Slow and steady wins the race?

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side


Hi! ^.^

An update... it's YOOSU! But... but it's not that melodramatic or anything like that... since I am having an unproductive week!! That sux!

Do stay and read though! This chapter is kind of like a reenactment. Yunjae is up again next. I want MORE YOOSU too... but the story has to follow the original script. *bows bows*

Tired~ Too many things are happening at the same time. T^T

Once again. Thank you all for your kind comments and also the subscriptions! *bows*


Back in the Northern fortress…

It has been a little more than three days since the sleeping beauty was last roused from his slumber, and just as people were starting to fret that he would never wake again, he miraculously did.

In a room, with a familiar scent and where shadows moves at the same pace as he last remembers, a small figure stirred as he lay supine on a bed he had been pining for since almost a year back. The softness, the familiar view of the ceiling from where he lay, they all excited his sense tremendously, as soon as he opens his pretty eyes. The orangey evening sunlight invading the room through the slit in the window played along the contours of his lovely face, warming up the diaphanous skin there.

Holding onto where he is still hurting with a hand, the figure twisted his body to one side as he attempts to sit up independently. Grimacing as his hands clutch onto the thick blanket tightly, the figure managed to lift a leg off the bed and rest his dainty feet onto the cold ground beneath. His other leg followed suit as he sat with both legs dangling off the side.

With exquisite brown orbs now fully opened, the figure rubbed the tear-drop shaped eyes and blinked a few times. An adorable expression overtakes as he gazes around his surrounding with a half ‘O’ formation on his beautiful lips, gasping when he sees the exact same cupboards and furniture that used to decorate his own room.

“… How are you feeling?” A deep voice boomed from within the shadows, cast from the far end of the room, startling the recently awakened person. Through still slightly blurred vision, the small figure could tell that a silhouette is getting up and making its way over to him. It stopped halfway, not even bothering to make itself visible under the sunlight.

However, the person seated on the bed knew the voice all too well. The cuteness disappeared, replaced by a look of dread and uncertainty. Without uttering a single word, the small figure retracted his two feet with much effort and pulled the blanket all the way to cover his entire being, pouting underneath as he squeeze his eyelids shut. Willing the silhouette to be a dream, a nightmare he will not relive when he opens his eyes again.

Feeling a soft tug at the side of his blanket, the small figure squeaked like a scared baby mouse, stiffening as the blanket slides down at the places he isn’t grabbing on to. A little bit of light crept into the linen cave he created and he could hear the deep breathing of the man right beside him, too near for his comfort.

“Junsu…” For the first time in his life, the figure actually felt stunned by the way his name is mentioned so affectionately. The overflowing emotions evident in the deep thunderous voice as the other paused after the two syllabus. Not even his brother, who was closest to him, would call him by his name in that manner.

“Hmm? …” Junsu whispered from beneath the blanket, face still hidden as he frowned unhappily. He feels obliged to answer, no matter how much he didn’t want to. Strange indeed.

Taken aback by the boy’s not at all hostile response, the bigger figure hovering from beside smiled. He expected the still feeble boy to start hurling items as soon as he wakes, but all he got was a small squirming lump beneath a blanket, which he wishes he can pull right off.

“… Are you in… pain?” The man asked hesitantly, almost shyly. The boy is alarmed by the hundred and eighty degrees transformation of the monster that used to traumatize him with his mere presence.

“You try it yourself and tell me if it hurts when you are done.” Junsu snapped, a “verbal reflex” that he couldn’t correct, after adopting for almost a year. Fearing that Yoochun would redden with anger like how he used to, the boy regretted immediately, rolling clumsily away from the man. There is no Yunho around to speak up or advocate for him this time.

Anticipating Yoochun to tug his blanket right off, Junsu tightened his hold on the edges, wringing the fabric till his knuckles whiten. The man grunted briefly and sighed. Feeling the mattress sink in under the weight of the man, who is currently lying down to resting on the other end of the bed, beside him, Junsu cheeped again.

“Let’s end it here.” Junsu misinterpreted the meaning of Yoochun’s words and curled up into a ball, preparing himself for Yoochun to pounce on him.

However, the king just turned to face him and reached a big palm over to rest on the boy’s shuddering shoulders. With a soft motion, Yoochun patted Junsu on the upper back, as if soothing a terrified child. A trick he felt would work, since his deceased father would always do that to the younger him, after he was punished for mischief.

The birth of their child most inadvertently created a bond between them; a connection that Junsu cannot deny exists, no matter how he tried. Junsu just lay still, but relaxed more as the gentle brushes maintained their rhythm.

Within the dark, stuffy sheets, Junsu was brought back to the cellar where he once hid, memories flooded into his mind as he lost himself to Yoochun’s caress. Remembering the peaceful face of his son, their son, remembering how his heart skipped a beat when holding the infant for the first time. It was also at that very moment that it dawned on him, how real the little creature is. How he can still feel its softness and fast breathing against his own palms. He never felt this way before. He could not but crave for the same feeling again.

Shying away from Yoochun, the boy crawled up to a sitting position, looking around himself bewilderedly, as if reminded of something. Looking beneath his blanket and examining his currently flat belly, the boy wondered why his baby is nowhere to be seen, wondering if the child even exists. Tempted to ask the man beside him, the boy suppressed the urge and quickly dove back under the sheets again.

In the process of escaping a few days back, Junsu was having a hard time trying to stay awake, and he had somehow fallen in and out of sleep throughout the entire commotion, consumed by incurable fatigue, hence giving Yoochun the chance to bring him back without a struggle.

Sitting up again, Yoochun’s eyes softened as he watches the boy sigh, sound muffled as his face rubs against the mattress. “It…” The king on the other hand, is also very tempted to ask about the child, and to start a conversation base on Junsu’s longing for his son.

“He. Not it.” The boy said without looking at Yoochun, face still buried.

“Right. Sorry. He…” Yoochun stuttered. His apology caught himself off guard too.

Junsu’s eye widened momentarily as he wondered about Yoochun’s apology.


POV from Junsu

Waking up to my own room really helped me calm down a lot. I miss my bed!! So comfortable!!

However, there is something missing. There is this BIG chunk of memory pertaining to how I ended up here… gone. A total blank. I can’t seem to recall what happened. How I ended up here is a question-mark… and how I am still alive always seems like a dream.

But I did meet this really REALLY nice person in that dream! He knows my name too!! That’s why I was so sure that he is just a dream.

This is SO confusing!! The last thing I remember is seeing hyung on a horse… like how he was… alive and well. AISH!! What is wrong with me!? Hyung… alive!? Was I dreaming too?! I DON’T KNOW!!

My memory is a mesh up of different events… and my brain must be mash now. I can’t even differentiate what is real and what is not!! I don’t want to be hallucinating positively.

I need to set my thoughts straight again.

First thing that is probably real. I definitely know I am… you know. That is definitely real right? I didn’t go through more than eight months of because of nothing.

Second notable events in this screwed up timeline. I remember Yunho hyung being a kind man. He is the one brought me home. Sitting in the carriage for more than a day, I can still reminiscence the pure excitement when seeing the building which used to be my home from a few miles away!

Then… I saw hyung. This part… I am not really sure. NO! I AM sure!! I can still feel the lingering emotions of pure ecstasy and loss when he turned, in my gut. I saw his face!! I am sure of it!! How can it feel so real if it’s a dream? Right?

After that… I met this other hyung! He is the best person I’ve met so far! The best of the best!! Aside from hyung, he is the other person that I feel so happy being around!! I remember that there was this time when the baby was going to pop out… and he was there throughout!! He also gave me some really strong stuff because he said that will help me cope with the pain. The rest was a blur after that… and I don’t remember much of the process since I was never really around… Just the pain. That was awful!

The reminder is still there… akin to someone is hitting me on the stomach with a mallet sometimes… but it’s not half as bad now.

Oh! The baby too!! I don’t understand how I can be so sure it is a boy!! A boy!! If it’s a dream… than I won’t feel so confident… right? Did the child really pop out? I remember holding him!! He is SO tiny!! The chubby cheeks that I was so tempted to pinch! I even woke him once by accident!

Where is he now? My belly is no longer bulging… I feel like the sack of rice I was carrying for so long just dropped off. Did it really just drop off? Was I hallucinating about holding him? I don’t know! If only I hadn’t been sleeping all the time!

How long was I sleeping anyway?

What do I do now? I was lost to time and space. I wake up with the one person I don’t wish to see, right beside me… and I don’t even know how to face him anymore. To be angry? Scared? I am still…

I just keep feeling as though I have many unaccomplished tasks… yet I can’t even convince myself that I am not delusional or seeing things!

Does that hyung even exist? How can someone be so beautiful? He looks like the reincarnate of a goddess of some kind! Was I in heaven?

If he exists… then where is he now? I don’t have much clear and concise moments of him and the baby to recollect. Every day I spend with them is just a blur… hazy and always dark and somewhat shadowy. I only saw him smile once too… and though he has a breath taking smile, I don’t know if such a smile exists.

If he exists, I am going to need a life time to repay his kindness. He saved me. He gave me back my life. I owe it to him. I am still here because of him… I am still breathing because of him. And though I would usually wish that I am better off dead, it’s different now… there is a reason for me to be around. I just need to re-orientate myself.

I need to know if my hyung is really alive too. I have to find out… and then I have a debt to pay too… to the kind stranger.

One last and most disturbing thing that is going on though… is that person. He changed. A lot.


Failing to walk around independently even though he is recovered, Junsu is bed bound as he thought about how he wants to find his brother. The boy is determined to get well again so he can look for the man, but he knows he will need to push many things on order to do so.

First of all, Junsu is worried that Yoochun might want to bring him back to the central plains the moment he is fit enough for travel. That will mean that he will not have accessibility. Recalling how Yoochun use to keep a watchful eye on him back when he was in the main palace, Junsu felt his heart sink as he wondered about the possibilities.

Secondly, Junsu still harbors hopes for leaving the man he still fears so much. Even though they have a child together, the boy is somewhat reluctant to spend the rest of his remaining years with the source of his nightmare. He does not know that Yoochun have feelings for him. To him, Yoochun is still just there to humiliate him and use their bond as a way to exert his power.

However, because Junho is presumably alive now, Junsu feels that it is much easier for him to consider forgiveness.

After being brainwashed by Yunho on many different occasions, Junsu is somehow clearer about Yoochun’s ‘conquer the whole planet’ agenda, but he still does not condone the act of mass destruction.

Junsu’s simple wish is for him to be able to separate from Yoochun and carry on with his already scarred life. He even told himself that he will forgive Yoochun as long as the man does not cross the line again.

That is more difficult than asking for Yoochun to get him a star from the skies.


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*