Reconciliation {Part 2}

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side


Part II~


“Hey!! Is there anyone out there?!!” “I know you are there!!” “Stop doing stupid things like this!!” It is midnight by the time the cold got too unbearable for Yunho. Even palm rubbing and his own breath is no longer effective. The man had also resorted to doing slow jogs around the room as well as the perfect star jumps to warm himself up, but to no avail.

Not even daring to raise his voice since he does not want to wake the ‘sleeping’ Jaejoong, the advisor could not stop his teeth from gnashing, no matter how hard he tries to stabilise his jaws. The grinding sound is now the only sound filling up the quiet room. “Yah!! Get Park Yoochun!! I want to talk to him!!” “He can’t do this to me!!” The advisor hissed through the tiny slit under the door, ear pressed onto the freezing floor.

Cursing when all he got was silence, the advisor got up again to continue his exercise regime. The most torturous part is the fact that he isn’t wearing any foot wear, since his pair had mysteriously ‘disappeared’ during his sleep. Imagine running on ice or snow. The floor is not slippery, but the place is akin to an ice rink, and Yunho can no longer feel his feet. “SSSSS!!!” The advisor inhaled sharply as a gust of wind hits him from the window behind where he was doing his stretching.

Reaching out to pull the latch down, the advisor wanted to scream out in frustration when he realises that the window is jammed open as well. Yoochun had this well planned out indeed, seeing to even the most minute detail. “PARK YOOCHUN!!! YOU BASTARD!!!” The man mouthed the words in a hushed whispered.

Unknown to Yunho, Jaejoong had been watching him from the comfort of his bed. The bed is cold as well, but with the curtain drawn, the heat is trapped, especially under the blanket. Jaejoong is very tempted to leave the cosiness of his nest and share the blanket with Yunho, but is not brave enough to do so. He could only observe the advisor as the man runs around, doing handstands whenever his toes feel like they are falling off.

Jaejoong is feeling worried even though he appears to be in some form of circus, with a hyperactive animal performing right outside his tent. Not to impress him though.

No matter the number of chances Yoochun had indirectly given him, for a good laugh, by forcing Yunho to behave like a palace clown, Jaejoong cannot override the feeling of needing to do something merciful. Thinking about the possible consequences of a night out in the biting cold, Jaejoong can only conclude that Park Yoochun is a really terrible friend to Yunho. He cannot imagine how Yunho will survive if they are meant to be in lock up for a few more days.

Nevertheless, Jaejoong is reminded again, how much of a gentleman Yunho once was, before he morphed into an angst man. Expecting Yunho to come climbing in next to him, the healer is prepared not to deny Yunho of the basic need for warmth, but Yunho simply wouldn’t approach him. The fact is, Jaejoong is very impressed. This is possibly as real as Yunho will ever get, and Jaejoong feels comforted to know that the man is indeed the opposite of how he was back then, violent and harsh.

Reflecting a little with the spare time he has, Jaejoong thought back on how he used to make Yunho seethe with anger. The advisor is usually undeniably patient, and that is evident in the way the man used to take care of him, devotedly. Jaejoong had found it odd that Yunho would even hit him to begin with, and he can only conclude that Yunho has had a handful with him.

The healer had successfully driven Yunho up the wall before, and he was the only one who could do that. However, he isn’t proud of the history of enmity he had created between them.

The healer likes the nice, ridiculously patient and gentle Yunho, but he doesn’t hate the austere, assertive and truculent Yunho either, at least not from the bottom of his heart. Even when Yunho is callous and intimidating, Jaejoong can still feel his hesitation. The healer can’t help but feel curious about the type of Yunho he will find when he steps out from the enclosed surrounding now, out of his ‘safe zone’.

If Yunho doesn’t want to hold back, Jaejoong knows he will well be dead meat. Yunho is, ultimately, the only man that can intrigue him, incite fear in him, yet cause his heart to skip a beat, all at the same time.

Unable to bear the increasing volume of Yunho’s bruxism, Jaejoong decides that he will not want hide anymore. Being a failed believer of non-maleficence, the healer is aware that his cowardice will cause the stubborn Yunho to suffer, and though he is supposed to enjoy watching it in its full glorious display, he still feels terrible for Yunho. Jaejoong has a kind heart to begin with.

Stepping away from the bed while still wrapped up in the blanket, Jaejoong can make out Yunho’s silhouette in the corner, far from the half open window. Gliding across the freezing floor, which is almost unbearable even though he has his shoes on, the healer makes his way to the bigger man’s side while the other runs on the spot.

“WAHHH!!!” Placing a cold palm on the unsuspecting Yunho’s exposed shoulder, the healer caused the advisor to jump and yell out in surprise. Without waiting for the advisor to speak again, the healer spread the thick cotton sheet with his hands like a pair of bat wings and encircled the tall man’s chest with his own small frame, as if trying to wrap them up together in one single piece of cloth. Body pressed together in close proximity.

“J-Jaejoong?! I-It’s Alright-t!! Y-You d-don’t have t-to d-do t-this!!” The advisor is still attempting to put up a strong front, tugging the blanket off his back bravely and re-wrapping it round the healer’s thin shoulders. Frowning, Jaejoong pulled Yunho close again and pulled the advisor by the collar, leading him on.

“Y-You really d-don’t have t-to d-do t-this if you d-don’t want t-to!” The advisor held Jaejoong firmly by the hand, stopping them on their way back to the bed. The healer can’t see the advisor’s expression clearly through the dark, but as the cold wind hits him across the face, sending shivers down his spine, the healer is more certain about what he needs to do. Just a brief moment outside of the only warm area in the entire room and the healer is already feeling the pinch. He knows he can’t allow the advisor to stay outside any longer.

“You will catch a cold.” Jaejoong retorted softly, hands still around Yunho’s chest as he drags the advisor along. The taller man almost cried. For real. It is the most touching thing Jaejoong had ever said to him, and he is already feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, even though his is half frozen.

“I-I am a-alright!” “R-really!” The advisor insisted but Jaejoong wouldn’t hear of it. Pulling the advisor back onto the bed, the healer made the man sit with his legs gathered up in front of him before doing the same for himself. Then, throwing the blanket over both their bodies, the healer stays a mere inch apart from Yunho while they each get the bare minimum of the blanket.

As the night progresses, the wind only got stronger, and for a couple of times, the advisor would stipulate that the shivering healer keep whole piece of blanket. Jaejoong, however, would always gainsay him. Yunho even tore off the curtain in order to provide Jaejoong with one more layer of cloth, and the other is touched, forgetting that he is under such an unfavourable circumstance because of the advisor to begin with.

Yunho, on the other hand, is just very grateful that he is allowed onto the bed. He swore he did never ever join Jaejoong for as long as the other does not want it. However, now that the healer is actually feeling generous, the advisor is determined to treasure the moment. It is not every day that Jaejoong would walk up to him and initiate contact. It’s a dream come true for Yunho, especially with Jaejoong expressing even the tiniest bit of concern for him.

“Jaejoong… I need to explain… I REALLY do not have a part in any of this!” Unable to breathe right due to the long awkward silence, the advisor spoke again. Listening to the healer’s calm breathing, Yunho feels the pressing need to clarify that he is in no way, involved. Stopping to find the next most appropriate word to use, Yunho bated his breath, anticipating contention on Jaejoong’s part.

Without a form of verbal response, all Yunho got was something round pressing onto his left bicep, on the side Jaejoong is on. Snapping his head to the left, the advisor is surprised to find that the beautiful healer is dozed off, genuinely sleeping, since he was just pretending earlier on. Head resting on the advisor’s thick upper arm as he slides down a little, cold skin on his ear rubbing against Yunho’s now warmer skin. Lips slightly parted as he allows sleep to take him, the healer is not as energetic as before due to a certain bodily change.

Slowly reaching the other free hand to support the healer by the chin, the advisor slid his left hand down from behind the healer’s neck, wrapping his palm on the other’s bony shoulder joint. Then, lying the healer down, the advisor even parted the other’s tightly folded arms and legs, covering him with the blanket while he himself takes the barely there cloth which used to be the curtain.

Bending forward to admire the healer’s sleeping face under the faint moonlight penetrating the window panes, the advisor lean in for a kiss, face saddened as he fights the forlornness. Pressing his own chilly lips to the healer’s cheeks, he left them there while his fingers caresses the other parts of Jaejoong’s face tenderly. The gloomy atmosphere did not help ease his pensive sadness and Yunho could not bear the idea of Jaejoong leaving his side yet again.

The healer is always the only cause of Yunho’s internal conflict, and as torn as the advisor is after all the emotional turmoil, he still loves Jaejoong no less.

Eyelids fluttering open, the healer is a little taken aback to see the advisor’s face so close to his, with a part of the man touching him as well, but he does not react. For the first time in so long, Jaejoong is willing to take some time to admire Yunho’s fine features as well. Yunho’s eyes are closed as he Jaejoong’s hair, and the healer is feeling unexpectedly at ease, an unusually snug feeling tantamount to a feeling of attachment.

With Yunho’s breath tickling his cool skin, and soft stubbles poking at him once in a while, the healer could not keep in a suffocated giggle. This stunned the advisor and the man immediately straightens up into his sitting position once more. “Ah… I’m sorry.” Yunho even apologised, shuffling away from Jaejoong.

Noticing that Yunho only has a pathetic lacy fabric draped over his broad shoulders while he himself is fully encased in cotton, the healer sulked again. Rolling over to his side, the healer pushed himself up and grabbed the advisor by the wrist, pulling the big man to lie down beside him before throwing the lone blanket over both bodies. Then, turning his back to face the advisor, the healer tried to go back to sleep again, not minding that Yunho’s body is practically plastered to his, in an attempt to fit both humans under a confined perimeter.

Yunho almost died from the happiness, unable to stop the silly smile from parting his lips, exposing his teeth to the frosty wind. Only a gust of biting cold wind can shut the man’s mouth.


Meanwhile… back in the palace…

“Chunnie. Where have you been? Minnie is missing his appa already!” The pleased king is sauntering into his study to change out for a bath when his queen calls out to him. Caught off guard, the man could only smile dumbly at his wife-to-be.

“What’s up with that slimy grin?” The boy himself could not but chuckled at how silly the king looked. Then, approaching the king to help him with the removal of his difficult attire, the boy lifted the armour off the king’s back with much effort and transported the metal plated garments back to their holder. It never fails to amaze Junsu, how those big bad males can carry that weight around and still hop around like bunnies.

“Yah! Leave that! It’s too heavy!” The king quickly grabs the armours from the boy, chucking the pieces into a corner, before wrapping his arms playfully around his partner’s slim waist.

“Why do you always say that Minnie misses me? He can’t even talk. How do you know he misses me?” The king whispered, making naughty remarks into the boy’s ears, ghosting his breath along the boy’s neck. “You are the one who miss me isn’t it?” “Say it.” The king added, before nibbling on his partner’s earlobe.

“No. I was just wondering where you went.” The boy tried to excuse himself and managed to wriggle out from beneath Yoochun’s tight embrace, slinking out of the room in a flash, running back to their shared room and locking the door behind him. Hitching his breathe when he hears the heavy set person lumbering towards where he is, the boy mumbled prayers to himself.

“Say it, my darling Junsu.” A sudden gust of air bursting through the door the boy is standing in front of as they are practically pried apart by the king, causing the boy to shriek and dart to his closet, clambering in and pulling the doors shut, holding the door surface with the pads of his fingers since there isn’t a latch he can grab onto. “My dearest Junsu. Hey baby… where might you be?” The man teased, cooing lecherously from right outside the closet and earning an adorable groan from the boy.

Then, the door is flung apart and the boy is dragged out from within, thrown over the king’s broad shoulder as the bigger man ferries Junsu off to the bath with him. Seeing that the baby is stirring, Yoochun had decided to bring his bedroom activities elsewhere. “Tell me you miss me and I might let you go.” The king breathed into the boy’s ear as the other dangles helplessly.

“I MISSED YOU!! I MISSED YOU!!” The boy squeaked again, but the man does not stop advancing.

“Too late!!” the man whistled.

“NO NO NO!! Not tonight!! I’m still sore!!” The boy begged. “Let’s talk about Jae hyung and Yunho hyung instead!! PLEASE!!”

“I want to talk about us.” “Don’t worry, I will be gentle.”


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*