyeon eyes lit up at the small little song that was playing from the rabbit.


“What’s the song?”Taeyeon asked.


“When, you wish upon a star.” I always liked it when I was younger and it always made me feel better when my father sang it to me when I was feeling sick.

“Are you okay?” Sungmin asked as he looked at Taeyeon’s smiling face.


“Yeah, I was a little dizzy. I’m fine now though.” Taeyeon nodded her head and smiled.


“I’m happy I got to see you after work, I was a little worried about you.” Sungmin smiled at Taeyeon who felt her stop at the bright smile.


“Sungmin?” Taeyeon looked at the rabbit again and pressed the button to continue the sweet melody of Sungmin’s voice come from the rabbit.


“Yeah?” Sungmin said as he placed his fore finger under Taeyeon’s chin to raise her eyes to his level.


“Is it true about F4’s Cho Kyuhyun?” Taeyeon asked looking at him hopefully.


Sungmin looked down on the bed and began fiddling with the fabric of the bed sheet as he tried to assess the best answer he could give to Taeyeon. All he could think was no, it’s not true, he likes to think so but me on the other hand, I don’t know. But he thought that was a lame excuse.


“No, well, to be sure I’m not too sure what Kyuhyun sees in this to be honest and neither do I.” Sungmin gave out the best answer he could.

“I like to think no.” Sungmin laughed as he looked at Taeyeon.


“But it seemed like he really liked you.” Taeyeon said


“It does seem to look like that.” Sungmin sighed.


“That is true.” Taeyeon smiled as best as she could.


Taeyeon stretched and smiled a little happier with the results that Sungmin had given her with her questioning, she ruffled out of the bed sheets confusing Sungmin a little. She crawled over to him and smiled brightly at him and hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go of the warmth that was Lee Sungmin.


“You’re feeling better now?” Sungmin asked.


“Yes much better.” Taeyeon smiled and let go of Sungmin to kiss his cheek softly.

“Let’s go out and have some fun Sungmin.” Taeyeon said as she grabbed Sungmin’s hand and pulled him off the bed with her.


“Like what?” Sungmin asked


“We can go to a club in Gangnam.” She suggested as Sungmin smiled nervously at the idea of going somewhere high priced.


“Can I call Donghae and ask him to come, he wanted to go see this dance group in Gangnam and we might get a discount if we take him.” Sungmin smiled at the thought of going out with Donghae.


To be honest out of all of the guys Sungmin had gotten to know, he liked Donghae’s personality the most when it came to friends, he was upbeat, less likely to post embarrassing pictures of Kyuhyun and him and he always had fun with the him when they talked.


“Sure, I suppose.” Taeyeon said from her walk in wardrobe and started texting Yuri the plan for tonight.


Sungmin quickly called Donghae and asked him if he wanted to go out tonight to see the dance group he had been wanting to see, and he couldn’t have gotten a quicker yes then when he actually rang his phone. Apparently Donghae was waiting for Sungmin to call him at 8 for them to go out to see the dance group and if he didn’t call by then Donghae was going to pick him whether he be at work or sick in bed.




Donghae was waiting outside patiently for Sungmin and Taeyeon to arrive. Though not being able to contain his excitement when he heard the music start for the band,  he rushed in and quickly texted Sungmin his whereabouts, and sat in one of the booths closets to stage and watched as the dancers appeared one by one on the stage.

Each dancer had their own unique style when they danced with Donghae was excited about but when they each had started there solos Donghae couldn’t keep his eyes away from the one directly in the middle. The man was tall lean and fit. When the dancer pulled his shirt up revealing the best muscularly developed stomach had seen in his life. It was overly muscular like those guys in magazines, it was a healthy tone, and his arms were broad and muscular as well causing Donghae to widen his yes at the sight.

The man waved his body in a fluid motion with each movement he made to his dance causing Donghae to start hyperventilating. Underneath the warm light beamed down on the dancer’s dark brunette hair causing the dancer to have a darker look to him, then when the dancer lifted his head and looked straight at Donghae, he lost all breath in him and held onto as much air as he could.

Donghae listened to the MC announce, the man’s name eagerly, only to be fed his stage name. Eunhyuk. Donghae couldn’t help but to think that he was the most beautiful bedazzling, shining dark jewel he had ever seen in his life, and he needed to find out who he was. Donghae forgot about meeting Sungmin and walked all the way into the back room to meet his jewel.




Sungmin couldn’t remember much of the night that he done with Taeyeon when he woke up in comfortable bed, though he did remember seeing Donghae following a strange dancing boy, and having a glass of juice that Taeyeon had given him, but not much after that.

Sungmin raised he head off a pillow and looked around the room for a moment. It wasn’t his room that was for sure, and all he was praying was that it was either a spare room of Donghae’s or Taeyeon’s, but when his eyes reached a mirror on the wall across from the bed he found bright red writing in what appeared to be lipstick.

Sungmin quickly checked himself out in the mirror finding no new marks on his body or anything sore besides his head, he quickly did the fastest thing he could think of grab his clothes and run out of the room, fearing the worse in his life. He hoped to god that nothing bad would happen when he got home, or when he went to school, he really hoped that.



A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the inclusion of Hyukkie and Yuri, also don't hte on Taeyeon too much on this, she really is a lovely girl lol. anyway comment please as I look forward to your guys thought in the story and for you enjoyment so MORE MACROS!!!!

























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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-