Is there no other way to end our feud? {part 1}

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side


Hi! ^.^

A double update today... and I won't be able to update again until this weekend. *bows bows*

A few notes:

I apologise for the rude shock you might get after reading the first name in this update. I have decided to name the baby so after much thought. This name is pretty meaningful (in mandarin characters), and I personally love the name alot. Fit for a king! 

Also, I apologise for any confusion that might arise, feel free to ask questions! I will answer asap.

And and... I did a terrible job with the editing of this two chapters since I am... tired. >/////< I sincerely hope that they will not appear too raw for you guise. Do point out any mistakes that may be present and I will edit accordingly!

Thank you all for your kind comments and also the subscriptions!!! I love you guise!!

Now, this author will stop taking up so much of your reading time and go spazz over Junsu... possibly hug his poster to sleep now.

Ciao~ xoxo


Two weeks later… still in the northern plains.

“Changmin! Come to daddy!” It’s been a relatively long time since Yoochun wielded a sword, and the man is not the least affected by that fact. He is living the life he always wished he had, only seeing the people he wants to see. The only thing in his hands of late, is his son.

Nevertheless, no matter how perfect his life is at the moment, there is something still lacking.

Junsu might not be the most loving, but Yoochun wouldn’t complain. What he cannot explain is how Junsu seem to have survived the ‘pre, ante-natal’ nightmare and transformed into a totally different person. Not character wise, just behaviorally. Instead of the angry boy he tried so hard to please for a harrowing eight months, all Yoochun gets is a preoccupied, talkative boy. The king simply can’t get what happened along the process of their separation and reunion, to result in such a change.

Watching Junsu from a distance as the boy gathers his long garment from below the knees and stepping into the shallow pond to retrieve an unidentifiable object, Yoochun cradled little Changmin lovingly, squinting to get a better view. Wanting to retrieve the ‘lucky charm’ he threw into the pond years ago, Junsu decided the brave the water and the fishes in it. Barefooted, the boy still ended up slipping off the algae laden stones at the bottom of the pool and entered first, with a soft splash. Yelping and frustrated, the boy scrambled up, just to roll off the side, immersing his entire body fully the second time.

Walking over with the baby in his arms, Yoochun was going to make a remark, but paused when he saw his beautiful queen’s wet clothes clinging onto his petite slender figure, making him look more delectable than ever. Unable to peel his eyes off his queen, the man looked on as Junsu tries to exit the pond with the help of the servants around.

Once on land, the boy quickly made his way back to the warmth of the fortress as fast as he could. The season is changing, and the temperature is currently dropping with every weeks passing. Yoochun followed a few moments later, since the baby is already making a fuss, reminding everyone that it’s his mealtime. Little Changmin would always howl exceptionally loudly to declare his rights to be fed promptly and punctually.

“Junsu?” Yoochun addresses the person inside the room once he is stationed outside. As formal as he may sound, he hadn’t been having much luck coming up with acceptable nicknames. Junsu would rebuke him whenever he calls the boy some other name besides his own.

To be exact, pertaining to his relationship, the man hadn’t advanced anywhere since that night. Yunho, who used to advise him on what is excellent, good and bad, is somewhere far away from him. Yoochun is not necessarily lost without his best friend, just clueless when it comes to matters of the heart. Yunho is supposedly able to give him a logical explanation for every of Junsu’s reactions, but the ‘genius’ is not around.

Left alone to deal with his new family and relationship, Yoochun is doing considerably well.

“I’m coming in.” Yoochun has to be all polite around the boy, acting like they are total strangers, but the king is not disgruntled in any ways. He always thought he would be fine as long as Junsu does not reject or hate on him any longer. He is wrong. He has his needs too.

Opening the door with a foot, the man enters but stops short. There, in front of his very eyes, is Junsu, stripped down to the skin, pulling on a fresh piece of inner wear. The boy remained oblivious to the man’s existence while he remains rooted to the spot, dumbfounded. Yoochun could not stop his roving eyes from travelling downwards and fixating themselves to the ‘glorious’ skin beneath Junsu’s semi transparent inner garment. The curvaceous yet tiny ‘ant’ waist calls out to the king, to be held, while the wriggling of nicely shaped hips tempted the man. Not forgetting, the object… or rather, objects of Yoochun’s ‘obsession’, that .

Junsu had never taken his clothes off in Yoochun’s presence, or at least not agreeably, since they were only ever forcefully ripped off him. Yoochun never tried the stunt again, fearing that Junsu’s death threats will come true if he did. The king felt something throbbing within his core as he suppresses the urge to wrap himself around Junsu and sheath himself in the boy’s hot, wet.

Closing his eyes in ‘silent meditation’, the man willed himself to forget the already present tactile hallucination of himself holding the boy close. Wishing for a temporary episode of amnesia to rob him of his memory, in which he was caressing the smooth creamy skin and burying his face in the soft brown tresses. Yoochun almost drooled as he ends up ‘reminiscing’ instead of forgetting. Thankfully, there is still the presence of a siren-like wail sounding, dragging him away from the naughty thoughts and back to reality. “Junsu. Changmin is hungry.” Yoochun said quickly, maintaining that he is not there to peep, relieved that the boy is already done retying his sash.

Junsu did jump a little when he spun around to see Yoochun ‘just’ entering the room, but assuming that Yoochun never saw a thing, the boy met him half way to the door and held out his hands to receive the wailing baby enthusiastically. “I’m hungry too.” Yoochun muttered, causing Junsu to tilt his head to one side.

“Didn’t you just have a big lunch? You won’t turn out cute like Minnie does if you become chubby too you know.” Junsu giggled while picturing a fat Yoochun, and almost laughed out loud after seeing the full grown man pout like a little kid wanting a candy. He does not fully understand what Yoochun means, but he still feels obligated to treat Yoochun better, especially after the man had kindly allowed him to dwell within his familiar environment. Yoochun smiled, but bitterly, excusing himself.

If only Junsu knows. Yoochun is not only hungry for him, he is thirsty as well. But again, the boy won’t be so amused if he knew.

“Now, if you would please?” Junsu took over the baby from the king and ushered the man out. Yoochun left, but begrudged that the baby gets what he doesn’t.

Shutting the door behind him, the boy quickly pulled out a sheet of paper from under his pillow and the calligraphy brush before dipping it into the ink slab. Gathering the necessary items, the boy got onto his bed and placed everything in an orderly fashion before stripping off his newly changed top.

Helping the baby out a little to hasten the process of latching, then allowing him to do his thing, Junsu finally got the alone time he needed. It is only during his son’s feeding time that he gets the real privacy he needs.

Writing with his left hand as the right holds the child close, the boy continued from where he left off during the earlier feeding. Pondering about how he would phrase his sentences, the boy would stop occasionally to baby Changmin’s head, holding the brush in his mouth instead.

Remembering the servant he managed to bribe, the boy hoped the person will be a kind enough messenger to deliver his letters to the surviving soldiers of the battle. Junsu just wanted to explore all the options he is left with. What he wouldn’t do or give just to see his brother alive and well once more.

Letters are the only way to get the communication started, since the boy is barely allowed to look at anyone else longer than required, much less leave for one whole day to search for the presumably dead man. In order not to incur the suspicion of the unusually trusting Yoochun, Junsu could only ‘mass produce’ his letters when left alone with a valid reason.

“GAH!! Minnie ah!! Stop biting umma so hard!” Junsu was deep in thoughts about what the servant was saying about the possibility of contacting the survivors when the baby’s hardening gums snapped him out of his trance. Pouting, the boy picks up the brush that fell from his mouth and gets down to business.



POV from Junho

It’s been two weeks since me and another one of my guys set foot into that ransacked house. There is still no news of his whereabouts. I am feeling really apprehensive about the possible outcome of our 'manhunt'.

However, while he is still missing, and though we are still in the midst of searching, we did not leave the mission in a state of stalemate. I try my best make good progress even though we are not exactly clear to work during the day. I can’t help it can I? The main character of the show is missing, and his work has to be completed. I am sure he will be more pissed if he returns to see that much is yet to be accomplished.

We have to take more initiative… me and my comrades. We can’t keep relying on him to bring back information and come up with all the ideas.

Anyhow, while we were asking around town, I was recommended to look up this herbs trader that he apparently works closely with. I can tell from our subsequent conversation that the man is very tight lipped about certain issues… but he definitely knows a lot more than he claims he does. The body language reflects so much guilt… I can’t be mistaken.

For example, when I was talking to him earlier, he would just clam up for no apparent reason, and especially when I mention the name Jaejoong, Park Yoochun or Jung Yunho. Somehow, it seems all three names cannot coexist in the same topic. That is for sure. He would break out into cold sweat whenever I give him my analysis of the situation.

Here is my take on what is going on. I can gather from the way that Jaejoong disappearing so suspiciously has got something to do with either Park Yoochun or Jung Yunho. Also, I would also prefer to link them to Junsu… my baby brother. All four of them must have interacted at a certain point in time. I just need to know to what extend are they familiar with one another.

I even sought the help of an informant, who used to be my army’s cook. The man is a good man, but handicapped after the battle. According to him, he is back in business, working part time in that bastard’s fortress… or what used to be my home. He claims to have seen that monster around more often nowadays, a few times in a row.

From what he got after ‘surveying’ the full time workers in the kitchen there, the king is around. By ‘the king’, everyone technically means Park Yoochun. I don’t really know if Jung Yunho, the king’s best henchman is still around, but that evil warlord is definitely here. That is also the reason why I had to squander two full WEEKS just to get such a meager amount of insignificant information.

I am paralysed, my guys are too, unable to do much for the time being. Our mission is kind of at a standstill right now.

If he doesn’t return to the central plain soon, I may even have to go into hibernation and just sleep til he leaves. Without Jaejoong around, information is harder to come by. WHY doesn’t he just leave already?! WHAT is keeping him here?! WHEN is he planning to leave?! Does he know I am still alive and wants to hunt me before he leaves? That’s not possible. If he wants me dead, I will most likely already be.

I simply can’t convince myself that the north is scenic enough to keep him. I know we are very famous for being picturesque, but can hardly be a valid reason.

It’s only after these two weeks of consideration that I finally came to a conclusion about the need to investigate. Two weeks is too long for us to be slacking and growing mushrooms in a corner. I plan to enter the fortress tonight.

It will be the best if I can assassinate Park Yoochun, especially since I would know my way around my own home, but I am still not confident about fighting him, the moment he wakes. I reckon I am still suffering from the post-traumatic stress disorder caused by his blade. It hurt! The injury he inflicted on me is no joke! I almost lost a kidney because of him! Jaejoong told me that I am lucky to have that thick layer of armour on when I took the blow.

I just can’t even imagine going at that bastard now. With Jaejoong’s encouragement, I do get the courage to FEEL like trying, but without Jaejoong around, I will just pretend I don’t exist. I AM after all, died. No attention grabbing moves on my part unless necessary.


“Junho. I’ve got some information here, about the timings of the guard’s changes of duty.” Junho’s informant knocked on the man’s door while the other is drawing out the plans on how he would enter and leave the fortress unnoticed. One doesn’t call the fortress a fortress for no reason.

Limping over to the seated man, the informant pulled out a piece of parchment, indicating the schedules and pinned the sheet to the table top with the ink slab. Pointing out the changes that the current general have made to Junho’s previous home, the part time kitchen helper showed Junho the way to the chamber where Yoochun apparent resides. Junsu’s chamber.

Expression darkening, muscles tensing and jaws clenching, the tall muscular man sprung up from his seat and slammed his fist onto the table while the informant patted his shoulder comfortingly, assuring the man that he will find the boy in no time. “He must have some reason for picking that room!!” Junho thought aloud.

The informant frowned and crossed his arm as he explored the possibility with Junho. “Do you think he knows the prince personally?” The man finally asks, taking a seat to rest his tired legs, stretching his good leg.

“It’s highly likely. Junsu was there with me when he almost killed me. I am quite sure that midget was around me even though I was losing consciousness.” Junho replied bitterly, slumping onto his seat as well.

“I don’t understand. He could’ve picked appa’s room. The chamber is twice the size of that baby’s cradle.” Junho have always felt that Junsu’s room is too small for his own comfort, but never said much since Junsu IS smaller in stature and not needing a bigger room anytime soon. “Damn. He is a big man. Junsu’s bed wouldn’t fit.”

“Do you think that… by any chance… he might have Junsu?”

“That’s what I intend to find out.” “I hope not.”


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*