Something bad coming out of the good... {Pt 1}

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side


Another double update.

This two chapters will be Yoosu again >.< With something 'special' happening... which some of you might not like. Nevertheless, do stay and read!

Jaejoong with finally appear on chapter 8, and YUNJAE officially meets on chapter 9! FINALLY! >.< Double update coming right up again tomorrow or the day after!! 

Thank You all for your kind comments and also your subscriptions!!! >.<


New special dedication column:

*A special thanks to 1210theRose for reading the rest of my previous fics in... one day? LOL! That was something... since I tend to write REALLY long fics! This one will be somewhat similar to 'Acceptance'... except with more... angst... and probably has less chapters. (don't worry about it getting too long)

*Also, to cholatta. Thank you for your motivating comment. *hugs*


POV from Junsu (dream)

“Junsu!” “JUNSU!”


“Junsu! What are you doing?!”

“Hyungie!! I missed you!!”

“JUNSU!! Listen to me!! Brat!! You have to get away from there!!”

“Hyungie! I can't!!” “I'm tired. And he is scary. I hate him.”

“Stop whining Junsu! Don't be such a loser!!”

“Hyung... do you blame me?”

“Just shut up and go find appa! I'm sure that woman... your umma... misses you too.”

“I don't know where they are anymore?”

“Don't be such a loser! You have to get out of there!


“HYUNG!!” Junsu jolted up from where he was lying, just to be sent back down by the gut churning pain in his abdomen.

In a daze, the boy rolled over and held his hands tightly onto the place that is hurting. Noticing that his hands are not bound, and that there isn't a single soul in sight, the boy forced himself up and begin crawling clumsily towards the door, just to be stopped by a tug at his left ankle. The loud jingle of the metal chains that held his leg firmly in place woke him from his trance.

Looking around himself, Junsu took in the unusual view of the soft mattress beneath him, and the high ceilings of the room. The room is sparsely furnished, but very elaborate and elegant, unlike the dusty shed he bet he would find himself in. Trying to recall what happened, Junsu could only remember getting thrashed by Yoochun again and then passing out.

Groping around the back of his neck, where the blade was grazing on earlier, Junsu noticed that, not only is there a bandage covering the cut, his hair is also reduced from its original length to a short shoulder length.

Sighing, the boy focused on the chain as he thought about his dream. How Junho's voice called out to him so desperately.


POV from Junsu

I was THIS close to finally disappearing from the surface of this earth... but yet again... that monster decided to prolong my life.

If you like to procrastinate, trust me, dying is something you don't want to try that with. It will be better to get it over and done with. Having to prepare and wash your neck for the chopping board on so many different occassions does not feel good. At all.

The worst part is when you do not have anything to look forward to after escaping death. Oblivion. It is painful and pathetic... but I guess I deserve to suffer before I die.

Nevertheless, I woke again... to find myself locked up in some grand looking room, and this time it's worse.  Even though I am not tied up, there is this long chain linking my ankle to this stupid pillar by the bed... making me appear like some kind of untamed animal. What is surprising though, is that they did actually treat the cuts that the monster made. That's new.

I thought through hyungie's words as I brood over the fact that there isn't more sunlight coming in through the small window. I heard him so clearly just now... and I am really contented. More than that, I really REALLY miss him!

So what if I escaped? So what if I did find appa and umma? I used to spend a majority of my time playing with hyungie... in his camp… ever since I knew how to address him as my brother. Appa and umma are like strangers to me sometimes... and even though I love them too, I have always treated hyungie like my appa, umma and hyung added together.

Do I try escaping? Strange enough. I would rather they just kill me. Die trying? Sounds good.


Just as Junsu is holding his internal debate, a man had entered quietly and positioned himself behind the boy.

Too caught up with trying to slip his dainty feet out from between the stiff circular cuffs, Junsu did not pay heed to the fact that there is someone watching him.

“Don't bother” “This will be your room from today on.” The man spoke suddenly, as gently as he can. He even made sure he shaved and ceased the constant frown. It's as if a whole new person is seated right in front of Junsu, and the boy is horrified.

Wide eyed, Junsu edged away from the ‘intruder’.


POV from Yoochun

Ever since that incident. My heart had not been at peace.

I can't be calm and composed like how I used to. Even when I close my eyes, I will still see that rude brat.

There is no way I can get him out of my mind no matter how hard I try to. First, he wouldn't get off my back, and then now, he wouldn't get out of my head! How I hate him!

He even miraculously replaced my grief after losing appa. I am appalled at myself for undergoing this type of a change. Yun calls this the manly hormones in action. I call this bull. Yet I can't deny that he DID ALOT.

Those guts!! I almost shot him in the heart... and chopped off his head! How can he just stare at the face of death... which is me, so calmly? And I cannot fathom how he can make me feel so uneasy whenever our eyes meet. It's because of this unease and heart thumping that I simply can't put him down like how I should have easily done.

I have never hesitated to cut someone down before. I am sure I will make a damn good executioner too. Why? Yun says I am blooming... something about something budding. God, how I hate his bull!

Anyhow, Yun suggested that I go make peace with this little nemesis of mine. He thinks that if I am at peace with that brat, I will be at peace with myself too. So here I am.

He looked so... small... when I first saw him on the battle field. I know I never found any particular attraction to girls, ladies or women... so I wasn't worried that my heart will guide my actions. But I do regret allowing my stupid sympathetic nature to take over. I Should never have brought him back.

Now, I'm  left with a mess that could be a potential drag.

However, though very troubling... when watching him fiddle at the chains now, instead of finding him irritating, like I usually would, I actually found it amusing. Almost like he is cute or something. Damn.

He is even ignoring my presence... working hard on the loose chains... but I'm not furious. Weird.

Talking about chains... I did order them to keep his comfort as utmost priority... but not to the extent of neglecting the fact that he might escape.


“Need help with that?” Yoochun found Junsu's attempts to escape entertaining and decided to start a topic from that. Junsu ignores him. He chose a very bad topic, which will eventually lead a many complications.

“You know that my palace is like a maze... even if you make it pass me, you wouldn't be going anywhere.” Yoochun transformed into an awkwardly talkative man, instead of the silent person he appears to be most of the time.

“You can actually speak like a proper human being? I'm surprised.” Junsu replied without looking at Yoochun. Yoochun rubbed his palm across his stubble laden jaw line and pursed his lips, thinking about whether he should get angry. He decided that he will not quarrel with a 'child', as Yunho mentioned before.

Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the urge to do something stupid consumed Yoochun. The sight of Junsu, sitting all so prettily on his bed got the king aroused beyond his own limits. Being one to practice loose self control, the man decided that he will not necessarily touch Junsu, but he wants to play with the boy a little. He underestimated his drive.

“I'm going to close my eyes and leave you alone to work. You have to the count of thirty to get out of here.” Yoochun is not prepared to allow Junsu to escape, but he couldn't stop himself from toying with the boy either.

“Your digits are only limited to thirty? I could count to a thousand when I was only three.” Junsu bragged, aware that Yoochun is actually giving him an opening and deciding to push it.

Yoochun could feel his temper flaring at the insult, but Yunho's breathing technique helped him to suppress it. “A hundred then.”

Junsu knows he is close to freeing his legs, so a hundred is sufficient, but he still wants to provoke Yoochun best that he can. “Don't fall asleep when counting, loser!” Junsu accidentally allowed a giggle to escape, before covering his lips with his hands.

Hearing Junsu giggle, Yoochun is greatly pleasured. Instead of experiencing rage, he actually felt calm washing over him, together with an unexplanable tingling sensation at his core. He loved the boy's tiny voice. “You pray that I wouldn't.” Yoochun could feel a tug at the side of his mouth, but kept his muscle movements under control.

Yoochun wondered about what he would do if he had caught Junsu, and he had a pretty good idea. He wanted to scare Junsu a little, make the boy squeal, loosen up himself when they are together, spend some time trying to make sense of the attraction he has for the boy.


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*