Regretting... us? {Part 1}

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side



An update for today! Will update again tomorrow!

This chapter is Yoosu... but a full chapter of Yunjae will be up next... so please bear with me! >////<

This fic is starting to drag a little more than I have initially intended... however... please do give me until chapter 50(++) to finish up my droning! *sweats and bows*

Thank you all for your kind comments and also the subscriptions!

Special thanks to @yaniminmin and @jaeraa for your first comment on this fic! (Do forgive me if I have made a mistake and if you had indeed commented before. I am becoming daft as my brain is cramming up). 


Junho’s hideout… in the afternoon…

“Hyungie!! Please let me out!! I have to go back before he gets angry!!” A tiny voiced implored the few burly men seated outside as they scrub at their horses. “Anyone!! Please!!” The person continued for the thousandth time as he paces anxiously around the musty stable, littered with hay, horse food and horse eliminations.

The baby in his arms is sleeping soundly, but he is restless.

“I will give him something to drink. I don’t want him getting a sore throat.” The person that the boy is calling out to finally comes, but not to his aid. He just plans to give the boy water, knowing he will be dehydrated from all the shouting and hopping up and down.

“Hyungie! Please listen to me!!” The boy saw the gigantic door to his nasty ‘enclosure’ open up and dashes to the person entering, holding onto the leaving man’s hands desperately as he cradles the baby with the other. “I sneaked out just to warn you about his plans, hyungie! But I really really need to go back before he loses his temper!”

“You are afraid of him losing his temper?!” “THIS is the kind of life you want?! ALWAYS scared of what he will do to you next!?! ALWAYS under his control?!?” “YOU don’t mind getting by so pathetically, but I mind!! I MIND!!” The riled up man could not understand why his brother is being so submissive.

“You don’t understand! Hyungie! He wouldn’t… he isn’t like that!!” The boy tried explaining and urges Junho to view the enemy in a more positive light, but the man just couldn’t. Wouldn’t.

“WHAT!? Understand what exactly?!” “He came here, killed half our population, plundered our land in the name of conquest, dragged you home because you look so damn pretty, did whatever he wanted to you, and then treats you like dirt!!” “I totally get that!” The man huffed and slammed the door into the boy’s face, after leaving the tray with a teapot and cup on top, on the ground.

“I LOVE HIM HYUNGIE!!!” The boy is finally forced to say ‘the word’. The boy literally screamed at the top of his lungs. He hadn’t been so worked up for a long time since he was kidnapped as trophy. Even the baby is awakened by his cries. The man that just exited heard him.

Swinging open the door again, the man charged in as the boy retreats to a corner, cowering as the man throws a tantrum, kicking the hay at the walls, flipping over the tray on the floor. “YOU DON’T!!” “YOU ARE JUST LYING TO YOURSELF!!” The man strongly believes his brother is suffering from a certain degree of Stockholm syndrome, but the boy is truly mentally and emotionally stronger than he will ever be.

“I want to go back to him, hyungie!” The boy added weakly as his brother glowers. Hugging his baby closer to his chest, the boy shied away from the man’s menacing glares. “He will come for you if I don’t go back now… please!” “Please clear out from here… I don’t want him to hurt you… … and I don’t wish to see you hurt him.” The boy said without looking at the man.

“Junsu! Look at me! Look at you! You can’t even call him by his name!” The man reasoned, simmering down as he tries to inhale and exhale deeply, curbing his temper and stopping his ravings.

“I… I haven’t found a name for him yet… but I plan to call him Changmin’s appa.” The boy said softly.

“What exactly do you love about him then?!” Junho decided to use his brains for once, since he does not want to traumatize his brother any further, hoping the boy will change his mind. He will play it nice once in a while.

“I… I…” The boy couldn’t answer. “He… he is special.” The boy concluded. Junho raised an eye brow. “He is Changmin’s appa. A good appa.” The boy said again, nodding to himself in agreement. Junho blinked.

“I can be Changmin’s appa too.” “My boys can be very good appas too! Your Jae hyung will undoubtedly be a great appa as well.” The man reckoned again, walking over to Junsu and patting the boy on his head, taking his time to look at his nephew for the first time.

“Cute guy.” The man chuckled finally, pinching Changmin’s cheeks as the smart baby frowns disapprovingly, big dark brown eyes scrutinizing Junho. “Aigoo! He frowns!” The general is fascinated and Junsu is relieved.

“I think he likes his real appa better.” The boy replied and his baby cooed in agreement. It became Junho’s turn to frown. “I will…” His speech is interrupted by a terrified cry coming from the main door nearby.

“JUNHO HYUNG!! THEY ARE HERE!!” “THEY ARE HERE!! PREPARE TO DEFEND!!!” Junho can feel his blood run cold, as if re-enacting the scene from the first battle he and Yoochun were involved in. The words and level of panic from his soldiers are the same, and even the situation he is in is similar. Junsu is also around this time.

"!!" “You have to go Junsu. We can sort things out later.” Junho hurried Junsu along as he drags the reluctant boy to the other exit of the stable, where his horse is waiting for him as well. "GO!" The general mouthed to the boy as he mounts his own stallion, glaring at the boy threateningly, expecting the boy to make an escape. Junsu complies, but stopped running the moment Junho is gone.

“KIM JUNHO!!” “COME OUT!!” Meanwhile, on the outside, a deep voice boomed as the soldiers from both side clashes, cutting down one another as they fight it out. Stabbing a few of the soldiers in the gut with a spear, when they attempted to block him off, the king made his way to the frontline, not afraid to endanger himself, since no warriors would usually prefer being at the frontline.

Lifting his shield to protect himself and his horse from the arrows shot from the roof of the huts, the king held the mid-section of the pole on his spear and hurled it like a javelin, into one of the archer’s chest, killing the man instantly. “DON’T TORCH THIS PLACE TIL YOU GET ME WHAT I WANT!!” The king ordered again as he extinguishes a flaming torch that fell onto the dried grass nearby, making his stallion trample over it. He does not want Junsu and his son to be caught in a fire. Fires are troublesome, only used when the battle is finished, to ‘clean up’ the place.

“TORCH THIS PLACE!!” An order countered his as another armoured figure charges out from the stables. Yoochun froze momentarily as he witnesses the person throw a spear at him, the rider caught the man off guard, but he managed to duck.

“WE WILL END THIS TODAY!!” The person clamored as Yoochun struggles to relate his voice to a face and name. The man’s face is wrapped up.

“KIM JUNHO!!” The man returned to being the monster he was, bellowing his opponent’s name, voice dripping with malice.

Brandishing his long sword at Yoochun while the said man does the same, both took a swing at the other without mercy. Junho’s hands even trembled due to the force of Yoochun’s blows, sword vibrating so hard that it reaches all the way down to the hilt. Yoochun on the other hand, remains undaunted.

Seeing that Yoochun is meaning whatever he is doing, Junho told himself that he might have really reached the end of the road this time. Preparing himself for the worst, the man is celebrating the fact that he will die bringing Yoochun down with him. “TORCH THIS PLACE!!” Junho hollered at one of his men as they lit the torches again, though under broad day light, causing black thick smoke to loom threateningly in the clear skies above them.

“NO!!” The king was momentarily distracted as he runs after the torch bearers instead, putting out the flames with his sword. The man is worried that Junsu and Changmin are still somewhere in the vicinity, and he is not about to let them employ the self destruction technique without seeing that his family is safe and sound.

“I’M NOT DONE WITH YOU!!!” Junho shouted at Yoochun as his horse gallops over to the king’s side, attacking the man. Then, using whatever Jaejoong had taught him over the months, the general started a series of continuous attacks, counting on the speed to gain the upper hand, and managed to hold Yoochun off, before leaping onto the enemy’s horse, tearing the opponent off his saddle.

Tumbling off the horse together, both man rolled in the sand, tussling violently as Yoochun socks Junho in the nose, where it hurts the most. Then diving over to his sword, lying in the pile of dust nearby, the king grabbed it and plunged it into the ground right next to Junho’s neck. The king had missed on purpose.

Though the monster within him is egging him to do the man in, he couldn’t bring himself to do so. Junho then takes the chance to clout the king in the gut, causing the man to bowl over. Still in a hesitant daze, the king knocked Junho out momentarily with a hard thump on the abdomen again and quickly got up to make his way past the crowd of fighting soldiers, turning every hut upside down in search of Junsu.

“JUNSU!!!” The man cried out as he searched through every nook and cranny, not minding the choking smoke that is making his throat burn, making his eye tear. “JUNSU!!!!” He screamed at the top of his lungs.

Hands trembling, the man charged out of a hut just as it collapses with its disintegrating beams. Spinning in circles, the man watches as the enemies die out one by one, while some of his own soldiers focus on putting out the raging fire with the well water nearby, but with little success.

For the briefest moment, the king wondered if he is mistaken. He wondered if Junsu is even present at the safe house to begin with. Toying with the possibility that the boy may have really migrated somewhere faraway, the man sank to the ground, depressed, howling loudly as he punched the ground ceaselessly. “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!?! JUNSU YAH!!!”

“YOU ARE A BASTARD!! HE LEFT YOU FOR A GOOD CAUSE!!” The general had awakened and forced himself up as he throws his entire body weight on Yoochun again, clobbering the king while the other retaliates just as violently.

“JUNSU… was NEVER meant to return to you!! HE… was going to run away with Jaejoong!! HAD your… STUPID sidekick not stopped them!!” The general panted while hammering the man below him with all his might. The assaulted then became the assailant.

“SCREW YOU!!” The king changed their positions by heaving Junho off by the collar and kneeing him. Throwing the general against the wall while he drips epistaxis, Yoochun rains more blows at the other’s toned chest. “YOU!! YOU ARE THE ONE THAT’S STOPPING HIM!!”

“YOU… DON’T… DESERVE… HIM!!!” Junho pulled himself together again and throws Yoochun off, elbowing the man continuously everywhere. “I WILL NEVER ALLOW IT… FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE!!” The man shouted, after spotting Junsu watching them from behind the hut, furthest from the spreading fire. Junho’s words were meant for the boy. Junho can see that Junsu is watching Yoochun with this unexplainable expression, and felt that the boy needs to know that his stand is not changing.

“THEN DIE!!!” The king pushed himself off the ground and rammed a shoulder into the general’s belly, arms clasped tightly around the man’s armoured waist as he crashes both he and the other through the wooden wall behind them, subsequently destroying that structure as they burst into the hut successfully, rolling over one another in a gory mess of wood splinter, hay, sand, dusty armours and broken skin as well as bones.

Tightening his grip around a piece of wood, a fresh fragment torn off the wrecked wall, with a jagged but lethal edge to the distal end, Yoochun was about to stake the person below him with it when a he felt a pair of hands hugging him from behind, tugging him off as he kneels on Junho’s abdomen. “Please stop!! Stop fighting!!”

Thinking that it is one of the brazen rebel soldiers who dared to interfere with the fight between the leaders, the king brought a hand and the piece of wood up, smashing them onto the person’s head with a single forceful blow, meant to incapacitate the person. Striking his ‘opponent’ somewhere above the ear, around the left temper, the king witnesses the person go down with a soft thud from the corner of his eyes. However, with vision clouded by the dust and tangled clamps of his own hair, all he noticed is how small his ‘assailant’ appears.

“OMO!!! JUNSU YAH!!!!” Yoochun is still in a frenzied mess as he sits and watches the battered Junho yell out in horror, scrambling over to the fallen person, ignoring the pain from his broken nose. The king no longer registers anything as he stones.

“WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” A loud wail of a baby finally snaps Yoochun out of his trance as he digests the general’s words slowly. “Junsu?!!” The king repeated, as if asking a question. “Minnie!!?” The man’s head is spinning with the information overload, the influence of dehydration, fatigue, broken bones, as well as too much testosterone and adrenaline. Unable to focus his vision on either one of the said person, or even Junho, the man continues sitting there dumbly.

“JUNSU YAH!!! DON’T SCARE HYUNGIE!! WAKE UP!!!” The general seemed to be hovering over someone called Junsu, and Yoochun is confused. Clambering up clumsily, he allowed a few of the soldier’s from his platoon who had approached him, to support him with their shoulders as he tries to make sense of the situation.

“JUNSU!!!” The general, Junho, continued his frantic cries as the figure in front of him remains limp, blood trickling from where his skin had split due to the impact of the wooden weapon. Blood seeping into the dry sand below where his cheek lay pressed, the person’s face is soaking up as well, as the blood covers most of his face, streaming along the contours of his lovely face, concealing the beauty with its crimson, viscous qualities.

“JUNSU?!!” Yoochun also shouted after a brief moment and rushes over to Junho’s side as well, shoving the general aside as the other remains to be in a daze as well, swaying as Yoochun throws him off balance. “MY JUNSU!!!” The king stammered as he rubs his tattered cape all over the pale skin, absorbing the blood as he tries his best to wipe away the ceaseless flow.

“NO NO NO NO!!!” The king quickly leans forward and presses his ear to the boy’s chest; inhaling nosily while he tries to detect a heartbeat. Unable to hear anything aside from his own nasally sound effects, the man hurriedly gathered the boy in his arm and pressed another ear to the boy’s throat, hoping to detect breathing. He found it.

“Sir! The crown prince!” One of the soldiers approached, with a still bawling Changmin in his arms, while Yoochun looks around bewilderedly, cradling a lifeless Junsu in his arms. Staring blankly at the baby, the king could only gape. “Changmin ah! Appa didn’t mean it!” The king even spoke stupidly.

“GET HELP!! QUICK!!” The king then shouts as he bumps into everyone he meets. Exiting the dimly lit hut where he ‘entered’ with Junho earlier, the king is met with a ghastly mess of corpses as well as leftovers from thoroughly charred houses, strewn all over the courtyard. The king’s troops have put out the fire, so only rubbles blocked his way as the king dashes around, searching for someone who can help.


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*