Revenge is sweet... if only you can have it.

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side

Hi ya! Managed to get in through the lag~ Whew! There is probably tons of readers using this site right? AFF fighting!

A double update coming right up! 

Can't believe I took two whole chapters to elaborate on Yoosu's meeting(s) and development. I just love them too damn much!! >.< (forgive my fangirling mode)

*Note: I have to apologise! Though it's been 5 chapters... Yunjae will not pop up anytime too soon. T^T I know. I am SUCH A DRAG! Please forgive my perfectionist plot weaving mode as well. *bows bows bows* 

And and and... thank you all for your kind comments and also your subscriptions. They kept me pretty motivated. Cheers!


The following afternoon…


Yoochun’s sorrow is drowned out by the excessive drinking and deafening cheers of the rambunctious crowd around him. He preferred to grieve the lost of his father alone at first, but Yunho had decided that he would get depressed if he continued to do that, hence, his half hearted participation in the celebration.

“Park Yoochun sshi? What’s eating you?” Yunho asked after making himself comfortable beside the laconic man, on the wide platform.

“Was it good?” Yoochun murmured. Yunho raised an eyebrow at him. “TSK! Was appa’s funeral grand?”

“You should have attended. Then you would know.”

“TSK! Are you telling me or not?” Yoochun scowled, the deepening creases appearing on his forehead between the brows. To be exact, a frown never left his brow line.

“I know you stayed longer than necessary, Chun. You could’ve come back for the final rites… but you chose to stay on the field. What’s with that?” Yunho turned the tables on the other man. Frustration immediately developed into guilt and more sorrow as the man rests his head on his palm wearily. “Shut up. You stupid know it all. Don’t theorise my behaviour.”

“Hmmm. Alright then. Bottoms up buddy! Here’s to your victory!!” “This is the last anyway… since there really aren’t anymore lands for you to conquer.” Yunho smiled encouragingly. He knows Yoochun is tired, and he is glad that this current conquest marks the end of a life of war and bloodshed for the man. As much as he admires Yoochun’s guts, Yunho have always felt that it would have been better if his friend does something he really wanted instead.

“GENERAL!! … We were wondering! If you would allow us … some entertainment!!” the drunken group of soldiers, who had polished off more than a hundred vat of wine, approached Yoochun, slurring away.

“Shoo! Getting drunk in the middle of the day?! Shame on you all!” “Also, please address his majesty accordingly.” Yunho snapped. Yoochun just grunted and took another swig off the porcelain cup.

“Sir! Do… do you know that the general... his majesty... brought back this midget?! She is barely past puberty!! She will… make a… GOOD WIFE!! Soon.” “YEAH!! She… I didn’t see her face. DANG!” “NO! She is trophy!!” The group burst into laughter, humoured by their own silly exclamations.

“You brought back a trophy?” Yunho snickered and looked at a bemused Yoochun. The man simply snorted in response.

“REALLY? We didn’t hear about it yesterday. What did we miss?” A few other higher ranking officials sitting beside Yoochun asked. Suddenly, the group of muscles and raging testosterones became a group of gossip queens, prying for juicy details. “Your majesty! You actually FANCIED someone enough to bring her back? That’s new!”

“I don’t.” “She is just here because of her royal .” The king rolled his eyes.

“Eh?! She is royal?! That’s new too.”

“Go figure.” Yoochun rolled his eyes and continued basking in the warm afternoon sun.

“Is she a… consort?” “The queen?” “The PRINCESS!” the crowd begins to hype up, much to Yunho’s annoyance.

“We have a trophy!! We have to parade her!! The disgrace of the north kingdom will be our glory!!” One of the officials, who had too much to drink, decided to create a joke out of Junsu. Not that Yoochun cares anyway. He has no use for the trophy. Yoochun preferred male.

“Bring her!!” The crowd cheers. Yunho rolled his eyes. Yoochun just sat like an unmoving block of wood.


Back in the shed…

POV from Junsu


I still have hyungie’s blood on my hands. It’s my fault… I hate myself. And him! That beast!

I’m definitely going to bump off that monster when I see him again!! I swear!! Now that I know I’m not in hell that is…

Why didn’t he just end me? That would have been better. I was so sure that he would slaughter me back then… looks like I’m not even worth killing.

Cheer up Junsu!! You are still alive for a reason!! That would mean you still have a shot at exterminating him right?


As Junsu broods over his brother’s demise, fantasizing about how he would enjoy watching Yoochun die slowly and painfully, the door to the shed that contained him is kicked open, and a group of burly armoured man marched right in.

“Bring the trophy!” Before Junsu can process the meaning of the sentence, he is dragged out from where he was locked up. His captors were all over him in a second, tightening the knots and yanking him by the hair painfully while he struggles to keep up.

The sudden burst of brightness from being outside forced Junsu’s eyes shut while he enters the vast courtyard, filled with sneering militants. He could hear people mocking and jeering at him as he tottered across the stony ground weakly.

“What should we do to her?!” A lone man shouted. Junsu immediately realised that the situation is going to turn sour. Really sour.

“Brand her!!” “Torture her!!” “Carve up her face!!” “Stake her!” “Do her right here!!” Junsu’s eyes widened with every suggestion brought up. He could feel the crowd boring holes into his barely visible face as his captors paraded him. Biting his lower lips to prevent tears of fury and humiliation from springing out, Junsu lowered his head as much as he could.

“Make her fight!! I heard she put up a good fight with his majesty!!” Someone yelled admist the deafening cheers. Shortly after, Junsu found himself untied and thrown into the centre of the crowd, careening face first into the bystanders' rock hard chests. Swaying unsteadily, the boy braced himself while the crowd pushes him around as though they are passing ball.

Then, spotting Yoochun from where he was standing, Junsu swallowed the bile rising in his throat and decided that this would be his last shot at killing the bastard of a man, even if it’s highly possible that he will not even make it pass the crowd. Without further ado, Junsu reached for the nearest weapon he could find and pushed pass the crowd as fast as he could.

“YOU MONSTER!!” “YOU KILLED HYUNG!!” “WHY DON’T YOU JUST DIE INSTEAD!!” Junsu cursed and swore at Yoochun rudely, challenging the man. The soldiers there were about put Junsu down when the king stopped them with a single raised hand.

“MONSTER!! OBNOXIOUS GREEDY MONSTER!!” Junsu cried out again as he waved the short sword at the man, who is up and hovering over him now.

Yoochun stopped the attack with a single hand and wrenched the sword out of Junsu’s tight grasp. Squeezing the boy’s thin wrist painfully, the annoyed man slugged him in the face. The forceful blow saw blood as Junsu’s upper lip chaps, staining his already begrimed face.

With the impact stinging his eyes and causing an immediate swelling on his dainty cheek, Junsu decide to insult Yoochun again, since he can tell that the man is really egoistic. Just like the man his own brother was. Junsu wanted to break down at that very thought, after remembering Junho’s face, but he stood his ground and moved in on Yoochun again.

“YOU BEAST!!” Another slap landed across Junsu’s other cheek, as the boy jumps at the man. The boy did not falter this time. Instead, much to the horror of the crowd below, Junsu had snatched Yoochun’s smaller knife from the man's waist band and is attempting to disembowel the man with it, using both hands to it upwards, directly at Yoochun’s abdomen.

However, before any permanent damage can be done, Junsu suddenly pauses, just as the blade ghosts on the surface of the man’s garment.

“Clank.” The boy’s hands suffered a sudden bout of immobilisation as he watches the knife slip out of his own stiffened thin fingers. Junsu also found his hands trembling upon the realization that he could have injured Yoochun fatally. Then it dawned on him that he couldn’t bring himself to commit murder.

Retrieving the knife from the ground unsteadily, Junsu forces himself to take a stab at the man again, but he just couldn't drive the thick iron strip into flesh, no matter how many times he pictured Junho dying.

Even with Yoochun smirking at him, he couldn’t bring himself to hurt the man. Beginning to feel like an idiot, with the myriad of negative emotions that came along with it, Junsu started to tear up. Hot tears kept streaming down his bruised and blotched cheeks, dripping onto his draggled dress, as he gives Yoochun the dirtiest look he can summon. His antagonist appeared so near, yet so far.

“YOUR APPA DESERVES TO DIE!!” Junsu did not know what else he could say to insult Yoochun, until he remembered Junho mentioning before, that Yoochun’s father is ill and dying. He did not even know if Yoochun’s father is really dead. That was his best guess. He did not know he is going to hit a raw nerve.

“WHAM!!” A fist landed onto Junsu’s thin shoulders, causing his knees to buckle. Then, another pounded him in his already partially fractured ribcage, causing him to flop to the ground in agony.

“That’s enough Yoochun!!” A man sounded like he was shouting, but all Junsu could hear were buzzing sounds. The reflection of the glaring sunlight on the blades that rested on his slender neck blinded him momentarily as the crowd goes wild. A struggle is apparent as two tall man wrestles with one another above him.





“TSK!! Get rid of her!” Yoochun ordered the guards to take Junsu away before stomping off in a huff.

“Don’t dispose of her. She is still useful. Why kill a healthy worker?” Yunho counteracted the order. The guards nodded.


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Just realised I can 'uncensor' chapters that are automatically censored by AFF. Please don't ban me tho! I promise to censor anything that needs to be! :)


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*