A boy's pure intention

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side

POV from Junsu

I was polishing hyung's weapons when umma practically barged into my room and showed me the side of her that I have never seen before. She also introduced me to the mechanism of those flimsy dresses and complicated hairdo. I never knew soot is part of the make up regime though.

It was all baffling at the beginning... when you get tossed around like a rag doll, pushed and half dragged around like a piece of fresh meat instead of human... but you eventually understand what is going on. I eventually did.

Appa and umma... and technically speaking... everyone else that I know or recognise, is on the run. Like fugitives. They are so into it, shoving and stacking their stuff like I have never seen them do before. I am not pleasantly surprised. I am shocked.

Just a few days ago, everyone out here, squeezing onto the boat, were full of enthusiasm. Full of drive... and ready to fight for their land and rights. This isn't how things are supposed to turn out!

I asked a few dirtily dressed ahjussi and ahjumma why they are running... but they would just smile at me sweetly and brush me off politely. I can't even recognise half of them have they not spoken. Appa included. Everyone here... at this harbour... are clothed like beggars yet equipped like rich merchants.

I know how everyone would fear for their lives... fear death... but shouldn't defending their kingdom be as important? That's where their future generations will dwell.

What about those that can't get away? How can these people be so irresponsible? How can they just leave those who don't have the resources to escape, to fight to their death?

Most importantly, hyung! I can't see him anywhere either!

I think hyung would fight! Why can't everyone be like him?! I shouted with all my might... to plead for them to stay... but the wind just blew my words away.

I will not be like them!


Admist the chaos, no one realised that Junsu had sneaked off. Even Junsu's father and mother were too busy making sure their riches are stashed into the ship. No one anticipated the young prince would defy his mother, since he was an obedient child to begin with.

“Junsu! Honey?!” A shrill voice caused the waters to ripple as the ship readies itself to set sail. It is already dusk by the time most of the ships are actually ready, and they have to sail as soon as the sky turns dark, that is the 'protocol'.

“YEOBO!! JUNSU'S MISSING!!!” The same voice turned desperate as it causes the already calmer atmosphere to tense up again. “WHAT ARE YOU ALL WAITING FOR?! FIND THE PRINCE!!!”

Many servants scrambled off the ship and started the search, but no one spotted the small figure crouching within the abandoned shipments. Some servants even got onto horsebacks to scour the area for their lost prince. Junsu just stayed hidden amongst the crates.

Even though he can hear his mother bawling her eyes out, he tells himself that he will make it up to her someday. He just can't bring himself to leave his brother behind. He swears to himself at that very moment that if his brother doesn't escape, he will follow suit. He even had a good mind to convince the headstrong man to leave with them before its too late, but he knows better.

“I'm sorry umma... I can't leave hyung behind.” The boy whispered to himself as he watches the ship sail off a few hours later. The king had decided to start the sail after the unprecedented delay, even if it means his wife had fainted after  excessive cursing and mourning.

A few moments later, the boy is up and about, running at top speed as he sprints back to where he came from.


The following dawn...

It took Junsu one night to make his way back to the palace and then to the camps where his brother's troops are stationed.

From a distance, the boy could hear battle cries, loud blaring of horns and heart racing thumps of the drums. Those sounds intimidated him, but he continued on his journey in search of the general's tent, his brother's tent.

“HYUNG!! I BROUGHT YOU YOUR SWORD AND SPEAR!!” Junsu rattled on excitedly, dashing right into a tent full of heavily armoured men, while they hold their meeting around a high wooden island in the middle.

“Junsu?!” The tallest man amongst them exclaimed loudly as he chucks his helmet into a nearby seat. Making his way briskly to meet up with the small intruder, the tall masculine man stared intently at him... her.

“Hyungie! It's me!!” Junsu smiled widely as he rubs off a good portion of the soot from his face, revealing sparkling light brown pupils encircled by big tear drop shaped eyes, a dainty nose and gorgeous pinkish lips. “I brought them!”

“YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE!! OH MY GOD!” The man swore as he slumps down onto his seat. “DIDN'T APPA BRING YOU ALONG??!” The man bellowed again. Junsu looks away guiltily.

“Go find this kid his mom and dad.” Junho ordered the guards standing outside his tent.

“They already... left...” Junsu voiced timidly as he chose his words carefully. He actually kind of anticipated finding a very pissed off Junho.

“WHAT!? HOW CAN THEY LEAVE WITHOUT YOU!!!” “GET HIM ONTO THE NEXT AVAILABLE SHIP!!!” Junho grabbed Junsu by the waist and tossed the boy onto a horse. “HURRY!!!”

“HYUNG!! I... I... There is no more ships... they left last night. Just let me stay with you!!” The boy struggled to get off the horse while the tall man straps him on.

“NO!! YOU ARE LEAVING!! EVEN IF IT MEANS YOU HAVE TO SWIM!!” The man shouted into the boy's ears, causing him to cringe and whimper pitifully.

“Hyungie!! PLEASE!! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!” The boy rubbed his hands together.



POV from Junho

Me and my men were making our last meeting worthwhile when a midget stumbled right in... calling me hyung. HYUNG?!

I almost died when realisation dawned on me that I only have one sibling. That little... thing... is Junsu. My adorable brother. He would have been my son if I am a few years older. I treat him like one too! Since appa doesn't actually bothers to invest any time on the both of us.

I am born of a palace maid. He is of royal birth. Son of a princess and the king. I NEVER could understand why we hit off so well. I AM supposed to hate him and feel all jealous right? Wrong.

He is very important to me. Ever since the day he is born, the day he is old enough to smile so sweetly at me when I carried him. I could not bring myself to feel angst about his birth.

No doubt his arrival have caused me more problems than I am already facing. Belittlement... disdain from the high ranking officials... even my appa does that... but I am not disheartened. I did well. I used my own capabilities to make it to where I am.

I am proud of my achievements, so birth rights don't bother me. Plus, a warrior wouldn't need silly things such as birth rights or status, if he is capable. I allow zero nepotism in my area of control.

Anyhow, I knew the rest were leaving... be it out of cowardice or fear for their children's lives. I didn't expect myself to want to stay either... but the responsibilities are set since the day I swore allegiance to my kingdom. Why train an army when you are just going to run in the face of danger? The army is there to defend.

I don't know how safe is it for them to run... since most of the neighbouring countries are also part of the alliance with that bastard... but I guess running is still the better option. Fighting will mean certain death. I am aware of that. That is also why I felt it was a good idea that appa brings Junsu along with them.

HOWEVER, THIS is what happens when all man are for themselves.


I am NOT going to allow anything to happen to this midget! For as long as I still breathe! They can only hurt him over my dead body!

Brother complex !


“General!! They are here!!” A panicking soldier came running towards Junho as he struggles with Junsu. The boy would not cooperate no matter what.

“Give me a sword, hyungie!! I will fight with you!!” The boy protested as Junho hurries to get him out of the palace gates from the other exits.

“SIR!! THEY ARE CLOSING IN ON US!!” “SIR!! THEY HAVE US TOTALLY SURROUNDED!!” The cries of distress are making Junho's head spin as he tries to think of a way he can rocket his brother out of the line of fire. He couldn't keep himself composed no matter how hard he tried, even though he was very prepared to give his life just minutes ago. Junsu had caused this stir within him, the need to stay alive, and he is not liking that feeling.

“Surrounded? Is there any ways I can get this fella out then?!” Junho asked dejectedly. The other soldiers shook their head gloomily.


“AIGOOO!! STAY CLOSE TO ME!! JUST MAKE SURE YOU DON'T ENGAGE IN ANY HANDS-ON!!” Junho shouted finally upon hearing his first line of defense crash under the weight of his advancing enemies.

With his heart pounding furiously and adrenaline coursing through his veins, Junho decided to just make a break for it. He plans to find a loophole in the enemies formation and send Junsu to safety. Even if it means Junsu might get caught and enslaved, he does not want his brother to be sacrificed. He is determined, even if he is to die trying, he wants to succeed.

“FORWARD!!” “CHARGE!!!” “DON'T FALTER!! FOR OUR LAND!!” Every armed being hailed as they stampeded towards their approaching adversaries. Sweat trickled and moistened the dry cracking ground as the sun beat down on the battlefield, grasses and small plants are torn from their roots as human and horse trampled on them mercilessly.

Swords clashed and thousands of horse hooves hit the ground in a repetitive forward motion, quaking the earth beneath and clouding the surroundings with dust and sand. Shields were smashed into as blades cut through armours, causing blood and everything else to spurt.

Arrows were also whizzing about, all over the place. Every warrior has to protect the most vulnerable part of their bodies from stabbing and slashing motions to stay alive, but many will fail.

It was raining blood after arrows. Then raining arrows after blood. Ghastly sights appeared everywhere, as dead flesh fall to the ground with sickening thuds and fires work their way around the overcrowded piece of land, thick smoke choking all the northern soldiers who had failed to pull a piece of clothe over their caverns.

Junho had one more person to hide under his shield as he fought with all his might. Soon, both he and Junsu are covered with bloody murk as well as sweat. The screams of dying soldiers made Junsu heart throb painfully, but Junho would not even allow him to stop and stare.

It is only at this moment that Junsu realises that he had dived into a deep pile of , and there is no way he will get out of it unscathed. He knows that his life may change forever, but he feels strangely calm and accepting of what fate might offer him.

He is just pleased that he did not allow his cowardice to swallow his conscience. Silly of him, but courage is priceless.


POV from Yoochun

I am amused. Very amused.

I thought better. This fight will undoubtedly be an easy and sure win... but I DID expect less resistance. Bravo! A man never goes down without a good fight!

This General Kim is really something! His battle plans are formidable. I hadn't had such a nice work out in a long time. I am not sick. Just thirsty for action... like how appa will put it.

My orders are to bring down anyone in armour, and anyone deemed as a threat... so basically, everyone here is going down. I do feel guilt sometimes... but my conscience is not an influencing factor anymore. They are ready to fight. They are prepared to die. I will never waste my time hunting down a fleeing soldier. Also, the death I issue is quick... and hopefully painless. Efficient.

As I was chopping down anything in my path, I spotted the person who kept the enemies’ army going. Kim Junho. The man who is the best bet for his kingdom. The ace. He is however, running in the other direction that I didn’t expect him to be.

Is he trying to escape? Doesn’t seem to be the likes of it though.

There is something else... someone else with him.


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*