Goodbyes and unheard words

Boys over Flowers


A/N: I am soooooooooooooo sorry for taking sooooo long



Sungmin had completely ignored everyone for the last couple of days, hoping that the little episode with Henry would slip out of his mind; unfortunately it was all he could think of. The feel of Henry’s lips pressed to his was heart racing, mind boggling, exciting and displeasing at the same time. Sungmin was having a crisis of emotions, not only had he kissed both Henry and Kyuhyun in a matter of a month since starting at SM academy, he also had a serious case of mixed emotions for the both of them.

He really like Henry’s sweetness and understanding when it come to matters, though there was the fact that Henry was also in love with Amber noona, which boggled Sungmin’s mind even further. If Henry was indeed in love with Amber noona like he thought he was, then why would he kiss him?

And when it came to Kyuhyun, he couldn’t even understand the attraction there; it just felt right and wrong all at the same time. Kyuhyun was crude, mean and violent. But he also had a soft side that rarely ever showed itself, though when it did everything would just confuse Sungmin more, making him want to understand and solve the giant puzzle the was Cho Kyuhyun.

Sungmin sighed as he stared at the rabbit that Kyuhyun had given to him. He stared into the sapphire eyes of the plush toy, hoping and praying that the answers were held inside. Sungmin was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn’t even hear Sungjin entering his bedroom.


“Hyung? Are you okay? You have been awfully quiet these last couple of days.” Sungjin asked as he looked at his brothers slumped form on the desk.


“I don’t know Sungjin.” Sungmin sighed as he played with the plush rabbits ears.


“Are you having a crisis of some kind?” Sungjin asked as he tapped his brothers leg so he would face him.


“Yes and no. Mostly yes.” Sungmin replied as he faced his younger brother and smiled.


“Can I help you at all with the problem?” Sungjin asked as Sungmin sat up from the desk and pulled his brother into a hug.


“The fact that you asked me helps Sungjin, but other than that no. This is my own mess, and I intend to figure out how to clean it.” Sungmin smiled at softly at his brother.


“Okay, I suppose.” Sungjin replied as he looked up at his brother and then widened his eyes in realisation that he actually came into the room besides to see if his brother was feeling any better.

“Oh, you have a letter hyung. I think it’s from Liu Amber. I got to it before Mum could find it and place it for auction or something.” Sungjin laughed as he handed Sungmin the letter.


“Thanks Sungjin.” Sungmin smiled as he opened the letter carefully.


Sungjin removed his embrace from his brother to stand behind him and read the letter with him. Just because he pilfered it from under his mother’s gaze did not mean he wouldn’t intrude of Sungmin’s personal life with celebrities. Sungmin just smiled and moved the letter into view for Sungjin to read as well, his eyes not mving from the soft writing on the paper.


‘Dear Lee Sungmin.

I hope the shoes are treating you well, and that you are doing well yourself since our discussion. The reason I am writing is that my plane for Paris will be leaving soon and I would like you, Henry, Kyuhyun, Jongwoon and Donghae to come see me off with big smiles on your faces. NO TEARS, I mean it.

I know you won’t be too thrilled to ride with Kyuhyun, so I lined up a back up. Donghae will be coming to pick you up. I’ll be leaving tomorrow so I suppose this letter will reach you for the next day. So be prepared for him to come get you.

Love Amber ‘


Sungmin smiled softly at the letter and closed it shut. He placed the letter delicately back in the envelop, and stored it in the bottom draw next to Henry’s handkerchief and where he usually placed the rabbit Kyuhyun bought him. Sungjin slumped over his brothers shoulders and sighed heavily.

Sungmin grabbed Sungjin hands with his and smiled as he placed his head against Sungjin. Saying goodbye to Amber noona was not going to be easy, especially when she had done so much for him. He was going to miss her wide smile, quirky personality, boyish fashion and love for shoes. Though there was still a chance he would get to see her in the future.


“Best get ready hyung; you don’t know what time Lee Donghae will shop up.” Sungjin said as he unwrapped his arms from around Sungmin’s neck and exited the room.


Sungmin removed himself from the chair and grabbed the rabbit off the desk, storing it in the little draw with Henry’s handkerchief and Amber noona’s letter. He had a feeling his mother would come raid into his room while he was gone, looking for anything of value, like the rabbit, and the letter so he locked it.

Sungmin walked over to his closet and  removed out of it a soft white long sleeve shirt, a pastel pink jacket, black jeans that felt really comfortable to wear during colder weather , the shoes that Amber noona had given to him and a white beanie to place in his head . He placed the articles of clothing on the bed and shut the closet door.

As Sungmin wriggled his pants off his hips and legs he heard a soft knock at the front door which Sungjin responded to right away. He quickly disposed of his shirt and grabbed the ones off the bed to change into. A quick knock sounded itself against his bedroom door and just as he buttoned up his pants and Donghae’s head slipped into the crack of the door.


“Ahh, you’re ready.” Donghae smiled as he walked into the small bedroom.


“You know you could have waited for me to say come in.” Sungmin muttered as he grabbed the beanie off the bed as well as his wallet and phone from the bedside table.


“And where’s the fun in that? I was hoping to catch at least some form of skin underneath those clothes.” Donghae laughed as Sungmin blushed and looked at Donghae with slight irritation.


“I really don’t need you to see me .” Sungmin coughed awkwardly as Donghae laughed at Sungmin’s embarrassment.


“Fair enough, on another note your mother. She was fluffing around me for something it seemed like.” Donghae said as he pulled a questioning look to Sungmin.


“Well you’re obviously rich, you look good and my mother is money hungry. So she was probably looking for something on you she could sell.” Sungmin shrugged as he walked to the door.


“Would she really have done that?” Donghae asked in awe.


“I don’t know, but these days I try not to let anything surprise me when it comes to her.” Sungmin laughed as he walked out the bedroom door with Donghae trailing behind him snickering softly.


When they walked into the little lounge room, Sungjin smiled across the small dining table to them from his laptop and focused back onto the screen. Sunhee bursted out of the kitchen with a smile on her face and walked straight up to Donghae. Her curly hair bounced around the frame of her face as she looked up at the young man in sheer awe and fascination.

Sungmin rolled his eyes at his mother’s behaviour as she began spouting questions to Donghae. If he would like something to eat or drink? Would he like to sit down? Is that your blue sports car outside parked in front of the shop? At hearing the sport car question, Sungjin jumped from the table and ran over to the window and began yelling excitedly.


“I think perhaps it’s time we moved on.” Donghae smiled at Sunhee and bowed respectfully at her. Sunhee returned the gesture as did Sungjin.

“Come on Sungmin, Amber noona’s plane won’t wait all day for us.” Donghae smiled as he pulled Sungmin by the arm and out the door before Sunhee could ask any more questions.


As Sungmin was dragged down the flight of stairs that connected the shop to the apartment, his heart began thumping loudly in his chest at the thought of seeing Henry and Kyuhyun again. What would he say? What would he do if either of them approached him? Donghae feeling Sungmin’s apprehension looked down at him as the reached the last step and smiled.

Donghae was unaware of what was going through Sungmin head, and if he didn’t want to tell him he wouldn’t ask, but a smile can go a long way from some people he was told. And when people looked confused or unsure, he just smiled for them, hoping it would make them feel a little stronger.

Sungmin looked up at Donghae’s face for a confused moment and smiled along with the young man. After all a car ride with Donghae was nothing. He was nice, funny polite and did nothing untoward to him. So he was safe with him, and Jongwoon for that matter. Sungmin walked out of the shop with Donghae and waved goodbye to his father before heading into the car.

Donghae’s car was sleek and very sporty. It made the van that Chunhwa used for deliveries look like crap in comparison since they were parked next together. The high polish of gloss on the dark blue paint job on the car, reminded Sungmin of the colour of the plush rabbit he received off Kyuhyun.


“It’s my favourite colour.” Donghae spoke as he opened the passenger side for Sungmin to get in.


“It is a nice colour.” Sungmin replied as he hoped into the car.


The inside interior was all soft black leather. There was a small little clown fish plushie hanging from the review mirror, which made Sungmin smiled. For as long as he had known Donghae the man had seemed to possess a rather childlike quality to him. And this just proved it with. Donghae was indeed and five year old boy trapped inside a young man’s body, screaming to be released and allowed to play outside.

Though Sungmin was aware that with his family’s history that Donghae also possessed a very sensible and adult like quality, one with which if something was done to someone he loved or cared about could turn dark with any given moment. But for now Sungmin just smiled at Donghae and tapped the plush toy on the review mirror as Donghae laughed.


“You like Nemo too, he’s a pretty awesome fish.” Donghae spoke excitedly as he started the car.


“Yeah Nemo is pretty awesome.” Sungmin laughed feeling happier than he had been all day.

“Thanks Donghae.” Sungmin smiled over at the boy who gave a off a questioning look.


“For what?” Donghae asked as he pulled out onto the road.


Sungmin didn’t want to admit that the childlike man had brought him out of his depressive slump, so he left the questioning Donghae asked him unspoken for awhile. In the end Sungmin just responded with never mind, causing Donghae to chuckle to himself a little. He understood all too well from Sungmin’s small smile that he had cheered up his new friend, so Donghae allowed it to go.


“So what’s your favourite part in Finding Nemo?” Donghae asked, making Sungmin laugh uncontrollably.



When Donghae and Sungmin walked into the airport they found Jongwoon and Kyuhyun waiting for them. Amber noona was still nowhere in sight so the four of them decided to go grab a coffee and come back and sit down and wait for her on the little bench.

As Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin, he could feel his heart trying to break through his chest. Sungmin looked so adorable in his white beanie and pink jacket, though the thing that disturbed him was that Donghae was holding onto Sungmin’s hand. And they were both smiling and laughing with each other.

That anger and paranoid feeling sneak up into Kyuhyun’s chest, making it feel tight and compressed as he stared at the joined hands. Kyuhyun couldn’t understand the emotion that was going through him, all he knew was what he wanted to do. And that was rip Donghae’s hand out of Sungmin’s and claim Sungmin as his own.

Though with Sungmin’s personality and fiery temper, he knew it was not the best thing to do. He could come out with some serious bruises if he did something like that, and that was something Kyuhyun knew for certain he didn’t want. Though the thought still did tempt him whether the action was worth or not.

Sungmin tried to keep his eyes off Kyuhyun the entire time, though he was horribly pleased that Henry had not shown up either. It was save him trying to think of a reason not to talk to both of them and discuss on why things went the way they did.

When Sungmin grabbed his overly sweet coffee, he let go of Donghae’s hand, which he kept a hold of for some emotional support, and Donghae didn’t seem to mind either. So Sungmin was happy knowing that Donghae was comfortable holding his hand, he sat down on the little bench, which Kyuhyun joined on later.

Sungmin’s face fell as he saw Kyuhyun trying to get his attention by throwing him looks or anything, so he chose to ignore it and think about Amber noona leaving. Jongwoon and Donghae walked over to the both of them and sat down across from them. Jongwoon was very aware that something seriously wrong was going through Sungmin’s head for him to ignore Kyuhyun the way he was.

Kyuhyun sighed giving up, trying not think to terribly on why Sungmin was looking so confused and depressed and began to worry about why Henry had not shown up yet. He began looking around the airport for any sign of his friend, which Jongwoon and Donghae began to do as the time for Amber to be arriving to leave would be drawing soon.

Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin again and sighed that his face had not changed from his sullen expression. Tired of worrying and getting extremely annoyed about both Henry and Sungmin. He decided to see if Sungmin would actually respond to him if he talked to him.


“The energy around you is so dark. What use is it even if the F4 emits our own light?” Kyuhyun spoke in a snarky tone, hoping that it would get a rise out of Sungmin. With no reply Kyuhyun tried again.

“There really is no black hole other than you, your everyone good vibes away just when they look at your face.” Kyuhyun said a little softer, but still with a little annoyance.


Sungmin let out a heavy sigh and looked at the Kyuhyun for the first time. He could feel his heart beating like a drum against his chest as he stared at for a moment then looking away to avoid those dark eyes that Kyuhyun possessed. Kyuhyun was about to give up when Sungmin began to speak.


“Cho Kyuhyun, can I ask you something?” Sungmin asked still looking at the ground.


“Are you still going to ask me even if I say no?” Kyuhyun asked as he looked at Sungmin’s still sullen expression.

“Can you just act like you usually do, this while sad thing does not suit you.” Kyuhyun teased.


“Would suppressing your emotions and not expressing them, for the sake of the person you like be the right thing to do?” Sungmin asked ignoring the tease.


“Right thing, my foot!” Kyuhyun stated, feeling the heat rise in his face.


“Huh?” Sungmin said as he looked at Kyuhyun’s stern face.


“Suppressing your emotions for the sake of someone else is like being a complete stranger. How is that liking someone, you should fight for the person you like. If the world goes into pieces tomorrow, then you’d probably die first because of all the regret you caused for yourself.” Kyuhyun spoke wisely, surprising Sungmin with the answer he received.


“Kyuhyun...”Sungmin spoke with a confused quizzical expression on his face.


“What?” Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin waiting for more.


“You might not be completely stupid.” Sungmin responded with a small teasing smile earning a fit of laughter to come from Jongwoon and Donghae.


“Did you just figure that out?” Kyuhyun smirked at the Sungmin.

“It’s better to regret the actions you cause, instead of regretting because you didn’t do anything in the first place.” Kyuhyun smiled.

“Well that’s my philosophy anyway.” Kyuhyun laughed as Sungmin smile at him softly and pretending to scoff at Kyuhyun’s attitude, which was coming off very proud.


The both of them sat there for awhile chuckling to themselves, Jongwoon and Donghae smiled at the both of them. Jongwoon pulled out his phone and subtle snapped a couple of pictures of the two of them. The way they were acting was just too much for him not to record.

After a couple of more minutes Henry still hadn’t shown up causing all four boys to get worried about it. They believed that Henry should at least say goodbye to the woman he loved, not completely ignore her leaving. Kyuhyun grew a little more annoyed at it and sighed, alerting Sungmin that Kyuhyun attitude was beginning to sour from waiting.


“It looks like Henry isn’t going to show up till the very end.” Kyuhyun sighed.


Amber strolled in with her bags and smiled at all of them waving excitedly. Sungmin jumped from his bench and waled quickly towards her. Amber quickly wrapped her arms around Sungmin and brought him tight against her in a hug. Kyuhyun, Jongwoon and Donghae walked up behind Sungmin and smiled at their beloved noona.

Amber noona let go of Sungmin and grabbed his hand and all five them began to walk to the terminal where Amber noona would be hopping onto. The whole way there Amber noona kept saying she was so happy to see all of them waiting for her and for walking her all the way to terminal.

As the five them finally reached the doorway for her to step onto they all sighed and Sungmin let go of her hand and smiled sadly at her. Amber noona placed her bag next to her  and looked at all four of them with a smiling face. This was the last time in a long time she was going to be seeing them smiling faces of her boys, though there was one in particular she wanted to see. Though he still hadn’t shown up or was refusing to acknowledge her leaving.


“Be well everyone.” Amber noona smiled as she looked over all of them.

“Stay out of trouble, and don’t cause any trouble.” Amber said as she looked over at Kyuhyun who smirked at her a nodded.


“Me? Trouble? Never.” Kyuhyun said as he pulled Amber noona in hug as she ruffled his hair playfully when he let go.

“Must you go do that lawyer or NGO crap, noona?” Kyuhyun asked looking a little sad.

“I really don’t understand other people.” Kyuhyun scoffed as Amber laughed at his childish behaviour.


“Do you know it’s been ten years since you’ve sincerely called me noona?” Amber noona laughed.


“Anyway, it’s pretty cool what you’re doing for yourself, so I decided to accept you as a noona.” Kyuhyun smiled sadly to her Amber noona.

“Are you complaining now?” Kyuhyun smirked. Amber noona walked over in front of Jongwoon and smiled softly.


“I’ll see you later. We’ll all visit.” Jongwoon smiled as he hugged Amber noona softly.


“Don’t come visit. Come to have an exhibition for you art.” Amber noona said smiling softly.


“Take care of yourself.” Donghae grabbed Amber noona in a big hug spinning her around as she laughed.


“Being to kind is your disease.” Amber noona said as Donghae released her from his hold.

“If you treat the wrong person to nicely, those scars they cause will run deep into you.” Amber warned as she ruffled Donghae’s hair.


“Sungmin, please don’t forget my favour.” Amber noona smiled as she had Sungmin for the last time.


“Take care of yourself please.” Sungmin whispered into her ear as he released her from his embrace. Amber noona walked out into in front of all four again and smiled.


“Be well everyone. I’m going now.” Amber said as walked to the terminal waving to all of them as she walked through the gate to the plane.


Sungmin looked sadly at her retreating figure through the corridor of the gate and sighed. He couldn’t believe she had left. He also couldn’t believe that Henry had not shown up to say goodbye to her. It would probably be the last time he would have seen her for a long time.

Kyuhyun scratched the back of his head irritated by Henry not showing up, he was so ticked off that the woman he loved was leaving Korea and not returning, and that the guy didn’t even show up to pay at least some respect in her leaving. What kind of man does that to the woman he supposably loves?


“Ruthless bastard! How could he not come to the very end?” Jongwoon grumbled loud enough for all of them to hear.


“What did I tell you guys? You tell me that I have the cruellest personality, when I told you that the real cruel person was Henry.” Kyuhyun said, his eyes never leaving the ground.


“He looks so serene, but once he turns his back, he’s scarier than anyone else I know.” Jongwoon said, making Sungmin upset for Amber noona.


“Isn’t talking behind my back a little too harsh Jongwoon?” A voice said from behind them.


All four of them turned around to face Henry who was smiling cheekily behind them. Henry walked up to all four of them and sighed as he looked to the terminal gates, noticing that he had missed Amber noona by only a couple of minutes. He looked at Sungmin and smiled softly at him, taking in his blushing face and overly large beanie on his head that was accentuating his adorable features even more then normal.


“You...” Donghae started.


“What is this?” Kyuhyun asked as he looked at Henry and took in the fact he had a small little bag on his back as well.


“How long have you been here?” Jongwoon asked.


“Since three hours ago.” Henry replied with a smile.


“What? So you were here before us...?” Jongwoon asked with a confused expression.


“And you didn’t even come out for a peek to say goodbye?” Donghae questioned.


Sungmin could feel his irritation rising as Henry just stood there so casual like. Ignoring the fact that he had just missed the woman he loved and that he didn’t even care about it. Sungmin charged in front of Henry surprising everyone around him for his behaviour. Henry and Kyuhyun looked down at Sungmin perplexed as to what was going to happen next.


“What are you doing right now? Were you someone who’s all good when he wants to be? Go chase after her!” Sungmin yelled scaring everyone besides Henry around him.

“If she can’t stay next to you, then chase after her and go stay next to her! You said you liked her! Does your love only consist of looking out from behind a pillar? Do you still have the right to say you love her?” Sungmin yelled angrily at Henry.


When Sungmin had finished his rant. Henry’s face broke out into a smile and he softly giggled at Sungmin’s over reactive behaviour. Sungmin cheeks were all red, his eyes were shining with annoyance and frustration and it was all Henry could do was to hold himself back from bursting out laughing.

Henry looked down at the ground and smiled at Sungmin again as he pulled from his jacket pocket a plane ticket and his passport and then nudge the travel on bag in front of Sungmin’s face. Everyone face went wide eyed as Henry pulled out the ticket and passport for them to see.


“It’s for the next plane.” Henry laughed at Sungmin’s surprised expression.

“I already sent my luggage along.” Henry explained as everyone’s faces dropped slowly at the realisation that Henry was leaving them.


“Lau Henry!” Kyuhyun said trying to remain positive for him and smiled at the boy in front of him in a cheesy fashion.


“You always have a skill for surprising people, you bastard.” Jongwoon laughed.


“How did you suddenly get the heart to go after her?” Donghae asked.


“Thanks to this young man right here.” Henry said as he brought Sungmin under his arm in a hug.


“What?” The three of them asked in unison as Sungmin offered a shy smile.


“You bastard.” The three of them yelled as they pulled Henry in and tackled him playfully.


Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin’s smiling face as he watched the four of them play fight. Sungmin couldn’t deny that he was upset about Henry leaving, but he knew it would be for the better, that way Henry can learn new things in his life.

Kyuhyun softly smiled at Sungmin who smiled back, both of them feeling their hearts beating heavily against their chest as they looked at one another. Kyuhyun stopped playing and pulled Sungmin under his arm, causing him to go bright red.

The rest of the boys stopped playing and Henry walked over to Sungmin. His smile brighter than Sungmin could ever remember it. Sungmin took the chance to imprint Henry into his memory, he didn’t know when it would be next he would see him, or if he would ever see him again. So Sungmin took in the time to remember Henry’s high full cheeks when he smiled, his messy brown hair and his shining chestnut coloured eyes.

Henry looked at Sungmin and brought his fingers to Sungmin’s face a gently grazed his cheek affectionately. The mere contact of his skin against Sungmin’s sent Henry’s heart soaring, though he was still unsure what he was feeling for Sungmin, he decided that he needed to be with Amber to figure it out. That way if he did come back to Korea, he would know how and what to do when he saw Sungmin again.


“Thank you Sungmin.” Henry spoke affectionately, feeling his heart burst in his chest as he stared into Sungmin brown mahogany coloured eyes.

“I came to realise its thanks to you. That I have spend time with her now to learn things for future references later in life. You taught he to possibly have the courage to hang on to her, as a friend or something more, I don’t know. But it’s a relief to know that I got to know a person like you.” Henry said as he walked closer to Sungmin and grabbed him in his arms.


Henry hugged Sungmin tightly against him for what could be a very long time till he saw him next. And with a final goodbye he pushed Sungmin beanie back a little and kissed his forehead over so softly.  Henry’s senses became intoxicated with the sugary sweet smell of Sungmin and he tried to keep hold of it for as long as he could.

Jongwoon and Donghae looked at each other in complete shock and surprised, they didn’t think it was possible that Henry could have had feelings for Sungmin as well. There faces grew worried as they looked at Kyuhyun’s shocked stunned face as he watched Henry continue to kiss Sungmin’s forehead.

He felt that overwhelming emotion rise in his chest again, but tried to dismiss it as soon he started to feel it. The tightness in his chest became extreme again, but it was something he could live with for now. Donghae and Jongwoon looked back over at Henry who had removed his lips from Sungmin’s forehead to feather them softly down on his cheek, kissing it one last time.

He looked up over to Kyuhyun, Jongwoon and Donghae and waved goodbye as he walked through the terminal gate. Sungmin smiled and waved goodbye, excited for the adventure that Henry was about to embark on for his future, hoping that Henry would be happy with Amber noona.




Sungmin had decided to get over his awkwardness and ride home with Kyuhyun, they had both pulled over and bought another coffee and decided to watch the plane leave the airport for fun. Both of them were leaning on the side of the car next to each other, enjoying being together in complete silence without having to talk to one another.

Kyuhyun looked down to see Sungmin smiling happily as he watched the planes move and take off, or get filled with gas. Even watching the men load all luggage from a far seemed fun as well. Kyuhyun smiled to himself as Sungmin took a sip of the overly sweet coffee and smiled again.

Kyuhyun placed his coffee on top of the car and walked over in front of Sungmin surprising him slightly as he trapped him in between his arms.  Sungmin back was pushing up against the car. He placed his coffee cup in front of his face in what he thought was a form of protection. Kyuhyun smiled down at Sungmin, as his eyes glanced back up into Kyuhyun’s, unsure of what Kyuhyun was about to do.


“Lee Sungmin.” Kyuhyun began as he kept a hold of Sungmin’s gaze. Sungmin swallowed heavily.


“What? What are you going to do now?” Sungmin asked, still very unsure of Kyuhyun’s actions.


“Listen to my words very carefully. I’m only going to say this once, so you really have to listen carefully.” Kyuhyun said as he continued to look at Sungmin.


Sungmin nodded his head and stared up at Kyuhyun really unsure of what was going on. Kyuhyun began his sentence only to have it cut off by the sound of the plane going above them. Sungmin stood there trying as best as he could to hear what Kyuhyun was saying, but to no avail he couldn’t hear anything coming out.

Kyuhyun quickly placed his lips against Sungmin’s sealing what he thought was the deal. Sungmin stood there not really moving until Kyuhyun pushed his body flat up against Sungmin’s earning a little gasp to come from him. Kyuhyun took advantage of the situation and deepened the kiss. Kyuhyun took one of his arms off the car to grab Sungmin’s coffee that was prodding into his chest and placed it on top of the car.

Kyuhyun feathered his tongue against Sungmin, earning a soft moan to emit from the boy. Sungmin was feeling happy and confused all at the same time. The feel of Kyuhyun’s lips and the spearmint coffee taste to him was making him giddy and high, though he was confused on why they were kissing and what Kyuhyun had said when the plane flied over their heads.

Kyuhyun placed his hands on Sungmin’s hips, his hands travelling to the hem of the pink jacket. His finger skirted underneath it to reach the hem of the shirt. Kyuhyun groaned in frustration slightly at the fact there was another layer he had to sneak through. Sungmin wrapped his arms around Kyuhyun’s neck and pulled him flush against him, another low moan emitted from Sungmin.

Kyuhyun took the opportunity to snake his hands underneath the shirt, his fingers came into contact with soft skin. Kyuhyun’s hands gripped the side of Sungmin’s waist. Kyuhyun could feel his pants tightening with his growing arousal, and not wanting to scare Sungmin to much he stopped kissing him deeply only to peck his lips several time, earning a please hum from Sungmin.

Kyuhyun smiled down at Sungmin who smiled softly back. Kyuhyun grabbed his coffee cup off the rop of the car and walked to his side of the car and unlocked the door. Sungmin watched as he got in the car the question still perplexing in his brain.


“What did he say?” Sungmin mumbled to himself as he grabbed his coffee off the roof and opened the door of the car and hopped into the passenger seat of the car.



A/N: Sorry for this taking so long guys please forgive me....I'll try to be more frequent now as I have my DVD's back!!





















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Chapter 33: nice story!!! keep up the good work authornim,and hope you update soon:)
Chapter 32: aww so yewook is friends with benefits
thank you for not forgetting this story :)
nigerna #3
Chapter 33: oh my,why you take so long left us here alone,i almost forgot the story but i will repeat again if you update again,thanks and glad you appear again.
king-jongin #4
Chapter 32: Don't sweat it sweetie. You're fine
eunhaeship #5
finally you're update this story! i'm waiting since age :-)
Chapter 30: happy you finally update :D ..... feel bad for both Henry and Kyuhyun and hope they back to become best friends as befor
can't wait to read Sungmin meet with kyu's sister in next cahpter
Chapter 30: hate sungmin for kissing henry in this chap -.-