Kill me tenderly... if you can.

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side

Hope my droning wouldn't bore you guys out. >.<


The following day…

“Here. This is how it works.” A ahjumma holds Junsu's hands gently as she guides the boy on the use of the weaving machine. Every strand of string were spun around and miraculously strung together to produce a piece of flawless clothe, effortlessly, thanks to the invention.

The constant sound of knocking, cutting and brushing filled the air as a small hut full of female workers busied themselves to produce whatever they can for the day. Yoochun may be a cold blooded conqueror, but he is a very lenient ruler. His people generally do not have any issues with him. He is not a cruel man, to them.

“Thank you.” Junsu smiled shyly at the ahjumma as she smiles back, motherly instinct kicking in.

“I have a daughter your age. Call ahjumma when you need anything alright?” The women patted Junsu on his head and left him to do his magic.

Junsu has never worked in his entire life, and his first day of work isn't half as bad as he thought it would be. There were no guards with whips. The people here were free to roam and lunch as they please. Junsu is genuinely surprised.

However, he now realises that he might have a problem.

Yunho has delegated him, work, at the textile mills; solely because the man truly believes he is female by birth. He is mistaken. Junsu is made female by misunderstandings.

Staring blankly at the ball of thread in his small hands, Junsu found himself at the verge of tears again. He is not starved or tortured, but he truly wished he is. He does not regret not escaping, but he still feels that Junho will stand a better chance of surviving had he not been around.

Wiping his tears off quickly, the boy quickly got to work.


A week later...

“Excellent job!! I heard you are a princess... I am surprised that you can do such good work!” The same ahjumma exclaimed upon inspecting Junsu's progress. The boy is b with pride for some reason even he can't fathom.

“Go! Go give yourself a break! Say ahjumma sent you off early.” The woman smiled, assuring the boy. However, Junsu has no idea where he could go, since he is actually more or less confined within a few mile radiuses, under loose monitoring by ‘prison’ guards. Picture a women’s prison.

Every single day, as if routinised, he did wake up early and head straight for work until dinner time. Since he started working, there is nowhere he could play, and he does not even have a single male friend he can hang out with. The only place he knew to dwell, is the worker's quarters. Even there, he would sleep alone in a far end of the room. The workers just concluded that he is too 'royal' to sleep amongst the commoners, but the truth is, he can't see himself sandwiched between a few dozen females. He even bathes and does everything as far away from them as possible. For the sake of his identity, even though he has no idea why, or what will happen to him if his secret is discovered. Junsu is just living his life day by day.

Walking back to the worker's quarters with unhurried footsteps, Junsu could see two burly guards coming from the opposite direction. Paying no heed to them while they laugh and joke with one another, Junsu lowered his head slightly, prayed that he would appear invisible to them, and whisked past quickly when they finally cross paths.

“You.” Junsu froze momentarily upon hearing one of them address him not too affectionately. Hastening his footsteps instead of stopping, the boy kept his head even lower, not bothering to look over his shoulders. Trying to control himself from breaking into a run, the boy could hear their heavy footsteps getting louder.

“You! Rude wench!” A thick palm finally caught up and held his arm like a vice, spinning him around harshly and issuing him a slap on the recently subsiding swell on his cheek. The blow stung his cheeks and he could not but look daggers at the man who assaulted him.

“What are you staring at?! Huh!” Another slap landed on his ear, causing it to ring painfully. Junsu stood his ground.

“Oh! You are the trophy! I can see you are actually a great catch without the dirt eh?!” The man grabbed Junsu by his chin and forcibly twisted his face from left to right. “Look at her man! This wench is really pretty!” The man laughed and turned to his partner. 

“How about you entertain us huh? You sweet little thing!” The man’s partner whistled and walked up to Junsu with an evil grin. "You must be feeling lonely without his majesty's companionship. Why don't we keep you company instead?" Junsu could not comprehend fully, what they meant by ‘entertain’ and 'accompany', until he felt a cool blade slicing through the top piece of his garment, while thick oily fingers twirled his hair playfully. Bating his breath, the boy waited for the guards to stop, but instead, they reached for the knot at his chest instead, loosening it while both man their lips in a erse manner.

“GAHH!! LET GO!!! !!!” Junsu is scared, but more than that, he is really insulted and provoked. With one swift move, Junsu's pearly whites were chomping down on one of the man's fingers, while one hand scratches the other man. Junsu wasted no time before reaching for the loosened and dangling knot, holding it up as he tries to keep his ripped up top in place.

The worse isn’t over for him. With a brutal yank of Junsu's hair, the man pried the boy’s mouth off his pinky and flung him into a corner. “YOU are SO dead!!” The man yelled and lunged at him.

Then as if undressing a stuffed doll, the two men started stripping him down with ease, much to Junsu's distress. The boy thrashed around as fiercely as he could beneath the two crushing weights and managed to wriggle a hand out from beneath them. Grabbing one of them by the nuts, Junsu gave it a forceful tug, causing him to howl like a dying wolf.

The other man saw what was happening and punched Junsu in the abdomen, causing him to curl up in pain. “!!” The man Junsu assaulted, was about to give him a kick in the back when he was restrained by his comrade. “WAIT!! LOOK!! This is no man!!”

The two men stopped almost immediately after noticing how flat Junsu’s chest appears to be, looking all dumbfounded. “This is no wench man!!” They looked at one another, wide eyed. Junsu crawled away, huddling up in a corner while he squeezed his eyes shut tightly, praying for the gods to spare him from another episode of hell that is about to descend upon him.


Meanwhile… in the palace…

“Is that all for today? Yoochun, heavily armoured as usual, sat perched on the edge of his throne. He would not put on his father's robe no matter how the court persuaded him to. He liked it better in 'light' clothings, and so he claims the weighty metal pieces are more imponderous.

The group of 'politicians' before him dispersed almost immediately after he called an end to their meeting. “I will be training with my man at the east court. Refer any matters to Yunho when the need arises. I do not wish to be disturbed.”

“Sire! We have news for you!!” The same two guards from earlier came running towards Yoochun as soon as they spotted him entering the archery field. Yoochun is a little taken aback, since they are supposed to have peace and quiet from the day they emerge victorious. He thought they had urgent matters to report.

“Speak.” Yoochun said silently, suppressing his building temper as he prepped his bow and arrows.

“Sire! Your trophy...”

“Her again?! TSK! Is she dead?” Yoochun glowered.

“Sire! We met her at the mills today!”

“TSK! Do I look like I give a damn? Scram!” Yoochun snapped at them. The two did not comprehend his wish for them make themselves scarce.

“Sire! She lied! She is not a princess!” The two men said in unison.

Yoochun's eyes widened a little, but he immediately brushed them off again. “Get rid of her then.”

“Sire! She is a... He is a prince.” The two men muttered barely audibly. Now, Yoochun is ‘interested’. The man’s mouth curled up a little at the side as he glanced briefly at the two soldiers. Humoured, and a little untrusting, the man pulled the bow string and took careful aim.

“And I am supposed to know that... why?” The tall man released his arrow from the bow immediately after finishing his sentence. Bull's eye.

“Sire. We thought you should know because he is the trophy.”

“True. How did you two find out then?” Yoochun asked again and sent off another arrow. Bull's eye.

The two men fidgeted uncomfortably and cooked up an excuse. “There were tip offs. We went to check.”

“Do you know what happens to liars?” Yoochun raised an eyebrow at them and directed his lethally positioned weapons to one of the man's forehead. “Right there.” Yoochun narrowed his eyes, monster threatening to emerge. “Straight through.”

“Sire!! Please forgive us! We have our needs too!! The mills are...” The two men immediately got onto their knees and begged for mercy. An arrow whizzed pass them, causing them to scream and land face flat onto the sandy ground.

“Full of females?” Yoochun finished their sentence for them. “Tell whichever of your friends that the mills and women quarters are off limits. Am I understood?” Yoochun said threateningly, earning whimpers from them. “They are workers. Not slaves. Not properties.” Yoochun clacked his tongue.

“YES SIRE!” with that, the two got up to leave the king's sight.

“He deceived me. Bring him.” Yoochun concluded. “YES SIRE!”


POV from Junsu

I am screwed. Officially.

Damn my hands!! Damn me!! I could have made that monster hurt when I had the chance to!! I can’t understand why I just couldn't!! I just couldn't!! Why?! This is so frustrating!! I didn't even create a knick on him!!

I should have just killed him!! Save myself from all this problems!! They just keep coming!!

I hate myself... so much.

Useless Junsu. Useless person who just can't do anything right!

Now that they know I am not a girl, they will think I am trying to deceive them. Well... I was... but that was unintentional! Who would pay attention to what they are wearing under that sort of circumstance?!

The world will spin around me whenever I see blood... and I don't even know what I am supposed to do when I hear someone screaming in pain. How am I supposed to clarify my gender when I'm like this? I AM useless aren't I?

At least I can count on him to chop off my head like he almost did that time. End this miserable life of mine.

Come to think of it. The two men that tried to hurt me today... I did hurt them right? Should I grab that monster there too? The guy was all over the place after I attacked him there.

I know if I am fated to die, I will die... but I want that monster to hurt a little at least! He deserves to hurt like hell... just like hyungie probably had... I just want him to hurt!! Even if it means I can't kill him!!

“Kid! Time to meet your maker!”

Will I be able to see hyungie on the other side? I miss him...


POV from Yoochun

I think this kid and I… are a really ill fated pair. I can't seem to get her... him off my back no matter how many days it has been.

I know that by trophy, she... he is suppose to be a kind of souvenir... a property... but I can't bring myself to kill him no matter how much I wanted to. Trust me. If I want someone dead, even Yunho can't stop me. I don't even know why I allowed him to live the other day.

I digressed.

Today will be the day I put an end to this troublesome relation. I will kill him today. Or rather, I finally have a reason to. I hate liars.

I continued my archery practice while waiting for the two to bring him. To be honest, I was picking the murder weapon in my mind. Sword? Arrow? Knife? The least messy one would be great. I think an arrow through the heart will be good... since I am already holding one. However, it might hurt a while before he dies. Why don’t I just bludgeon him with this mallet? Looks heavy enough to crash his tiny skull…

I was busy rethinking my options when I felt something... or someone being thrown at my feet. He is here. Arrow then.

I wasn't thinking much when I loaded my arrow into the bow. I don't want to hear him plead for his life. I don't think I did spare him either. He should know that I am a very unforgiving and merciless person by now.

Again, I got careless. Shouldn’t have looked at him! But how am I supposed to shoot someone without looking? Right?


Junsu is brought before the preoccupied Yoochun as the man chooses his arrows silently, picking the longest and thickest one. The aura he exuded scared the rest of the soldiers in that vicinity. They all anticipate death to finally catch up with the kid.

Junsu, however, wasn't half as afraid as he should be. As if already expecting what is to come, the boy held his head high. He did not beg or even bat an eyelid. Eyes following Yoochun's hands, the boy allowed himself to take in his surroundings for one last time.

Yoochun had made a sudden turn to face the boy, and for a moment, everyone there shut their eyes and waited for the man to get it over and done with. Junsu did not. He held Yoochun's eye contact confidently and stared at his 'executioner’s' face hatefully, enticing eyes gleaming with abhorrence, as if expressing his disdain solely through eye contact. His message got across.

Yoochun is instantly astounded by the captivating light brown orbs that were trained on him ferally. The face, once smeared with murk and black dust, is now clean and clear. Apart from the 'stainings’, proof of the beatings he received, his supple skin is a mesmeric milky colour. To Yoochun, the skin and every other parts of the face's feature is glowing, bewitching him in an instant.

Junsu just sat, shoulders and chest fully exposed, beneath the towering man. Junsu's alluring lips twitched ever so slightly, and Yoochun found himself gulping down saliva dryly. For a moment, the bigger man's eyes strayed down Junsu's svelte nape and clavicle. Not to find a place where he can sever an artery, but to take in the inviting and delicate features surrounding it.

Shaking off the instantaneous enchantment and temptation that is causing him an atrial flutter, Yoochun hurriedly pulled the bow and lifted the thick arrow to take careful aim at Junsu's heart. Tugging at the coarse string, the man increased the intended velocity by arching his elbows further back.

Junsu saw that the person is fully poised to kill and decided that even if he had to die, he will do it while watching his murderer. Yoochun is disturbed. Junsu's lovely round eyes never left the man’s face, even after a long while.

“DAMN IT!” Yoochun cursed and turned away, shooting the arrow instead, at the bull's eye more than a few yards away. A red flag waved, indicating that he had indeed hit the bull's eyes. Bystanders flinched at the accuracy.

“What are you staring at?!” Yoochun crouched down next to the unflinching boy as he continued holding the eye contact. Holding Junsu by the chin, the man tightened his grip on the tiny mandible and scowled menacingly at Junsu, the boy did not blink. “TSK!”

Then, reaching for Junsu's loose garment top, the bigger man pulled it to properly cover the exposed region of the boy's body. Instead of appreciating Yoochun's gentlemanly gesture, Junsu slapped the man's hands away, gave him a push and spat at him.

“WHY YOU?!!” Yoochun became hopping mad yet again. Leaping up to his feet, the man drew his sword swiftly and brought it down right onto Junsu's nape, just to hesitate before it can do any irreversible damage. Reason being, to his bewilderment, the boy's eyes were still trained on him, haunting him. Befuddled even by himself, Yoochun actually threw the sword away, sending it right into the shield display behind them.

The slice Yoochun made at Junsu's neck did not detach his pretty head from his pretty neck, but it did rob him of his single ponytail. Then a sudden gust of wind sent Junsu's shortened hair across his face, stinging the boy's eyes. It was only after then that Junsu took his pretty eyes off the man.

Unable to swallow the indignance, Yoochun found himself kicking Junsu in the gut but quickly stopped himself from escalating, before he actually cripples the boy. Frustrated at himself, Yoochun dug his heels into the ground and kicked a cloud of dirt at unconscious Junsu, hoping to wake the boy. Seeing that Junsu isn't stirring, the man threw his cape over his shoulder and stomped off.

“Lock him up in the western chambers.” “Clean him up while you are at that.” The king ordered on his way out of the place, without looking back, no matter how tempted he is. No one had any idea what was on the man’s mind, except one.

Yunho, who was nearby, witnessed everything that had happened and felt a smile creep up across his handsome face. He was about to step forward and stop Yoochun from decapitating the boy earlier, but he somehow knew that his friend wouldn't be capable of that at the moment. Call it a gut feeling. Yunho is happy that Yoochun has finally met his match, who is ironically, a helpless boy.

The pleased advisor knew his friend is in need of someone to love, badly, and he is more than delighted that the person has finally shown up. Someone who can stop the raging man's other side.


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*