Will it be 'whatever you say, my love'?

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side


Hi! ^.^

A double update to ease the monday blues... hopefully.

Am I being too draggy? I'm not sure myself. >/////<  Do stay and read though!! *bows*

Am trying not to disappoint or bore anyone out. Do provide me with suggestions for improvements or even make guesses! I will add them in or edit the plots accordingly if you do have any for me. :p

Thank you all for your kind comments and also the subscriptions!! *hugs everyone* 


“Your majesty! Congratulations on the reunion of the royal family!” Yoochun is taking a stroll along the gardens, where Junsu’s mother used to hang out, admiring the colossal surface area covered with beds after beds of fragrant and splendid flora that blooms exclusively in the north, when he heard someone approaching.

Nodding his head once, the king contained his overflowing glee and continued with light footsteps. The man then went on to explain to Yoochun, the different type of plants that once fascinated him when he initially set foot into the northern grounds. The air in the north is relatively fresher as well, and Yoochun found himself appreciating the place much more than when he first came charging here, obliterating everything, man and vegetations alike, as long as they are in his path.

“Your majesty. Do you wish for the royal escorts to start preparing for your journey back to the main palace?” The general of the fort asked finally, before parting ways with the king. The king took a deep breath and nodded his head.

“Yun already left didn’t he?”

“Yes, your majesty. Sir Yunho says he has some matters to tend to back home.” The general replied.

“A pity. He should’ve enjoyed himself here for a little longer.” Yoochun found himself chuckling foolishly, even though he is supposedly still mad at Yunho for causing the whole hoo-ha at the first place. Straightening his face immediately, Yoochun regained his ‘king-ly’ presence.

“Probably tired from cleaning after the fuss he created.” Yoochun added with a stern tone. “I will leave tomorrow.”

“Yes sir. The preparations will be ready by then.”

Left alone to mind his own business again, the king made his way to the other side of the vast stretch of land and its steadfast buildings. He wishes to explore the former palace a while more, as well as provide Junsu more time to feed the baby. After all, Junsu is the one who had pressurized him to get out of their shared room earlier, shooing him unfeelingly.

“This is where I played. And umma will always scold me when I climb that.” Yoochun stopped in his tracks when he heard someone talking in a sing-song voice, just before making a sharp turn to another part of the garden. The king could not really link a face to the voice, but found it very familiar. He had only heard it a few times, and he loved it. Compelled to take a look, the unsuspecting person continued babbling as the king watched from behind a tree.

“You, don’t cry okay? Umma will take care of you. I won’t let you feel lonely…” The king kept his eyes glued to the petite person as he walks past with a bundle in his hands, introducing to the tiny creature within, the way around what used to be his home. The bundle in his hands is making cute gurgling sounds as the boy continues chattering. “My hyung would…”

“Crack.” With a single clumsy move, the king accidentally broke a thick piece of dried branch on the ground, alerting the boy of his presence immediately. Spinning around to face the source, the boy stared hard at the king while he returns the stare, gawking sheepishly. Taking a step back, the boy glared at the man and held the baby in a protective stance, forgetting that the man wouldn’t hurt his own child. Yoochun is amused.

“I. I.” Yoochun stammered dumbly. Clenching his jaws and fists, the king could no longer stand the henpecked person he has somehow become, so, loosening up his tensed pectoral muscles, the taller man sauntered over to his new family and acted cool. “Good day.” Spouting another phrase reflecting his nervousness, the man flinched at his own odd mannerism.

“Good day?” Junsu is even more stumped by the man’s ‘unsettling’ behavior. He does not know that is just Yoochun being bashful. Narrowing his pretty glowing brown eyes at the king, the boy watched him warily. The king just continued making his way over, with chest puffed out and head held high. “Yes. I said good day.”

“You are being creepy!!” Junsu squeaked and broke into a run, towards the bench beneath the old oak tree nearby. Getting onto the shaky stone décor, the boy stepped all over his flimsy long coat and climbed onto the lowest branch, just slightly above his head. This is the boy’s favourite tree, ever since he knew how to climb trees. “Stay away from me!” He whines as Yoochun comes at him, kicking the man’s hands as he dangles a leg dangerously over the side.

“YAH!! THAT’S DANGEROUS!! COME DOWN YOU!!” Seeing the boy act so recklessly while the baby coos so cheerily in response, unaware that his life is in jeopardy, Yoochun sees that the future will be bleak for all three of them. It is only at this moment that he realises Junsu isn’t exactly matured enough to care for a baby by himself. Even though the man himself is just as inept with child rearing, he is more adapted, and he knows he will have to put in extra effort to safeguard his beloved wife as well.

Jumping up onto the same bench with ease, the tall muscular man almost broke the brittle marble slab into half with the hard thumping of his calcaneus. Then, wrapping his hands around the boy’s thigh, Yoochun slipped his a muscular arm up the hip and tugged the boy down from the tree, holding the squirming person in a cradle. “You could’ve hurt yourself you know that?!”

Junsu froze immediately, body stiffening as he caught his breath. Junho said the exact same thing to him years ago, and even they way the two man held him were equally gentle yet firm. Looking up, Junsu is met with Yoochun’s softened expression. The king is looking very valiant and VERY dashing, but only for that particular moment.

Frowning, the boy tried to help himself down, but Yoochun wouldn’t let go. Instead, the man subconsciously wrapped his arms around the two smaller figures and covered them with his big frame, encasing them in his warmth. Taking in Junsu’s scent, the man behaved like a stubborn drunkard, keeping his arms pressed onto the boy’s tiny waist and thin scapula.

“You will crush him!!” Junsu chided Yoochun breathlessly while he struggles to release the baby and himself from the man’s suffocating embrace.

“Let’s go home.” “I want to start over.” Yoochun muttered, allowing his hot breath to tickle the side of Junsu’s neck. The boy’s eyes widens instantaneously.

“NO!!” Even Junsu does not know where the sudden rush of panic originates from, but he is out of Yoochun’s reach before the man could react, clambering with the baby in his arms as he ascends the stairs to his bedroom. The boy could not think of any reason for his sudden outburst, but he does know he is really adamant about staying.

For the rest of the day, Junsu remained cooped up in his room, unwilling to see or talk to anyone. Yoochun did not bother him either. The king just stayed away as far as he could. He didn’t want to infuriate or provoke the boy anymore than he already did in the morning.

When night finally arrives, the boy kept his sullen expression as he makes a decision to do something radical again. He will run away. Reminding himself of the reason why he needs to stay in the north, the boy quickly left the sleeping baby on the bed and pulled on his cape. Tip toeing pass the sleeping Yoochun, Junsu slipped out from the door, not even casting a glance at the baby for one last time.

However, as if sensing his parent’s disappearance instinctively, the baby woke and started wailing pitifully. Even hitched breath and hiccup took a stab at Junsu’s heart. Slowing down, the boy contemplated reversing and returning to the child’s side, but he is determined to leave. “Shut up!! Please shut up!!” Junsu whispered to himself, pulling his hood tighter around his head.

Junsu’s heart ached terribly at the thought of just allowing the child to lie there, bawling his eyes out, but he knows that his early departure is crucial. Yoochun would never allow him to dwell in his homeland for longer than the time he is given. Covering his ears with both hands, the boy wanted badly to return and carry the baby off with him, but he does not know how he will be able to take care of the both of them. He never needed to take care of himself, much less one more little fella.

Just as Junsu is making a turn perpendicularly, to descend the final flight of stairs, he could feel his heart sinking further as a terrible feeling of loss and longing slowed him down even more. Stopping, the boy squats down and hugs his knees tightly, trying to disengage himself and deal with the emotional turmoil. Even though the baby’s cry is barely audible with the distance between them, he can somehow still hear the child’s cry becoming more desperate.

Unable to control his involuntary muscular movements, Junsu found his body climbing up the steep flight he just descended, whereas his mind wanders downwards. Torn between needs and wants, the boy stopped altogether. Slumping down onto the ground in the unlit hallway leading back to his room, he gathered his folded legs close to his chest and sat there, sniffling with his face buried in the space.

“JUNSU!!” “JUNSU!!” Hearing the roars of the monster he fears, Junsu cringed at the thought of being trapped with him for the rest of his life, but his wobbly legs just wouldn’t budge. The boy couldn’t force himself to get up again and start moving no matter how it is imperative, for him.

“Junsu?” A weak orange flame suddenly burst out into the gloomy hallway, followed by a long shadow headed for his direction. Holding his breath, Junsu tried to rock his nightmare away by swaying back and forth gently.

A big palm rested on the back of his head while he sat, curled up into a ball. Illuminated by the flickering flame, Junsu is coaxed to look up by thick fingers caressing his teary face, rubbing dry the salty stream around his nose bridge.

“Alright. We will stay... As long as you are happy.”

This words sounded almost magical to Junsu. The deep tone in the voice sounded almost charming as well. Lifting his head up all the way to face the person crouched down beside him, the boy’s heart skip a beat when he saw a pair of adoring eyes gazing down into his own. The small smile at the side of the man’s face held his gaze as he watched the other mellow handsomely.

“Really?” Junsu pinched his own cheeks roughly to ensure it hurts. This side of Yoochun he never expected to ever see in a million years, just popped out of nowhere. Not bothered by how the man managed to change so much overnight, or rather, over a few nights, the boy concentrated on getting the reassurance he needed.

Junsu isn’t the most difficult child on the block after all. He is actually very easy to please. Yoochun now knows that.

Indulging himself in the short moment of bliss, Yoochun could not wipe off the foolish grin that is plastered on his clean shaven and comely face. Junsu’s brown eyes were sparkling so angelically under the dim light, while his milky skin shimmered in unison with every flicker of the flame.

Then the flame died out, engulfing them in darkness. Blushes are hidden by the opacity of the night and lack of proper lighting.

“I don’t lie.”


POV from Yoochun

Oh god! I just died right there!!

Anyone will spray epistaxis because of his cuteness!! He eyes were sparkling!! A dazzling sight!! And for the first time in almost a year, I saw him almost smiling. ALMOST.

His eyes were smiling so warmly though. I can feel it!! The sparks and chemistry transmitted were flying around us while we stare one another in the eye!!

This is good progress!! Outstanding!!

Initially, I have plans to hold a ceremony for my son, but that can wait. I really wanted to name him when we reach home, but a fanciful naming ceremony isn’t really that necessary either.

What is important, is that the kid’s umma is happy.

I won’t say he is doing an awfully good job with taking care of the baby, but at least he is better than I expected. I am very pleased. I was expecting disaster to befall. It is unbelievable that the arrival of our son will improve our relationship so much.

I am actually feeling really excited for no apparent reason. It’s this same feeling I get when I am engaged in a battle. I can see my future so clearly now. Say twenty, thirty years from today, I will be an old man reading and writing in my study with a wife beside me. Having a son to take care of everything else while I live my life the way I want it… I can picture that now.

No more fighting. No more testosterone at work. Well… maybe a little when I spend some alone time with my wife, but not enough to get me out there, chopping off heads again.


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*