If only you will listen... {Part 2}

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side


Please do overlook any grammatical or spelling errors! 


Meanwhile… back in the capital, Jung residence…

“Appa. Here is your medicine.” “And here is yours, umma.” The filial son of the Jung family aoproaches the family table for dinner, taking on the job of delivering his parent’s medicine by himself. Joining his parents at the table after the maids have cleared the medication tray, the tall man sat there and started stuffing his face like a hungry ghost, swallowing without proper mastication.

“Yun ah! Slow down or you will choke!” The senior Jung patted his son’s back as the man gulps down a bowl full of soup to smoothen the bolus of rice and side dishes in his mouth. Smiling at his father and mother with his still puffed up face, the man lifted a thumb up, indicating that he is possibly never going to choke to death.

“Yun ah. Why are you always rushing off? Stay with us for a while longer. We want to talk to our son too.” Yunho’s mother patted her son on the head, speaking in the all so motherly voice, making Yunho feel guilty, but he can’t stay for too long.

“I need to deliver his dinner to him… He wouldn’t eat if I don’t feed him personally.” The man replied sheepishly. Yunho keeps no secret from his parents. The fact that he had brought Jaejoong back is well known throughout the estate. Yunho’s mother even had the servants clean up Jaejoong’s prison before his arrival, genuinely believing that the hut is used only for innocent lodging purposes.

The older couple would have visited Jaejoong upon his return, had Yunho not insisted that the healer is poorly, and not willing to receive guests. His parents bought his story, but they too, are getting concerned.

“Is he getting enough rest?” The two elderlies asked in unison. Yunho scrunches his face, not too reassuringly, pointing at the two bowls of concoction on the table. “That’s why I am overseeing the brewing… so he can get more rest.” The two elderlies nodded approvingly. They doted on Jaejoong too, when he was ‘with them’ before. The healer used to give them massages on their acupoints to ease the symptoms of old age, such as aches and abdominal discomforts.

“I will bring him to visit you two someday.” Yunho then excuses himself, personally transporting the food tray to the healer’s hut, where he now resides in as well. The advisor had transferred everything in his room to the small quarter in one of the gardens, and he is currently sharing the bed and every facility there with the healer, like newly-weds. His parents are aware of his relationship(s), but are not judgmental.

“Time to eat.” The advisor announces cheerily as he enters the room, where a silent form lies, unmoving, on the bed. The person’s sealed eyelids immediately splits open as he stares at the approaching Yunho, face not wearing any expressions whatsoever.

Turning his neck a little to one side, the man looks away from Yunho as the man sets up the tray and it's content onto the bed, beside him. “Leave me alone.” The small frown is present as the healer replies with a weak voice, twisting the sheets between his fingers feebly.

How he wished Yunho would spend more time away from him. It’s been more than a day since he is paralysed by Yunho, and though he cannot sit up or turn by himself, he is still able to wriggle his toes and curl his fingers to aid the circulation, though he cannot revive the sensations at his finger tips.

The torment of not being independent is alleviated since he can still speak.

“Damn. That’s some nasty…” Yunho whispered to himself after sitting Jaejoong up against his own big frame, and exploring underneath the healer's top. The horrified Jaejoong stifled a cry as the advisor trails a finger down his exposed shoulder blades, rubbing on the terrible hickeys he left last night. Barely squirming, the healer tried to inch away as the advisor continues downwards, hands resting on the love bite just above his hips. “Don’t!” The healer almost begged, and Yunho re-dressed him.

“Don’t worry. I won’t touch you tonight.” The advisor replied rather coldly and rested Jaejoong’s chin on his right shoulder as the man’s head lolls back due to the lacking of muscular strength to hold his head in place. Jaejoong felt terrible, totally at the mercy of Yunho while the man toys with his body and technically, his entire being.

“I want… to go home.” The healer can feel his tears welling up as he tries unsuccessfully to keep them from falling. Soon, he is wetting Yunho’s top as his eyes reddens and continues leaking non-stop. Disgusted by his own cowardly behavior, the healer sniffled and rubs his eyes against Yunho’s shirt with whatever strength his has, to dry them off, not wanting Yunho to see him in the act of weeping.

“You can’t. But I will bring you out for a walk after dinner.” The advisor promised before planting a kiss on the healer’s crown, aware that the other was crying. “I can’t let you go.” The man said, holding the healer in a tight embrace.

“I hate you.” The healer mumbled, tone not reflecting real hate or any feeling for that matter. Yunho chuckled bitterly.

Jaejoong is still very much traumatized by Yunho the past night. The man had pounded him so hard that he can no longer feel his rear end as well, though he hadn’t exactly lost the feelings there before Yunho jumped him. He chooses to numb himself out. He has no energy or will to fight the advisor as of this current moment.

Watching Yunho as the man swirls the bowl of concoction in the bowl, the healer whimpered pitifully, shaking his head as the advisor continues with a stiff expression. “Open up now.” The advisor then lifted the bowl to the Jaejoong’s lips, positioning it there before tilting the poor healer’s neck for him, pouring the liquid in. “I mixed that stuff with your fever medicine…” The advisor added emotionlessly as well. The healer had to swallow since Yunho literally forced it down his throat again by restricting nasal inhalation.

Coughing, the healer wanted to sob again, but found the food served to his lips as the advisor waits patiently for him to take a bite. He refuses, so Yunho proceeded to shove the spoon into his mouth, determined. “You will finish at least half.” The man said stubbornly. Jaejoong isn’t given a choice.

With the silver kitchenware rubbing painfully on his swollen lips, a result of Yunho’s chewing and kissing from last night as well, the healer complied, taking mouthfuls by himself. Yunho is satisfied.

When the advisor is done with feeding Jaejoong, he scooped Jaejoong into his arms as he secures the light weighing person in a cradle position in his arms. Jaejoong simply allowed his cheek to rest against Yunho’s muscular chest as the man ferries him out of the house and into the other gardens.

The couple stayed there outside till sundown, no one initiating a conversation, only returning after Jaejoong drifts off to dream land.


POV from Jaejoong

I am better off dead right now.

This isn’t right! What he is doing isn’t right! I cannot live like this forever!!

But I can’t tell him that I will ‘behave’ either!! I want to trick him!! But I highly doubt that he will be deceived… with his level of intelligence… and he would’ve probably learnt from the previous experience. If it’s Junho we are talking about, then I would’ve succeeded by now.

I would rather he left me out in the wild and let them wolves feed on me than be locked up here, waiting for time to pass.

He said I can choose how my days are going to be like… for a long time. I can either choose to be stubborn and stay like this till I go crazy… or I can submit. Right now… my answer is, ‘go to hell.” He will need a miracle to make me docile.

The person I am more worried about is Junsu. That bastard has him too… but I was in no position to help him in anyways at the current moment. He was clueless and this bastard Jung used that to his advantage. I detest this man SO much!!

Now that Junsu is back with Park Yoochun… and there is probably no way he is going to get away... I really don’t know what the future holds… for us. All of us. I was so sure of myself… and what I needed to do… must do… and wanted to do… but I was disrupted time and again… and now… his harassments just escalated to a whole new level!

The burning questions are… what will Junsu do? What is Park Yoochun planning to do to Junho? Junsu would definitely try to save his hyungie in whatever ways he can! What will Park Yoochun do to him when it comes to that? Will Park Yoochun be more merciful towards him? My poor nephew! He is really pure and always trusting. Naïve. I pray that nothing happens to him.

It really is a pain the neck having to care for two big kids like them. One is too brainless… and hot blooded… and the other is just like a kid… which he still is. I can’t be there for them anymore though… Just look at how deep in I am in myself!


Back in the northern fortress…

“Your majesty!!” “Your majesty!!” Yoochun was about to end his discussion with the northern fort’s general when the head of guards came approaching them, timidly, yet sounding urgent.

“Speak.” Yoochun said as he went along, planning to go check on his queen. Nothing prepared him for the news.

“Your majesty! His highness has disappeared together with the crown prince!!” Upon hearing this, the king froze on the spot, as if petrified, as he stood rooted to the ground. “What do you mean?” The man asked as he tries to breathe again.

“The two servants that went with the queen and the crown prince came back without them.” The man shivered a little as the king’s lips quivers. Reaching for the pillar just nearby, the man lean onto it and allowed the post to bear his full weight as he pushes himself to remain standing, with both hands outstretched.

“Why?! Junsu.” The man muttered to himself as he runs a hand through his hair, swaying a little but not too noticeably.

“I have dispatched the search patrol already...” The man anticipated the king to blow up and backed away slowly as he reports his interventions to tackle the problem. The king wraps his fingers into a fist and allows them to stay domain by his side as he straightens up after a long while. “Junsu wouldn’t do this to me. He must have done something!” The man shouted, but only he understands what he is saying.

“Gather the troops. We will leave for the valleys as soon as they are settled.” The king ordered coldly to the northern general, who is standing nearby, looking on concernedly. He does not question the king’s orders though he has no idea what is going on.

“Yes your highness.” The man immediately got down to business, blowing the horn and releasing the horses from their stables, leading them to line up by the gates.

Soon, swarms of armoured beings are flooding out into the vast courtyard. Flags bearing the king’s, the royal advisor’s and the northern fort’s symbol were also raised as the three troops proceeds to their perspective groups, walking in a coordinated fashion.

As soon as they are ready to depart from the fort, the king reappeared on the observation tower, fully equipped as he watches at the people scurrying around below. Giving the respective commanders a signal to proceed, the king left his post and mounted his own horse as well.

Not having Yunho with him, Yoochun isn’t sure if what he is doing is suitable, but he has a gut feeling that he will find Junsu at the safe house. The only words running through his mind at the moment, however, are 'betrayal', 'hurt', and 'anger'. He still thinks Junsu is trying to leave him, with Changmin, and that means Junsu only came back for the baby. No matter how hard he tries to persuade himself that Junsu loves him and his escape has something to do with Junho, he can’t get over the fact that the boy did leave the fort at his own accord.

‘It is all an act to get the baby’, and so Yoochun thought. ‘Junsu only stayed and played nice so I will trust him.’ It is evident that Junsu had run away without the help of a second party, and hadn’t returned by himself throughout the entire time the troops took for preparation.

With a mask so unreadable across his face, the king heads towards the back of the marching troops, crossing the slopes and uneven roads to invade the enemys’ territory, marked so clearly on the maps.

“We are here sir.” Yoochun’s trusty general made his way from the front all the way to the back of the formation, where the king is already observing the area covered by inhabitants and their houses, from just down across the sandy path. The safe house is bustling with life, unaware of the impending doom.

“Kill on sight. But I want the baby and his mother safe.” The king replied solemnly.


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*