Mission {Part 2}

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side



An update for today. ^.^

Do stay and read!

Thank you all for your kind comments and also the subscriptions!!

Special thanks to nanapham for your first comment on this fic! *hugs* I really appreicate it!

And also, @sherry90. You made a guess!! LOL!! So very straightforward!! I like!!

Anyhoo, I might being adding one more update for today if I can edit in time. ^.^ V



“Hey! Tone down a little more over there will you!” Yoochun poked his head out from the carriage’s only entrance and demanded that the escorts maintain the previous peace and quiet, since the rowdy group is all over the place, bantering nosily while little Changmin is in the process of getting his beauty sleep.

Junsu too, is dozing off, laid at the corner of the carriage, beside Yoochun, with his head on the king’s lap, like how the king wanted it. Yoochun had insisted that Junsu gets some rest along the way, estimating that they will need a couple of days to reach at the speed they are travelling at. Yoochun don’t want Junsu to suffer from ‘circadian rhythm desynchronosis’, if that is even possible.

Departing in the afternoon, the king along with his family has approximately ten royal escorts, well versed in the arts of swords fighting, a herd of fast stallions and their carriages. The king’s own horse is the one pulling the carriage containing the royal family, while the rest carried the escorts while they take shifts. Briefing on how to protect the king in case of a robbery is also done for the group, since Yoochun views his family’s safety as a matter of the utmost importance.

Yoochun knows Junsu does not know how to defend himself, and with the baby in tow, the king is even more burdened with security issues. If it’s just him hitting the roads alone, he would be travelling without the hassles, but it’s his family he is considering about.

There isn’t exactly an ominous feeling when they left, but immediately after night falls, and as the sky dims rapidly, the king started to get the feeling as though they are being watch and followed. The man has keen senses, suited for hunting. Instructing his escorts to pay closer attention to their surroundings, Yoochun can feel adrenaline being released into his system as he becomes more and more uptight by the minute.

Gripping the hilt of his weapon tightly, the king tried to brush the disturbing feelings off, but the lack of owls hooting in the middle of the night, as well the absence of the usual distant howling of wolves made him even more uneasy. He is a seasoned traveler, especially at night, and he can tell if something is amiss. Nature has her own way of signaling danger with the use of animals.

Holding Junsu closer to him, accidently alerting the half asleep boy, the smaller form stirs and opens his eyes, staring at Yoochun with artless doe eyes. Their carriage is partly illuminated by one of the escorts assigned to walk right beside the small square window, beside Yoochun’s head, so the king can see his queen’s increasingly anxious expression clearly. “It’s okay. Go back to sleep.” Yoochun ran his fingers through the boy’s hair and whispered quietly. Junsu can sense his unrest

Sitting up, the boy clambered over to baby Changmin’s side and carried the sleeping baby close to him, before cuddling up beside his lover again, for security. Yoochun can feel his heart flutter as he watches the boy return to sleep peacefully, trusting him wholeheartedly, wearing a tranquil expression.

Jutting his head out of the covered opening again, the king surveyed the passing habitat for any signs of human activities and spotted a shadow ducking in and out of bushes nearby. With a single chill running down his spine, he could feel his heart miss a beat as his worse fear realizes itself. There is apparently really someone following them, yet he has no idea how many people there are, or what they are after.

Hoping that it is only him that they are after, the king quickly took off his shiny armour and wrapped the heavy metal plated garment around Junsu and baby Changmin, tightening the knots and fastening oversized chest plate holder onto Junsu’s tiny frame, almost losing the boy inside the enormous rigid structures. Hushing the boy while looks at Yoochun with a bewildered expression, the man tried to wipe the worried look off his face. Baby Changmin seems to be able to sense the pending danger and opens his big eyes as well, looking at his parents curiously.

“I will fight! Give me a sword. I won’t let anyone hurt Minnie.” Junsu climbed up onto Yoochun, searching the man’s girdle for a spare knife, but Yoochun held his hands and pulled the boy in an intimate embrace instead.

“Over my dead body. They can only hurt you and Minnie over my dead body.” Yoochun denied Junsu the permission to access any form of weapons. “If anything happens to me, take my horse and run. My horse knows the way home. Look for Yunho.” The king whispered instructions to the boy while Junsu buries his face into the man’s warm heaving chest, sniveling in fright.

“Don’t take off the armour!! You can’t fight, so you have to wear that!” Feeling that Yoochun probably needs the protection more, Junsu ended up trying to unfasten the metal pieces, planning on returning them to the king, but the older man is adamant.

“But I.” Junsu’s sentences kept getting cut off as the king sticks his head out more and more often. Finally, an arrow is released from the enemy’s side, aimed directly at the king’s head as he protrudes it once more. The man dodges in time. Then, pulling the blanket over Junsu and Changmin, Yoochun left the two and exited the carriage, choosing to stand in front of the entrance instead of charging towards the enemies hidden in the shrubs.

“PROTECT THE CARRIAGE!! NO ONE ENTERS OR LEAVES!!!” The king shouted, voice echoing into the night skies, as if booming. The noise pollution is worsened after the addition of the baby’s frightened cries as the escorts surrounds the carriage and fends off the attackers that were closing in on them in an instant. “GO GET REINFORCEMENT!!”

Blood spatters were cast all over the four wooden walls of the carriage as arteries were cut and blades get embedded in the solid wood. Junsu found himself holding his breath as he squeals fearfully, wrapping the bundle at his belly in a suffocating embrace. The baby continues to wail at the top of his lungs as more clashes of swords sounded, sparks flying as steel scrap against one another forcefully.

“OUT WITH YOUR MOTIVE!!” The king growled as he grabs a fearless attacker by the neck and holds the man in a choke hold, threatening to twist the man’s cervical bones off the remaining spinal column. The man spat at him, and one would expect that Yoochun would slaughter that man in return, but he didn’t.

Seeing Junsu peeking out of the carriage, petrified, Yoochun is reminded that he cannot be seen killing so cold bloodedly, since he is supposedly a ‘changed’ man for the boy’s sake. Tossing the captive into the way of a few of his escorts, the king decided he will not do the slaying himself. Junsu is surprised, but more than that, he sees that Yoochun is no longer the person he was, even though he brandishes a sword in his hand.

However, the ceaseless flow of attackers had the defending team tired out after a long while, and even though many of the attackers are slain, many still managed to escape with just minor injuries. Yoochun is getting desperate to get the carriage moving again.

Entering the carriage again, the king had the escorts drive his horse while he holds off the attackers at the entrance, shielding his cowering family with his muscular frame.

Suddenly, with a loud crash, a big piece of boulder was released off the slopes nearby, throwing the carriage off balance as the vehicle overturns. Loud cheers could be heard from a distance as more attacker charges down the slope, while the king hauls his family out from the wreckage. They escaped the wrecked up carriage unscathed, but Yoochun could feel panic setting in as the torrents of masked and armoured beings closes in on him, the boy and their child.

Realising that they are in a very vulnerable position, out in the open space, surrounded by a good hundred over opponents, the king bated his breath as he considers his options. Praying for a cease in arrows, the man got his wish, but the surrounding mob is equally distressing, as they wield their torches at him, changing the intensity of the situation from bad to just as bad.

Squeaking, the boy hugged Yoochun from behind, sandwiching their son between them as the king spins around in circles, deciding how he wants to deal with the mess they are in. His escorts are starting to decrease in numbers as the enemy advances more aggressively and with flawless coordination.

Releasing his trapped horse from the wreckage behind and reining the animal in, the king threw his queen on and steadied the saddles as he fought alongside the horse, unable to mount with the constant need to hold off the endless spate of attackers. The opponents were swamping with more deadly will, each moves increasing with strength and velocity, leaving the king little room to move or strike back. All Yoochun can do is defend.

“Yoochunnie hyung!!!” One might think Yoochun would be touched by Junsu’s first attempt to address him so intimately, but he is far from moved. Turning to face his shrieking wife as a rope lassos around his torso, hauling the boy and baby Changmin off the horse, Yoochun failed to assist in time.

Junsu was holding on to the saddle strap for dear life with one hand while trying to free his son from between his body and the ropes with the other, straining every muscle in his body to participate in the tug of war. Finally, with a weak cry, Junsu manages to unbound the baby and was barely able to roll the baby over the horse’s back, into the safety of his lover’s embrace on the other side, before being dragged off the horse and swallowed by the crowd nearby.

“JUNSU!!! JUNSU!!!” Yoochun got into a frenzied state the very instant Junsu was hauled off the horse and disappears. Kicking everyone aside and mounting his own horse in one single motion, the man grabbed the long spear from one of his opponents and stabbed every single one of the people below with it, before charging towards the direction where Junsu disappeared to.

“JUNSU!!!” Yoochun shouted as he held Changmin with one arm, riding at full speed as he runs for the retreating group holding Junsu hostage, undaunted by his own pursuers as they try to get him off his steed, kicking them in the face, flattening their noses with his heels.

“GIVE HIM BACK!!! YOU SNEAKY BASTARDS!!!” The king roared fiercely as he cuts down everything in his path.

Then, all of a sudden, the group hot on his horse’s heels retreated as well, making way for the archers to do their job, since no one is able to bring the beastly king down.

Being an experienced warrior, Yoochun knows exactly what is in store for him. He anticipates an impending arrow storm. Cursing under his breath, the man knew he had to sacrifice his horse in order to save his and his son’s life. He knows they will need a shield to survive this sort of fool proof attacks, but since there is nothing he can use for cover within the next few miles, the horse’s flesh and bones is all there is.

Jumping off his trusty stallion, the man whispered his final goodbyes to his friend of many years and crawled beneath the animal’s belly with his son, just as the first wave of arrow rain pelts down on them. The poor steed died instantly, providing Yoochun just enough shelter from the deadly shower before its demise.

Cupping one palm over the wailing baby’s mouth, Yoochun huddled beneath his dead horse as the creature collapses on them. With an arch formation of his muscular build holding the dead horse above him, more arrows bombarded them, barely missing his limbs as he retracts them, in the nick of time.

Immediately after it rained weapons, Yoochun wasted no time before wriggling out from under the temporary cover and grabbed the nearest sword he can find and retreating into the forest a few kilometers away, before the enemy approaches to end him. If they realize he is not dead yet that is.

He cannot do anything except run for his life, since none of his escorts managed to survive. Yoochun is tempted to give chase, but with Changmin in his arms, his hands are tied. He can only seek help or wait for help to arrive.

With real tears streaming down his face, the full grown man ducked into the bushes and hid there, trying to think of some retaliation strategy he could use, but none came up. He knows he had lost Junsu.

Ensuring that the baby is no longer crying, the man then releases his palm from the baby’s mouth and scales a tree nearby, gaining height as he scout the area visually, making sure to look out for the direction in which the attackers were disappearing to. He could even hear a few footsteps running past him, below, presumably looking for the escaped king, but no one discovered him so high up the tree.

Breathing labored and still struggling to catch his breath, the king held his chest as the ache there worsens with the thought of losing his wife forever. Unable to take the heartbreak, the man wanted to vent and scream out into the open air, but was able to restrain himself in view of the search party still on the lookout for him.


POV from Yoochun

My Junsu!! My queen!! Oh god!!!

I should’ve known better!! Should’ve insisted that more people came along with us!! Should’ve had Yun for standby!! What’s that guy up to anyways!! Where is he in times like this?!!?

Who are those people?!!? What else do they want besides my life?!! Is it because they can’t kill me that they had to take him?!! This is all so messed up!!! What do they want with him anyway?!?

Oh god!!! They wouldn’t even spare an innocent infant!! What are they capable of!??

My son… and I. We need him!! I can’t accept this!!! They are giving him back to me no matter what!! Nothing must happen to him!!! NOTHING!!!

My Junsu… dear dear Junsu!!!


Waiting for a good couple of hours, until the coast is finally clear, the king quickly leapt off the lowest branch after descending from high up the tree. Ensuring that there is no one around, Yoochun proceeds to make a break for the fortress again. The fortress is a lengthy walk back, but the king has no intentions of strolling.

With baby Changmin teary eyed, as well as his own moistened with tears, the burly man ran at top speed, not even stopping to allow optimal chest expansion as he sprints. Thanks to his great physics, the man is able to half the journey time. 

Stomping his feet as he maximizes the distance he covers with each step, the man pounded the sandy ground and trampled any form of life in his path, eyes only focused on making a ‘homerun’. The man did not even take any time to tend to or grumble about the open and sore cuts on his back and arms, inflicted by the close range fights. The man is a survivor so a little abrasion, and so he always says, cannot hurt him.

Fatherly instincts kicking in whenever the baby cries, the king would inadvertently stop to pacify the small creature, tickling his tiny belly or the child’s small head. The baby brought tears back to his eyes as he recalls how the child’s umma would risk everything for the tiny bundle in his hands.

Junsu became his biggest regret. Biting his lower lip, the man hastened his footsteps and finally made it to his destination.

“OPEN UP!!!” Yoochun kicked the main gates to break the structure. Pushing his way in as the doors creaks apart lazily, stunning everybody behind the door.

“GATHER ALL YOUR MEN AND FOLLOW ME!!!” The king is so fuming mad that no one dared question his order.


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*