Favouring fate? {Part 3}

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side


Title's the same since I am lacking sufficient brain juice at the moment. Part 3... how convenient!

Do ask to clarify if the need arises.


The next day…

“The old man from the herbs store might be able to tell you something.” A inn keeper that Yunho approached finally gave him a suggestion worth considering. The advisor had been out all night, hunting for traces of Junsu. The smart man had made a brief analysis of their situation and decided that he could use the pregnancy thing to his advantage, hence narrowing down area to search.

Racing to the herbs store which is located just a few lanes down, the weary advisor knocked on the door impatiently, announcing his identity, while the tenants scrambled to play host to the man. “Did anyone purchase any medicine related to child birth or seek help for midwifery or anything like that?” Yunho asked while still trying to catch his breath from all the running.

The man shook his head, causing the usually calm and composed man to curse loudly. “What about someone pregnant?! Saw or heard of someone who is about to give birth?! Someone you have never seen around this vicinity!? Anyone!!” Yunho sighed, hopes dashed.

Yunho inferred that Junsu would need help and was confident that he is right. However, not many people have noticed Junsu after he was all alone and wandering off. The most feasible suggestion they can provide is the direction and possible region he might end up in, and since Junsu is in a cloak, Yunho couldn’t even confirm if the ‘witnesses’ really saw Junsu, or just a plump lady instead.

“... I did find a agassi who was going to give birth! If that’s what you want to know.” The man said after thinking hard.

“THANK THE GODS!!” Yunho whooped suddenly, causing everyone around him to flinch. “WHERE IS SHE MY GOOD MAN?!” Yunho ended up laughing out loud with relief and self comfort as he places both hands firmly on the old man's shoulders.

“But I've handed her over to someone else… since I couldn’t help her.” That is not good news for Yunho. “WHO?! HOW WAS SHE?! IS SHE ALRIGHT?” he started interrogating.

“She was dying… I found her on the crossroads.” The man fidgeted uncomfortably. Recalling what Jaejoong told him about revealing his new location, the old man is reluctant to say more. The old man only knows Jaejoong's new 'address' because of the deliveries he has to make to the healer.

“Who has her?!” Yunho asked again. The man shrugged.

“Hiding her will mean certain death for you and your family. You will be liable for treason and kidnapping of the king’s beloved... wife. The queen!” Yunho said with an evil smirk. He never blows up unnecessarily, unlike Yoochun, this man likes to get his point across clearly, with 'minimal intimidation'. The old man’s lips trembled as his eyeballs shifted around in it's socket nervously.

Yunho was tempted to tear down his house in search for Junsu, but he thought better. He will dangle the carrot, or at least give the man something to look forward to. “You will not be charged for anything if you are to reveal what you know. You charges as accessory will be dropped too.” The advisor grinned again.

“Jaejoong ah! I’m sorry! I need to do this for my family!” The man muttered to himself. “She is with Jaejoong.” The man replied guiltily.

“Jaejoong who?” Yunho repeated after him. “You have to tell me who he is before I can cut you some slack my man.” Yunho tried again, lowering his pitch in order to sound less irritated then he really is. The advisor is lacking sleep and dangerously close to losing the last ounce of patience he has left.

“The healer.” The old man whispered.

“The healer? Is that what you just said?” The man nodded timidly.

“And where exactly would he be at this moment?”

“I can’t…” The old man stuttered. Yunho raised an eyebrow, causing his lips to quiver.

“Bring me there. He does not need to know you tipped me off.” The elderly man nodded slowly.


At Jaejoong’s place…

“Drink this. You have to.” Jaejoong sat by Junsu as the boy lay on his side, face still translucent and drained of all colours. The boy opened his eyes lazily as he took a long look at Jaejoong’s concerned face through a thin slit, shaking his head slowly.

Propping the boy up, Jaejoong stubbornly poured the disgusting looking liquid down Junsu’s throat. The boy did not resist, but his face is contorted because of the unpleasant experience, blinking constantly as he swallows the thick blackish substance. Jaejoong couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction. Junsu then smiles for the first time after taking a stroll in front of hell’s gate and returning.

“Your baby. It’s a boy.” Jaejoong said quietly, without looking at the infant, who is sleeping quietly at his side. Junsu’s face immediately lost the sickly but beautiful smile. A small frown appeared on the boy’s browline as he turns and edges away from the baby slowly. “You don’t want to hold him?” Jaejoong asked. Junsu nodded.

“You will have to feed him.” Jaejoong spoke again. The boy replied with silence.

“... I will get him a nanny then. I know I couple of women who can feed him.” The healer sighed and stood up, preparing his cloak to leave the hut. “I will be back after he is full. Don’t move around unnecessarily, you are not done with the post-partum bleed.”

“Thank you.” A tiny shy voice came from the small frame, whose back is facing the healer. That earned a grin from Jaejoong, which is rare as well.

However, as the man was headed to the door with the baby, he noticed from his window, a few familiar figures headed in the direction towards his secluded hut. “Jung Yunho?” Jaejoong drew in a breath sharply.

This stone walled hut he is currently staying in, belonged to a teacher he was closest to before the man passed away. No stranger is supposed to know that he is there, so Jaejoong immediately retreated back into the house, locking the door behind himself. Thinking fast on his feet, the healer chucked all the evidence of midwifery activities down the fire pit which functions as the house's heating system.

“We need to hide you. They is coming for you.” Jaejoong exclaimed in a hushed tone before pulling opening the door to his underground cellar, where he stores his herbs. Junsu knew instantly, who the 'they' refers to. Jaejoong then supported Junsu over to the shallow den and settled the boy down gently inside, before placing the waking infant in the boy’s hands while the other looked on fearfully. Jaejoong’s face too, reflects anxiety as he dashes around the perimeter.

“Don’t make any sound. I will handle them.” The healer finally passes Junsu a small candle, shuts the creaking doors and shifts the tea table over it to disguise the obvious existence of an underground passage.

Enclosed within the small stuffy area, Junsu brought the flickering light over his child’s face and looked at him uneasily, trying to make sense of the thing in his arms. A strange feeling of propinquity held his gaze as he watched the baby take a slumber.

Meanwhile, Jaejoong, who is still pacing busily outside, continued to tidy up his messed up bed and covered the blood soaked floor with a thick carpet. Spinning in rounds to do a visual sweep, Jaejoong panted elegantly as he tries to suppress the nerves. This is the first time he ever felt so close to experiencing a panic attack.

“Anyone in?” Jaejoong bated his breath and draws his sword from the closet nearby, long fingers working deftly to tie the strings on the sheath to his slim waist as he stood beside the door, arming himself in case they did discover Junsu's hideout.

After a long moment filled with mumblings coming from outside, with multiple demanding addresses, someone moved in onto the main door, obviously body slamming the unwavering piece of solid wood. “Hey! If you are in there! Open up! Don't force us to break down your door!”

Jaejoong exhaled once more through pursed lips and opened the door before the ‘guests’ could cut or break it down. He didn’t want any scratches and damages on his trusty door. Jaejoong is a much conformed person who takes pride and really good care of his properties. “WHAT is it?!” the healer hissed at the armed soldier who came stumbling in just as the door opens without prior warning.

Kicking the unfortunate intruder on the bum, Jaejoong shoved the man out and stood right in front of the doorway, blocking off the main entrance, staring Yunho and the rest of his men in the eye, daring them to take another step further.

“YOU! It’s you again!” Jaejoong pretended to be really vexed and unwelcoming. With an exasperated voice, the man berated his visitors. “I relocated precisely because of this! Leave me be already!” Jaejoong prayed silently that Yunho would buy his act, but he knows the advisor will most likely do otherwise.

Seeing that his distraction technique worked, with a silent Yunho who is looking somewhat dumbfounded, Jaejoong jumped at the chance to shut the door in his face, just to get a big palm jamming it open before he can close it fully.

“Jaejoong. I like your pretty name. And I also like your lovely being. If only you would be more... companionable. How about inviting me in to talk over tea?” Yunho flashed him a toothy smile, provoking the high-strung healer even further.

“Tea?” “Fine. Give me a minute.” The healer replied through clenched teeth and slammed the door shut. Then as if gliding, he made his way gracefully over to the kitchen and emerged with a small pot.

“Tea is served! You may leave now!” Before Yunho or any of his followers could see it coming, Jaejoong had flung open the door and threw a pot full of its watery content and clumpy residues at his visitors. The substance is what Jaejoong fed Junsu earlier, it looks like tea, and the healer was hoping it would be a little more scalding, but he is still pleased to see the group drenched by it. The face Yunho was making brought a weak smile to the pretty healer’s face.

Looking up after inspecting his soaked and discoloured clothes, Yunho spotted Jaejoong smiling, and is immediately captivated. Even though the smile was mocking, and only lasted a split second, Yunho found himself falling under the other’s spell. Mesmerized by the inhumanly, hauntingly exquisite creature before him.

Refraining his angered escorts from attacking the healer with a raised hand, Yunho decided to adopt a different approach. Pretending to be hurt by Jaejoong’s unreceptive behaviour, and also to cover up for his own undeniable attraction towards the healer, the advisor used the puppy dog eyes on Jaejoong.

The way Yunho handles situations is evidently more levelheaded and Jaejoong could tell the difference between the sagacious man in front of him and Yoochun. The healer can’t deny that he is impressed by the extraordinarily patient Yunho and his remarkably nice temper. Just a little.

“Jaejoong sshi. I was only hoping if you would tell me if you have come across this agassi in distress of late. You really didn’t have to offer us such well brewed tea. I will feel bad about you showing us such hospitality.” Yunho simpered, acting bashful.

The advisor did not make that remark for sarcasm’s sake. He wanted to observe for any form of reaction, but was surprised by Jaejoong’s well maintained poker face. Pinching his own thigh to help keep his straying eye off the healer's being, Yunho felt upset at himself for being constantly distracted by Jaejoong's statuesque qualities. Reminding himself to take a quick look inside the house for evidence of Junsu’s presence, Yunho also had a hard time staying focused with Jaejoong standing in such close proximity to him.

“See anything interesting?” Jaejoong kept a straight face while glaring at the peeping Yunho. The healer, though hindering the visitors from entering through his doorway, is aware that the advisor is spying over his shoulders.

Clearing his throat, the advisor shook his head. However, he is not ready to give up yet. He is very sure Jaejoong is hiding something. Through his brief 'investigation', there is smell of burning fiber, possibly coming from the pit below their feet, instead of from the kitchen. That means the healer is burning something on purpose. Also, there is an easily omissible drain full of diluted blood nearby. An indication of recent activity.

Lastly, Yunho also noticed that Jaejoong is looking a little more uptight this time, compared to the previous meeting, with a few beads of sweat lining his pale forehead.

“Fine. I will cut to the chase. Someone told me there is a agassi under your wing. I would like to have her back.” Yunho sighed. “She is someone important.”

“Will you believe me if I told you there isn't anyone?” Jaejoong eyed Yunho intently. The advisor felt his face burning up with every seconds' passing, under the scrutiny of watchful crow black orbs.

Inhaling once, Yunho cocked his head left and remained silent, keeping his eye on the balding tree in the distance instead. The healer's presence is becoming more overwhelming for him and he can hardly regulate his breathing. Sensing Yunho's avoidance and disquieting heart, Jaejoong realises that he might have an edge over the other.

“Make it quick.” The healer unexpectedly relented. Jaejoong wanted to put up a little resistance at the beginning, to make his attitude more believable, but he knows he will have to let Yunho in eventually, to avoid rousing further suspicion.

“Don’t make a mess in the kind host’s house.” Yunho ordered before signalling his men to proceed, eyes still on the tree. Soon, there were people all over the place, searching through the cupboards and rooms, but missing out the well hidden cellar door. They were out in few minutes, empty handed.

As much as Yunho does not understand why Jaejoong would hide Junsu from them, he is forced to think that he was being overly suspicious. He even doubted the old man's claim of seeing Junsu for a second, yet he knows that the old man is more legitimate than Jaejoong will ever be. The man has the ‘I speak nothing but the truth’ sentence written all over his honest face.

“Thank you for your cooperation. I apologise for any disturbance caused.” Yunho smiled bitterly.

Just as he was turning to leave, he heard a very faint mewing of a kitten, lasting just a few seconds. Yunho thought his keen ears are playing tricks on him at first, but the sound reminded him more of a baby than a cat. Convinced that Jaejoong cannot defeat him by guile, a smile of relief spreaded across his face as he mounted his horse and rode off, back to the fort.

“Stay here. Send someone to get me when you spot movements. I have a date with his majesty.” “Don’t let the healer leave your sight. I have a feeling he will be migrating again tonight.” Yunho instructed.

“Daddy Chun is going to be SO happy! Thank the heavens for sending Junsu the best physician.” The advisor whistled, chuckling like a gleeful idiot.


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*