Thank you for loving me {Part 1}

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side




64… isn’t that bad I hope… right? Oops! I tend to nag more with increasing age… *disapproving look*

Please forgive me for the delayed update, and also if this update isn’t how you would like it to be. I was hoping to end it off simple and plainly… leaving out the drama.

Please do let me know if you have any complains… *keeps fingers crossed and sweating*

Thank you ALL for your kind comments and also the subscriptions!!

Also, for those who have been bearing with me through most of the 63 chapters, I have no words to describe my feels for you guise!! Here are some notable readers who have been around for pretty long… (I can’t remember all tho) @KatyMikayla, @chu_david, @sherry90, @sorashisora, @maedeh, @1210theRose, @YOO_love_SU, @yoosulover4ever, @sanasuki, @Yusenkio, @imperfectlyevil, @pie_su69, last but not least, @Sylvia14… I LOVE YOU ALL!!! THANK YOU!!! *cyber hugs* Commenting is hard and you guise have been REALLY motivating!! I REALLY really don’t wish to disappoint, so please go easy on me if you find that the ending . >/////<

And also, @Sylvia14. I will leave a message on your wall later!! *cyber hug*

@jaeraa: Hi! I tried to add in as much as I could, but I can’t over-elaborate… so…

THANK YOU for leaving me a message tho!! *cyber hugs*

For the new readers, thank you for your subscriptions and also the great comments!! I love you guise too!! I truly hope I didn’t scare anyone with the number of chapters!!



A month later…

“Careful!” An overly protective Yunho grasps onto both of Jaejoong’s arm as he helps the person into the big marble basin structure, which is their bath tub. The couple have been stuck together since a month ago, and they are still forced to eat together, sleep together and answer nature’s calls together. However, the most undesirable part of their routine still has to be bathing together. What used to be an ordinary activity of daily living had evolved into a chore.

They are even accustomed to scrubbing one another’s backs by now. Skin contact is unavoidable, and though it is supposed to be something Jaejoong dreads the most, Yunho is the one who is suffering. The reason is simple. The unspoken rule happens to be look but no touch, touch but no fondling. Cross the line and all hell MIGHT break lose. Yunho does not know the extent to which Jaejoong is going to tolerate his advances so he does not wish to try anything funny in the meantime.

For the thirtieth time, the advisor gets a chance to run his fingers along Jaejoong’s velvety skin, and that is doing terrible things to his lower body. Yunho counted. At first, the ual urges are not all that bad, but it eventually got more unbearable. As the days go by, the advisor would find his mini-me hard a couple of times during that short period they spend together, and the embarrassment is killing him.

The healer, however, would always remain silent, never whining or complaining. That’s also what Yunho love best about him after all. The other tries to portray himself as a tough person though he is soft on the inside and that makes Yunho want to protect and watch over him more.

After the bath, donned in matching ‘toga’ tops, since their sleeves wouldn’t fit in, the couple found themselves sleeping with the faces just inches apart, yet again. It is impossible to turn without straining or twisting one another’s limb so they are forced to face one another, and though the healer don’t seem to mind, Yunho knows he will reach the limit to his abstinence in due time.

Yunho desires only grew with every day’s passing, and no matter how many times he begs Yoochun, with silent protest and eye contact, to spare him the agony, the king would shunt him and even chide him for being a coward, very indirectly, since Jaejoong is right beside them. The healer knows what they are referring to, but he is not ready to admit his mutual attraction towards the man he spends so many days and night with, like conjoined twins.

For the thirtieth night, Yunho has to attempt to calm his pounding heart by chanting prayers soundlessly, after waking to something soft in his arms in the middle of the night.

Nevertheless, since he enjoys watching Jaejoong sleep, this is the closest he will ever get. Distracted by the pretty sight before him, as the easily worn out healer sleeps, long black lashes glistening under the moonlight, skin glowing with a silvery shimmer, the advisor is mesmerised. Unable to control his own hand, a free limb reached upwards to caress the irresistible silkiness on the cheeks while the other remains still as death.

“How I wish you can love me too.” The advisor whispered into the sleeping person ear. He would repeat that almost every night and Jaejoong had heard it over a dozen times, since he is a light sleeper as well. The healer is in truth, moved.

Yunho’s parents too, are getting really anxious for their son win over the seemingly stubborn in-law. It’s been a whole month, but Yoochun is still determined that no matter the amount of time needed, he will succeed. No one is giving up yet, except for Yunho and Jaejoong. They are gradually getting tired of fighting themselves, but that is the main point after all.


Back in the palace… In the middle of the night…

“Higher! That has to go all the way up there!!” A servant shouted at his colleague as the younger man tries to balance on the ladder, straining all muscles to reach the exact point whereby the streamers can be pinned on. “YES!! THERE. FASTER!!” The person blusters irritatingly again while the bullied party sulks.

“Yah!” “Our heads will roll if we don’t get this up by tomorrow morning!!” The same servant, who is also the in charge of the secret mission to decorate the palace overnight, is stressing for everyone else to hurry on with their respective jobs.

They are working so hard in the middle of the night, precisely because it is meant to be a surprise. The king wants to hold a surprise wedding for his queen, and the selfish man is making everyone work their off while he gets his beauty sleep, in preparation for his big day the following afternoon.

Smuggling Junho, as well as Junsu’s parents into the palace without the boy’s knowledge, after the general had shipped them back from their hiding place, the king wants everything to be perfect. At the cost of many other’s happiness.

“WAAHHHHH!!!” A baby’s cry caused every human in the nearby vicinity to freeze in their posts and exchange glances nervously. The cry only got louder and closer as the rest of the servants gawk dumbly at the panicking in-charge.

“Shhhhh!! Don’t cry. Umma is here.” A tiny voice follows and that is the cue for all the servants to start scrambling off the ladders, crawling up the roofs to hide. Some even climbed up the pillars as a nearing shadow approaches, dangerously close discovering their secret activities.

“Omo. Look! Minnie ah! Look at that!” The person, in a bid to silence the baby, spotted a dangling streamer and used that to distract the wailing baby. “Pretty isn’t it?” The person whispered to the child as the noisy creature quietens down and gurgles happily.

Settling down on the pavilion, much to the dismay of the many hidden ‘ninjas’ who are holding their breath as the small frame takes his own sweet time to cuddle the toddler. “Stupid Chunnie! Your appa is too lazy.” The boy started complaining about the king to the young prince and the baby coos, agreeable. “Oh! You agree with Umma don’t you? Appa wouldn’t even play with you just now! What’s wrong with him today?” The boy is actually communicating with a baby, not caring that he is almost playing zither to the cow.

“Lazy Chunnie.” The boy smiled as the baby squeals, waving his hands cutely, curling his small fingers around his mother’s longer ones.

Still plastered to the building beams and rooftop, the servants are losing the strength and will to hold on while waiting for what feels like an eternity, praying for the queen to retire to bed. Fortunately for them, the unsuspecting person hadn’t brought along a torch, so aside from the giveaway existence of the streamers, which he casually dismisses, there is nothing out of the ordinary. “Are you tired? Let’s go back.” The baby finally yawns.

Signs of relief could be heard as the person retreats back to the royal chamber. Then, scurrying around again, the poor servants continue to struggle against time.


POV from Yoochun

Tomorrow will be my big day. I am finally getting married. Call it shotgun. Call my son a child born of wedlock, if anyone dares to that is, I don’t care. It will not get any more official than this.

We, me and Yun, had a bet many years back… to see who would get a bride first… and I’ve always told him that he would lose to me. He is always the dilly dally type that can’t seem to fancy anyone. I, on the other hand, had a more positive ‘outlook’… and to think that I was the one who secured a wedding date first.

It’s sad that I have to sacrifice my turn in order to get Yun hitched first though. It’s a little rushed for them, but they will thank me in the future. I wasn’t trying to be a bastard or anything… maybe I was a little mean… but my intentions were good.

Yun needed my help. I wish I could force his chosen other half to reciprocate too, but it will be impossible since that fella was and is still like an unmovable block of stone. I could only give them a hand and push them to open up to one another naturally.

Also, that stupid friend of mine was being too slow when the circumstance really requires him to be clever. So much for claiming the title of being one of the smartest being around…

They will get by. Just looking at them, I knew my decision to get them a chain casted from gold and silver isn’t wrong. At least it’s not rusting. I have no idea when we can get it off them, but I can tell it will be soon. They have had it on for a whole month, and though I am still not fully satisfied with their progress, I can see their progress.

Suie and I even roped in the help of Yun’s parents. Watching them interact, I miss my own appa. The look on senior Jung’s face whenever he sees Jaejoong reminds of how eager my own appa was, to get me a wife. Yun is lucky… but I am too. At least we will get to see our kids get married and have children… since we are still young. Our parents weren’t young when they got married.

This once in a lifetime event has to be grand. I will get to whole my own matrimony ceremony first, and hopefully, Yun will follow shortly after.


The next morning…“Suie.” A tall man hovers over his stirring other half as the latter rubs at his eyes cutely. the person on his supple cheeks, the man even gave them a gentle peck. “Wake up sleepy head. We have something big going on for us today.”

Yoochun had gotten up particularly early in the morning to ensure that all the necessary arrangements are done. Instead of making it consensual, the king had the entire event planned without notifying Junsu. The bride is clueless, but the groom is confident that things will be smooth sailing.

“Minnie ah! Why are you dressed like that?” The boy turned around in the spacious bed and spotted his son dressed in ceremonial robes, with an adorable head gear attached to his cute lollipop-like head. Not realising that he himself is dressed to impress, the queen-to-be slipped out from beneath the blankets and stared dumbly at the baby while the tiny human being plays with the knots on his garments.

Hopping off the bed, the boy saw that the king too, is dressed formally, exuding the ‘royal’ aura as he stands by the window, checking something out. He was fidgeting a little, and the boy couldn’t help but feel curious. Strolling over to the man’s side, the boy placed both palms on the man’s muscular shoulders and jumped onto his back, like he is some sort of ladder, hoping to catch a glimpse of what the other is looking at.

“Wahhhh!! What day is it today?” “Minnie’s birthday?” “But he isn’t even a year old yet.” The mother of the child assumes that it has something to do with the baby, fascinated by the bright streamers and crowd of well-dressed people as they set up the platforms just in front of the main building.

“My dear. It’s about you today.” The man turned around abruptly, catching the boy as he slides off, cuddling him tightly. “We are getting married today.” The king whispered and the boy started giggling.

Covering a palm on the boy’s mouth, the man stopped the boy from laughing before giving him a tight bear hug, planting a kiss on his forehead. “Everyone’s attending.” “Let’s not keep them waiting.” The man whispered and pulled the boy in front of their mirror, on the dresser nearby.

Gasping, the boy is surprised to find that he is already fully clothed in his ceremonial clothes as well. The king had already changed him in his sleep, and he is all ready to go after the man throws on his head gear for him.

“You are officially mine from today on, and forever.” Yoochun whispered into his adorable wife’s ears, causing the person to blush hard. 


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*