Real stupid... when in love {Part 1}

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side


An update ^.^ Do stay and read!

Thank you for you all for your kind comments also the subscriptions! *bows*

Yunjae is just starting off from now on. Phew! Finally right? Any guesses on who Jaejoong might be? Tehee >.<


POV from Jaejoong

That was a close shave. It doesn’t get any closer than this. They could’ve taken Junsu.

Nevertheless, I can't appreciate the fact that bastard has left so amicably. He has something up his sleeves… but I don’t care what it is. I only need to get us out of here by sundown today. Fortunately for Junsu, I know just the place to bring him to. He will be the happiest kid alive there.

First task. Prepare to get away. Those pigs will probably come back soon so I need to make prompt arrangements. I am confident enough to take all the guards on all at once… but that must be avoided for Junsu’s sake. Thankfully, that beast is still somewhere up south... last I heard. He wouldn’t make it here in time. I don’t think I can fight and win him anyway.

Second task. Feed the baby. Junsu is too weak to do that now… and he probably wouldn’t want to do it anyway. Who would? Will you feed your arc enemy’s baby? Especially after what he did to you, impregnating you? I have no idea what Park Yoochun did to Junsu, but it will most definitely be far from consensual. I honestly don’t want to know what happened between them either… but that beast can be rest assured that karma will catch up with him.

Anyhow, I am not letting that monster touch Junsu ever again. He will never see Junsu again, for as long as I am around.


“Junsu. They are gone… but we need to leave soon. Before nightfall.” Jaejoong immediately removed the table to allow more ventilation within the cellar, but only after locking the main door and closing all the windows.

“I’m sorry. He… he cried. I woke him up by accident.” Junsu confesses softly as Jaejoong lifts him up and transports him back to the bed, referring to the baby. Junsu is afraid that he might have given them away by waking the baby. “I don’t think they heard.” Jaejoong reassured Junsu, since Yunho never said anything about hearing strange sounds.

“I will need to get someone to feed him though. Shall I make something for you first?” The healer asked Junsu while cradling the currently wailing infant skillfully, soothing him. “No…Thank you.” The boy shook his head and smiled coyly at Jaejoong. “You can call me hyung too.” Jaejoong replied, patting Junsu's head gently. After a brief moment, the boy is off for a snooze; lying as still as death whilst his body tries to regenerate itself.

Seeing that Junsu is fast asleep, the healer buried the bundle deep within the inner compartment of his loose clothes and headed out to make the necessary arrangements for their escape the same night.


Later in the day…

“JUNG YUNHO!!!” Yoochun targeted the fort, making it the first place he would make his way to upon arrival.

Blotched with dust and dirt from the continuous two days travel on horseback, the king is feeling faint, bleary eyed and worn down, but he couldn’t be the least bothered about himself.

“HOW CAN YOU LOSE HIM?!!!” “HE IS SICK!!! WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO HIM?!!” The fuming man shouted anxiously while turning the relatively empty place upside down in search for his friend.

“Your majesty! You are here!” The general in charge of the residence heard Yoochun’s ravings and immediately emerged to play audience. The man hopes to get Yoochun to calm down, but he wouldn’t succeed.

“What are you doing here!? Looking all pretty and idle?!” “HAVE YOU FOUND HIM YET?!” Yoochun pranced around the man threateningly, causing the man to gulp down saliva painfully. “He went missing HERE! Your head is mine if anything happens to him.” Yoochun cursed and left the hallway, continuing his rampage in the foreign surrounding.

Yoochun’s nervous outbreak came as a surprise to everyone. He has never been like this before for any other person. Aside from the time where he was rushing from the east plain back to the central plain, just to catch his father on the man's dead bed, in half a day. That is virtually unachievable unless you ride like him. Yoochun have set yet another record this time; he travelled from the south plain to the north in a matter of a day and a half. It is a very impressive thing to do.

Just as the king is passing through the gates on his way for a solo mission, a horse rider coming from the opposite direction caught his attention. “JUNG YUNHO!!!” “YOU ARE DEAD MEAT!!” The king’s eye widened with a murderous glint as he drew his sword and nudged his steed into a gallop, towards his advisor, at top speed.

“WAIT!!! CHUN!! COOL IT!!” The advisor fended off Yoochun’s attack as their blades came in contact, vibrating from the forceful swinging motion. Yunho knows the distraught king have been subjected to a massive amount of pressure, both mentally and physically, and he needs to be careful.

“YOUR BABY!!! IT’S OUT!!!” Yunho offered Yoochun a fact to be happy about.

“DAMN YOU JUNG YUNHO!! I DON’T CARE ABOUT THAT!! WHAT ABOUT HIM?! DID YOU FIND HIM?!” Yoochun shouted as he leaped off his own horse, onto Yunho’s and wrestled the man to the ground. Landing on the hard sandy ground below in a bone breaking manner, the two friends rolled in the abundance of those yellow grainy substances, scuffling aggressively.

“STOP STOP STOP!!” Yunho managed to untangle himself from the mess of muscles and bones just to beseech Yoochun to cool off and listen to what he has to say. “Hear me out first, you meat head!”

“Trust me Chun. Leave this to me. I am the root cause of this problem, so I will come up with the solution. There's no need for you to interfere!” Yunho half shouted, panting while he tries to keep Yoochun at a safe distance from him. Before he is done, Yoochun is kicking sand and throwing stones at him from where they sat, swearing at him incoherently. The king is too exhausted to stand up for another round of gladiator fight.

Squatting down, the equally jaded Yunho, extended an outstretched hand to Yoochun, just to get swatted in return. “JUST. Just bring him back.” The king can tell that Yunho has a plan, through his all-so confident look. Sulking, the seated man pushed himself up and headed back into the fort without looking back at his friend. He is still mad at Yunho, hence starting a cold war.

After washing up, the king sat in what used to be Junsu’s room in the past and brooded. Looking around himself, observing the room that remains untouched since the conquest, Yoochun lay down on the smaller bed and took in Junsu's still lingering scent. Before long, he is able to sleep, thinking positively that the boy is right next to him.


At nightfall…

“Chun! Wake up! We have to go now.” Yoochun jumped out of bed, groggy and reeling in the daze, after the soft nudging of his friend, pulling him back from dreamland with immediate effect.

Slapping his own face to shake the sleep off, and pulling the wash towel from his face down to his neck, the handsome man ran his hands through his thick black hair before grabbing the sword lying beside him on the bed. “You are SO dead if he is…”

“Hurt?” Yunho interrupted and completed Yoochun’s sentence for him. “I know.” Yunho is confident that the healer is harboring Junsu. His men had reported to him, sightings of the healer with a newborn infant. Apparently, the advisor’s assistant have already peeked into the hut and saw Junsu too. Yunho has faith in the findings.

Yoochun’s glum face is the cause of the subsequent rush as the group of royal escorts tries to work as efficiently as possible, leading the way, so as not to incur the king’s wrath. Nearing the hut, the group of people was instructed to put out their torches and make their way quietly around, getting into formation as they surround the entire circumference of the lone hut, so as not to alarm the tenants within.

Yoochun could feel his heart racing as he looked at the dimly lit house with anticipation. Grasping his sword's handle tightly, the impulsive king left the group and headed straight for the door. “Yoochun!! Come back!! What are you doing?!” Yunho whispered loudly and follow suit.

“Are you sure he is inside?”Yoochun asked loudly. Yunho hushed him and dragged him back to the thick bushes, covering his mouth. “Yah! If someone did kidnap him, I am going to have the guy’s head! The kidnapper is mine!” Yoochun proclaimed as softly as he can. “You won’t stop me!” Yunho’s heart skipped a beat. The thought of Jaejoong getting slaughtered perturbed him.

“Can you walk?” A faint voice emitted from behind the closed door is a sign for the intruders to shut their traps. “Come. I will carry you.” Yoochun is most tempted to burst out from the bushes and cut down the door, and to murder the man that is treating Junsu so tenderly, but Yunho held him firmly in place while he seethe with rage and jealousy.

“No one kidnapped anyone Chun! The guy saved Junsu! Don’t act so rashly!” Yunho quipped, putting up a good word for the healer though he was the one who exposed Jaejoong to the dangers at the first place. Yunho is starting to regret allowing Yoochun along.

Just then, a clumsy soldier had to accidentally trip over the root of the tree he was hiding behind, creating loud rustlings of the leaves in the nearby bush while trying to regain his balance. The reverberation of the sound against the silent walls of the Jaejoong’s residence alerted the man immediately, and before Yoochun or Yunho could do anything to salvage the situation, the flames illuminating beyond the windows are extinguished, turning the entire vicinity a nice crippling pitch black.

Overwhelmed by trepidation, Yoochun charged out from behind the bush and hacked down the door with a single swift motion. He wouldn’t usually act so impetuously when faced with such a dubious battle layout, but he just couldn’t contain the thought of the person taking his Junsu. His Junsu. And so he thought.


POV from Jaejoong

As expected! They are here! Except much earlier than I would’ve liked!

Anyhow, I couldn’t leave earlier because the baby had taken up a lot more time than what's optimal. I was even planning to abandon him at a random doorstep had Junsu not given me that look of indecisiveness. I even talked to Junsu about rearing this child... and he apparently couldn’t bring himself to do anything cruel.

He is definitely feeble… and I have no idea if he can survive the run. With a child, things will only get harder. Though Junsu did not object when I brought up feeding and caring for the child... I have my doubts. A child taking care of a child? We will just have to see how things turn out as we go along. The journey to the intended safe haven will be tough.

How disgusting is Park Yoochun? Extremely. Had the thought never crossed his mind? That Junsu is just a child as well? He can barely cradle the infant properly to be considered safe!

My plan is to attach Junsu and the baby to me while we escape on horseback, but it seems to me like we wouldn’t even make it to the horse. They are already everywhere. Not surprising… just distressing. I can fight them off… but there might be bloodshed today.

Also, you know you have a definite problem when Park Yoochun is amongst them. That blood thirsty creature that knows no mercy or sympathy.


As deafening clashes of sword amplified by the quiet night skies prompted the rest of the royal escorts to emerge from hiding and get into action as well.

“Hurry! The torches!!” Yunho took note that they crowd cannot fight in the dark, so reluctantly, he lit the torches again, even if it might mean death for Jaejoong once he is visible again.

With the aid of the bright orange flame, Yunho can see clearly, who is having the upper hand. No one in particular. Jaejoong is a surprisingly powerful fighter himself. Even Yoochun is having a ball of a time trying to make his way through the main door.

Yunho can see on Jaejoong’s beautiful face, for the first time, grit and determination, making him even more appealing. Soon, the healer is fending off a group of seven all by himself. Though having a bundle tied to his back and an ailing person under his ‘protection custody’, the healer never lost his gracefulness, poised as elegantly as ever with every deadly attack he passes with his sword.

Yunho saw that the man is ready to take Junsu and make a run for it, but he also knows Yoochun will rather die than allow that. Though dying to deal with the following dilemma like how the ‘normal Yunho’ would, the advisor can only conclude that he simply can’t watch Jaejoong die.

Drawing his own sword, Yunho decided that he will do the stupidest thing in the world. He will rescue Jaejoong, in front of his own alliance. He will just have to make it a tad less obvious.

“Chun! You get Junsu! I will take him!” Yunho decided also, that Yoochun is probably going to hurt the infant dangling by a piece of fabric at this rate he is fighting Jaejoong. “Don’t hurt the baby you idiots!! I will take him alone. Stay close to his majesty.” he shouted at the ‘auxiliaries’ after taking over from Yoochun, dispersing the royal escorts.

Yoochun finally walks away from a good fight. That is unheard of until now.

“NO!! You are not taking him!!” Jaejoong saw where the king is headed and issued Yunho’s impeding sword a forceful blow before making a break for Yoochun again, but the advisor was recovered in a blink of an eye, holding him in a sword dance, inhibiting the healer from interfering with Yoochun’s advancement.

Seeing that Yoochun finally has Junsu in his arms and is headed to safety amongst the group of escorts, Yunho pretended to slip up, allowing Jaejoong an opening to escape. However, much to his consternation, the healer did not reciprocate his kind intents by escaping. He is still persistent as ever, going at Yoochun again. Yunho had no choice but to interfere.

The advisor, a gifted swordsman as well though unbeknown to many, managed to stop Jaejoong in his tracks, incidentally leaving a deep gash on the man’s left arm, lacerating the brachialis anticus and its surrounding anatomy. The advisor’s heart aches to see the healer’s blood on his own blade, but he knows that he has to draw blood in order to deter Jaejoong. Yunho fears for the healer’s life, since he cannot possibly cope with so many people attacking him all at once.

“JUNSU!!” Still reeling from the shock of receiving such a deep cut on his arm, Jaejoong could do nothing but watch Yoochun mount a horse with the boy wrapped securely in his arms, surrounded by a bunch of armed . Unable to bypass Yunho as the bigger man blocks off all channel by which he can rescue Junsu, the healer had limited options.

With his luscious ruby lips quivering because of helplessness for the first time, Jaejoong was reminded of the infant’s existence by the frightened baby’s colic. The healer’s temporary quiver then transforms into a faint smile as hope appears to him in a form of a newborn child.

With blood dribbling down his slender arm ceaselessly, the man gathered the bundle containing the crying infant close to his chest with his good hand and sprinted for the woods behind what would be his ex-accommodation. With the soft fluttering of his long hooded cape, Jaejoong vanishes into the caliginous forest. A worried Yoochun and gang can only stay and watch while Yunho’s shadow dissipates shortly after, as the advisor continues his ‘pursuit’.

Not long after, the man reappeared again, with a dejected look on his face. Apparently, he lost Jaejoong. In truth, he simply allowed the man to escape instead of going all out to put the opponent his misery.

“Chun! I can’t! He has the baby with him! It’s too dangerous!” Yunho came up with the perfect excuse.


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*