'The wedding planner' {Part 3}

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side



An update for friday!! I made it!! 

Do stay and read!!

Thank you all for your kind comments and also the subscriptions!! *hugs*

I think I am being too naggy again. T^T Please do bear with me!


“YUNHO HYUNG!!! YUNHO HYUNG!!!” A wail, dolphin like by nature, courses through the silent and dark hallway leading to the mentioned man’s room, shattering the peace. With a few servants following close behind, holding the guest’s coat and lighting up his path for him, the person’s siren like cries sounded particularly nightmarish, waking everyone in the neighbourhood.

“YUNHO HYUNG!!! PLEASE OPEN UP!!!” The person screamed at the top of his lungs, scalene and sternocleidomastoid active. Even the dead will wake at the octave and volume he is going at. Yunho is no exception.

Into the middle of his long awaited dreamless slumber, the advisor could not keep the series of deafening screams out of his sanctuary. Junsu was informed by the servants that Yunho is not responding no matter how hard they knock on his door, so they will not stop the boy in his attempt to illicit a response from the presumably dead person inside. “YUNHO HYUNG!! I NEED YOUR HELP!!!”

“OKAY!! Alright!! I heard you!!” A muffled voice came from behind the door that separates them, followed by the sound of furniture being dragged across the room. Yoochun hadn’t told Junsu what happened between them earlier, but the boy could already guess. It’s just an assumption, but Junsu will act accordingly. He will be more sensitive.

“Yunho hyung!! Chunnie is on the way to save Jae hyung and Hyungie!! He needs backup!! Please help them!!” The boy even tears up a little as he looks at the advisor with humongous round puppy eyes.

“What… what happened?” The mild state of a hangover addled his brain as he holds a hand to his forehead tiredly, squinting due to the bright light from the flames of the torch. Looking around bewilderedly, Yunho noticed that it is well into the night, since the servant’s get up suggests so as well. “Give me a minute... what happened again?”

“Yunho hyung!! Chunnie! … Minnie’s appa is already on the way!! HURRY!!!” The boy did not give the advisor much of any information, since he does not know the ‘details’ either. Simply seizing the heavy set man by the arm, the boy heaved the man up from where he is seated, headed towards the man’s stable with much effort.

“Minnie’s appa says that they were ambushed and captured!! He is checking the situation out with the rest of the guards and wants he you to help find them!!” “You are the smartest! Yunho hyung!!” The boy rambled on as Yunho struggles to makes sense of his words. There is already one of Yoochun’s royal escorts waiting for Yunho at the gates, to ‘guide’ the way. “Who is in trouble again?”

“Jae hyung and Hyungie!!” Junsu replied in the same high pitch, shaking Yunho up a little.

“EH?! They are in trouble!?” The advisor finally sobers up a tiny bit, slapping himself on the cheeks as he sweeps his tousled hair out of his half opened eyes, frowning after noticing that the rough stubbles are longer than how they use to be. Being cleanly shaven is his standard appearance. “I just have to follow the guy right?! Did Chun tell you where he is going!?”

“Hurry!! Minnie’s appa might get hurt!! Jae hyung and Hyungie too!!! Please help me bring them home safely!!” The boy pleaded again and Yunho is fooled into believing word for word.

Hurriedly slipping on the armour set that his servants had gone back to retrieve earlier, the advisor mounted his horse and made it gallop pass the royal ’s stallion, yelling at the man to catch up and lead the way.

Watching Yunho’s silhouette being swallowed by the pitch black, Junsu lifted a hand up to wipe his eyes and smiled a satisfied smile. “How did I do?” The boy asked his own personal servant and the man nodded approvingly. Clapping his hands together once, the boy whistled and returned to his own carriage, where the nanny and his son are waiting for him.


POV from Yunho

Imagine falling down a tunnel… which is all white, quiet and never ending… then landing on a hard plateau like surface all of a sudden. I almost believed that fall was going to kill me, until I realised that I had merely fallen off my bed, which wouldn’t aid my suicide attempt no matter how many times I throw myself off it. For a moment, it kind of felt good when I thought that I might really just die.

The thing that woke me is indescribable! I can’t even start to give a proper depiction of the sounds it made. It’ not just shrill! It’s deafening for sure! Ear-splitting… and almost caused my soul to jump out of my body because of its sudden and alarming origin. I was literally dragged back into reality by it… even though I know I was totally dead to the world and my surroundings. It is still bouncing around inside my ear canals even up til now!! It’s Junsu.

For god’s sake! It’s in the middle of the night… I think. Nights are supposed to be peaceful yet he sounded like someone is dying… and he is definitely in a hurry…

I initially thought he was just coming to do a part two… continuing from where Chun left off this afternoon… but I was mistaken. I know Chun was here earlier on because of Junsu… and since Chun did not succeed in tackling me, I naturally assumed that the kid is here to be a kid… like how he is a… kid.

Before I could process the bulk of gibberish he was spouting, he is literally pushing me out of the warmth of my bedroom and onto the freezing saddle on my horse’s back. Then I woke up for real.

According to Junsu, someone... probably the servants, had sent an SOS message asking for help… saying that Jaejoong and his brother is captured by some brazen bandits.

It didn’t take me long to get a clear idea of how grave the situation is though. It’s all plainspoken now that I am more or less alert. The mother of my child is in trouble. He is captured and possibly held hostage.

I really can't care less about the other guy, which is Junsu’s brother, since he can very well take care of himself… but my Jaejoong. He was already looking so sickly before he left!! I can’t let anything happen to him!!! I must save him!! If he is captured, then I will brave every odd to rescue him!! I will do anything!!

He is my life!! If he dies, than I did really die as well!! I was in the doldrums when he left, but I could at least comfort myself with the fact that he is alive and well somewhere north even though he is no longer by my side… but I won’t accept him being dead!!!


In the early morning… the next day…

“Are we there yet?!” A man’s deep voice boomed, increasing in level of anxiety compared to how it was just minutes before. The man is sensing the growing urgency now that the sun has officially risen. The royal with him is feeling all the more stressed, as the other would ask him the same question every few minutes, since their journey started. The frequency of his repetition just keeps increasing.

The journey isn’t exactly long, and the duo soon found themselves at the outskirts of the capital.

Heaving a sigh of relief when he knows that they are finally nearing the estate that Yoochun had set aside especially for the couple to meet up, the ’s frown eased into a smile as he waves his hand at the advisor, pointing a finger at the big building and it’s beautiful surrounding landscape.

“We are here!!” The person beamed as he parts the heavy wooden gates, signalling for Yunho to enter before him.

“What the heck is going on!?” “They are held here!?” Yunho asked but received no reply. Perplexed, the advisor still did as he was told and even got off his horse. However, instead of heading off into the midst of a blood bathe, a bunch of servants emerges from the building and took his horse from him, pulling him along. The advisor is stumped. “YAH!!” “What is going on here!?”

“Please calm down Sir. It’s his majesty’s instruction that I bring you here.” “He will join you in the main hall later. Please follow me in the meantime.” The reassured an agitated Yunho that there isn’t any enemy waiting in ambush, since the man is fighting off his ‘entourage’, unsure if he should proceed with them.

Yunho’s rescue mission, which he expected will be filled with gore and throes of battle, simply transformed into an instant holiday at a villa with a breath-taking scenic view.

“What else did he tell you?” The advisor is still very reluctant to set foot inside the building, but is forcefully whisked off into the appealing ‘hot spring’ by the insistent convoy with fragrant bath essence as well as towels in their hands, despite his protests.

“We are given specific instruction to see to it that you are bathed upon arrival.” The man answered sheepishly, following the advisor as the servants clamp their upper limbs around the other’s thick muscular arms, hauling the unwilling person along.

“What the heck man!?!” “What is this all about!?!” The advisor’s attempt to get a hang of the situation fell on deaf ears.

“Sir Yunho… there is also an order that in case you are done before his majesty arrives, you are to proceed to the guest room for a rest. His majesty says he might be late.”


Late noon…

“Your majesty!! Is this the place?” Junho asks as the silent king signals for the guards at the gates to open the door for them. Pretending to look all solemn, with a stern look on his face, the king did not even cast a single glance at the two people behind him.

Finally, after ‘parking’ his fleshy vehicle by the stables, the king leapt off. Junho followed promptly while Jaejoong remains seated on their shared saddle. Holding Jaejoong by the waist, the general helped the healer off, no matter how the other insists on getting off by himself. Wearing a genuine saturnine expression on his face, the healer stands rooted to the ground, watching Yoochun while the king ‘enquires’ about Yunho’s current condition.

“Is he alright?” The healer asked in a tinier than usual voice as Junho connects himself to the healer by the arm, as if supporting the other in cases he is too weak to stand. Junho is being overly concerned and treating Jaejoong like a fragile glass figurine. Yoochun is perturbed and now needs to plot a way to remove the general from the healer’s side.

“Are you feeling alright?” Yoochun, for the first time, is actually being nice to Jaejoong. The healer is not suspicious, just not used to the man becoming an amiable guy. Nodding his head in response to Yoochun’s question, the healer frowned when the king fails to answer his earlier query, choosing to walk off instead. Yoochun is still the same old discourteous king after all.

“Junho. You will come with me.” The king spoke at last, turning sideways. “Jaejoong. You will follow the servants. They will bring you to Yun.” “Please take care of him.” Yoochun wanted to snicker at that sentence since he meant it in a more shady way, but exercised optimal self-control.

“Lock the doors once he is in with Yun.” “Don’t let them out until I say so. Unless there is a natural disaster.” The king whispered to the servant who will lead Jaejoong to where Yunho is, taking care not to alert the busy duo as they do their ‘separation transactions’. Junho is too caught up with passing Jaejoong his small burlap bag of medicinal supplies.

The healer has the necessary medicinal plants on hand since he did stop them along the way in order to gather fresh herbs, to be used for Yunho’s wounds. Yoochun is beyond moved.

The king is as determined as his young wife now, strongly believing that the couple are meant to be.

With his mind made up that Junho will not interfere no matter what, Yoochun is planning on bringing the general to the market, to ‘shop’ around. The king will only slowly unravel his ‘evil’ plans when they are far away from the couple. He does not want Junho to disturb the serene environment he had painstakingly created for the lovebirds.


Moments later…

Within a lavishly decorated and furnished room, dark and dimly lit even though it is in the middle of the day, a single knock could be heard as the heavy metal plated doors is pushed open. Strenuous to the small person, who is trying to keep the two piece of decorated wood apart while he slips his slim body through. 

Upon succession, the person tightens his grip around his burlap sack and makes his way over to the bed at the other end of the terribly spacious room, making no sound as his feet glides along the ground gracefully. He soon spots what seem to be a figure, resting on the bed, but could not get a clear view since the curtains on the bed is drawn.

There isn’t any movement coming from within, and that was expected, since the intruder is supposedly on a mission to render treatment to someone who is presumably grievously injured.

Settling down on the floor beside the bed, the person slides a thin pale hand in through the gap between the silky partitions and d around for the other’s hand. The person on the outside is not at all keen or looking forward to any form of skin-ship with the person on the inside, but duty calls, and he has to answer.

Placing two finger pads on the radial pulse and stabilising the bulky wrist with the rest of his fingers, the person tried to get a reading without being distracted by how warm the other’s skin feels. He does not need to be reminded of the other’s touch, which is always a perfect complement against his own cool skin. The chemical reaction they produce whenever their bodies brush past one another is undeniably magical.

The pulse is slow, but regular. Not indicative of any organ impairment. It felt more like a sleeping person’s pulsation. Strong. The person on the outside is troubled since that isn’t what he was expected from a bleeding person. Rubbing his fingers more furiously, repositioning and pressing down harder, the person on the outside is unaware that he had accidentally roused the sleeping person inside, since that person isn’t a heavy sleeper. He was just dozing off, under the leftover effects of the previous hangover.

“Chun ah! What the heck are you doing?! I’m still alive you !” “And you owe me an explanation!”


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Just realised I can 'uncensor' chapters that are automatically censored by AFF. Please don't ban me tho! I promise to censor anything that needs to be! :)


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*