Reconciliation {Part 1}

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side


Hi! ^.^

An update for this weekend!!

Thank you all for your kind comments, and also the subscriptions!! *hugs*

Anyhow, I have wasted two chapters to elaborate drone. Please forgive me!! I won't be able to finish within 60 chapter!!! Maybe 61 to 62!!! T^T Please do bear with me!!

Do stay and read!!


After Yunho was towed off for a delayed bathe, to wash of a couple days’ worth of stunk, the advisor had made his back to the guest room as the had instructed. Seeing that Yoochun is nowhere to in sight, the advisor could only complain and relax himself on the irresistibly soft bed. His head is still a little light from the after effect of his drinking, though he is now lucid.

He was drifting off to sleep again when something cold had brushed against his hand, wrapping itself around his wrist. The thing felt soft and Yunho refuses to rouse initially, thinking that it is possibly a form of tactile hallucination. After all, the thing did nothing more than rest against his wrist.

However, with the increasing pressure of the cold object against his own skin, Yunho could not ignore the feeling any longer than he wanted. Assuming that it is Yoochun and his trolls again, since that is the only person who knows he is there and waiting, the advisor acknowledged his ‘friend’s’ presence.

With a single push of the arm, Yunho got up from where he was lying, retracting his wrist from the hand. Bunching the curtain in his fist, he parted the cloth with in one swift motion.

With the only thing separating Yunho, who is on the inside, and Jaejoong, who is on the outside, removed, both have a clear view of one another. “GAHHH!!” The advisor yelled, taken aback by the big pair of enticing black pupils, staring right into his, appearing stunned and confused.

For a few seconds, the two simply stayed rooted in their respective location. Jaejoong, kneeling beside the bed, while Yunho, on the bed, sitting in a ‘meditation stance’. Rubbing his eyes once and patting his now clean shaven jaws, the advisor simply continued gazing, dumbfounded.

Yunho is wearing only a loosely fitted sleep wear, with the front flap hanging open, exposing his toned pectorals and the unmarred skin there. There isn’t a single form of a bandage of any kind covering the region that Yoochun had claimed to be wounded. Jaejoong could not but gawk with disbelieve, scrutinising Yunho’s chest and shoulders, reeling from the ‘astounding discovery’ that all he can see is the intact appealing abs.

Disbelief turns into aversion in a flash and Jaejoong found himself scrambling to his feet, legs giving way as he leans against the bed for support. The advisor is beside him in a flash, holding him upright as he pushes his feet to move forward. “I can handle myself! Leave me alone!” The healer insists as he wobbles to the door with Yunho’s help. His lower limbs are feeling numb and weak for some unknown reason, and he attributes that to him being too flabbergasted.

Stepping away from the healer as the other struggles to stand independently, the advisor is at a loss for words. Nothing is going through his mind. Nothing but an alarming blank.

Toppling over, the healer flopped onto the ground with a soft thud while the advisor freezes on the spot. “H-Help me!” Jaejoong could not get his legs to budge no matter what. Rushing to the healer’s side again, the advisor lifted the smaller person up with ease, placing him on the bed he was resting on earlier. Thereafter, the man only stood dumbly and watches while the healer massages his slim calves and feet.

Then, finally, snapping out of the trance, Yunho quickly decided that he has to help Jaejoong leave in case he is accused of going back on his promise to free the healer. Ferrying the smaller man to the door from the bed, Yunho could not part the barriers no matter how he pushed or pulled. Sulking loudly, Yunho transported Jaejoong back to the bed once more before heading for the door again. Knocking and pushing at the handles with all his might, the advisor could not get the steadfast wooden structure to budge.

Feeling troubled, since he can feel a pair of eyes trained on his back, from the bed. The advisor pounded his fists on the carved wood but received no response aside from hushed mumblings on the other side. “YAH!! OPEN UP!!” “THIS IS AN ORDER!! OPEN UP WHEN I AM STILL ASKING FOR IT NICELY!!” Yunho tried threatening, but the guards outside remained as stubborn as the locks on the doors.

“Sir Yunho. His majesty has orders to keep the both of you in lock up until he returns.” “Is there anything you and your guest would like to eat or drink while you wait?” All Yunho got after a long while of knuckling the door, was a weak polite suggestion.

“WHAT?!” “PARK YOOCHUN DID WHAT?!” “QUIT FOOLING AROUND AND OPEN UP!!” The advisor is not exactly meaning what he is saying, but he has to say it. It’s a must to direct the blame to Yoochun, who is the one at fault in the first place. Both Yunho and Jaejoong have been tricked, but he assumes Jaejoong is not going to be as forgiving as he is. Yoochun apparently doesn’t really understand Jaejoong well enough.

The worst part is that Yunho has absolutely no idea when Yoochun will ‘arrive’. For all he knows, they might end up being trapped inside until the day Jaejoong delivers and that is not good news. “Aigoo…” The advisor sighed loudly as he returns to the tea table nearby, slumping down, trying to avoid eye contact with Jaejoong.

“Please stop looking at me like that. I didn’t… it’s not what you think!” The advisor spoke to the other at last, unable to accept that Jaejoong is already casting him accusing glances, even though the healer hadn’t even said his piece. Yunho is just being too sensitive. After all, Jaejoong believes the chance of a solo Yoochun being behind everything is high. The healer does not know to what extend the advisor is involved, but he will give the man the benefit of the doubt.

“I’m tired.” The healer answered, pulling the sheets over himself as he curls up into the usual foetal position he sleeps in and covers his head as well. Yunho is a little surprised that Jaejoong did not scream deceit or rant on about how evil and shameless he supposedly is. Walking over to the bed, the advisor sighed as he watches the lump beneath the sheets rise and fall gently. Jaejoong is ‘asleep’ and watching him sleep happens to be Yunho’s . The advisor could simply sit and stare for hours before.

Both of Yoochun’s victims are not communicating, even though the king was hoping for more interaction or even intimacy. They can dream about leaving for as long as they do not settle their differences. Yoochun has all the time in the world to wait for that to happen.

Nonetheless, the king still wishes to speed up that process and have plans to do them a ‘favour’.


Meanwhile… in the markets…

“Junho. I think this colour suits Su’s skin more. What about you?” Yoochun had brought Junho on a shopping spree, keeping the general away from the residence in order to facilitate bonding between Jaejoong and Yunho. The general is starting to get suspicious since Yoochun had somehow turned from grave to gleeful, smiling from ear to ear.

“Your majesty. Aren’t you… worried?” The general asked at last, after Yoochun was done loading a carriage full of fabric and jewellery onto the waiting vehicle. Yoochun had been anticipating this question, and Junho is unexpectedly slow.

“Nope.” “Yun will be fine.” “Jaejoong sshi will take care of him.” The king replied light heartedly, causing the general to frown.

“Should we be heading back to check on them?” The general plucked up the courage and suggested.

“Yun is fine.” “His injuries are in here. And it’s nowhere near fatal.” The king placed his palm on the heart, grinning at the general. “Plus, they can only be healed by Jaejoong sshi alone.” The king added and Junho’s eyes widens.

The general is stumped for a moment, but as reality of the situation set in, the man is overwhelmed. “Yah!!! Park Yoochun!! What is this again!?” The man could not care less about their status difference and raised his voice at the king. The king raised an eyebrow at the general and placed an arm around the man’s shoulders, getting all friendly for no apparent reasons.

“Junho sshi. It’s our Suie who wanted this. Surely you wouldn’t want him to be disappointed will you?” “I won’t.” The man said slyly.

“Jung Yunho will hit him again!! I can’t allow that!!” The general is adamant.

“Then your uncle must have been a very bad boy. Yun wouldn’t hit him for the fun of it. Do not doubt me when I say that.” The king is equally adamant. He doesn’t know what Junho witnessed, but he doesn’t bother to find out either, having known Yunho all his life. Seeing that Junho is all geared up for a rescue mission, the king is undaunted. “Junho. I will make you a deal. If you promise to give Yun a chance, I will ensure Jaejoong sshi’s happiness. And if Yun ever bullies him, I will personally separate them.”

“What if Jung Yunho really hits him again?!!”

“Shut up and listen to me! Your uncle loves Yun, so that means YOU are playing gooseberry. YOU need to stand back and give them their personal space.” The king reasoned but Junho still looked far from convinced.

“AND! I am your king now!! You will listen to me when I am still talking to you.” Yoochun widened his eyes as he tip toes to loom over the general threateningly. “If I say he wouldn’t. Then he wouldn’t! And it’s not because he is my friend!”

“You tricked us!! Why should I listen to you on this one?!”

“Junsu will hurt if you insist on being so stubborn!! Do you want that?!” Yoochun repeated his earlier threat with a smirk.

“What?!” “Don’t you dare hurt him!!! He has nothing to do with this!!!” Junho is appalled by Yoochun’s threat. He knows Junsu is the only thing Yoochun can use against him, but he has misunderstood the king’s intentions. The man isn’t very smart.

“What are you saying?! Why would I want to hurt him!? How dare you accuse me so?!!” Grabbing Junho by the cape hanging from the man’s collar, the king sneered at the general.

“You said Junsu will be hurt!!” Junho ended up sounding like he is whining and Yoochun is annoyed.

“YAH! ARE YOU STUPID?!!” “How many times do I need to repeat myself?! Junsu will be upset if your uncle doesn’t marry Yun, and I am here to make sure he gets his wish. SO just STOP interfering with my plans!!” Yoochun found himself gripping onto the handle of his sword once more. The two can never end a heart to heart talk without trying to stare one another down.

“FINE!! YOU WIN!! BUT I will be watching!! If Jung Yunho ever hurts Jae again, I can’t promise that I will play nice!!” The general is at the losing end. He has the king to deal with, and to top it off, he has his brother trapped between them. This has always been an issue.

“That’s better.” “Now, you will get your sorry back north and don’t let me catch you anywhere else aside from at your post!” The king smiled triumphantly, adjusting Junho’s messed up shoulder piece and bunched up cape, straightening the cloth for the general, acting as though they’ve never altercated to begin with.

Scowling, the general glared at Yoochun and lifted two fingers to his eyes, doing a poking motion, miming the words, ‘I will be watching.’ Yoochun grinned evilly while the general stomps off to mount his horse, charging back north with the king’s personal tagging along.

With the sore thumb removed, Yoochun can proceed with his final arrangements. Straddling his own stallion, the king headed back to the palace for dinner with his family. He will only check on the two detainees after catching up with his wife-to-be, whom he misses terribly.


A few hours later…

Back to the same room, except in total darkness as night overtakes the dwindling day light. The place is filled with eerie silence even though there are two tenants dwelling within. They haven’t spoken to one another ever since meeting in the afternoon, and their breathings are the only sounds present as the two sit in their relative position, far apart.

Dinner was simple affair too, without any sharing of food or coquettish behaviours. Jaejoong did not even eat. The servants only entered once to deliver the food, but no one can exit or enter besides the servants as there were a ridiculous number of guards stationed right outside the room. Yunho did not manage to persuade them to allow Jaejoong to exit. Not with violence and definitely not with sweet talking.

Out of the two trapped inside, the one who is more vocal about their rights to freedom, ironically, is the one who is supposed to be the one enjoying the private moment.

Worn out by the constant futile effort to protest and even scrimmaging with the guards, the taller one of the two resigned to sitting in a corner, far from the bed where his estranged partner lay. Knowing that the smaller person is uncomfortable with him close by, or even with his mere presence lingering, the bigger man has to compensate in order to assuage the other, making himself appear virtually non-existent.

However, as the hours pass by at a painfully slow rate, the man in the corner could not but feel the gradual drop in temperature as time goes by. At first, he thought it was just his imagination when the warmth is no longer present, but as soon as the cold follows shortly after its disappearance, Yunho knows he is in for a long arduous night. The underground heater is obviously malfunctioning for some unknown reason, and the advisor has a vague idea of what is to come. This is an old trick used for newlyweds by their parents, to aid bonding.

The temperature within will soon be in sync with the general climate on the outside, and Yunho is isolated in a corner with nothing but a thin layer of sleep wear on. There is a blanket available, but he simply cannot bring himself to approach the one on the bed, to request for calefaction.

Bracing himself, the advisor started with friction production, rubbing his hands together vigorously.


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Just realised I can 'uncensor' chapters that are automatically censored by AFF. Please don't ban me tho! I promise to censor anything that needs to be! :)


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*